Spying Mom

Ever since I was about twelve I had wanted to have sex with my mother. Growing up I would jerk off thinking about her. I would try to find magazines…

Spare the Rod Ch. 3

Katey loved teasing her brother-in-law Scott. She was staying with her sister and him for the summer to help with their little twin boys. Though he was over 20 years…

Sons , Lovers #05

No one thought anything about it. Paula and her son Jason were traveling to see Paula's parents, which was a two-day trip. They had made it many times before and…

Tit For Tat (Part1)

Part1. Tit For TatIt was really bad weather. Thunder storm was destroying everything. The time was only 5pm. It was mid July but dark grey clouds made it really dark.…

La Collection

I.Dans la tiédeur de cette fin d'après-midi d'été, Carla se sentait en pleine forme. Elle roulait à vive allure vers son domicile. Le vent qui s'engouffrait dans l'habitacle faisait voler…