01. First Experience


This will be mild compared to most stories you read on this website, but you need to know a couple of things in order to understand what a big deal it was for me.

First, this is a true story. It happened many years ago when I was in my early twenties.

The second thing you should know is that I was and still am a practicing member of my christian faith as was my girlfriend at the time, I’ll call her Sam. As such, I grew up with the usual taboos that sex and nudity were sinful and modesty a virtue. Sam certainly believed this and so I was always on my best behavior and to tell you the truth, I didn’t mind. It was how we were raised and how we lived. It was just expected.

This event took place in Autumn. We were going to visit Sam’s relatives for a long weekend. They lived near an ocean resort in the northeast. I had visited them several times and always enjoyed myself. I knew the trip would take less than 2 hours with no traffic, but we were leaving in late Friday afternoon traffic.

I mention this because we had to meet her relatives at a specific time and we were just going to make it.

On the drive, we talked about what we going to do. We were happy it was going to be an unusually warm weekend. She wanted to take advantage of the weather and spend some time at the beach which we both liked to do. This would be the last time we could go until spring. I agreed, but I had a problem; I did not bring a bathing suit or shorts.

However, my folks had a summer place that was closed for the season, and was near where we were going. So, I suggested that we stop there first because I was sure I could find a bathing suit I kept there.

As we got closer to our destination, I figured we did have just enough time to pick up my bathing suit and still meet her relatives. I always carried a key to my parents place in my car. I unlocked the door, went to my room, quickly went through my draws and could not find a bathing suit or shorts. Then I remembered that my brother also had some clothes there. So I quickly looked in his draws and found an old bathing suit. I grabbed it, secured the door and off we went.

My brother, who is a few older than me had my same body type, tall and lean. Since the bathing suit was older, it meant that he got it when he was a teenager and so it would certainly fit me.

We made it to Sam’s relatives with a couple of minutes ısparta escort to spare. I hate keeping people waiting. We had a nice evening.

The next morning after breakfast we went to town to poke around. Then after lunch we got ready to go to the beach.

I put my brother’s bathing suit on. Two things became apparent. He did not have the exact same body type as I did because it was a little loose at the waist – I remember chuckling to myself that he was a little fatter then me. Then when I tried to adjust it, the string in the waistband was tied in such a tight knot that I couldn’t loosen it. I tried to do this several times, but failed. Oh well! It still fit ok; it just rested a little lower on my hips.

Off to the beach we went. I expected a small crowd – people like ourselves taking advantage of the last beautiful weekend before cooler weather set in. When we arrived, the beach was deserted. We were the only ones that I could see. My immediate reaction was that everybody knew something we didn’t – like perhaps the water must be very cold already. We stayed anyway.

We spread our towels and laid down. The sun felt wonderful. Eventually I suggested we try the water. Sam did not want to go in because she said she wasn’t feeling well. So, I suggested we go back to the house. She said she wanted to stay; the sun made her feel better. I didn’t realize until years later that she was probably having her period and in those days women didn’t go in the water at that time of the month. Anyway, I decided to go in alone.

When I stepped into the water it was only slightly cooler than the summer, but still pleasant. I again urged Sam to come in, but she declined. I waded up to my knees and dove in. The next few seconds absolutely changed my life.

In those few seconds, my bathing suit had slipped to my knees and when I kicked to stabilize myself it was down to my ankles. I was horrified that I was with Sam and naked from the waist down. Yet, I was surprisingly exhilarated at the feeling of water washing over my naked body.

I stood up in waist-deep water and pulled the bathing up. I yelled to Sam that I thought I had a problem; she did not respond. So, I prepared to dive in again. I figured I was in deeper water now and with the suit already wet maybe it wouldn’t come off this time.

As I dove in, I could feel the same kars escort thing happening, but this time I was prepared and did not resist. I just continued to swim underwater and let the suit come off my legs. When I stood I was in chest-deep water, completely naked and feeling more alive than I could ever remember.

My suit was floating a few feet from me, but slowly drifting away in the current. I grabbed it and tried holding it while I swam, but it was too awkward. So I waded into shallower water, I yelled to Sam again that I had a problem; this time she looked my way. I held the bathing suit up and said that it wouldn’t stay on. She just laid back down. I didn’t know if she was uninterested in my plight or was she afraid that if she looked at me she might be doing something sinful?

I wanted to keep swimming. I was shocked at how great this all felt and shocked that I wasn’t embarrassed. So, I threw the bathing suit toward shore, hoping that it would land on the sand so that I didn’t have to carry it. As I threw it, I realized I was going to have to retrieve it in order to get out of the water. Luckily it landed right at the waters edge and began moving in and out with the gentle waves, but staying more or less in one place and not drifting away.

I returned to swimming and diving and enjoying my new freedom. When I dove, I know my butt must have been coming out of the water momentarily before disappearing beneath the surface. I also remember floating on my back so that momentary glimpses of my dick would be showing. If Sam was looking, I wondered what she was thinking and what she would say when I came out.

After about 10 minutes, it was time to come out and face the music. I wondered how I would retrieve my suit. I waded in as far as I dared and could not reach it. I sat on the sandy bottom with the water barely covering my dick and wondered what to do next. I called to Sam to see if she would throw the bathing suit to me, but she gave no response. So, I stretched out with my butt above the the surface, lunged forward, grabbed the suit and pushed back into deeper water. I don’t know if Sam saw any of this. I put the bathing suit on, walked out of the water and back to the towel.

Sam didn’t say anything to me. I explained what had happened except for the part of how wonderful it felt. I explained how the suit was bigger than I thought and kastamonu escort that I couldn’t adjust it. Again, there was no response.

As I dried off, the sun continued to feel wonderful on my body. It was time to go back into the water – that’s the way I am at the beach – I lay down for awhile, then I go back in the water for awhile and I normally repeat this pattern several times. I was feeling a bit daring; so I again asked Sam to swim and again she refused, but this time very firmly. I knew not to ask again. I thought she may have been upset with me

I went in anyway; I had to try this again. I dove in, the bathing suit came off and without hesitation I just threw it toward the shore, hoping it would make it onto the sand this time. This would have forced her to throw it to me or I would have had to come out of the water naked to get it. Unfortunately it didn’t reach the sand even though I thought I threw it farther this time; again, it made it only to the waters edge moving in and out with the waves.

As I swam around naked, I was surprised how unashamed I felt and how natural it felt. I had never skinny dipped before in my life – this was all new to me. I didn’t care about how deep or shallow I was or whether the ebb and flow of the waves were exposing me or not. I didn’t care if Sam was upset or not; it felt natural. I remember one time looking back toward shore and seeing Sam up on her elbows looking out toward me. Actually, I don’t know if she was looking at me or out into the distance – I didn’t know if she was being curious or just scanning the horizon.

I got out of the water the same way as before, dried off for a while and then we left. We went to church late that afternoon and I didn’t feel the least bit guilty about the day – perhaps because it was all unplanned or perhaps because it felt so natural – not sexual. At supper that night, her uncle announced that there had been a report of somebody swimming nude at the beach. I didn’t say a word and remained, I believe, expressionless. I don’t know if he had truly heard it from somebody which meant that a person would have seen me or if Sam had said something about it to her aunt and her aunt told the uncle.

My only regret of that day was that I didn’t throw my bathing suit far enough to make it onto the sand. I didn’t care if Sam saw me naked.

We never talked about that day and now I wish I had. I am still curious about what she thought.

This was my first time being naked outside – the first of many. It was completely unplanned and may have something to do with why it took more than a year before something like this would happen to me again.

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