A Gift from an Alien or What Pt. 04


Chapter 29

Brenda kissed Josh and said “you needed a shower and mouth wash.” And we all were laughing.

Josh (thought talk)tt, to Bill as his throat was stretched and to sore to talk he said, “That as master of the house he would fuck each and every one of us before the sun came up.” Bill said,” he (Josh} was starting with Barb and ending with his girlfriend Brenda As master I want you all to watch. “Barb came over laid down on a pad by the side of the pool. Josh made passionate love making Barb cum multiple times and Josh kissed her that almost made Barb faint as he drove his shaft in her and exploded he kept it in her for a couple a minutes then rolled her off into the pool. “How rude,” she said, and smiled as she swam to the steps each and every one got the same treatment. When Josh finished fucking the girls, he then fucked Bill in the ass and gave him his cum in the mouth.

Now it was Franks turn. He did Frank his dad saying tt, “Nice fag that you know your place.” Bill repeated it.

Frank his father said, “Yes master, I am whatever you chose me to be.” Josh came in Frank’s ass and mouth. Josh then rolled Frank off into the pool.

Brenda came to jump on Josh but he stopped and got on top of her and made love till the first rays of light hit the glass. They cum so many times together everybody was glued to their love making. At the end they fell asleep by the pool. It must have been early afternoon when Bill pushed Josh into the pool.

“What the fuck,” Josh tt, Bill.

“Thought you might want to rise Master most of the girls are making love to the porcelain throne.”

Chapter 30

“What’s wrong,” Josh said, “In a croaky voice.” Bill thought sounds good on him.

Josh tt, “I heard that fag.”

“Yes Master,” Bill tt, smiling.

Josh was thinking to himself “No one gets sick or has got sick my special cum takes care of that. Then he thought, “about all the different cum he ingested last night maybe it affected his cum. That did not make sense two different systems.”

Bill said, tt, “I don’t know master.”

Josh, tt, “I was talking to myself Bill.”

“Oh” Bill said.

Julie was the best off she was coming around.

Josh said, tt, “What’s wrong,” Bill repeated aloud.

Julie said. “Oh master I don’t know I feel funny never felt like this but its passing I am getting better especially since you are here.”

Josh said, “In a croaky voice Julie you want some cum?” With that she turned ran back and got sick again.

“Bill, call our Dr. Get the Number from Frank, say it’s an emergency get here a sap.” It wasn’t long and I heard sirens coming.

“Oh oh,” Josh said, “I might have over done this a bit.”

The ambulance arrived as did the fire departments volunteers and the Dr. a minute later they all rushed in and found all of us nude. Most had heard about our house but were never hear and was the first time Josh felt embarrassed with his long cock.

Frank got the volunteers to the kitchen while Bill and I robed got one for Frank and for the girls although they were too sick to care. The ambulance techs worked with the doctor. The girls all got on IV’s feeding them liquid gravol and electrolytes. By four o’clock the girls were fine fit as rain so to speak.

The Dr. took Bill Frank and Josh into a separate room and started to speak. “Last night the whole town saw the fireworks. You guys had quite a party and I take it everybody had adult fun let me rephrase that I know you had fun. The girls are not sick from anything they ate what the matter with them is natural they are all Pregnant.”

Frank said, “They are what? Can’t be they are all on the pill and some have other protection.”

Dr. said, “That may be so but they are all pregnant within the last 24 hours. They of course got to stop the pill or their will be deformities in the child.”

“Doctor please keep this quite till we figure it all out.”

Chapter 31

“Well you can abort it for medical reasons and I am sure as most of you are related that won’t be a problem to put through.” The Doctor said,” looking disgusted.”

Josh said, “Dr please don’t judge.”

“Son, I see way to much of this unwanted pregnancy unwanted children broken marriages so don’t tell me how to feel if it were my choice I would have you all made into Eunice’s. You guys are not my patients the Dr. said. So what I say or don’t say is of no concern to you people.”

TT “That did it Bill.”

“Tt, “Josh you sure.”

“No choice,” tt, Josh said. ” Dr Brian suck my cock.” The Dr. dropped to his knees and crawled and pulled out Josh’s cock and sucked it.

Josh said, “Brian I am your master above all else you will obey me you will tell no one of what is going on here and you will be at our beck and call once a week you will come and blow me to get my wonderful cum. You will let it slip that the girls got a reaction from an exotic plant by the pool.”

Josh came in his mouth and the Dr said, “Man that has the best taste I have ever had.”

Josh said, ardeşen escort “What is your medical condition.”

Dr. said, “I have similar condition to Bills but am afraid there is no cure. I have about a month or so to live.”

“Dr. get rid of the ambulance and return here your about to have your life saved.” Bill said, tt, from Josh.

In five minutes the doctor returned and Josh had the Dr. suck his cock by the end of the day Josh was exhausted the girls kept feeding him gator aid when the Dr, seen what was going on he started an IV in Josh and fed him electrolytes direct. Josh fed the Dr. well into the evening. The next morning they started again. By that evening on the second day the Dr. said, “The cum was ok but not as good as it was.”

Dr. was angry, “What you turn me into a fruit now I don’t have a gay bone in my body.” Josh who could talk better said, “Listen Brian I just saved your life but you can’t say anything to no one its top secret and that is an order,” said Josh.

“Yes Master,” Dr. Brain says. The Dr. left that night but next morning was back on his knees thanking Josh for the miracle. The Dr. couldn’t be more helpful now. The girls got off the pill and Josh’s knowledge of chemistry was coming into play making sure that the incest and relatives would have no affect on the babies they were given compounds although there was probably no need with Josh’s cum but they weren’t taking any chances.

It took a few days but finally the morning sickness subsided except for Millie. I made Millie suck me off twice a day and that cured her morning sickness.

Brenda was ecstatic to be having my baby, the rest not so much.

It wasn’t so much it was me it was a lot of other things Barb thought, “She was done with diapers and all the work raising a child.” Frank was upset that I got his wife pregnant. Millie was at deaths bed less than a year ago and now was bring a new life into the world. Julia was having her brother’s baby. “How fucked up was that,” she thought. Tanya wanted to pursue her tailor’s career.

After supper we were all relaxing around the pool Bill wanted his fix and my Brenda was working on my cock helping Bill get it. Tt, “Ah is not this cute, brother and sister sucking me off.

Bill tt, “Fuck off buddy.”

Josh tt, said, “If you like I can fuck you fag.”

“No master,” said Bill out loud.

Josh soon came and both got there fill. Brenda was licking her chops. Josh could hear her thoughts content as could be.


Okay family meeting time we all knew it was coming.

Josh said, “There is no good way to start this. I have read all your minds even your thoughts you may not want to vocally express.”

Josh said, “I did not do this on purpose it’s just there are strong negative feelings with some of you. Tanya we all will try and see your goal reached there is not one mother here but five.”

Julie, are love is strong and we will pull through this.

Bill I know you love Julie and she loves you even though she hasn’t told you yet.”

Julie said, “How could you Josh.” As her face reddened.

Josh said, “Frankly my dear I am the master and the head of this household does that answer your question. Its cards on table time if we are going to make this work.”

“You all know I can order it but I don’t want that for a life. I want a family.”

“Everybody is on eggshells. Frank your upset that I got your wife pregnant. I can see that but well I will get back to that, bear with me.” Josh said.

Barb I know it’s a shock it is to all of us but know this I love you all, that include you Bill and Frank we have sex of sorts and I enjoy it as do you feeling my ass I said well most of it anyway looking at Frank.”

“Julie Tanya,” Josh said, “I know you were thinking abortion.”

“Julie, could you really kill those two helpless children you are carrying?” Josh said, “They are our children, could you really do that.”

Her eyes filled and said, “No” and then it hit her “Josh you said children plural.”

“Yes my lovely sister I can feel two children growing inside you.”

“But how it is too soon for life that’s what we were taught,” said Julie.

Josh said, “What we were taught is not true I felt it the next day when Bill woke me but couldn’t identify it till the Dr. said you all were pregnant.”

Tanya said, “For real Josh?”

“For real Tanya our three two girls and a boy are doing fine.”

“Oh my God Master, forgive me and she crawled kissing my feet.”

“Easy my love you’re going to get me hard and I will have to get Bill pregnant.”

“Fuck off” Bill said, “Don’t even talk like that with your powers.”

“Be fun though wouldn’t Frank.”

“Go way son Master I mean.”

Chapter 33

“You only think it’s confusing now and I may as well bring up this subject.” Josh said. “I told you Frank I would get back to this and I said all the cards need to be put out here.”

“Everybody notice how healthy and full of life energy they got. arnavutköy escort Somehow my special cum did this to all of you.”

“Barb you weren’t on the pill. Don’t answer because I know after you had me at childbirth the doctor told you it would be dangerous to have another child so your tubes were tied and burnt correct.” Barb just nodded yes. “Well like my special cum repaired Frank, Millie and Bill it repaired you fully. Now I hope it makes sense and answers what you have been wondering these last few days.”

“Yes Master” Barb said.

“Millie Barb Frank you notice you got your full hair back that there are no more wrinkles that your skin cancer is gone. They looked at themselves closely to places where they had spots and they were gone.

“Frank do you see your muscle tone returning and your waist line needs Tanya’s attention for a take in,” Josh said.

Josh said, “All in all as long as you receive my cum our life expectancy is infinite from what I can see. Mille, Barb and Frank you are getting younger in most respects where you level out at I don’t know. We are all developing to more mature status and I think in a year or so we will all look the same age and stay that way for possibly centuries.”

“Bill, I have been studying since last year on my chemical makeup and that was not cum when you found me it was some sort off gel that give me these abilities and me being dressed backward was their sense of humor and calling card as well.”

“Barb those two girls are perfect so don’t worry,” Josh said.

“Two son two really identical are they?”

“Barb,” Josh said, “I am not God I don’t know that. Millie yours will be ok. The two of them are joined but we are working on it and I know they will be fine.”

She jumped and hugged me, “please Millie said, “I could never have kids please save them,” she started bawling. Tanya, Julie and Barb tried to comforter her.

“Look I am telling you all I know cards on the table.”

Bill as usual starts humming a song to break the atmosphere. Millie, Barb and Frank started laughing.

“Quite true almost,” Millie said.

“Frank said oh know we’re not going to get them involved.”

Barb started rolling on the floor “I could see Frank now with master knocking up mom.”

“Shush,” Frank said.

Tt, “Bill ok what’s so funny?”

Bill started singing the lyrics, “I’m my own grand pa its funny I know but it really is so I’m my own grand pa.” Everybody started laughing almost to hysterics.

Frank said, “It is going to be hard to fill out a family tree. Barb children would make me the father but because they are also my sons makes me a grandfather and Julie’s kids would make Josh an Uncle but because they are his to he will be their father.” Josh he smiled but was not laughing.


“Look family this is serious,” Josh said, “Frank what is our net worth? Josh probably about 1.5 million.

“Christ Frank we’re a family! Millie said her money was mine or is that a joke to?”

Millie said, Master it is no Joke you have your owners id and the shares well be transferred at your convenience.”

Josh again said, “What is our net worth?” Josh said showing his frustration and the laughing stopped. The room got quiet.

“Not sure maybe 35 million in liquid assets and triple that in other assets,” Frank said.

“Okay it’s a start,” Josh said.

Millie said. “start for what?”

Josh said, “I don’t think we can stay here.”

“What, they all said?”

Josh said, “I see that got your attention. Look we all agree that if the government or outside world found out about my abilities I would be a genii pig in some lab so far removed from public life, none of you would find me unless they took you also, to experiment on for what I did to you giving you long life.”

“Look for now we can hide it but what about in 10, 20, 50, 100 years and we look the same. We also need to consider our children remember.”

“Now that I had every body’s attention I sure could use some help here. Look I just turned twenty so help me out guys.”

Frank said. “For twenty you drove your point home like a CEO son I mean master, I am so proud of you,”

“Good” Josh said, “For that I’ll let you blow me later,” and smiled.

“Prick,” Frank said with a smile.

Millie said, “Were in the country how more isolated do we need to be.”

Frank said, “A lot more. We need to be out of any governments reach.”

Bill said, “Where we going to go the moon.”

Frank said, “You’re a genius Bill!”

Millie said, “I think you have it Frank.”

Josh said, “Now I am in the dark” and he read his Fathers mind. “Frank'” Josh said, “Is that outside any government reach.”

“Yes as far as I know and it has a villa on it. Millie’s husband bought it and was on the way back when his plane went down in a storm. We never seen it but have the coordinates.”

Josh pulled up the Google maps and said, “The Island doesn’t show.”

Millie said, “It’s there Moon artuklu escort Island,” Millie said to Frank, “Do we still have assets in Hawaii.”

“Yes they were supposed to finish up that base this month.”

“Master with your permission to go ahead,” said Millie?

Josh said, “by all means I ask for help this is the kind of help I was talking about. It’s what this family needs.”

“Good then Frank go to Hawaii first get them started with all their gear to the island.” “Frank you then take a security force and some engineers see what we need. Give them the coordinates to the deer island eight hundred miles north and have the captains sealed orders opened four days after sailing make this top priority secret so there is no questions the crews are used to that.”

Josh looked at Millie, “Who are you?”

Millie said, “I am your lover and obedient servant Master.”

“The hell you are, you’re more than that,” Josh said.

“Josh we do work all over the world a lot of sensitive secret stuff for the major western powers. We build those complexes that you would be taking to, all of us for that matter, so we know what you’re talking about,” Millie said.

“We were shocked you seen it and we were wondering how to tell you, “Millie said. “Master this corporation is yours now, Frank and I have been handling it until you are ready to take over but even at this moment your rule is law over ours. We will advise you but all decisions are yours.”

“Millie you are going to be having my children for the next thousand years,” Josh said smiling.

Millie said smiling, “My cunt is going to be awfully stretched Master.”

‘No not at all, my special cum will keep repairing it you will stay as tight as a virgin, you all will. This is a fact because I already broke in, three virgins.” Brenda, Tanya and Julie all blushed

Millie said, “make that four somehow your special cum replaced mine to.

Barb embarrassed said, “make that five virgins master.”

Tanya said, “Master when you come home and fucked me I bled again and it hurt I just thought it was your big cock but it felt like it did the first time hurt like hell till you started fucking me and the pleasure returned.”

TT, Bill, “If I don’t fuck Julie for a week and then you can break her virginity”

TT, “master she will kill us if she finds out.”

“Nope let’s find out,” Josh said.

“Julie ,”Josh said, “Bill was upset that I took your virginity ever since he was a kid he dreamed of taking yours. You now have the opportunity to give it to him.”

Julie sat there stunned, looked at Bill, then me, then Bill,. She flew out of the chair to my feet crying and said, “Master oh master, I love you and I truly love Bill can I please give him my virginity? It would mean so much to me.”

Josh said, “Well I don’t know all those years you picked on me made me look bad to our parents, but

Julie was screaming bawling saying, “Master I know I treated you badly it torturers me every day I love you so much it hurts and the pain I caused you I want to die I am worse than your worthless slave.”

I did not realize how deeply she was hurt by her actions. I reached down picked her up in my arms and said, “Julie my love I forgave you all that the first night we made love, I was playing with you in fun just now.” I rocked her in my arms as Bill was coming over and others to.

Tt, “Bill keep everybody away that is an order.” Bill corralled everybody as I soothed Julie rocking her in my arms. I sat down in the overstuff chair with her on my lap.

I put my fingers into her pussy and said, “My darling Julie from this point on you will know that our past life is forgiven we can tease about it but deep down you know it is in the past and settled.”

Julie is starting to orgasim and pulls her head off my shoulder and stairs me right in the eye as she cums. After Julie comes down she said, “Master that was wonderful,” and she stops as she is cumming again and I could feel the satisfaction in her mind. Her deep Blue eyes pierce right into my mind.

“Hold those eyes on mine and Bill get that cock of yours over here and put it to her lips and gently fuck her across the lips,”

Julie keeps her eyes locked on mine as I bring them closer and closer and soon have my lips on Bills cock as well. Julie keeps her eyes locked to mine and brings her tongue out licking the side of Bills shaft as my tongue does the same and as Bill pulls back our tongues over his knob are also touching each other.

The scene is so sexy that the other girls are masturbating to it while Bill is building to a huge orgasim. Bill pulls his cock back so we are both licking his knob and our tongues are touching and he starts to shoot his cum. We booth keep our eyes locked and lick all his cum between the two of us never letting our eyes break contact. Bill left his cock there till he couldn’t stand the tongue lashing he was getting after he cum. After he pulled away we had a tongue match and could here moaning from the other girls as some of them were cumming I then moved in for a French kiss with the taste of Bills cum on both of us as I passionately kissed her and kept fingering her G spot till she exploded again.

“Master I love you”

“That’s nice bitch now lick my face clean,” said Josh.

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