Miranda liked to browse the lingerie department of the big store in town. It was an adventure to go out into the world fully dressed and made up as a girl. To see the admiring and lust filled glances she would get from men of many ages. To be able to just feel free and feminine and a little wild, knowing that beneath it all she had a secret hidden.
She had shared an adventure or two by visiting the store over the years and although that wasn’t why she went there, it was always in her mind that being out in public meant all things were possible.
In the lingerie department, she spotted a bra and panties set that looked very close to the shade of purple she’d been searching for and she remembered that she had a silk scarf of a similar tone in her bag so she removed the lingerie from the rack and held it in her open bag under the light to compare it against the scarf. Too blue, not deep enough in shade. Nice but not right. She returned them to the rack and kept browsing, constantly watching the passing men for their reactions to her. But today was what you might call a slow day. Nobody was out or maybe she had become invisible. Either way, today was not turning into an adventure day. She decided she would make her way back home and pick up a smoothie for herself as a treat from the cafe on the way.
She left the store and started to walk the High Street towards home. The day was dull and overcast but warm. She had just a light jacket over a white silk blouse and a stiff white padded bra and a thigh length black skirt over black silk panties and shimmering silky black hold up stockings. Four inch heeled sandals completed her look. Just as she got to the edge of the building that housed the department store, a man in a black suit approached her from the side and gently took hold of her arm at the elbow.
“Sorry to stop you, Miss. I just wondered if you could come with me for a moment,” he said. She thought he had used an odd tone on the word, “Miss” but he wasn’t particularly aggressive, even though he held her in his grip. His other hand flashed a card to her. It was his ID card. Store security manager. James Upton. And a photo that was clearly him. A heavy set guy, not very tall. He looked too bulky to be a runner and it occurred to her for a second to shake him off and escape. But she’d done nothing wrong and the idea of running in four inch heels, even from someone too heavy to give chase was just too silly.
“What’s the problem?” she asked. She thought of adding “Sir” in the same sarcastic tone she thought he had used on her but she kept herself in control for the moment.
“As you can see from my badge, I’m the security manager from the store you just left. You were observed to have placed an item of clothing into your bag and then left the store without paying for anything. I need to ask you to accompany me to our security office so we can investigate.”
She had a flashback to when she’d compared the colours on the underwear and realised that it must have looked like she’d put the bra and panties into her bag like a shoplifter. She laughed at the silly mistake and said, “No, I see what you think happened.” She tried to open her bag for him to look inside but her movement made him grip more firmly and begin to march her down the narrow street at the side of the building.
“What are you doing?” she said in a raised voice, struggling in her heels to keep her bag, her balance and her dignity and to release herself from his grip. “Stop being so stupid. I haven’t done anything.”
He stopped about twenty yards down the side street by a recessed doorway and manhandled her out of sight, into the recess with her back against the door.
“If I’m being stupid, Miss (there was that sarcastic tone again!) then you’ll have a chance to make an official complaint when we get inside. But I have a job to do and I’m sure that even if you’re innocent, you’d rather we finished this inside and not screaming at each other in the street.” Then he turned to one side and pressed a doorbell next to a speaker phone on the recessed wall. Within seconds a voice squawked from the grill: “Yeah?”
“Tony? It’s Jim. Buzz me in and then meet me in the workshop. Bring all the gear, we’ve got someone right up your alley.” Then he looked at her and although he smiled and nodded towards the door that was cracking open with a buzz, she shivered at the look. What kind of conversation was that? Things just felt out of control and it was all because of a silly mistake. The man was acting officious and being a bully, she thought. He probably loved his job, being able to do this sort of thing to people and didn’t care whether they were innocent or not. He was probably protected by the company if someone complained. She breathed deeply and tried to relax her mind. Yoga techniques came to mind and she allowed herself to be led by him into what was clearly “the workshop”. When he turned on the lights she could see a workbench with a solid steel yalova escort vice fixed at the edge. Shelves holding tools and boxes and bags of who knew what. Piles of dust sheets and all sorts of what looked like rubbish to her as well as lots of cleaning gear and an old fashioned style desk with two chairs by it.
He let her go and shut the door behind them and she heard him click something on the lock before he turned to face her.
“Please place your bag on the workbench,” he said.
She put her bag on the bench by the vice and was just getting her phone from her bag, almost an automatic gesture for her, when far more quickly than she’d have thought for a man of his bulk, he slid forward, grabbed her wrist, yanked it out of the bag and twisted it up her back.
She dropped the phone back in the bag as he grabbed her and cried out in shock and pain and twisted round on her high heels. She stumbled in a tight circle and found herself with him standing behind her. Before she could recover, she felt something other than his fingers go round the wrist behind her back and then he grabbed her free hand and brought that behind her too. Within seconds there was a sound like a zip and she felt both wrists securely bound together behind her back.
“What are you doing,” she screamed.
“Shut the fuck up!” he said.
Anger rising in her she tried to rush at him and kick him but she was clearly no match for him, given the circumstances and he just grabbed her upper arms, turned her round and pushed her top half down onto the workbench. She tried to kick backwards but he held her firm, bent over face down on the bench. He stood to one side and he did something then that shocked and surprised her enough to make her stop for a second. He lifted her skirt and spanked her butt really hard. Just once. But the sound of the smack and the sting on her cheeks together with the shock of the action stopped her dead. She was breathing hard and she could feel her wig wanting to slip because her head was sideways against the work bench. She forced herself to stop twisting her head and to relax as much as possible. She shut her eyes, breathed deeply and centred her mind.
“That’s better,” he said. “The next time you fuck me around I will not be so gentle. Do you understand me?”
She forced herself to say a very quiet but calm, “Yes.”
“Now I want you to stay like that for a minute until you get calm again. Do not try to stand up straight until I tell you that you can. Okay?”
Again a calm and quiet, “Yes”.
“Any more trouble and you see that vice beside you?” She turned her head gently so the wig remained in place and she was staring at the steel vice beside her. He continued, “I will take your balls and put them in that vice and turn the handle until I have complete obedience. Do not kid yourself about who’s in charge in here.”
‘Your balls’, he’d said! He knew. That was why he was being so sarcastic when he called her ‘Miss’. More deep breathing. More self control. She needed to be at her most calm if she was to see this through without some kind of scandal or upset.
“Did you think that I can’t spot a tranny wandering through my shop? We love days like this, me and my mate, Tony,” he said. “He loves a tranny even more than me.” And as if he’d heard his name being spoken, the inner door of the room opened and in walked Tony. Another guy in a black suit. Not quite in shape but not quite fat.
“Oh, Jim. What do we have here?” he said and shut the door behind him. Whatever he’d been holding in his arms, he let it clatter onto the desk. A bag that seemed to contain a whole series of items spilled from his clutches and he stopped them rolling from the bag and off the edge of the desk. He turned back to look at her.
“I have brought you a present,” said Jim, the first man.
“A tranny?” said Tony. “Love it. It must be my birthday.”
He stepped to the side of the workbench from where she had been made to stand and he crouched down to look into her face.
“Very nice,” he said. “A real blowjob pair of lips too!”
They both laughed and Jim said, “Let’s take a look at the other end, shall we?” Tony came round the workbench to stand behind her with Jim. Her skirt was still lifted and draped up her back from when Jim had spanked her before and she felt one of them start to peel her panties down across the stretched cheeks of her ass. Involuntarily she started to kick and try to stand. One of them leant across her back by the shoulders, pinning her to the workbench and the other one grabbed her hips and stood in against her, between her legs. The one standing behind her spoke. It was Jim. “Do we need to put you in the vice, bitch?”
She froze in position, imagining the metal vice being clamped upon her balls and in fear, she could feel those same balls roll tight in her sac and try to climb up inside her for protection. Yet again she did her very best to relax her body and zonguldak escort her mind and to find a calmer sense of the present.
“Better,” said Jim. “But that was your last chance. If you struggle like that again, you’d better break free, knock us both out and run for the fucking hills. D’you get me?”
This time she didn’t feel she needed to answer and she just shut her eyes and focused on the calm centre of her being.
“I quite like it when we get to pin them with the vice,” said Tony.
“That is true,” said Jim. “He loves a tranny but he also loves a little pain. So you’d better be on your very best behaviour.”
She laid, bent over the workbench, her hands behind her, her eyes shut and listened to the world around her. There was no noise from above or outside. Nothing from the street. Nothing from the building they were in, which she assumed must be the store. The only noises came from the two bulky guys as they chatted in low voices to each other and clattered around with whatever Tony had spilled on to the desk. After a minute or so she felt hands upon her arms and her body being straightened up. She opened her eyes and looked at them both more closely. Men of a certain size and shape, typical of their profession. If they hadn’t been security of some kind she could imagine their types on the football terraces, chanting their tribal hatred and seeing it all as good clean fun. Men of a certain age who haven’t achieved what they might have and feel a certain resentment against those who have. Bullies who had found kindred spirits in each other and found their fun in picking on the weaker, more vulnerable and those, like her, who were unusual enough to be almost defenseless against their type.
They walked her over to one of the chairs and between them they gently manhandled her to sit down. Then Tony took hold of her legs and lifted her thighs off the seat as Jim pushed her bound wrists and hands down and under her ass and in this fashion, they passed her legs through the loop her arms made and now her hands were at the front.
They stood her up again and walked her back to the workbench but this time the far side from where she’d been at first. Jim stood behind her very tightly, clamping her with his body against the workbench that stood just a little above waist high. He held her upper arms firmly but not too tight to hurt. Tony went round the far side and stood with the bench vice against his crotch. He leaned across the bench towards her and took hold of the nylon ties that held her wrists together and he pulled her arms across the bench towards himself. That made her lean forward and she was now bent over the bench again, this time facing the vice. Tony slid the nylon tie that was between her wrists into the space within the vice and then, turning the wheel on the side, he closed the vice. She was clamped into position effectively. Unless she could break the ties or perform some body breaking acrobatics to flip herself across the bench, she was in this position until they decided otherwise.
Tony threw something onto the workbench by the side of her. She was facing towards the desk and she could see he had scattered a handful of foil wrapped condoms and a tube of KY jelly. If she hadn’t known before, she knew now what they planned to do.
She felt her skirt being lifted onto her back again and her feet being kicked gently apart until her stance was quite wide. She felt cold metal touch her skin at the very top of her legs where her ass cheeks began and then she heard the heavy snipping of her panties being cut away from her body. The shredded silk panties were placed right next to her face on the bench. “These will work very well as a gag, should we need one,” said Jim.
Tony was at the desk and had set up a video camera on a small tripod. It was pointed at her and he was watching the monitoring screen and making adjustments. When he was pleased with his results he said, “Take a quick look, Jim. Tell me what you reckon.” Jim went to the desk, took a look at the screen, then back at her, bent across the workbench. He said, “Go and stand behind her for a second.” Tony stood between her legs, hard against her ass. “Okay,” said Jim. “Now on the bench.” Tony went to the side where the vice was and sat on the bench. Then he lifted his legs clear of the bench and spun on his backside until his legs were either side of Miranda and her face was almost in his crotch. He looked over at Jim, who adjusted something on the video camera just a little bit and said, “That’ll do it.”
Tony reversed his movements and hopped back down from the bench.
“Don’t forget the bag,” he said.
“Good call,” said Jim. Jim took her bag from where it had remained on the bench and tipped the contents onto the desk. He rummaged through the small pile of things until he found her purse/wallet. He opened it and found a credit card. He held it up to the camera, then turned it around so there was a zonguldak escort shot of front and back on film. He did the same with a letter she’d been carrying. He didn’t read it, just held up the part with the address inside the window to the camera. “I know this place,” he said. “Just up by the river. There’s that posh pub there. D’you know where I mean?”
“I think so,” said Tony, who wandered over to one of the chairs by the desk and sat down. He had already removed his jacket, tie and shirt and began to slide his trousers down over his shoes which remained on. Then the same with his underpants. When he stood up with trousers and pants in hand she saw his cock was erect. It was about six inches long, circumcised and very, very fat. Not quite a can of Coke but getting there, she thought! He was very trimmed in the pubic area. He walked back to where she couldn’t see without turning her head. A second or two later he had laid some of the dust sheets from the pile on the workbench by her head. He started spreading them out, even lifting her head gently to lay some beneath her. When he lowered her head back down, she immediately felt more comfortable. It wasn’t quite a pillow but it was far nicer than the bare, stained wood of the bench.
Jim had now taken her phone from the pile of contents on the desk and was playing about with it. As she watched him and wondered what he was doing, she felt Tony very close behind her and his hand slipped between her legs, reached under her and took hold of her cock.
“She’s stiff as a board under here,” he said with a snigger in his voice.
Jim continued playing with the phone but said, “Course she is. That is one dirty bitch right there.” Then a mobile phone went off in the room. But they were clearly expecting it because Tony just kept playing with her cock and her balls and now her ass with his fingers while Jim took his own mobile out of his inside jacket pocket, looked at the screen and nodded. Then the phone stopped ringing and he put it on the desk. He turned her phone to the video camera. Then he played with it again and once more he turned it to the camera. This happened several times and all the time Jim was playing with the phone and the camera, Tony was massaging her cock and balls and rubbing his own fat cock between the cheeks of her ass.
When Jim was finished with her phone he put it back in her bag, scooped up the rest of the pile of contents and dumped them inside too and put the bag on the desk. Then he started to undress. As he removed his jacket he started to talk to her.
“We have you on camera and we’ll soon have a lot more of you too. We’ve got your card details, your address and all sorts of little goodies off your phone. It’s very hard for you to realise it right now because your mind is on other things but later you will remember me talking to you now and you will remember what I am telling you. And the reason you will remember so well is because…” And as he paused, Tony let go of his grip on her cock, stepped back and smacked her hard on the ass. She squealed in pain and shock.
“You will remember these smacks and they will focus your memory onto what I am telling you,” said Jim. And Tony smacked her again. She cried out again and tried to wriggle away from his hand but there was no point. She tried to focus on the words rather than the stinging flesh.
“We are practically attack proof and you are completely vulnerable. Unless you are willing to declare yourself as a tranny to the world – and especially to the police, which will also mean the papers eventually – then you can do very little.”
Another hard smack and this time she felt Tony stroke what must now be the reddened flesh of her butt.
Jim continued talking. He was bare chested now and had sat and started removing his trousers and underpants whilst keeping his shoes and socks on, just as Tony had done earlier.
“If you know some heavy people then you might consider trying to get at us that way. But if you do then be sure you do it well because we know where you live, who you are and what you’re like and we are very, very bad people to have as enemies.” He was naked apart from his feet now and she saw that he was also erect. He was uncircumcised although his skin was tightly drawn back and his cockhead was already glistening with precum. He was also trimmed. His cock was longer than Tony’s, maybe nine inches she guessed. But not quite as big in girth as Tony’s cut cock had looked.
“One more, please, Tone,” Jim said and Tony smacked her ass again. It stung like crazy but if she was being entirely honest, she had started to like the hot feeling of her flesh and didn’t cry out at all. She just shut her eyes and let the stinging sensation flow through her.
“We will use you for our pleasure and then you will be allowed to leave. We’re not murderers or prison guards. We just like being able to take what we want and usually, nobody gets hurt. Usually. A few smacks on the behind never really hurt anyone properly, did they. And I reckon you might even like spending some time with us if you can get your head round it. So remember all of this when you’re alone later and you start thinking about revenge and shit like that, alright?”
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