(It turns out, there are more chapters to Linda’s story. All characters are over 19. There are references to previous non-consensual sex and violence, which might be triggering for some. If you are new to this series, it begins with “A Close Call, and Then…)
I was in a dorm, my first year, of course and I was surprised at how much it was like my old high school, except all together in a giant apartment building. It was a co-ed dorm, which did feel weird at first. My roommate, Karen, and I were OK together but not destined to be great friends. She was in to parties and I was in to education. I wanted to get the biggest bang for my buck with my classes. All those student loans had to pay off big time. I also did not meet any guys that I particularly liked, not at first anyway.
There was one guy, Kyle, a sophomore, who glommed on to me, but he gave me the creeps. He was fairly tall and blonde with short hair, and athletic looking. I think he was on all the sports teams. What turned me off most was his obviously high opinion of himself, and the way he sort of smirked at all the girls. And I didn’t like the guys he hung out with. Objectively, he was very attractive, but I didn’t feel safe with him or attracted to him. When I refused to go out with him, I thought his teeth might fall out. Maybe I was the first to refuse him. But he persisted and it became really irritating. Believe it or not I was at college to learn something, to be all I could be as the Army recruiters always say. I wasn’t going to be mere female fluff stuck to him. I knew he was seeing other women, he made that obvious enough. Maybe he thought I would be jealous, but I was not interested in being part of his harem.
His attentions were getting more strident as I continued refusing him, especially since he knew I wasn’t attached to anyone else. What rescued me from his pursuit happened one day at lunch. I was in the cafeteria looking for some place to sit where Kyle wouldn’t be likely to come over and harass me. I spotted a table where a rather intimidating girl was sitting. She had long black hair, that looked deliberately severe even though it was long, and she was wearing military type clothes. There was a lot of metal in her fashion statement. I figured Kyle would not go to that part of the female universe so I headed over and sat with her. She didn’t protest. She looked me over and noticed Kyle coming over. But when Kyle noticed who I was sitting with he changed his mind and headed over for more soda.
She raised her eyebrows. “Looking for a shelter from the storm?”
I look over at Kyle. “Yes. As a matter of fact I want that guy to leave me alone.”
She nodded. “A common problem. The only way to discourage a guy like Kyle is to scare him. He doesn’t take no for an answer. A lot of women find him irresistible though.’
“Not me. He creeps me out.”
She just nodded and got out a small cigar and lit it. We were just five feet down from the No Smoking sign but she just ignored it. I was kind of liking her. And it was a cigar which made her even more cool.
“He should creep you out. He chases you, but he has no interest in you. Except your pussy. That is all he wants.”
“I sort of figured.”
“Yeah, he’s a Tahah boy.” What she said sounded like Tahaaaa, but I didn’t know what she meant. She saw my puzzled expression and explained.
“It’s an acronym. TTAHAAH. Not very clever but it is damn hard to make up a good acronym. ‘Two Tits, A Hole, And A Heartbeat.’ the heart and soul of the predator. He avoided us because I am dressed in the garb of the local feminist militant group. We have a reputation of protecting vulnerable women around campus, women who get abused or controlled or whatever. Anyone who comes to us for protection or help.”
“How do you help them?”
“The threat of violence, mainly. We have proven ourselves over the years as being capable of following through on our threats.”
I didn’t know if I was horrified or not. She saw my hesitation.
“Look, that kind of guy uses violence, if he has to and sometimes if he doesn’t have to, to take advantage of women. So we just fight fire with fire.”
“Like what might you do?”
“Convince them we would castrate them if they pushed too hard.”
“Have you ever castrated someone?”
“Not yet.”
I was quiet a while just taking this in. “Uh, how did you convince them you would carry through on your threats?”
“It was last year. The captain of the football team was the moral example for a coterie of imbeciles who thought all women were potential prey. We warned him and he laughed at us. So we tranked him, one day, drug him off to our lair, and left evidence that he had almost been castrated.”
“What kind of evidence?”
“We made a very shallow cut all around his balls. It didn’t really damage him, but it must have hurt like hell while he was healing. Bled a fair amount too. And we applied lemon juice just to make it more memorable. Then we left him in a public place and called his buddies to pertek escort come get him. He was in no mood to walk.”
I was shocked, to say the least. “You didn’t get into trouble? Like with the police?”
“Nope. He never said a word, except maybe to warn some of the other guys about what might happen. Now they are scared of us.”
She kept quiet for a while, smoking, and I just sat wondering what to make of it all. “Uh, what did you mean by tranked?”
“Tranquilizer gun. One of our company is a vet. It is illegal to shoot a human, of course. If he was a human.” She paused and smoked a while in silence. “We don’t practice violence in general. But if any woman comes to us for help, if she is being stalked, or abused, or scared, or anything like that, her boyfriend from hell gets a fierce warning. We are a vigilante group to protect women. The courts have failed us too many times.”
Another pause while she smoked. “A few years ago there was a woman who got drunk and passed out a few blocks from the bar. A group of four outstanding youth of the community, sons from good families, raped her and left. But they were caught and arrested. She pressed charges but they were let go by the judge because he didn’t want to ruin their future lives. The woman they raped, well her future was not worth considering. That’s when we decided to be our own justice.”
Another pause while I ate my salad and macaroni and cheese. “Well you’re not going to another table. I didn’t scare you off. Do you need our help regarding Kyle?”
I looked around and he was back with his table of buddies and fan girls. “No, I think you scared him off by just sitting here.”
“Well, if he ever does give you a hard time, let us know. We’ve never had to actually hurt anyone seriously. Think of it like the old policy of nuclear deterrence, like in the cold war.”
“Are you a poly sci major?”
“Yes. And you?”
“I am just testing the waters. But I am leaning toward science.”
“Good. Science is too male dominated. Are you a lesbian?”
The question surprised me. “Uh, no. Uh, I don’t think so.”
“Too bad. I am bi myself. Are you a virgin?”
“Uh, no.”
“Also good. You’re not one of these inexperienced freshmen women that so easily fall prey to a pretty face. So your boyfriend waiting for you somewhere.”
“Uh, no. No he is not really my boyfriend.”
“You break up?”
“Uh, no. We are still really good friends, the best friends. But he is in Chicago and I am here.”
“You sound pretty level headed, then. You don’t think you belong to the first guy who fucks you.”
“Uh, no, I don’t. And Gary doesn’t think I belong to him either.”
“Wow. Where did you find this guy?”
“That is a long story. [told in ‘A Close Call, and Then …’] I would say he is my best friend.”
By this point I had to leave for my next class (physics 1, if you want to know). “I don’t know your name, vigilante girl.”
“Andrea. And I don’t know your name, level headed freshman girl.”
“Linda. I will see you around then. I hope.”
“You will. I am hard to miss.”
And that proved to be true. We hung out a lot. And I gradually did meet some guys that I liked. There was a group of six guys and two girls who seemed to be all friends with each other and who shared all my science and math classes. By the end of first semester, I was in a study group with them. We were all taking earth science, which sounded like it would be not too bad but ended up being the hardest class I had ever taken. They were all either going into geology or paleontology or something related to it. We hit it off really well, and there was none of this “girls can’t do science: nonsense.” We were all equals and worked really hard on learning the stuff. By the time I got to go home (not Christmas due to lack of funds) we had plans to rent a big old Victorian house together for the coming year. I was going home to see the parents, and Gary, but then coming back west for a summer job on campus.
It was great seeing my parents. Except they looked a lot older that I remembered them being. And the whole family dynamics thing had changed. And Gary got the whole week off. He rented a motel room while he was in town (Gary did not get along with his dad anymore and preferred to visit him rather than stay with him.) So Gary and I got together every day and we had sex every day as well. It was wonderful. But I didn’t spend the night with him because I didn’t want to push my parents too far. They would not understand.
The first day we saw each other and got to the room, I initiated sex by undressing Gary. He is such an exhibitionist. I wanted to give him as much as I could and stripping him naked and looking at him was a big deal to him. But after a year of not having sex and of fantasizing about our last night together, I was eager for him to fuck me. I undressed him slowly to savor it all but I had to keep myself from hurrying to take out his erection. Pulling down his underwear as the last item pınarhisar escort of clothing was so much fun. When I had his penis out I kissed it all over, down to his balls, and licked it and then I took all of him into my mouth. It had been so long! I was tempted for a brief moment to suck him off but there would be time for that later in the week.
“I was hoping you would fuck me,” I said when I pulled back from him.
“Actually, I was thinking about the same thing. For the first time in my life I fantasized about fucking a woman. But only you. The rest are just people I hope will watch me.” He was rolling his eyes as I played with his dick. “But you’ll have to stop playing with me or you’ll get all I’ve got in your mouth.”
I stood up at that. “Well, then. Time to take off my clothes.” So I stripped in front of him, as slowly as I could, which wasn’t very slow. He watched me the whole time and it felt so hot I could barely stand it. “Just look at my pussy for a minute and fantasize about what you are about to do.” His dick was certainly looking at me as if it had eyes, pointing as hard as it could at my pussy. After a minute, “OK, now let’s fuck.”
He guided me over to the bed and I laid down on it and opened up my legs for him. “Do you want me to play with your clitoris for a while?”
“No. I just want to feel your penis coming inside me. And then staying inside me. And then moving around until I feel you cum. Let’s just fuck.”
Very gently he pushed inside me and it was more glorious than the last time [told in “Gary’s Going Away Present for Linda”]. This time I was not a virgin. It was only my second time having sex in a year, but it was the second time. And I was so hot already. My pussy was wet and welcoming. He just slid right in. As soon as he entered me, he pushed his dick as far into me as he could, and then paused.
“This is such a good feeling I may not be able to last long.”
“That is OK. When you can’t wait any longer to fill me with your cum, just go ahead.” I felt him pull his dick back and then push all the way in again. He barely made it through five pushes before he groaned and I could feel his ejaculations, one after another. When he was spent he just lay there inside me as his dick slowly relaxed.
“I am sorry I couldn’t do it more slowly.”
“Well, don’t be. I am not disappointed. I intend to have sex with you as many times as we can before we have to both go back to our dull lives and search for meaning.”
He withdrew his dick and lay down naked beside me and we just lay there for a while.
“So did you fuck any other women while you were in Chicago?”
“Actually, no. I’ve gotten to, uh, show off a few times, to interested clients.”
“Yeah, some women will actually pay me to masturbate while they watch. And your friend Z has called me up a few times to arrange parties or private showings.”
“Really. That is interesting. So you didn’t fuck Z?”
“No. She actually just wanted to give me a blow job. And the parties she gave all ended up with porno roulette [as told in “Linda’s Going Away Present for Gary”]. Actually, I think Z may have charged for those parities. Next time I will ask. For me it has been a pretty satisfying year as far as sex goes. Except I have missed you. What about you? Any hot guys fucking you out west?”
“Nope. One creepy guy wants to get in me but I have rebuffed him. And I think he is scared off now.”
“Yeah, I have fallen in with a group of uh,… militant feminists, I guess, and am under their protection or something.”
“Well, that sounds intriguing. You’ll have to tell me all about it sometime when I don’t have to drop you off at your parents’ in half an hour.”
“You should come to dinner if you are up to it.”
“Yeah. I’d like that. For all the secrets we have to keep, I like your parents. Better than mine, for sure.”
The next few days we went out every afternoon and had sex back at Gary’s room. Usually we didn’t fuck.. Gary was strange that way, for whatever reason. He liked to be watched. Usually I would undress him and make him lie on the bad naked. Then I would either give him a blow job or a hand job. After I took care of him he would take care of me. He was really good at eating me out, as if he had had a lot of practice.
About the middle of the week, after we had had sex and were lying there naked just enjoying the nakedness of it all and remembering what we had done, he brought up Curly and Moe, his old friends who once lent us their apartment for sex, and then hosted us to celebrate my deflorwering [“Gary’s Going Away Present for Linda”]. I had wondered what they were doing.
“Curly mentioned to me they would be interested in another show from us.” I had liked being looked at the previous year., somewhat to my surprise.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. This time they have a special request for what we do.”
“Yeah. What is that?” I turned over to my side and let my right breast touch refahiye escort his chest.
“They were wondering if you would be interested in having sex with two men. At the same time.”
They always surprised me. Another new thing I would have to adjust to. “Who would be the second guy?”
“Jason. Uh, that is Brenda’s Jason. She likes to watch her boyfriend fuck other women.”
Jason wasn’t an unattractive guy. I actually had hardly spoken to him a year ago. “Exactly how can I have sex with two guys at the same time?”
“There are several ways but what Jason has in mind, for himself that is, is anal sex.”
Again the last thing I had imagined. “I don’t know what I think about that.” I knew nothing about anal sex. “How exactly is it done?”
“Well, lubrication is absolutely necessary. And you have to take it slowly, especially the first time. And he will wear a condom. There are various positions that are possible”
“It seems like there would be no room for you while he was doing it.”
“Well, there are a few ways we can do it. If you want to do it, we can discuss how.”
I tried to picture various scenarios. “Let me think about it. When would this have to happen?”
“The day before we both leave.”
“OK, I will let you know tomorrow. The day before I leave, I will need to have most of the day and all of the evening with my parents.”
“Yes, I thought of that. Since it is on Saturday, we can have everyone available at lunch time, if that is good enough.”
“Should be OK. Have you ever done anal sex before?”
“No. I know Jason has and Brenda. They like it a lot. I am sure I would trust Jason to be careful and gentle, for what it’s worth.”
I spent the night thinking about it. Everything I have experienced about sex has been with Gary. He has been my only partner. How would I feel about having another man inside me, much less in my ass? As I thought about it, I felt hot in anticipation. Again I surprised myself. Being raised in a family and in a church that had very conservative views of sexual morality, and were pretty forceful pushing those views, I had drifted far away from anything they would approve. I couldn’t do anything that would take me further out of the fold. And I was convinced they were wrong about sex. I still read the Bible and I was more and more skeptical of their take on it. So I decided, what the hell, I will try it.
And Saturday came and I had giant butterflies hovering all around me. Jason picked me up at 10 and I promised my parents I’d be back by 2 so we could have a long time together before I headed for the airport 50 miles away the next morning.
All the old gang was there. Curly and Moe, Brenda and Carrie and their Jason’s, the two single guys Joe and Bill who looked like young farmers, and a new girl, Megs, who must have been 30 or so and had shortish hair dyed blue and was really cute in a pixie-ish way. It was Brenda who greeted me first, just like last time. “I am so looking forward to seeing Jason sodomize you. Let me tell you a secret.” She looked conspiratorial and whispered, “We are getting married in a month!”
That surprised me a lot, but I tried not to show just how much. She certainly had a liberal attitude toward sex. Even in college there weren’t that many couples who were so liberal.
Again the chairs were arranged around the room but there was no bed this time, only a pallet of blankets on the floor. To my relief, Gary took charge. “We are going to try this standing up, if that is OK with you, Linda?” I nodded that it was. What did I know? “Perhaps we should take off our clothes then.”
Jason came over to join us and we all stripped. I had been naked with these people a year ago, but I was still very nervous. Jason was already getting an erection and I watched as he undressed. His penis was a bit longer than Gary’s but not so wide. And he was circumcised, unlike Gary. I was thinking about that whole dick being inside my ass. It was a little scary, but at least it was a little narrower than what I had imagined. I began to hope it wouldn’t hurt. Gary was as delicious looking as always. I don’t have much to compare him with, but his dick will always have a special place in my memory.
And there I was naked with a crowd of people looking at me. And I really wanted them to. To see all of me. I like being naked. I wondered what everyone was thinking about while they looked at me. I could tell by Jason’s dick exactly what he was thinking, standing behind me and looking at my ass.
Jason inched up close to me and I felt his dick touch me, He knew I was nervous so he told me step by step what he was going to do. “I am going to just put one finger into you to begin, and just play around inside you. It will help you relax.”
“OK.” and I felt his finger slide in. I don’t know if I was feeling aroused by him or by the audience. I could feel his finger moving around inside me. I was leaning forward a little with my head resting on Gary’s shoulder, looking down at his erection. “Now I am going to put two fingers inside you, but I will put some lubricant on them first. Tell me if you feel any discomfort at all.” He pushed his two fingers in very gradually. I felt a lot of pressure, but there was no pain. He gradually inserted his fingers all the way in.
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