Bruges,(or Brugge as it spelled in Belgium) is pronounced Brooshz. It is an enchanted city and the inspiration for this story.
The streets of Brugge were quiet. Summer had settled in, and a blazing August had sent many Belgians to the shore in Oostende for holiday.
Jillian Treger could hear the click of her heels echo on the centuries old cobblestone. The day was turning dusky, and the lights that shone on the churches and restaurants frequented by tourists had begun to shed a muted glow onto the cut stone. Water gently rippled through the canals that were the veins and arteries of the city. Jillian could understand why Brugge was sometimes referred to as the “Venice of the North.”
As a financial analyst for a large investment firm, Jillian spent most of her time in New York City parked behind her Dell laptop. When it was announced that the quarterly staff meeting for her division would be held at a company location in Brugge, Belgium, she was ecstatic. What a lovely destination for her first trip to Europe!
As she turned onto Sint-Amandsstraat the delicious aroma of chocolate invaded her senses. It seemed every other quaint shop in the medieval town was a chocolaterie. The molds displayed in the windows varied from flower petals and woven baskets to panties and corsets, all intricately made with white, milk and dark chocolates. The heavy glass door of one such establishment still hung open, and she stole inside.
The shop was full of sweet treats. Candies, toffee, caramel and chocolates were all exquisitely displayed, and some were already gift wrapped. The glass display case running the length of the counter was full of candies. Jillian strolled its length to see what had been made fresh that day.
It wasn’t long before she was greeted by a cheerful female voice. “Bon soir, Mademoiselle,” an elderly woman said to her.
“Bon soir,” Jillian replied with a smile. “Parlez vous Englais?” Jillian knew only French basics where the language was concerned and had no hope of carrying on meaningful conversation with the woman.
“Yes, I do,” came the reply in a heavy but very understandable accent. One of the reasons Jillian had been excited about going to Brugge was the fact that most Belgians spoke several languages. It was not unusual to encounter men and women that spoke German, French, English and the native language, Flemish.
“Thank you so much.” Jillian said to her. “I would love several pieces of your darkest chocolate.”
“Of course my dear.” The woman smiled as she spoke. “Are you here on holiday?”
Jillian kept looking in the glass case as she made conversation. “No, I’m here working. I decided to take a walk this evening to see the city at night.”
The old woman winked when Jillian made eye contact with her. “Brugge is a magical city,” she said. “Anything can happen here.”
Jillian smiled at the woman and paid closer attention to her face. She was old, but there was something youthful about her eyes that made her take notice and stare for a few seconds. They were a light cornflower blue, and very clear. The skin on her face was lined and leathered, and her teeth were a bit stained and uneven. Yet there was something bright and sprightly about her demeanor that didn’t quite fit.
Curious about the woman, Jillian began asking her questions like how long had she lived in Brugge, did she own the shop, how long had she owned it, and so on. The woman’s eyes twinkled as she answered the questions, working as she spoke to gather the chocolate Jillian had requested.
“You know,” the old woman remarked coyly, “it has been my experience that dark chocolate lovers harbor deep and secret desires.”
“Well,” Jillian answered her playfully, “I have been know to harbor some secret desires, like all women I suppose.”
“Yes my dear,” the old woman’s face crinkled a bit, “but some of us have a natural talent for making them come to life. I suspect you are one of these women.”
Jillian smiled at her and thought briefly about her secret desires. She had always easily attracted men and had done most everything she thought she wanted to do sexually. She never thought of herself as beautiful, but she had to admit that sometimes she believed in pheromones. She’d been hit on countless times in the grocery store wearing no make up, bed head and old sweats. Her friends teased her that she had a “Fuck Me” sign on her forehead that only the male species could read.
The old woman caught Jillian’s eye and asked her if there was anything else she wanted. Jillian thought to herself that that was all the chocolate she wanted, but she was thinking she would love one of her secret desires to play out on this lovely European evening. “No, Madame,” she replied to the woman, “what do I owe you?”
“Seven euro fifty sil vous plait,” came the response. “And, on your first bite, think about your desires. Many wonderful things come to pass in Brugge.” With that, the old woman winked, took her money from Jillian genç porno and drifted into the back of the store.
Back on Sint-Amandsstrat Jillian once again took in the sights. She loved the sound of the echo her shoes made, as well as the varying chatter and music she heard as she passed the dozens of bistros and beer bars. She saw a string quartet playing in a courtyard a block ahead and found a bench to sit on so she could sit and listen. Without thinking, she reached her hand into her bag and removed a piece of the chocolate she had purchased.
Just as her teeth were sinking in she remembered the old woman and stopped. Giggling to herself she decided she would indeed think about a scenario she would love to have happen to her while she took her first bite. Sex with a woman? A threesome? Jillian was adventurous and playful so she began to think out of the box. Something public. She had never been watched during sex. She had always thought it would be fun to be the sole object of attention, say, at a sex club. Then she thought why not combine the threesome with the club scene?
As Jillian bit into that delectable first bite of 77% cocoa dark chocolate she saw the most luscious vision in her mind. Then she heard the most luscious voice and she had to think hard about whether it was in her head or real.
“Mademoiselle? May I sit?”
Jillian was stunned. A man she would place in his mid-forties, very good looking and apparently alone was asking if he could share her bench. “Please,” she gestured. “I’ve just been taking in the sights.”
“As have I,” he replied. He sounded American to her. “This is my last night here on business,” he continued. “Finally made it out to see the city.”
Jillian made small talk but all the while she couldn’t help thinking there was something special in the works. This man wore no wedding ring and was just her type as looks go. His grey eyes were set perfectly by his salt and pepper hair, his jaw was very square and his lips looked ridiculously kissable inside a perfectly trimmed goatee. They introduced themselves and she found herself using his name as she spoke. Tom.
Perhaps 45 minutes went by and Jillian found herself on her way to a bar for a cocktail with her new friend. Again, she was struck by his mannerisms — holding the door for her, his hand guiding her by the small of her back, finding her a seat at the bar while he stood until another opened. They talked of movies and books, theatre and travel. As the moments ticked by she could feel the eye contact intensifying and she found her hand grazing his often. As she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror behind the bar she couldn’t help but notice they were a handsome pair.
As Tom was ordering their 2nd round of drinks she heard his name being called. She turned toward the voice and saw tall blonde gentleman making his way through the crowd towards them. Tom turned and instantly smiled. “Mike!” he grinned. “Didn’t think you were going to make it out!”
Tom introduced Mike to Jillian and explained he was Mike’s boss. He had stayed late to finish up loose ends before their flight back to the States the next afternoon.
Mike absolutely knocked Jillian’s socks off. He was late thirties at best, a smile that made a woman melt because it seemed he was only smiling for her. His eyes were hazel, a nice contrast to his sun bleached hair. Jillian realized he looked to her like the world famous surfer Laird Hamilton. His disposition was fun and playful, he made jokes easily. A couple of times he brushed away stray hairs that had fallen towards her face. That was when she thought about that bite of chocolate.
Right in front of her were two attractive men, both seemingly very interested in her. Mike however was wearing a wedding ring … not that that ever stopped a man from sampling other goods! As if reading her mind, Mike suggested the trio move on to another bar he knew of just a few blocks away. Jillian thought for a moment about being too cavalier with men she’d just met in Europe, Americans or not. But, they didn’t give her a menacing vibe, and the martini’s helped also to put her at ease.
The walk was fun. Jillian locked arms with Mike, while Tom stayed on her right and occasionally put his arm around her when he wasn’t moving aside for oncoming foot traffic. They were all enjoying their martini highs, and Jillian in particular was starting to wonder as to where they were going. Mike had a twinkle in his eye when he mentioned moving on to another place, and she thought she saw a look of acknowledgement in Tom’s eye too… but it was fleeting and she dismissed it.
As the threesome made their way through Brugge, the streets began to become less populated, and the last two turns made Jillian a bit nervous, even though she was accompanied by two men. It was dark, alley like, and silent. Tom took her hand and led her to a stairwell that went downwards, towards a sunken entrance. He knew instantly where to turn. full hd porno So he did know where they were going!
The doorway was dimly lit by a dangling overhead lamp. There was an electronic gadget to slide a card through, like an ATM machine. Tom reached into his wallet and withdrew a white plastic card — it had no writing on it, just a magnetic strip to be read. He swiped it, and instantly the door clicked so he could open it. Jillian must have had a look of apprehension on her face. Tom took her chin in his hand. “You’ve trusted us this far,” he cooed to her, “trust us now.”
His grey eyes were gleaming, even in the dirty incandescent light. Jillian followed him in. Mike brought up the rear and pulled the door shut behind them.
As they walked into a dark corridor, motion activated lights came on, then went off after they had passed. Jillian began to hear music. It was jazz based, but more up-tempo and electronic — purely a European vibe. Another door, another card swipe. They were in.
As the door slid closed behind them, Mike turned to Jillian. “You will never forget your visit here, my dear. Take it all in.”
That being said, Jillian’s jaw slowly but surely hit the floor. There was so much happening she couldn’t focus at first. She re-grouped, and then began again looking slowly from left to right. She saw couples kissing, but, then switching partners. No one was completely naked, yet breasts and cocks were exposed, with lots of sucking, licking and stroking going on. Then, the realization that this was a club for threesomes hit her like a thunderbolt. Each group of “lovers” was three, either two men with a woman or two women with one man.
Tom placed his hand on the small of Jillian’s back and guided her to an open table. Mike pulled out a chair for her and she sat down slowly. She was still looking around, mesmerized by the sights and sounds of such open, free sex. An oil lamp burned dimly at the table.
A blonde in a tasteful mini skirt and white blouse stopped at the table and asked if she could bring the group cocktails. Mike spoke up and ordered dirty martinis for the three of them, each with olives and a wedge of lime. After ordering, he leaned in close to Jillian.
“This place stays open all night. We will move at your pace, no expectations. If it’s just a drink, then so be it. However, since you haven’t bolted for the door yet, I’ll assume you’re ok with staying.” He grinned sheepishly at her, and planted the softest of kisses on her cheek.
Jillian was reeling. This was the most erotic, most exciting thing ever to happen to her sexually. She was attracted to both men, and in a place where inhibitions could be set free. It didn’t take long for her to realize she was more than ok with staying. She thought again to that piece of chocolate and her wish. Here she was in a public venue where she could act out her fantasies with two men. Magical.
She was coy at first, sipping drinks and engaging the men in fun, playful conversation. She soon found herself drawn to Tom’s sexy mouth. His lips looked so soft, but strong and very masculine. Jillian leaned in to him, slowly, never taking her eyes from his lips. As her mouth met his, electricity sizzled between them. It was slow at first, but when their tongues found one another, passion set in. The evening was just beginning for Jillian.
As she sank deeper into her kiss with Tom, she realized Mike was moving his hands around her waist, slowly working his way up towards her breasts. He was sitting next to her but slightly behind, and he began to kiss her shoulders in a way she just loved. She was thankful that the halter top she was wearing left her shoulders bare for Mike’s lips. She was also acutely aware of the wetness in her panties. Jillian thought she must be in heaven, or at least in heat!
As the drinks settled in, the rest of club just faded away. Occasionally Jillian would glance left or right, only to see women sucking cocks of all sizes, and men with their tongues licking nipples or buried in a perfectly shaved pussy. Her vision would quickly fade however when the sensations of being with her two men began to overtake her.
Just as she had taken the lead in kissing Tom, she decided she would make the first move and run her hand along what was an obvious hard on. Tom moaned as stroked him through his slacks, and Mike whispered in her ear that he couldn’t wait to fuck her for all to see. Jillian couldn’t wait either.
She stood up, slowly, and sat on the table. Tom moved the empty martini glasses and pushed her back so she sat squarely in the middle. She noticed how solid the base was. All the tables were bolted to the floor so they could be used for just this purpose.
Mike stood up and kissed her hard. There was no slow introduction like she’d had with Tom. He held her head in his hands, his tongue exploring her mouth fervently. She could feel a hand sliding up her thigh, pushing her skirt toward her hips. gangbang porno Mike untied her halter, letting the ties fall aside to expose her breasts.
Tom looked up and smiled. “Jillian, those are the most beautiful tits.” To punctuate the sentiment Mike moved his mouth to her right nipple while Tom slid a hand up to tease the left one. She felt she was absolutely gushing from her insides with wet, hot juice for these amazing men. She parted her legs as Tom’s other hand began to slide her panties down her legs, and to the floor.
Mike stayed with her lips and her nipples while Tom began to lick the wetness from her thighs. She was dizzy with emotion. Jillian dropped her head back and Tom’s tongue made its way to her swollen clit. As she opened her eyes, the room appeared upside down. Men fucking women, screams, pants, sighs, moans … all blended together and became the background music in the club.
Suddenly Tom pulled her toward him, forcing her to lay on her back. He fell to his knees and buried his face in her pussy. She began to feel the urge to pump her hips into his face. Mike came around to Jillian’s lips, showering her with kisses. He undid his belt, and zipper, and pulled his ample cock out for her to taste. And so, with her legs spread wide being eaten as she had never been before, Mike placed his cock into her mouth. She felt her threesome had become official.
Mike’s cock was warm and large, and she could taste the slightest bit of precum at its tip. She could smell the sweet scent of his cologne in his pubic hair. He began to fuck her mouth in a most sensual, erotic way. His hands were in her hair pulling her face into his crotch. She never for one moment felt sleazy or whorish, just sexy, erotic and alive.
Tom never let up. His warm hot breath was intoxicating as he blew on her clit, then licked her lips and down to her tight ass hole. She could feel a finger slide into her pussy, driving her wild. She thought she felt pressure near her anus … then slowly she felt a fullness she’d never experienced in her life. Tom was sliding a finger slowly, gently, into her ass. Her first inclination was to pull away, but as he licked her clit and fingered her willing pussy, she found herself pushing into his finger, burying it deeper into her ass hole. The feeling made her intensify her cock sucking.
Mike began to pull out of her mouth. “Darling I don’t want to cum yet,” he said to her playfully. “Right now I want to watch you cum.”
With that said Mike sucked on her nipples and rolled them skillfully between his fingers. Tom’s amazing efforts were paying off, and she could feel a powerful orgasm welling up inside of her. Her hips began to buck and she could hear herself moaning loudly, but feeling separated from the sound of it. As she exploded in Tom’s mouth, she screamed and writhed on the cocktail table. She came for what felt like an eternity, reaching down to pull Tom’s face deeper into her. Mike never stopped toying with her nipples and the sensations continued to flow. Her top pulled down, her skirt hiked up; she loved what she looked like, what she felt like. She was a toy for these amazing men, as they were for her.
Tom finally showed his glistening face to her. He was smiling at her and looked beyond sexy in her eyes. He bent down to kiss her, and she licked her own juices from his face. His five o’clock shadow was sneaking up onto his face and it was rough on her tongue. How she had loved it on her pussy! He kissed her deeply and whispered to her how she tasted like honey.
Tom pulled her up so she was sitting up right again. “Please,” Jillian said, “I need one of you inside of me. Now.”
“You did all the work,” said Mike to Tom. “You go first.”
Jillian noticed Tom’s cock was already out of his unzipped fly. He had been stroking himself while he was licking her pussy. In one deft movement Tom grabbed her legs and flipped her over. She landed on her full breasts, catching herself with her hands. Tom pulled her back, and without hesitation filled her with his pulsing hard on. He felt huge to her and filled her wall to wall. It was amazing to be manhandled in such a way.
He stroked in and out of her hot and hard, using her hole to satisfy him. Once again he slid a finger into her waiting ass and he fucked her like he knew she needed to be fucked. His balls were hitting her clit with each rough stroke and he could tell she loved it.
Meanwhile, Mike walked up to her face, and once again brought his cock to her mouth. She parted her lips for him, and began sucking hard. All Jillian wanted now was to be filled and covered with cum from these sexy men.
She could feel Tom’s strong hands holding her hips to him while his thrusts became stronger and deeper. Mike held her head and fucked her face just as hard. Just as she was going to tell them she was overwhelmed, her mouth began to fill with hot fluid. She swallowed as much as she could, but felt the overflow dripping down her chin. As she looked up at Mike’s satisfied expression she felt Tom pull hard one last time before filling her pussy with his seed. He groaned and grunted, and as she turned around to see him she saw a face as sexy as any she’d ever seen. Her pussy had satiated him and she loved the thought of that.
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