Sir Frank wanted his yacht moved to the Med from South Florida and that was all there was to it.
“Just get it done Phillip.” he barked.
Sir Frank was a man not to argue with, a self made multi millionaire who had no time for fools. We knew each other from way back at college and now both in our early 40’s we both had a good understanding of one another. He was a Brit, but had world wide connections.
We agreed the terms and I made a few phone calls to old sailing hands to get the job done.
Isn’t it always the way that just when you need someone they are doing something else far more important, for twice the money you have to offer.
So it was this time.
The only person on my list who jumped at the chance was Lisa or as I always called her Volcano tits. A lady roughly my age or there abouts, with a voluptuous figure and a wild sense of life. Of course her tits were her most outstanding points, well, maybe her smile as well.
I drove down to the marina and placed an add for 3 crew to sail to the Med, terms to be negotiated.
I now had the keys to the yacht, a fine 50 foot two masted vessel with a dark blue hull and white topsides.
Stepping aboard and opening the main hatchway I stepped down into a sumptuous main cabin area. It had chart table and plotting position close to the hatchway and a wet weather locker on the other side.
3 separate cabins, a galley (boats kitchen) and a huge main cabin area for lounging and dining.
She had all the electronics and gadgets you could wish for and world wide charts both electronic and paper. All I needed was the crew and away we go.
“Hi … Hi … anyone aboard,” I heard a shout from the marina.
I popped my head out the hatchway to find Lisa beaming a million watt smile back at me.
“Hi darling, nice to see you, step aboard and bring your two friends with you,” I chuckled.
“You cheeky barsteward,” she responded and gave my ass a squeeze as she passed.
“Coffee, Tea or something stronger?” I asked.
“Something stronger in the shape of a fit guy would do me fine,” she laughed.
“You still fit and horny are you?” I asked her.
“You bet I am,” she responded.
She was a great companion, she was intelligent without being a smart ass and comforting without being patronising.
“Who else is on this one then Phillip?” she asked.
“Dunno yet,” I replied “I still have to recruit them”
She ran through a half dozen names familiar to both of us, only for me to tell her they were all engaged elsewhere on more lucrative jobs.
We sat and chewed the fat for a while as we sipped iced tea from fine china cups ‘well done Sir Frank’ we both said to ourselves.
“I must be going now, shall I call back in tomorrow and see how your getting on?” she said.
“Yes do that Lisa, great to see you again and your two pals,” and I gave one of her tits a playful squeeze. She responded by grabbing my crutch gently and giving it a squeeze in return.
“Nice package,” she said smiling and walked off the boat down the decking.
“Hello any one there?” said a chirpy voice from the marina.
“Hi there and what can I do for you?” I responded.
Standing there was a guy about 6ft 3″ tall dark hair swarthy complexion, dressed in a sailing top and jeans.
“I’m here about the crew your looking for,” he said.
“Oh right, come aboard and lets chat,” I said
He stepped over the mooring lines and slid down the steps into the main cabin.
“Wow, nice boat you got here,” he said.
“Not my boat just a friends, sit down over there would you,” I told him.
We chatted about the what, where and how of his previous experience and he handed me the equivalent of his CV, a most unusual thing to do in the circumstances.
I took his address and phone number and told him I would be in touch.
He had hardly stepped ashore when a girl with an olive skin and black hair asked if I was the captain looking for a crew. I helped her aboard and asked all the usual questions about her past experience, I told her too that I would be in touch.
Within the space of 3 hours six men and woman had all been interviewed for the 3 jobs available. None stood out as experienced and safe crew to take on what was a substantial journey.
One or more of the new crew would have to be able to cook, that was a certainty. I was not a good cook and Lisa didn’t like cooking, although she could cook.
Hardly had my thoughts turned to Lisa and cooking as I felt the boat heal over as someone stepped onto the starboard side.
“Only me,” shouted Lisa, “Pirate coming aboard,” she chuckled and swung herself down into the cabin.
She pushed herself between the leather bench seat I was lounging on and the centre table and plonked down by my side, she gave my cock a playful squeeze as she did.
“My there’s a big boy,” she laughed.
My hand went to my cock and as if to check, I squeezed my own cock through my jeans.
“Well, I don’t know about that, but he’s sure not getting the exercise he tekirdağ escort wants,” I responded.
“Pour me a drink and maybe we might remedy that,” she winked cheekily and I got up and poured 2 whisky’s from the drinks cabinet.
We sipped the whisky and chatted some more and as we did Lisa slid along the bench seat and slowly rubbed my hardening cock through my jeans.
When she was happy there would be enough to play with she unzipped me and pulled him from my boxers.
“I had almost forgotten what an uncut cock looked like, but now I remember,” she laughed.
She worked her magic on him as she twisted and turned my foreskin over my now purple cock end. As she was playing with my cock I had managed to undo three buttons on her top and released her right tit out into the fresh air. Its hardened nipple stood proud of the smooth curve of her full tit. No wonder I had called her Volcano tits.
She lowered her head onto my cock end and lapped and sucked at it furiously. Almost as though there was a time limit to the whole thing. I couldn’t have cared less, it had been quite a while since I had had this treatment and she could do whatever she wanted to my cock as long as I shot my load. It took no time at all for me to slump back down onto the seat and just let her work her magic on it. Pulling and tugging at my cock until I unloaded a huge jet of creamy cum all over her face, hands, tit and blouse top.
“Wow, you did need that badly, didn’t you?” she exclaimed.
I nodded weakly and smiled as I saw a huge amount of cum dribbling everywhere.
“My turn now,” she said “you’re not the only one who needs a hand you know”.
My hand returned to her taught nipple and with my other hand I ventured into the front of her jeans. She obligingly wriggled her ass out of her jeans and pants as I continued to bury my fingers into her pussy and clit. It seemed to take only a few minutes to have her bucking and writhing on the end of my fingers as she yelped and squealed as she came and flooded my hand with her sticky cum juice.
“Good boy, good boy,” she smiled and laughed, “that was real good, I hope we get more as the journey goes on.”
“So do I, you haven’t lost your technique have you?” I asked.
“I had better get a sponge and sponge all this stuff off the seats or we could be stuck to them for a whole voyage,” she said.
She got a sponge from the galley cupboard and started to sponge the seating at which I was still sitting, I could almost guess what was coming next as she stretched out and rubbed my face with the sponge. I grabbed it from her and she ran forward to the next cabin, trying to shut the door but failing as I followed her into the room. I dropped the sponge and started to undo my belt and pants. I slipped off my jeans and unfastened the belt from the jeans.
“Now my girl your going to get a good thrashing,” and made out I was going to whip her with the belt.
“Oh no sir not another whipping oh God no!” she mockingly shouted.
She turned round and dropped her jeans to the floor. That was a bridge too far for me as I saw her plump rosy ass and the hint of pubic hair round her tight white cotton knickers.
I eased her pants aside and fingered her pussy with one hand as I grabbed at my stiff cock and placed him at her warm wet entrance.
I launched him into her pussy and grabbed both hips with my hands as he slid majestically into her.
“Oh yes give it to me baby , make me ride it,” she said as she pushed back hard onto my cock, which was by now buried up to the root into her tight warm pussy.
We worked up a rhythm as we fucked hard at it, she was pushing back in time to my forward thrusts and we were both enjoying it and sweating profusely as we thrashed at the fucking.
I could feel her pussy grabbing and clenching tightly round my cock as she reached her peak. I unloaded a massive creamy string of cum into her and continued riding her until she started to subside.
We both flopped onto the single bunk still locked in each others arms.
“My God I needed that, and you haven’t lost your touch, you barsteward,” she said.
“No and neither have you Volcano tits,” and I squeezed and massaged her tits.
I decide that Lisa would do some re interviews with me to sort the wheat from the chaff.
In the end we had 10 candidates and although some talked the talk, they were obviously not crew.
We decided that two short 3 hour trips with 5 of them on each trip would be the best test and the real world was always better than some talk up.
There were 5 guys on the first trip and on our return to shore we tied up and said our goodbyes to them.
“Jeez, if that’s the best you got to offer then it looks like we won’t be going anywhere,” said Lisa.
I looked dejectedly at her and shrugged my shoulders. What a bunch, they had obviously not got a clue between them.
The second 5 were much better the next day and out of those 5 three shone head and shoulders above the rest.
As we made our way back to the marina Lisa and I trabzon escort chatted about the 3. We had agreed in a second or two and I said I would tell the 3 they had the trip and tell the other two ‘nice try but no thank you’.
They turned out to be the big guy and the olive skinned girl and a freckle faced guy with short blonde hair. They were Dave, Jane and Guy and they were excited and thrilled to have been chosen. The two others a man and a girl were disappointed and asked to be remembered if we needed any more. I thanked them for their time and they left the boat and walked off down the marina.
The other three joined Lisa and I in the main saloon.
Dave had been to sea before as crew and had sailed round the Florida shores as had Jane. Guy had little experience but was very willing and eager to learn and he could cook.
He was asked to jot down a typical seafaring menu for a day and the results were just mouth-watering. Jane said she could cook, had cooked at sea, but didn’t want to be stuck with the cooking.
I gave them a sample watch pattern I had used before for a 5 ‘man’ crew trip which included all the cooking and washing up and cleaning duties necessary to keep a quality boat tidy and ship-shape. As well as the housekeeping duties they all had to muck in with the sailing tasks as well and I emphasised that this wasn’t a picnic.
I told them they should all report at 8 the next morning with wet weather gear and life jackets for a shake down cruise for a full 24 hours and let’s sort the men from the boys. I asked Guy to buy food for us all including beers and wines and gave him $200 reminding him I wanted some change.
They all left the boat including Lisa and I sat back at the chart table to work out the next days trip.
Within ten minutes Jane returned to the boat and said the other girl who had been on the boat had met her at the marina building and asked her if she would be prepared to split the crew job with her if she could get the trip – how did I feel about that?.
I said I didn’t really care but I would need to speak to her in person and check her out some before I said a positive yes to it all.
Jane said the girl was waiting on the pontoon and should she ask her aboard.
I told her to get her on board and that she should come in as well.
“What’s this all about?” I asked them both.
“I really want this and I was so disappointed that I felt I had to try to get on the trip,” the girl said.
“What about you Jane why should you do this, remember your pays cut in half but the works the same,” I asked.
“I just thought it would be good for the ship to have a better balance,” she said.
“Sorry Jane I decide what the ship needs not you,” I rapped “now what’s the real reason?”
“Ok ok I fancy her,” said Jane.
“Oh my God,” said the girl “I’m not gay or anything you know”.
“I thought, when we were out at sea you had your arm round me …..Oh I’m sorry I have misread the whole thing …. sorry,” Jane burbled.
“Look, I have no problem with this but I will have to let you two sort out that side of things, but I wont stand any nonsense at sea, you both understand that don’t you?” I said.
I told them to both turn up tomorrow at 8 and I would take a final judgement on it all tomorrow. They both left kind of embarrassed.
The next morning was bright, sunny and a good breeze about force 5. They all appeared on the pontoon in their wet weather gear of different colours and shades and all except one had a life jacket on.
“Where’s the life jacket Jane,” I asked.
“Sorry I don’t have one,” she said.
“Go to the chandlery to buy one and get back here pronto or your off the boat,” I shouted.
We started the engine ready to manoeuvre and the rest of the crew stood by the mooring lines ready to go.
5 Minutes then 10 minutes then 15 minutes and no Jane.
“Ok you guys lets cast off and go,” I shouted to them.
Jane came running down the pontoon and jumped aboard just at the bow rail, throwing herself onto the foredeck and panting and puffing.
“Sorry!” she shouted up to me.
“Get back here Jane, now!” I shouted back at her.
She stumbled past Dave and Sheila the 7th crew member, as she made her way to the stern.
“Look Jane, unless you get a grip of this your off O..F..F.. off, have I made myself clear to you?” I rasped.
“Sorry Phillip, I really am sorry,” she said sheepishly.
“I’m not interested anymore Jane, get on with the sailing, you have a lot of ground to make up here,” I said.
We made our way out of the marina under power and towards the open sea.
Lisa got them organised for getting the foresail up and then the reefed main sail.
“Ready when you are Lisa,” I shouted over the wind noise.
Lisa barked out orders to the crew and up went the sails and I stopped the engine.
The name of the game was to hoist sail, reef sail, change direction, tack, anchor, hoist the anchor and generally exhaust them to see how they faired.
The first hour sivas escort went well with everyone seeming to get a station to keep and a job to do and they almost seemed like a fully trained crew.
Jane seemed to struggle so I suggested she could make drinks for everyone.
She asked everyone what they wanted as though she were in a café.
“Jane, keep it simple, water or coffee is the choice, and there isn’t a menu on board!” I said.
“Sorry!” she responded.
“And stop saying SORRY!” I yelled.
Lisa came aft and peeked into the cabin to see what Jane was doing.
“She’s crying in there, you know?” she said.
“I’m past caring Lisa, she’s more trouble than value,” I responded.
Jane came out of the cabin with some mugs of coffee, it was obvious she had heard what I had said.
She handed out the coffee and Sheila comforted her on the fore deck.
“What do you think Lisa?” I asked.
“Ditch her, I’m sure your right,” Lisa replied.
Jane came towards me and asked whether she could have a private word with me in the main saloon.
I said yes and she went below.
“Lisa, take the helm and if I’m not out in an hour rescue me,” and I laughed.
I slid down the companionway into the saloon and as I did I closed the hatch behind me.
As soon as I had closed the hatch Jane slid off her sea trousers to reveal her black bush and almost at the same time she lifted her top to her neck and revealed two large self supporting tits. Her olive skin shone in the sunlight.
“I’m really really sorry I screwed up and if your going to ditch me Ok but I thought you might like a taste of young pussy first.” She whispered.
Well I wasn’t going to pass the opportunity to fuck this one and I lowered my sea trousers and pulled my cock out. I stepped up to her and she leaned back on the centre table. I rubbed her pussy with my right hand and grabbed her right tit with my left hand. She was hot wet and waiting, I slid the first two inches into her and she moaned. She got all the rest in one straight slick slippery move. As the boat rolled and pitched I fucked her for all I was worth and she loved it.
“Spray it all over my tits … please,” she begged.
I did just that, as I reached a peak with my cock thundering in and out of her tight wet pussy, I pulled all the way out and a string of cum shot all over her tits, stomach and pussy hair.
I said “Now don’t do it again,” in a mocking loud voice.
I pulled up my sea trousers and fastened them over my shoulders, Jane went to the heads (Ships toilet) to wash.
I skipped up on deck and Lisa gave me one of her looks.
Guy went into the galley and was soon doing his thing with the food. We took several course changes and hoisted and lowered sail and things were looking quite good.
“Lunch is ready skip,” said Guy poking his head out of the saloon.
“OK first sitting for lunch is ready,” I shouted out and 4 of them went below for their lunch.
In 40 minutes I shouted into the saloon, “OK you lazy set get out here and let me get mine.”
“Wow, nice meal,” said Dave as he came out on deck.
“Yeh, first class,” said Sheila as she came up on deck rubbing her stomach in appreciation.
“Was it good Lisa?” I asked.
“You picked a winner there,” she said and took the helm from me.
“Glad to see I did something right,” I responded.
I went below and sat at the centre table, Jane sat opposite me and Guy served up our soup starters. He had done some crusty French bread and butter rolls in the centre of the table.
I was about to start mine when Jane’s foot came up my thigh and went straight onto my cock. Guy hadn’t noticed as he sat at the table end next to the galley.
“This is good Guy,” I said.
“Thanks it’s a combination of bought soup with special additions,” he said.
“It tastes beautiful,” said Jane, rubbing her foot even harder over my bulging cock.
I was having difficulty concentrating on my food as she rubbed away skilfully with her foot.
Guy stood up collected our plates and brought in our mains. We had steamed fish, new potatoes and young carrots a treat if ever I saw it and of course there was the choice of beer or wine. I chose a small glass of wine, Jane chose a huge glass of white wine.
“Not a good idea at lunchtime Jane,” I scolded.
“Why?” she queried.
“You’ll see, you’ll see,” I said and laughed as I finished up my plate.
After wiping my plate with some left over crusty bread I stood up from the table.
“You’ve passed with flying colours Guy, I’ll get someone to wash up for you,” I said.
“Why thank you sir,” he said “but if you don’t mind I’ll do the washing up myself.”
“OK if you insist,” I said.
I was about to set off out the saloon when I noticed Guy looking at my crutch area. My cock was tenting my pants and I had to readjust myself before stepping out on deck.
“Good choice eh Lisa?” I said to her.
“Spot on,” she replied, ” best ships food I’ve had in a long time.”
Jane looked as sick as a dog, chiefly because of all the wine she had drunk.
We raced, we pottered around, we dropped anchor, we sailed lazily along and then about 4pm I set course back to the marina and in about an hour we were tied alongside our berth.
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