A Dom for the Summer Pt. 03


Jake’s fingers skillfully parted my labia and pressed his fingers to my entrance. He was just using two, but the pressure felt intense, like he was splitting me apart. The leather of the car seat stuck to my bare thighs and I felt a bead of sweat and arousal travel down my inner thigh to pool on the sticky material. Jake had told me not to wear panties on our car trip and it had felt obscene and slutty even before he had pressed his fingers to my entrance. “Breathe,” Jake reminded me, causing me to unclench my fists on the armrests and take a long shaky breath. The pressure increased. “You’re so fucking tight Sarry,” He whispered into the small hollow behind my ear. I sighed, relaxing my head against his head, and his fingers were finally able to slip inside me. I felt my slickness surrounding his digits as they pushed in, then twitched mischievously against my walls.

“You’re such a whore,” Jake breathed wonderingly, his hungry gaze eating up my scant cleavage. He did know how to make me feel like such a whore, despite the fact that I was so inexperienced. I had only just greeted him five minutes ago. I had walked to his apartment, too scared of my family spotting us to allow Jake to pick me up from my house. Jake had been waiting outside the shop and motioned me into his car as soon as he spotted me. Jake’s roommates and coworkers were going about the work of the bike shop and did not seem to be paying any notice as I slipped onto the hot leather seats and closed the door. Still, I flushed when I realized what the look in Jake’s molten brown eyes meant. He had pushed hard against my chest, pinning me to the seat with one hand as the other trailed agonizingly up my thigh.

Now, with is fingers deep inside the core of me, I felt horrible fear and embarrassment that the other bike mechanics could see him doing this to me. None of them were looking, but they could. The pressure of Jake’s hand moving up onto my neck took some of the urgency away from my fears, as I knew that even if I protested he probably would not stop. Thus, Jake was responsible for this spectacle and I, in a way, was an innocent bystander.

Jake pressed expertly on my g-spot with his middle finger, massaging it in a firm circular motion. I could tell he had a great deal of experience giving pleasure in this way. I wondered briefly why I hadn’t tried fucking older boys much sooner. I whimpered, eliciting a chuckle from my Dom. He kept up his ministrations to my g-spot for another minute, getting me to whimper again, before he relented. His fingers were still sheathed in my pussy and I had gotten incredibly wet. My wetness had gotten on the hem of my skirt as well as his old leather seats. Jake was savoring my gooey arousal, slowly working his two fingers half of the way out, then pushing them easily back in. I sat there stiff-backed, like a deer in the headlights. He seemed to feed on my timid energy, his breath speeding up and a hard shape showing through his shorts.

Slowly, Jake twisted his fingers one hundred and eighty degrees, causing my pussy to clench and unclench around him and me to moan. I couldn’t tell if I was moaning in pain or pleasure, but I suspected it was pain, just a sort of pain that I liked. His hand caressed my walls rhythmically, an unending beat that increased speed with my heart rate. Then his index finger found my g-spot and I yelped, trying to jump off of the seat, but Jake was holding me down.

With that, Jake withdrew his hand from my skirt and put it straight onto the wheel. He retrieved his keys with the other hand. We pulled out of the long dirt driveway with no urgency. My cheeks flamed as I saw two of his coworkers watching us go. I might die if I thought too hard about how much of that they might have been able to see. I pulled my skirt back down to cover my thighs, letting the material soak up the small wet spot I had left on the car seat under me. My clit was still throbbing like a war drum, eager for more attention, but I knew Jake was done with me for now. His attention was focused on driving right now, though I could see a small hidden smile playing at the corner of his lips. The devil himself would be hard pressed to look as charming and smug as Jake did at that moment.

The sex shop, when we arrived, was only half what I had expected. The unanticipated half wasn’t bad, just surprising and a little exciting. It was larger than I expected, and less dingy than I had feared. It was in a trendy part of town in one of my state’s bigger, trendier cities. It had taken almost two hours to drive there from our town, not counting how we had to stop twice, once for gas and once for water and cigarettes.

I still wasn’t sure what Jake was planning on buying here, though he had been dropping sly hints via text over the past couple days. I was sure he wanted more equipment for bondage, which I was anticipating eagerly. Surely whatever he bought here wouldn’t be as uncomfortable as the belts he had used on me earlier that week. I had ended up with purple stripes on my wrists, which displayed the exact texture of the belts that had strapped me to the adana escort bed. The bindings hadn’t been overly tight, but I had caused myself some damage by pulling against them as Jake tormented me. I hadn’t been able to wear short sleeves for several days now. Right now I was wearing a long-sleeve T-shirt with my college logo on it. I had cut out the neckline so my shoulders peaked out, making it just breezy enough to wear on this sweltering June day. Sweat trickled between my breasts and down my stomach, and my thighs stuck together under my skirt, despite the best efforts of the shop’s air conditioning unit. I looked over to Jake, who was now a couple aisles away, and saw he was watching me. Impatiently he jerked his head at me, a command for me to come over.

He stood in front of an array of bondage equipment, chatting amiably with a young dude who seemed to work there. The employee didn’t look how I pictured someone working at a sex shop would look, mostly because he lacked a long black coat and wasn’t sixty years old. Instead he looked maybe thirty, had scraggly facial hair and an array of piercings. He was holding some leather cuffs, showing them to Jake. I stood by awkwardly, not wanted to interrupt. “I’d prefer synthetic, actually.” The employee led Jake away from the black leather goods and to a more colorful display, assumedly of fake leather restraints. I stayed behind, trailing my fingers down the tassels of a leather flail. The section smelled musky and animalistic, and not in a bad way. I breathed in the smell deeply, my stomach doing a small excited flip.

“Sarry.” Hearing my name called harshly brought me back to the present moment, and I hurried towards where Jake and the employee were looking at more cuffs. I wanted to reach them quickly, but was self-conscious about power games Jake and I were playing, and did not want to alert the store clerk to them. I resolutely held my head up as I walked towards them, cheeks glowing a radioactive pink as I passed a particularly lurid display of dildos. The employee was holding a set of cuffs that looked to me like genuine leather, despite coming from the synthetic section. They had delicate silver chains decorating them, as well as sturdier metal chains attached with a carabiner. “Sarry, hold out your arms.” Jake directed me shortly, then turned back to the employee, who’s nametag I could see read “Chris.” I followed the instructions reflexively, even pulling up my shirt sleeves to show my bruised wrists

“You can try those on her, I’m not sure if even the smallest setting with fit her,” Jake sounded friendly and familiar with Chris, making me wonder whether he brought his subs here often. Chris took a step toward me and gently placed both cuffs on my wrists so that they were resting there, but not fastened yet. I should not have been surprised that Jake would feel comfortable letting a total stranger touch me, but I was. I realized I had been banking on discreetly buying our toys, getting in and out of the store quickly and only with a brief embarrassing interaction with the cashier. But that would have only worked if Jake was at all embarrassed by shopping here, which clearly, he was not.

The lining of the cuffs was deliciously soft as Chris spun one around on my wrist to reach the buckle. Chris fastened both cuffs on the tightest setting, his relatively cold fingertips grazing the sensitive and bruised skin of my wrists as he did so. He did not seem aroused at all by this activity, but rather business-like, with an eye to how the cuffs fit. I nervously glanced at Jake, who was smiling at me. It seemed he was enjoying the display, a fact which made my pussy lubricate significantly under my short skirt. Jake joined Chris at my side and slipped a fingertip between the cuffs and my wrist, to check the tightness. His fingers felt hot and hungry, unlike Chris’s, and I tried not to whimper. I realized I was turned on, in the middle of a sex store, being touched by two men, one of which was a complete stranger.

As if sensing my thoughts Jake touched my hot, flushed face. He tenderly brushed a strand of hair away from my eyes. With his gaze locked on mine he said, “I like them, I’ll take them.” More quickly than I thought possible he unfastened the cuffs from me and gingerly massaged the purple bruises on my wrists. With a smirk Jake took the cuffs and ambled away with Chris to look at another section, leaving me there. The air conditioner kicked on above me, causing the skin on my back to ripple with goosebumps. The reality of the situation hit me again, that I was with this man who I had had a crush on since I was a kid, and that we were living out one of my dirtiest, most shameful fantasies, and not being shy about it even in public.

Breathing a bit harder than normal, I walked myself away from the men over to what looked like a very woman-friendly display. Colorful dildos and vibrators in shapes I’d never seen before were mounted on a pink wall, with the boxes of the relevant products stacked under it. Curious, I played with some of the vibrators, turning them on to afyon escort feel their jackrabbit and sports-car speeds. I had never used a vibrator before but loved porn that featured them. It looked like so much fun to have a machine pleasure you instead of relying on the strength of your own hand and concentration. I selected a small pink bullet vibrator that promised to be “extra powerful” and resolved, despite my embarrassment, to buy it.

Filled with sheepish determination and beginning to feel more at home in the store, I wandered over to the dildo display. Most of them looked ridiculously big to me, making me press together my thighs subconsciously. I could practically feel the ripping sensation of the larger heads trying to enter me. I let my fingers trail over a bulbous blue one, the silicon feeling almost silky against my skin. I was wondering how the dildo compared to Jake’s cock when I heard Jake’s voice right behind me. “Great choice Sarry. I didn’t know you were such a toy aficionado.” Jake unhooked the dildo I had been touching from the display. He located a small button at the top which set it to throbbing menacingly. He looked at it, then at me, noticeably sizing me up. I blushed at the frankness of his gaze, and he put the large dildo in his bag.

“Go wait in the car Sarry. I’m going to check out.” I started heading to the door instantly, a shaky breath escaping my lungs, as if I had been holding it the whole time we were in the store. When I reached for the door handle I realized I already had something in my hand, the little pink vibe, warm now from being in my palm. My cheeks flamed and I darted behind Jake in the line for the register, already wincing in anticipation of his annoyance at my noncompliance. I held up the vibrator mutely as explanation, my brows knitted together and eyes wide. Jake plucked it from my hand and placed it in his bag. “Go wait in the car.” His tone was deathly patient and gentle. I scurried out of the shop and into the furnace-like heat of the afternoon, not caring what the scene would look like to anyone bored enough to watch us.

In the car I rubbed my thighs together, feeling a kind of pressure there that I couldn’t shake. I picked at the material of the seat and caught glimpses of Jake through the window, but I couldn’t see what he was buying. I was deep into a fantasy of what we would do when we got back to town, something involving me with my legs over my head, when Jake slipped into the driver’s seat. The toys were obscured in two large black bags, which he put in the back. Except for a small gray bag, which he emptied into his hand. Wasting no time Jake started the engine, then started the small motor on the pink bullet vibe.

“Put this inside of you, so it’s pressing against your g-spot. Do you know how to find that?”

“What-,” I stuttered, unconsciously pulling my short skirt down. “Not right in front of the store.” The employee that had helped us earlier what stocking a display near the door. Jake reached out and took my wrist, gripping me hard. He pressed the vibrator into my hand and positioned it forcibly at the hem of my skirt.

“You wanted this vibrator so bad. Show me why you wanted it, you ungrateful bitch.” My brain did gymnastics, struggling with the disapproval from this figure I looked up to, scared of unknown consequences, and dripping with arousal coming from some primitive part of me. I stopped resisting his grip, which brought the vibrating toy right up to the entrance of my pussy. I could feel it buzzing against my hot flesh under my skirt, just barely. “You better be wet, slut.” Jake was leaning back now, smiling, waiting to be entertained. When it seemed like no one in the store was watching I quickly pushed the smooth plastic bullet inside me. I felt the vibrations resonate with my pubic bone, making my whole body rattle. I wasn’t sure about the location of my g-spot, but did my best approximation, which felt pretty damn good.

The toy had pushed into my slickness embarrassingly easily, making Jake’s smug grin bigger. He pulled out of the parking lot in a great mood, no doubt full of sadistic plans for his purchases. Meanwhile I pushed my forehead against the relatively cool window. A miniscule whimper bubbled out of my lips. Jake pulled onto the highway, towards home. “What was that, slut?”

“I-,” It took me a second to gather my words, and even once I did they sounded tragically inadequate. “I can’t Sir… this feels really good.”

“If it feels good I don’t see why my slut is complaining.” Jake turned on the radio, so now The Killers were party to my predicament as well. The vibrator felt even better than I had expected, but my clit felt like it was twitching and complaining from lack of any stimulation. I believed that if a feather so much as brushed the hood of my clit I would be sent hurdling over the cliff. I was too afraid to look down but it felt as if my pussy was gushing now, the internal vibrations stirring up in me an intense need to be penetrated, and hard. With my animal brain in charge now I caught myself looking at the zipper alanya escort of Jake’s jeans and his long, calloused fingers on the wheel. It took all I had not to crawl over onto his lap and beg him sloppily to take me on the side of the highway. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

Twenty minutes had gone by with the vibrator pulsing rhythmically in me, relentless and impossible to ignore or forget. I was sure that Jake had noted my ragged breathing, crossed legs and reliance on the car window to support my head. I considered asking him if I was allowed to touch my clit, as I felt so unbearably close, but I was too timid. I wasn’t sure how he might take that request out on me. Still, the silence, the vibrations and my throbbing clit were unsustainable, so I had to say something. “Thank you for the vibrator, Sir. It’s my first one.”

“Your first one.” There was a laugh in Jake’s voice. He sounded like sex. “I didn’t know that. Why stop at one? Maybe we can get a second and third into your little holes before the day is over.” He might have been teasing, but I shuddered in anticipation all the same. “Is it on your g-spot?” He inquired.

“I… I think so. How would I know, Sir?”

“Well, do you want to cum, whore?”

“Very very much, Sir. But I can’t. I just can’t, because it’s not on my clit,” I said pitifully, uncrossing and recrossing my legs, a small smear of my wetness making its way onto the leather upholstery.

“That’s good. You’re doing a good job. You want to cum?”

“Yes, please Sir!”

“OK, take it out of you then put your hands on the arm rests.”


“No buts. You’ve been a horny and greedy slut today and I am not going to reward you by letting you cum your whore juices all over my car seat. You’ll cum exactly when I say.” I took in a breath to retort and he interrupted. “Sorry Sarry, there’s no discussion, that’s how it’s going to be.” I whimpered again as the buzzing pellet squelched out of my dripping hole. Jake reached over to turn it off and put it in the cup holder. For miles and miles my knuckles turned white as I held onto the arm rests and tried to recall in perfect detail how Jake’s cock felt when it entered me, as if I could manifest it. At some point I might have dozed off because I can’t recall a large swath of the journey home. I blinked and suddenly we were pulling onto the shady lane a block from Jake’s place.

I straightened my posture, and straightened my skirt, looking at Jake. He seemed content, his dark brows relaxed, his skin somehow free of sweat under his gray tee. His hands were relaxed on the wheel, tapping along to the radio, he even sang along a bit as we parked by the shop. I was anxious about what might come next in the day, and his singing voice was so low and intimate that I wouldn’t have minded if that moment lasted forever.

It didn’t though. When I was too slow hopping out of the car Jake sped around the still-sizzling hood of the car to grab me. Picking me up in an undignified ball he dragged me struggling and laughing up the back stairs to his apartment. He really seemed to have only two speeds: chill Jake and Go Mode. He was laughing too, but with an amount of mischief in his face that dried up my giggles and put subby Sarry in charge of my brain. I stopped struggling when he dumped me on his bed. I breathed in the cool air conditioning, trying to calm my cornered-animal heart, which seemed to be trying to escape through my pussy. Jake noticed my acquiescence and ran his hands over my smooth thighs appreciatively. “Good girl.” He purred, sounding like gravel and ice.

I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the sensations of his coarse fingers dancing on my skin. These were the moments that I looked forward to every moment I wasn’t with Jake. I wanted to capture them in my mind to fall back on when life got too mundane. Jake’s belt clinked, unfastening, then hitting the floor with a metal-on-tile sound. My clit jumped at the sound, and I became very aware of the scant layer of fabric between my vulva and Jake. As if reacting to my own thoughts Jake flipped up my skirt. I opened my eyes in time to see him taking his hard cock out of his shorts.

“We forgot the bags in the car,” I said dumbly. I had been anticipating bondage and sadistic toys and probably some things I had never imagined before. Jake laughed and pushed my head into the bed, using my neck.

“My greedy fucking slut wants to be vibed more,” He teased breathily into my ear. My jaw hurt under his fingers. I kind of hoped they left a pretty lilac bruise. “I will show you what greedy sluts get around here. Get on the fucking bed. Look at me.” I scooted back so that my whole body was now on the bed, and watched as he got a condom from the drawer. “Tilt your head back.” I obeyed, and moaned as he pushed his long member down my extended throat. It seemed to go down easier because of the position, but still felt suffocating and huge. I thrashed a bit against him, gagging and struggling to breathe. Calmly, Jake eased his cock out, just enough for me to get some air into my lungs. Just as slowly, Jake pushed back in. I was more ready this time to take him but tears blossomed from the corner of my eyes, doubtlessly taking some of my mascara with them. “Good girl,” Jake soothed as my fingers clawed against his thighs. “Good girl taking my cock.”

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