A Perfect Match


All Characters are to be viewed as over the age of eighteen.

Copyright 2008 by madengineer3, All rights are reserved! This story is not to be copied or circulated except by madengineer3 or by means of the Literotica website, and under Literotica’s rules.


As I look at the beautiful wedding band on my left hand I am almost overcome with gladness. There was a time when you couldn’t have convinced me that my life would become as fulfilled as it has. Let me tell you the story.

I was born thirty years ago. From my first true awareness, I knew that something was wrong. I had a male body, but a female mind. After years of fighting off that internal knowledge I started to live as a trans-sexual. I changed my name from Carl to Carla and settled in a small city about an hour away from where I grew up. I found that to be exceedingly difficult. I’d begin to get serious about a guy, and when he found out about my problem he’d split.

Sometimes the guy would simply walk out and sometimes I would get a few punches thrown at me. I was reaching my limit of endurance. Life seemed so empty. In desperation I contacted Robert; the old senior pastor of my church. He was a kindly old man, and I strongly suspected that he was not judgmental..

I called him and made an appointment to sit and talk. I arrived at his office right on time.

“Hello, Carla, you seemed to be very concerned about something when you called me. Come on in and have a seat.”

I walked in and closed the door behind me.

“Do you really want to close the door? After all, we don’t want to start rumors.” he said with a smile.

“Yes, Pastor Joe. I need to speak in absolute secrecy. I am heavily burdened by a problem that I think may be insurmountable.”

“Carla, there are no insurmountable problems for God. Let’s pray first. Heavenly Father, we ask for Your Spirit’s presence to allow our communications to be clear and allow our understanding to be as You would have it. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen”

Now, how about you tell me the problem.”

“Will you promise that you will not share a word of what I am going to say to anyone, including your wife?”

“Of course. You can trust me. You’ve known me for years and your beautiful voice has really helped our chior.”

The funny thing was, I knew that I could trust him.

“My problem is a very deep one. From my earliest days I have always known that I was a girl. Mentally, emotionally, in almost all the ways it counts I am a woman. But I was born in a male body. Does that shock you?”

“No, Carla, it doesn’t. I have helped several trans-sexual people resolve their problems over the years. It used to be much harder to fix such problems than it is today.”

“What do you mean, fix?”

“Let me ask you a few questions before I start suggesting anything.”


“Have you ever seen a doctor or mental health practitioner about this problem?”

“Yes. I spoke with a psychiatrist at great length. Her conclusion was that I am one of those unfortunate people who have been born into the wrong body. One of my concerns is how come God allowed this to happen. I mean, it isn’t fair.”

“I know just what you mean. I can give you a long drawn out answer or the short answer that I truly believe but both reach the same conclusion.. Which would you like?”

“Let’s go with the short answer.”

“Good! My belief is that when sin entered into the ordu escort world that it caused a mental, physical, and moral fall from perfection. I believe that sin changed our DNA such that we were no longer what we were created to be. One of the things that I believe happened was that genetic errors like hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and such were allowed to occur; not because God didn’t care but because He allowed these problems to drive us back into fellowship with Himself. “

“You mean, there is a chance that God purposely allowed this to happen to me?”

“It’s possible. I don’t believe there are any such things as coincidences. I truly believe in the sovereignty of God.”

“If that’s so, am I destined to remain unfulfilled and alone all the rest of my life?”

“Sixty years ago the answer to that question would have been yes. Now, however, the answer is no.”

“Please explain.”

“Have you ever heard of SRA; Sex Reassignment Surgery?”

“Yes, but I always thought it couldn’t really work.”

“Fortunately, you thought wrong. It works very well! ” The pastor then took a scrap of paper and wrote a telephone number on it along with a name, Samantha. “This lady is an expert surgeon who had done many hundreds of SRAs. I would suggest that you call her. Let’s close in prayer! Heavenly Father, we thank you for your guidance and unconditional love. We can only be whole with Your presence in our lives. We thank you for that presence, in Jesus name.”

When I left the church and got back to my apartment I sat for the better part of two hours just considering the number that I had been given. I then made the hardest phone call that I have ever made.

That was four years ago.

When I contacted the doctor she had me sit down with two psychiatrists and herself. The questions and answers were probing. At the end of that meeting the surgeon told me that she wanted me to get a PET scan of my brain. The scan was set up and I had it done.


“Carla, I have some interesting news to tell you.” the surgeon said. “During early fetal development a babies are all female, until the hormone testosterone gets involved in males. One of the things it does, usually, is to disrupt the inter-hemisphere communications in the male brain. That disconnection never happened in your brain. You are already neurologically more female than male as far as your nervous system is concerned. Based upon these results, and the fact that you have already lived all your life as a woman, would you like to set up for the long process of becoming a woman?”

“Yes, doctor. When do we begin?”

“I’ll see you in our local hospital next Wednesday, at seven in the morning. The first step is to remove your testicles. I’m also going to trim the adrenal cortex on your kidneys. They also product testosterone.”

I agreed to the operation and went through with it. The surgeon then told me that after I had a full recovery, she would start the actual conversion. Since I had been taking female hormones since before puberty I didn’t have to worry about my breasts. They were already a nice “B cup” in size.

The next two months were filled with surgery and pain. It hurt to have all of that work done on my most sensitive tissues. The day finally came when I was to have the bandages removed from my crotch.

“Are you ready to see the new you?”


“Now bear in mind that there rize escort will still be swelling and redness because the surgery is still very recent. Those problems will go away in the next few weeks.”

The doctor carefully removed the bandages and held up a mirror so that I could inspect myself.

“You are a wizard, doctor. Except for the swelling from the surgery, that looks like a perfectly normal set of female genitals. Thank you so much.”

“I’m glad I could help you. I know exactly how you feel.”

“How can you know?”

“I was born Samuel. Samantha is my post-operative name. You see, I have fought the same battle that you have. I understand!”

I broke down at that point an cried my eyes out. I have never felt such joy in my life.

That was two years ago. Right after the surgery I came back to my apartment and went to thank my pastor. He said he was happy for me. He also mentioned that he wanted to introduce me to someone I knew of, but had never formally met.

The next Sunday, at coffee hour after church the pastor introduced me to Bob. I had always been interested in Bob. He seemed to be a perfect gentleman. Beside having a car he also rode motorcycles, was an excellent competitive target shooter, worked out with weights, and appeared to be a wonderful gentleman.

“Bob, I want to introduce you to Carla. She is a special lady who has a good heart.”

Bob smiled and held out his hand for mine. After a minute or two the pastor walked away.

“So, what do you do, Carla?”

“I don’t do a lot. I have a degree in electrical engineering but when my grandfather died he left my father a very large inheritance. My dad died about seven years ago. I haven’t really had to work. What do you do Bob?”

“I’m President of Linhar Ltd. You know, the people who make devices to help the mute communicate? I started out as an engineer working in my basement, sold some of my early models after patenting them. We now do rather well. Beside giving a tenth of our gross corporate income to the church I make sure that even people who cannot afford our devices can get them.”

“Wow, that’s wonderful. Why do you do that?”

“The Lord has been good to me and I want to please Him. Let me change the subject for a moment. Are you attached to someone special?”

“No, It’s a long story that I don’t want to get into, if you don’t mind.”

“No, that’s fine with me. I, also, am not attached. I suspect that the pastor is trying to get us together for some reason.”

“Yeah, I got that impression.”

“What are you doing for dinner, today?”

“I was going to go home and see what I had that would cook up quickly and also taste good.”

“Would you be interested in letting me take you out to dinner? I know a good Italian place that makes a wonderful Lasagna.”

“You’ve twisted my arm. When do you want to go?”

“Whenever you are ready. I can follow you in my car.”

“You don’t have to, my car is comfortable and I promise I don’t bite!”

We both laughed at that. Knowing that the pastor thougth Bob was O.K., I decided to accept his invitation. The rest of the day was wonderful.

We spent the next year dating. There was one thing that I found strange. Bob always treated me as a lady. He wasn’t pushing me to have sex with him. He seemed to love me simply because of who I am. I really liked that. I must admit that we did neck and do some light petting, sakarya escort but nothing that required us to be undressed. Then one evening, when I had cooked a wonderful dinner. We had wine afterwards. We went into the living room and were sitting on the couch. We started necking and I became sexually aroused. I took his hand and placed it on my breast while we were passionately kissing.

“Carla, I have to ask you a question. But first we need to talk. We need to talk about some things that are delicate and highly personal.”

Bob sat up and released me from his embrace.

With much trepidation I said; “O.K. what do we need to talk about?”

“Are you aware that there are some people who are born in the wrong body? For example, born with a female body when they are really a male inside?”

I just shook my head yes. I was terrified. How had he found out?

“What do you think about people like that?”

By this time I had tears in my eyes. “I think that they end up being very lonely. They also have to feel very afraid that they’ll be rejected if anyone finds out.”

Now, Bob had tears in his eyes. “You’re exactly right. Did the pastor tell you about me?”

“What do you mean? He has never said anything to me except that he wanted to introduce me to you.”

“Carla, I was born Roberta. I am a trans-sexual. I was born with a female body when I knew that I was a male. I went out West, to Colorado, to have reassignment surgery done. I’m a male now, but could never give a woman a child. I love you and would love to marry you but you will need to know that instead of having a large penis I have a large clit that acts as my penis. I want you, but I will understand if you don’t want me.”

He was looking down at the couch as he said this. “Bob, I would love to marry you. But….”

He broke in, “you can’t live with the thought that I once had a woman’s body?”

“No, listen to me. I have a question for you. By any chance was the surgeon named Samantha?”

Bob’s eyes all but bugged out. “How do you know about Samantha?”

“Because I was born Carl and she changed me into Carla.”

His face beamed and he reached out to embrace me. He was crying and laughing at the same time. “Oh, I am so happy! You are a dream come true! I had been praying that God would send me a wonderful woman who would understand. He has provided me with the perfect match.”

We both embraced more fervently than we had ever done so before. Then Bob broke the embrace and started talking again.

“Carla, I have been praying about this for as long as we have been together. I felt that God had told me to step out on faith. I did that yesterday.”

At that he brought our a small velvet bag from his pocket. He opened it and then asked; “Carla, would you marry me?”. As he asked that he took out a beautiful platinum ring with a beautiful diamond solitare mounted in it.

My answer, through my tears of joy, was yes!

Bob told me he had also purchased the wedding bands when he purchased the engagement ring. We were married four months ago. It was a small wedding, but was a dream come true for both of us. One of our wedding guests was our surgeon, Samantha. Bob had purchased a round trip ticket and the best room in our local hotel as a wedding present to both of us. It was good to see Samantha’s smile as she saw that her work had helped out two lives. Our wedding night was a hot and exhausting time. Our love for each other has done nothing but grow.

For the joy of being close to Bob I am working at his company as an engineer. It’s neat when your boss is also your helpmate and lover.

Sometime I’ll have to tell you about our honeymoon.

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