A Fair Deal Pt. 01

Big Dicks

Warning. There is a short scene with a physical altercation. There is use of coercion and humiliation. It also involves the recent passing of a spouse.

It was sunny outside and birds were chirping. A spring breeze blew gently. I could feel my landlord’s gaze as I walked to my apartment after collecting the mail. The curtains were drawn in my apartment. It was clean, trash was taken out, laundry was folded and put up. The sink was empty. I had just finished work. My company transitioned to having all staff work remotely during the pandemic. They decided to get rid of all of their office space and continue with remote employees afterwards.

My wife had left me with massive debt. It wasn’t her fault. We made the decision not to get life insurance, besides what small amounts we received through the benefit packages of our employers. She made pretty much equal to what I made, but we had lived above our means for many years. Our plan was always “to start saving next year.” We excused poor decisions with wishful thoughts like “we will both get good raises next year.”

We lost our house and cars. We had to sell most of our valuables. We found ourselves in a small apartment building on the other side of town, driving a beater car. We weren’t even able to afford this downgraded lifestyle while under our mountain of debt. Our landlord, Jim, was about fifteen years older than us. I’m thirty-five and my wife was thirty-two. He charged us crazy late fees for awhile, but our situation kept getting worse. Our credit was so bad that not many landlords were willing to take a chance on us. We didn’t have options other than losing all belongings and sleeping in a small two door Honda Civic from the twentieth century.

Jim told us that he would need payment in some form, even if we couldn’t pay completely in cash. I suggested that I could work odd jobs for him, but he said that still wouldn’t be enough. He said it could work if, and only if, my wife agreed to have sex with him three times a week. Our rent was twelve hundred dollars a month, we could afford eight hundred a month. I would work sixteen hours a week for him, and my wife would sleep with him three times a week.

Rachel agreed to it, but Jim was insistent that I agreed as well. It was a deep blow to my already frail confidence. We had been given the illusion of having a choice, but it wasn’t really a choice. We had to go along with his offer. Jim stipulated that I had to be present, in order to avoid hard feelings. This, by no means, made the feelings less hard for me. I didn’t have to watch, but I did hear it. My wife would moan loudly. I could hear her have earth shattering orgasms, at least two each time.

I had never given my wife an orgasm, in ten years of marriage. We married young. Sex we had been an issue between us since our honeymoon. I had a very low libido even though I masturbated to porn, usually multiple times a day. I was just too small for her. We were very much in love, emotionally. I lived in constant shame that I wasn’t physically equipped to please my wife. My wife loved me too much to resent me for it, but I knew she wouldn’t have married me knowing I had a penis smaller than a salt shaker. I don’t mean the disposable salt shakers. That could possibly be respectable. No. I mean the tiny glass ones you may get with room service at a fancy hotel.

I can’t tell you what hurt me more. Was it her finding the pleasure that I could never give her while with Jim? Or was it my inability to provide financially, causing us to to be in a desperate state where my wife would have to resort to sleeping with the landlord?

Jim would walk around our apartment naked, and eat food from our refrigerator. His long thick cock glistened with my wife’s sex while he ate my lunch for the next day. He would even approach and innovia escort talk to me while nude. It was hard for me to avoid looking at his cock. Jim was tan and had exaggerated tan lines. His cock was pale, surrounded by a forest of grey fur. He was circumcised. The head of his cock was almost like a mushroom. It was probably two and a half inches in diameter around the head. The shaft was probably two inches in diameter. It was long, over eight inches. It stood straight out from him when hard. He bragged saying he didn’t need viagra.

My wife worked two jobs. Her second job would routinely keep her late for hours. The cops think my wife fell asleep while driving home from her second job. There were no drugs or alcohol in her system. She didn’t have a medical issue. She had been seen weaving on the road just prior. She was in the ICU for a few days but didn’t make it.

The last couple months had been a whirlwind of emotions. My finances were now worse. Jim let me move into a smaller studio apartment which was cheaper to rent. I still did odd jobs for him. Her hospital bills had come in. I was way behind on rent this month. Jim knocked and then entered as he usually did. I greeted him, hoping he had a few extra jobs from me.

“Pat, you know I like you. I loved your wife, you know this, but I don’t provide housing for charity.”

“I’m sorry Jim. I was hoping you had some work…”

“Our arrangement worked because your wife did what she had to do, keep me happy. I am not happy anymore, and you can’t even come up with half of your rent.”

“Listen, let’s leave Rachel out of this now. I don’t know why you always bring her up…”

I was visibly mad. The last thing I wanted to think about was Jim screwing my deceased wife.

“Hey, I had feelings for her too. I’m not heartless. We connected very much through our sexual relationship.”

I was boiling hot.

“The only reason I didn’t try to take her away from you is because she was a whore, selling her pussy for rent. You don’t take a whore home. You fuck her and leave your cum and your money.”

Jim looked at me square in the eyes. I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me, but didn’t care. I snapped and pushed him. I then punched him in the face. What type of asshole says that? I felt justified. I was in a rage.

I weigh a little over one-hundred-forty pounds and I’m just a smidge over five feet and five inches. He is much bigger than me, six foot four and a solid three hundred pounds. He slapped me across the face, hard. I landed on my knees in front of him. I immediately realized that I had fucked up really bad.

“Attacking the only person keeping you a float at the moment. That’s real wise, Pat. I could get you arrested for this. You would get three hots and a cot for a little bit, but you would lose your job. My side work. You would lose your apartment and all of your keepsakes, Rachel’s keepsakes.”

I started to cry.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“Oh, you’ll be sorry all right.” Jim said with a sneer.

Jim grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet. He quickly walked to the couch while dragging me by my arm and sat down. He pulled me across his lap.





Jim spanked me hard on my ass. I had never been spanked before. My parents believed in time out. Jim reached down and loosened my belt. He then loosened my pants and pulled them down. They bunched up at my feet. I tried to stop him, but Jim held me harder and spanked me across my white briefs.





Jim then pulled my underwear into a painful wedgie and started ipsala escort to spank my bare buttocks. He spanked each side in alternation.









I cried harder and Jim spanked harder. He yanked my underwear down and sent them to my ankles.





“Stop kicking your legs like a little bitch and take your punishment.” Jim said in a calm but stern voice.









Jim slowed down and started to rub my ass between swats.





I could hear Jim spit. He spread my cheeks and rubbed a finger against my hole.

“You have a pretty coinslot, here.”

Jim pressed his fingers in. My mind raced. I went from sitting in my living room to being in a fight with my landlord. I was then spanked and he is now fingering my virgin hole.

“I love a nice tight ass like this.”

I shuddered when he said this. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to get out of this.

“Stand up. Take off your shoes and all of your clothes.”

I remained frozen, across his lap.



“I will get the belt if you need me to repeat myself.”

I quickly stood up. I kicked off my shoes and my clothes. I stood in front of him with my hands over my small cock. My ass stung.

“Pick up you clothes, fold them neatly, and stack them on the nightstand. Move your shoes under the nightstand. Then stand in front of me with your arms at your side.”

I quickly picked up and folded my clothes. I stood in front of him. Deeply ashamed.

“She said your dick was tiny, but I didn’t think she meant this small.” Jim said as he grabbed my little cock and inspected it.

He held it and stroked it. It became erect as he fondled with it.

“I’m sorry, I couldnt help it, I’m so so sorry.” I said in shame.

“I don’t think this is a cock. It’s more of a clit.” He said with a booming laugh.

I stood in absolute horror.

“It’s pretty straightforward to me, you’re a girl if you have a clit. I’m going to call you Tricia from now on. Do you understand?”

I stood in front of him looking at the floor, humiliated and speechless.

“TRICIA! Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.” I said, crying.

“What’s your name?”


“Okay Tricia, are you a boy it are you a girl?”

“I’m aaaaa.” My voice trembled. i couldn’t say it.

“Uhhmmmmm.”. Cleared his throat.

“I’m a girl.”

“If you insist. I agree, though.” Jim said.

Jim stood up. He removed his shirt and handed it to me. I folded it and placed it next to my clothes. He then removed his shoes which I placed next to mine. Finally he took off his socks, pants, and underwear. All of which I folded and stacked on his shirt.

Jim led me to the bed in my small apartment. He pushed me down on the bed. He had a small bag with him. He took removed a bottle of lube from it and looked me over. His eyes were filled with desire and lust. His giant cock pointed straight out towards me.

Jim rubbed the clear lube on his cock. It was now both huge and iskenderun escort shiny. He then pushed lubed fingers inside of me and made me slippery. He got between my legs. My legs pressed against his hairy chest. He held himself up with one arm and used his other one to line his mushroom head with my hole.

“What about a um, condom?” I said in a fit of last second jitters.

Jim leaned back and slapped me.

“Do you have the right to tell me what to do with my dick?”

“Ummm, I’m sorry sir. No sir.”

“I don’t wear them.” He said as he pressed into me.

Jim’s mushroom head stretched my hole. Every nerve in my body came alive. I whimpered loudly.

“Push against me like you’re going to the bathroom.”

I did as he said and Jim’s head pushed all the way in. My entry tightly gripped the shaft of his cock, just behind his head. It was still incredibly painful, but it was sort of manageable when compared to how it felt with his large mushroom pressing into me.

“God damn! You are a tight bitch!”

Jim pushed a few inches into me. I thought I was going to blackout from the pressure. It’s hard to describe. It is painful at first, but the pain numbs and leaves behind a feeling of immense pressure. Very uncomfortable pressure. I groaned with discomfort as Jim moaned with pleasure.

I wondered to myself how long Jim would last inside of me, but I knew I would have to endure for a good while. Jim was slowly sinking deeper and deeper into my small body. He wasn’t going to be happy until he was completely inside of me. He continued to slowly force more of himself into my body.

Jim lowered his torso onto me. His balls now rested against my buttocks. He kissed me. He kissed me again, and this time, to my horror, I kissed him back. He ran his hands behind my back and grabbed my shoulders from behind. He pulled on my shoulders as he pushed his cock deeper into me. Pain or not, this felt very intimate. Even more intimate than anything I had done with my wife. He was inside of my body, and that fact made everything start to feel special.

Jim pumped in and out. He was done being patient. He was getting his reward now. I had no choice but to lie here with my ass arched up and legs pressed nearly against my own shoulders. I didn’t realize I was this flexible.

Jim moaned and grunted. He breathed loud. His groin slapped against my backside hard with each ferocious pump. His hands nearly crushed my shoulder blades as he impaled my body with his cock.

Jim quickly pulled out of me. I almost threw up when the mushroom head pulled out through my entry. Jim stood up and stared at me.

“Get on your hands and knees.”

I got on my knees and bent over. Jim crawled on his knees behind me.


Jim spanked my ass for good measure and quickly pushed himself back in. I gasped and nearly fell down. His cock head was big but he was no longer being careful. Jim gripped my waist and pushed all the way in. He then quickly pulled out again.

“Spread your cheeks.”

I rested my upper body in my shoulders and reached back with both arms. I spread my cheeks. Jim pushed in and pulled out as I held my entry open for him.

“Fuck yeah. That’s real good.”

Jim pushed in again and forced it all the way in quickly. He pulled out and quickly pushed back in. I bit the pillows in front of me to keep from screaming. He finally pushed back in and started to fuck me hard and fast.

“This is how a man…” Jim said through grunts, “Fucks his bitch.”

Jim started to pound into me faster. His voice was shaky. He moaned out as if he had been stabbed. I started to mix moans in with groans. It was primal and fierce. I felt him swell inside of me. He pressed all the way, as deep as he could go. His cock swelled more and began to pulse. I could feel his cock swell and shrink with each wave of cum. Jim moaned as he filled my bowels with his cum.

Jim pushed me forward til I was on my tummy and he collapsed on top of me. His hard cock lodged all the way inside of me. He caught his breath.

“You’re mine now. You are my property now.”

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