It had been a rainy day and Kate’s drive home had been a slow progress on the freeway. After a trying day she was in no mood to put up with the idiot drivers who rudely delayed her from getting home to her refuge. Vague thoughts passed through her mind…had Andrew remembered to get the paint for the living room, had he remembered to unload the dishwasher. At that image she smiled, pondering on how his ass looked as he bent down to pull out the clean dishes, jeans tightly stretched across his firm cheeks. But the cars and eighteen-wheelers distracted her, annoying her in interrupting her pleasant thoughts.
She really did hate to be in such a lousy mood. It took away from coming home to find her Andrew waiting for her, the sweet look of love in his eyes when they greeted and kissed. He cherished her and she loved inspiring that in him. But when she finally arrived home, all she wanted to do was change into some comfortable clothes and be left alone for a while. She knew that would cause him worry, but that was all right. Let him work on drawing her out and pleasing her. After all, he thrived on it.
Kate ignored him in the hour that she’d been home. Andrew tried not to dwell on it. Yet wishing to ease her agitation left him yearning to touch her, to hold her. He’d noticed her dark expression, wondered about her day, and wanted to help her relax and take away the tedious thoughts that absorbed her. Tension radiated from her washing over him. Andrew sensed it immediately, her dissatisfaction with her day, and wanted to make it up to her, make her feel better. He’d had the day off from his job and while running errands and taking care of a few things at home he had daydreamed of their evening together. The pot roast was nearly finished and he had been setting the table when she came silently into the house, later than usual. But Kate had barely glanced at him so he remained quiet trying to be patient to wait for her acknowledgement.
Kate retreated to the bedroom. She hastily stripped and put on a tee shirt and sweatpants, pulling soft slippers onto her feet. For a while she laid spread out on the on the bed, listening to the rain beat on the roof. The rhythmic drumming soothed her. Her pulse soon slowed as she relaxed. She even dozed for a while. But the aroma of the roast wafting up from the kitchen teased her and her stomach softly growled in hunger. She heard muffled noises from downstairs and knew Andrew was restless. She had projected her irritability and he’d absorbed it. She smiled at his ability to be empathetic as this made him a more conscientious sub. He had become fairly adept at anticipating her everyday needs.
Finally, she went downstairs to enjoy the dinner he had prepared. She usually liked to cook but he had wanted to do this for her tonight. She sat at the table in the kitchen and watched him ladle the steaming beef broth from the crock-pot into a small saucepan to thicken the gravy. He was so careful not to spill a drop, just as he was so careful not to waste the juices from her cunt as he sucked her. She adored that about him, being so fastidious with everything, especially her. Then he served up the roast and vegetables from the pot onto a platter, poured the gravy into a bowl and brought everything to the table. Andrew kept silent as he cut the meat into even slices and neatly laid servings on their plates. He spooned up potatoes and baby carrots on the sides and covered her serving of meat with gravy. He sat down and waited.
“Smells delicious. You are so good to me,” she gently said. He smiled, happy that she seemed to be feeling better. “Did you get a lot done today?”
“Yes. We’re ready to paint the living room this weekend. I got my car in for an oil change. It was overdue. This weekend I’d like to get your car in, too.” He filled their water glasses then began to eat. She put her fork and knife down and watched him eat a few bites of his roast.
“I’m tired,” Kate sighed and sat back in her chair resting her hands in her lap, “feed me”. He swallowed his food and pierced a carrot on her plate with his fork. As he raised it to her lips she pushed it away. “No, feed me with your fingers. And use your tongue as my napkin, as needed.”
Andrew grinned and freed the carrot from the fork tines. He scooted his chair closer to Kate, then offered the little root with the tips of his fingers. Her lips briefly pressed against his fingers as she eased the carrot into her mouth. He picked up a piece of meat and slipped it between her lips. A single drop of gravy graced her chin and he delicately licked it from her skin, daring to skim her lips with the tip of his tongue. Kate surprised him with a soft kiss.
“I’m thirsty,” she said as she pulled her face away. He held the glass to her lips and tilted it to the perfect angle as she sipped her water. When she was done drinking he continued feeding her. He held the bites of food to her lips and she took them in, occasionally licking or softly biting his fingers. He concentrated on her lips and teeth, the motions of her jaw as she chewed then swallowed. She had such a lovely mouth and throat and he was tempted beylikdüzü escort to kiss her, lick and nibble her soft skin. When her plate was empty she stood up and glanced at his dinner, now cold, the gravy slightly congealed. “Finish your dinner and clean up the kitchen, there’s a good boy.” She smiled at him and left him alone.
Only silence kept him company as Andrew finished his dinner. He contemplated ways of how he could draw her from her lethargy. As he began to clear the table he heard garbled sounds coming from the TV as she surfed through the channels. He filled the teakettle with water and set it to heat on the stove; he thought she might find relaxation in a cup of hot chamomile tea. Anticipating her needs excited him. Halfway through washing the dishes the kettle began to softly whistle its readiness and he poured the boiling water over the tea bag in a delicate china cup. Watching the steam rise and swirl made him think of her body, smoldering, supple, and sensuous. By the time he’d finished the pots and pans his hands were pink from the hot dishwater, and her tea had steeped to the perfect flavor. He dried his hands and placed the teacup in a saucer, then brought it to her.
“Oh, you’re such a love. Thank you.” Kate smiled at his thoughtfulness and took the saucer from him. She set it on the coffee table to cool a bit. She sat back, put her feet up on the table, and patted the cushion next to her, inviting him to sit with her. As he sat down she took his hand and pulled his arm around her, needing his embrace. He pulled her against his shoulder and cuddled her.
“Have you been good today?” she asked. Her thought was on something that he’d kept from her. Kate expected that he would talk with her about it, now.
His mind drifted to his shower that morning. He’d woken up with a huge erection and as he bathed he thought of touching her, and he had ached to come. He had tried to distract himself with thoughts of his errands as he washed his hair. But the hot water spilled down his arms, torso, and in between his legs like a sweet caress; and he had subconsciously fondled himself, thinking of her hand on his steel hard cock. His hand had found its way to his balls and he gently squeezed, fantasizing of her mouth sucking his throbbing prick. He could picture her shapely lips encircling his shaft, gliding up and down, and his other hand allayed his need of her mouth. Before he knew it his cum was spurting from him and he shuddered to think of what Kate might do if she found out he’d ejaculated without her permission. But he couldn’t help it, he had been so horny and lost control.
Kate glanced at his face and knew from his lack of eye contact that he was holding something back. But she was thinking of a credit card statement she’d found that morning, unbeknownst to him. It had been tucked into the pages of a book he had been reading and fell out when she moved it from the kitchen table. She sighed and pulled away from him to reach for her tea. As she leaned back and sipped the soothing liquid Andrew sensed her disappointment. His heart pounded as he wondered how to confess to her. How simple could it be, to only come when she allowed it? His failure of Kate’s expectations fed his guilt.
She was not normally strict about their money but they’d recently had the major expense of getting the house re-roofed and agreed they would not use their credit cards for a while. Kate wanted to build their savings back up and wanted to avoid additional bills. When she found the invoice she was angry and a little hurt by his deception of both their agreement and in trying to secret the evidence of breaking his promise.
Andrew rose up from the couch and kneeled on the floor beside her legs. He laid his head in her lap and embraced her calves. He loved her so much and felt so badly at displeasing her. She had always been so generous with her love and affection, her devotion to him was deep and sincere. Whatever discipline came from her, it would be a relief for him.
“I love you, my one and only,” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair. “You mean the world to me.” Kate’s chest tightened as she thought of how much he had done for her. He’d supported her through college. He’d been by her side when life threw its worst at her as she had been for him. They were always side by side, no fair weather alliance for them, only strong and true to each other. They’d held each other up through joy and sadness.
“I love you, too. I don’t mean to let you down,” he whispered.
“Go to the bedroom and strip. Stand at the foot of the bed and wait for me.” She pushed him away and looked at the TV, sipping her tea. “I want you to think about what you’ve done.” He was quick to leave the room wondering how to tell her of his disobedience and what she would do about it. Kate did not even watch him leave her, but continued to flick through the mundane programs on the TV. Finding a cooking show that had just started she settled in to watch the demonstration, and to let him wait.
Since she had not mentioned lights on or off he opted for on, thinking bolu escort she’d be pleased to see him starkly vulnerable in his nakedness. As he undressed he could not stop thinking of her mouth, feeding her, feeling her lips and tongue on his fingers. His cock shamelessly began to swell. By the time he was ready for her his prick stood out at full attention, an invitation for whatever she desired. He could not help his selfish thoughts of her soft fingers playing his hardened flesh. He imagined dipping into her eager pussy, drowning himself in her. Then he mentally rebuked himself. After all, he was supposed to be contemplating his misdeed from the morning, or so he thought. The minutes dragged by and he began to worry more about her discipline than his own satisfaction.
When the show ended Kate got up and turned the TV and the lights off. She stretched and walked toward the bedroom, contemplating what to do with Andrew. She was truly surprised he’d gone out and spent money they’d agreed to save. The thought of him standing naked, left alone for the past 45 minutes intrigued her. She was not disappointed as she entered the room and appraised him like a piece of beef in the butcher’s case. His shoulders were broad and held high, the curves of his muscles sensuously easing down his long arms, the tightly rounded cheeks of his ass, all served to flare her arousal. And that is when she made her decision. She would have his ass. But first she wanted to gain his undivided attention. She would remind him that agreements were meant to be kept.
“Turn around.” She glared at him as he turned to face her and he quickly lowered his eyes to look at the floor. “You’ve let me down, Andrew. I wonder how you think you can make it up to me.” She circled him and began to undress. He could not look at her eyes but could not take his sight off her hands as she hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her sweatpants and slowly skinned them down over her hips and legs. She had no panties on and briefly rubbed her mons with her fingers. She slid her finger between her smooth lips and held her hand up in front of her. “Hmmmm…not very wet. This is not going to be good if you can’t get me wet, Andrew.”
“Kate, I…” he stopped as she glared at him.
“You forget yourself. Just stand there and be quiet. Anything you have to say will only aggravate me, anyway.” She pulled her shirt off and removed her bra, massaging her full breasts for a moment. She sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning back on her hands and scrutinized his bulging cock, a dewdrop of precum clinging to its tip. “Get on your knees and crawl to me.”
He dropped down and shuffled to her. As he kneeled before her he kept his head down but he glimpsed at her shaved pussy. He licked his lips at the thought of tasting her. She propped the balls of her feet up on his shoulders and laid back. He gazed at her pretty, painted toes and up her calves, down her thighs to her succulent pussy. He wanted so badly to kiss her, lick every inch of her.
“You are so beautiful. Please let me caress you with my tongue,” he whispered, desperate to make amends. She looked down at him and frowned and he looked away from her thinking he was about to be admonished.
“All right, then. Start with my toes. Show me how you will redeem yourself for your apparent lack of self-control.” She laid back and relaxed as she felt his tongue flick her toes then his lips gently pull them, one by one, into his mouth to gently suck.
He delighted in the shape of each toe, then lifted one foot to slowly drag his tongue from her soft heel to the ball of her foot, kissing the arch then up to the ankle. Then he treated her other foot to the same sensuous pleasure. He rose up to suck and nibble his way along each calf then lifted one leg to kiss and gently bite the back of her knee, then the other. He loved the taste of her, the feel of her smooth skin on his lips and tongue. He moved higher onto the bed to suck and kiss the insides of her supple thighs. He smiled thinking she was absolutely scrumptious and eased up toward the warmth of her pussy. His mouth watered at the thought of lapping her sweet nectar and sliding his tongue from the mouth of her cunt to her precious clit. Andrew’s engorged cock twitched with excitement. He ached to feel her tight hot pussy wrapped around his straining shaft.
“Ah uh…stop! You may lick me but you’re not to penetrate my lips. At this moment you are a dog, a mutt not worthy of tasting my cunt.” Kate propped up on her elbows to watch him and he softly moaned in disappointment at not being allowed to worship her completely.
Leaning toward her he breathed in her scent. His tongue reached out and timidly glossed over her soft labia. She was so warm and smooth. Her puffy lips gave little resistance and made it difficult not to delve more deeply into her delicious pussy. Andrew could barely stand it, wanting to fuck her with his tongue. He wondered if her clit was hard and ached to play with it with his tongue. Her lips parted slightly as she spread her legs wider and he tasted her sweet honey on the tip of his tongue. After bursa escort only a few moments she sighed and pushed his face away with her foot.
“Look at you! You can’t even do what’s expected of you. Get up and bend over the end of the bed.” Kate pushed against his shoulders causing him to fall to the floor. He pulled his knees under him and stood up, quickly moving around the bed and getting into position for her. He heard her go into the closet and his heart began to race as he wondered what was in store. Kate yanked his hands back, tying them tightly with a silk scarf behind him. She retrieved her treasure chest and sat it on the bed. She lifted the lid knowing he could see the carved, wooden box, but not what she was removing from it.
“Oh, please Kate! Please let me make you come. I only want to please you. I want to stroke your sweet slit with my tongue, to suck on your beautiful clit. I want to worship your cunt with my mouth!” he begged her.
“You want? When did I ask you what you wanted? This is not about what you want, Andrew. You can’t control yourself. And you betrayed our agreement. This is all about what you deserve and you know better,” her voice was calm belying her deep disappointment in him. He knew she was upset and spoke softly to maintain her self-control. He felt nervous, wanting to tell her he’d come in the shower but strangely wanting to feel whatever punishment she gave him to absolve his guilt.
Then she stood behind him and he felt her hands on his ass as she caressed his cheeks. The feel of his smooth skin under her palms excited her. She gently rubbed the contours of his hips and ass, lulling him into relaxation. Her hand slid between his legs and pushed them apart. Her fingertips brushed against his balls making him tremble with excitement. Suddenly the sting of her quirt burned across his flesh and he jerked his hips down. She treated his pale flesh to the bite of the leather. Streaks of red began to line his ass as she brought her quirt down, over and over. She wondered if he could stand 300 lashes, one for every dollar applied to that credit card.
Andrew grunted and tried to remain still. But instinct caused him to squirm. The braided leather dug into his skin and the pain was absorbed by the tissues of muscle. As it reverberated through his ass, down into his groin, it changed from a needling sharpness into a satisfying heat. Now and then she missed her mark, whipping the backs of his thighs, or was it on purpose? His exposed balls caught an occasional whack, as well, and he gasped in surprise. His cock throbbed with each stroke she brought down on him.
“Jesus!” he panted and his eyes watered.
“Yes, you’d better pray for redemption!” she growled as she whipped him. His ass began to glow red, and she wanted him to remember every thrash of her quirt. She was amused that he squirmed in an outward manner so that his ass pushed up to meet her every blow. His cock dripped precum and it drooled down his thighs as the head of his prick throbbed between his legs. His swollen cockhead kept rubbing against the bed inflaming his need to be stroked or sucked, to just let his cum loose! He clenched his jaw concentrating on the pain of discipline to distract any thought of climaxing. But the pain had diffused to such a wonderful heat it only served to inflame his arousal.
His was amazed how his lust-filled desire overrode the embarrassment of letting this woman whip him, as his body responded with excitement. It seemed she timed her lashes so that each time he felt his balls constrict with the need to discharge the quirt would smack lower, closer to his scrotum. His breath grew ragged as he reached the brink of orgasm and he groaned loudly, desperate to hold back.
“We have always been honest with each other, haven’t we?” she asked and paused to rub his reddened ass with her hands.
“Ugh…oh,” Andrew panted and clenched his tender butt. “Yessss,” he hissed as she squeezed his cheeks.
“I believe you need to confess something, a transgression.” Kate stroked his sensitive balls then caressed his stiff cock. “You’re dying to come, aren’t you? I might let you if you’re upfront and tell me how you earned this punishment.”
“Kate, please! I…” he whispered, ashamed to admit he had disobeyed her simple rule of having no orgasms without her permission. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and lightly stroked him. Andrew squirmed, pushing his hips down to meet her strokes. She quickly released his throbbing rod and the sudden bite of her quirt on his raw flesh caused him to cry out.
“You are such a slut! Trying to fuck yourself in my hand. Did I not just tell you this isn’t for your pleasure?” She whipped him a few more times then stood back to look down at his writhing body. He struggled in his bondage, his wrists held tightly against his back within the silk scarf and his hands were balled up into fists. “Are you going to make me beat it out of you? I can outlast you. Or I can simply ban you from my bed for as long as it takes for you to confess the error of your ways.” Kate went to the end of the bed and sat down, looking at his face. His eyes were shut tight and his mouth was gaping as he gasped for breath. She slipped her fingers up and down between his ass cheeks and teased his puckered hole. His breath caught in his throat as he imagined her sinking a finger or two into his anus.
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