Chapter 1
A long time ago when the nobility ruled the world, the rivalries and alliances of nations were manifested in the quarrels and unions of the royal families, and vice versa. All too often, the union of nations occurred faster that the union of hearts.
We enter this story a month’s eve of the noble lady Isana’s wedding day. The lady had been betrothed to a prince however she knows almost nothing of her groom. Desperate to learn everything she can about her future husband, she has summoned her maiden Alicia.
The lady Isana paced the room awaiting the arrival of her maiden. Her chamber, although lavishly furnished, was of stone as was the rest of the castle. Her steps reverberated throughout the room. The pensive manor she wore on her face was as apparent as the exquisite dress that she wore on her body. There was a gentle rapping at the lady’s door followed by the sweet voice of the maiden Alicia, “Ma’ Lady, you sent for me.”
“Yes I did. Enter,” commanded the lady Isana. Here entered a plainly dressed maiden of barely twenty years age. Her submissive blue eyes fell to the floor as she curtsied before her mistress. Her golden hair reflected the sun’s rays that shown through the window momentarily before she stood upright, but her eyes still remained on the floor.
“What do you know of my future husband?” Isana asked in an inquisitive tone as she began to slowly pace around Alicia.
“I… I know only his reputation, which undoubtedly is known by you ma’ lady,” replied Alicia in an uncomforted voice.
“What do you know of my future husband?” the lady Isana asked again, in a sterner tone this time. Her circular path around Alicia began to shrink in diameter.
Alicia’s gaze lowered further “The prince Albert, son of your great father’s ally King Dietrich is a said to be fine young man of exceptional intelligence and a patron of the arts… Um, he is said to be…”
“As you said I already know his reputation,” Isana interrupted, “In fact, that is all anyone seems to know about him. I need you to find out more about him.”
“Of course ma’ lady,” answered Alicia, “What would have me do?”
“Endear yourself to the captain of the guard,” commanded the lady Isana, “Surely he has contacts in King Dietrich’s court and would have information about the prince. Exploit the weakness of all men, learn of the disposition of my future husband, and report back to me.”
“Yes lady,” Alicia said obediently, “Is there anything else you require of me?”
“Yes, there is,” the lady Isana tightened her circle around Alicia, slowing her pace, “After I am wedded, I will have to perform the duty of ever noble woman. I will have to produce an heir. The midwives have been informative, but first hand observation is a far better guide than any verbal account, besides I suspect there are omissions in their accounts.” Isana ended her pacing and stood directly in front of Alicia, “When you ‘exploit his weakness,’ arrange it so that I may discretely observe so that I may fully understand my marital duties.”
“I will do all that you ask ma’ lady,” Alicia’s eyes were at the hem of her dress, and her cheeks burned already, embarrassed at the thought of performing her duty. Just then a soft palm caressed Alicia’s enflamed cheek.
“Alicia, look up to me,” Isana’s voice now soft and calming. Alicia slowly raised her head and saw the caring warmth of her lady’s deep brown eyes. The sunlight from the window illuminated the lady’s head from behind casting a red corona though her auburn hair. The lady placed a gentle hand on the cheek of the maiden. “I know this will be hard for you, but you will be performing a great service.”
“I serve at your pleasure ma’ lady,” Alicia answered fighting to maintain her composure. With that, Isana closed the distance between them and embraced her warmly as if to share her soul.
Isana whispered gently into Alicia’s ayvalık escort ear, “You are the steadfast rock of my life, Alicia. I will always love you best.”
Chapter 2
We enter the scene at the end of a training session. The valiant knight had been instructing his men in the art of combat since the break of dawn. The sun had begun to make its decent towards the west from its midday height. The maiden Alicia stood in the gallery that surrounded the training field.
There were several pairs of knights sparing. Dressed in studded leathers and helmets and armed with shields and wooden weapons, they practiced their skills in mock combat. They were all saturated with perspiration. All the signs of heavy exertion were written upon them. Some of them even had bandages on what must have been wounds earned that day.
As she walked along the gallery, Alicia recognized the emblems upon their shields. She gazed among them in search of the knight Aldwyn: a blue fox, a red diagonal stripe, and a white field. She saw the emblem. She saw the knight. His display of technique and skill was impressive.
Although she had no training in the arts of war, Alicia could see as could anyone that his abilities were formidable. To her, it resembled a strange form of dance than anything she could imagine. The back and forth motions of thrust, parry, block, and such were powerful and quick. Her heart skipped a few times at the sound of a well placed hit. This was supposed to be mock combat, but by the ferocity with which they fought, one would think they were fighting for their lives.
After a few more minutes, the knight Aldwyn seemed to give a sign to his partner to cease combat. A second later, he gave a throaty bellow that could’ve been heard over any crowd, “Stay your weapons!” All at once, the din of simulated combat ended. Only the sound of heavy breath and groans of exhaustion were heard.
“Men, you have fought hard and well today. Today you have earned your rest. Go and rest, for tomorrow we will begin again at first light. That is all,” and with that, the knight Aldwyn dismissed the group. Slowly they made their way off the field, to the baths that awaited them.
Of the men to walk off the field, Aldwyn was the last. As he walked off, he noted that a maiden was staring at him from the gallery and apparently had been doing so for some time. He thought he vaguely recognized her from court. He also noted that his maidservant was not present. This was highly out of the ordinary. Normally Sarah was would be waiting for him.
Just as Aldwyn was about to pass through the gallery towards the baths, the maiden he had noted from the gallery stepped before him, eyes bent low as she bowed before him. “Sir Knight,” Alicia spoke reverently awaiting to be addressed.
“Maiden,” Aldwyn asked, “do you know where Sarah is today?”
“She felt ill this morning sir. She asked that I take her duties for the day,” Alicia answered.
“She isn’t well?” Aldwyn asked sounding both surprised and concerned, “She mentioned nothing of it to me. Has a nurse been called?”
“There’s no need of a nurse,” Alicia’s voice trembling slightly, “I’m sure a day’s rest is all medicine that she needs.”
Aldwyn’s eyes narrowed on the bowed head of the timid maiden. “Look at me,” he commanded.
“It would be disrespectful for me to look upon the features of a nobleman,” Alicia’s voice trembling even more.
“It would be a greater disrespect to disobey one,” Aldwyn’s voice was firm at first but then he softened his tone, “I wish to see you face. Look at me.” Slowly Alicia’s raised her head but only to where she stood up straight, looking into the Knight’s broad chest. Aldwyn raised his right hand to her face and caught her chin between his thumb and index finger. Gently but firmly, he tilted her head up as to meet his gaze. Aldwyn’s eyes looked for aziziye escort any sign lying in hers.
Alicia tried desperately to keep her hands and knees from shaking. The feel of the knight’s roughened hand on her face and the intensity of his eyes upon her was most unsettling. Her skin crawled and her heart fluttered. Not only was this the first time a nobleman had touched her but this was the first time she saw the knight’s face up close, and she found him breathtakingly handsome. The pronounced bones of his cheeks sat high, just below his deeply set green eyes. The sweeping black hairs of his brows reminded her of raven’s wings. His jaw was firmly set with only a trace of stubble on his cheeks.
Just then Aldwyn released Alicia’s chin and her gaze dropped to the floor as if ashamed. Her eyes were closed as she tried to still her mind and her body. Trying to calm herself, she almost didn’t hear the knight’s next question, “What is your name?”
“My name?” Alicia asked puzzled.
“You do have a name, don’t you?” Aldwyn’s voice asked in an even tone.
“Yes, Alicia Sir.”
“Are you sure you are quiet well?”
“Yes, it’s just… your presence is somewhat… overwhelming, Sir.”
“I apologize,” Aldwyn said seeing how delicate she was, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No,” Alicia protested, “It is I who should be…”
Aldwyn interrupted, “Please don’t contradict me when I’m being kind. It does not happen often and it is even rarer when I apologize. Accept it for what it is. Now let us be off to the baths. Dinner is in an hour. I’m expected at Lord Richard’s table and I intend to be presentable.”
Chapter 3
The room was dark except for the fire that heated the bath and a few torches scattered around the room. The orange light cast deep and long shadows around the room. The knight Aldwyn sat in a massive copper tub. Alicia knelt beside the tub, behind the knight scrubbing the filth and perspiration from his wide shoulders with a sponge.
Aldwyn was enjoying Alicia’s touch. She was through and gentle in her technique. She didn’t use as much strength in her strokes and Sarah did, but the gentle pressure of her rhythmic caresses was deliciously melting the knots in his back.
Alicia was strangely fascinated by the muscular back she was washing. She had always bathed women. She’d never bathed a man before nor ever been with naked a man before. She could still say she’d never seen a naked man since she had turned away when the knight had disrobed and entered the tub. The skin was rougher, and the muscles were firmer. His long black hair was draped over his left shoulder. It felt thick and course in comparison to what she was used to, but with some work, she’d wager that she could get it smooth as silk.
“Did your lady give you leave today?” Aldwyn asked.
“My lady?” Alicia asked.
“You are a handmaiden of the lady Isana, are you not?”
“Surely this is below your station. I can’t imagine that the lady would allow one of her maidens to be put to such a task as this.”
“I serve where I am needed, sir.”
“Of course.”
Then Aldwyn leaned forward in the tub to allow Alicia to reach his lower back. At first Alicia was startled by his movement thinking that maybe she had done something wrong, but she quickly realized his intent. As she began to work her way down, past his shoulder blades, she felt a strange indentation in the flesh that she’d never felt before. Looking down she saw a long line that started near the spine at the mid back and ended at the left flank at a slight downward angle.
“What is that,” Alicia asked in curiosity.
The knight looked over his left shoulder to see to what she was referring to. “Oh that,” he remarked, “That and the lives of several good men was the price we paid for our victory over the barbarian tribes six years ago.” Realizing that babaeski escort this was a battle scar, Alicia suddenly became wary of the wound. She continued her work trying not to think about the scar.
As she finished with his back, she wondered how best to proceed in her task, however before she could move on, the knight turned towards her and grasped her by the wrist. At first alarmed by this, she wondered if she had offended him, but then he spoke, “Thank you. I can finish from here. You may take your leave.”
“But sir,” She protested, “I haven’t finished…”
“I know,” he interrupted, “but I have less than half an hour to be ready for dinner and I still have to dress. While I have no doubt I would be immaculate by the time you finished, I would be arriving as the kitchen staff was clearing up.” With that, he took the sponge from Alicia’s slender hand and began to scrub his arms vigorously.
Alicia backed away from the tub frantically thinking of what to do. She stood still unable to seduce or leave. She could only watch as the knight washed himself in the tub, and then without warning, he stood up in the tub, exposing all of himself, from the shins up, to her. She looked away out of habit but part of her was curious of what she was obverting her eyes from. She heard the distinct sound of water pouring and splashing as Aldwyn poured a bucket of water over his head to rinse off. With that, he stepped out of the tub, and began to dry himself off with a towel.
Considering her opportunity lost, Alicia wondered how she was going to explain her failure to her lady. As she was about to begin to cry, Aldwyn asked, “Why are you still here? I gave you your leave and yet you remain. Is there something that binds you here?”
Alicia couldn’t answer. She was choking back her guilt. Her silence spoke more than anything to Aldwyn. Finally he broke the silence after slipping on his robe, “How about this. I’ll tell you what I think is going on and you tell me if I’m right. I think Sarah is just fine, and you traded duties with her anyways. I think you are here at your lady’s instruction, and you were supposed to seduce me in the hopes of gaining information from me, probably information regarding the lady’s future husband. I think that you just failed in your assignment because you are not a whore. I think that you are feeling ashamed right now and so should your lady for asking you to do such a thing. Am I right?”
With that Alicia couldn’t hold back any more and crouched to the floor sobbing. Aldwyn stepped to her side and cradled her. After a moment or so, Alicia regained her composure and, with a little help from Aldwyn, stood up from the floor.
“As fortune would have it,” he said, “I anticipated your lady’s request and I’ve had my agents in King Dietrich’s court preparing a report on this matter and the rider carrying it is due early this evening. Tell your lady that I will bring her the report after dinner.”
“Alicia,” Aldwyn spoke softly and kindly, “Look at me.” This time not needing further prompting, she raised her submissive blue eyes to his green ones. “If it means anything, you didn’t fail by much.” With that, he kissed her softly on her forehead. The fine hairs of his face slightly tickled her skin. He turned and left the bath to change into his clothes.
Standing alone in the fire light, Alicia’s mind was still spinning with all that had just happened when she heard a soft footstep behind her. She turned to see the intruder and out from one of the deep and long shadows of the room stepped the lady Isana, with silent tears in her eyes.
Alicia cast her eyes down, more in humiliation than respect. “Lady,” she choked out as Isana stepped towards her. Half expecting to be slapped for disobedience, Alicia braced herself in anticipation. Much to her surprise, Isana embraced her as child might embrace a cherished toy after long being lost.
Nearly sobbing, Isana cried into Alicia’s shoulder, “Please forgive me, please forgive me. Oh what have I done? What have I put you through?” The tearful young women stood there embracing each other, both trying to comfort and to beg pardon for their trespasses.
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