She was back the next day, waiting for me in the parking lot. This time, I popped the trunk without being asked.
“So how did your date go?” I asked.
“You mean, did we fuck?” she asked in a low voice.
“I mean, how did it go? I don’t care whether you fucked, I care about whether you enjoyed yourself.”
“Well, as a matter of fact, I did enjoy it, for a while, and yes, we fucked. That part didn’t go so good. I’ll tell you about it on the beach, if you’re interested. Let’s go. I’m horny as hell now.”
“Just at the sight of me? We haven’t even kissed.”
She kissed me. “That’s only made it worse! Actually, I was getting off on the motorcycle ride. I usually don’t, but I almost came just from the motor. That bike’s a damned expensive vibrator, but it works.”
We made our way to the nude beach, where we stripped again. She wasn’t kidding about being horny; her panties were soaked with her cum. “C’mon,” she said as I doffed my shorts and shirt. “I don’t want people on this beach to see me with my pussy so wet.”
When we got to our usual space on the “private” beach, she spread out her towel and we oiled each other up. There was none of the coyness she’d showed yesterday. Once our backs were oiled, rolled me onto my back and went straight for my dick. It was hard right away, and she simply sat down on it, forcing it into her. God, she was wet! As she bounced down on top of me, she was rubbing her clit. I watched her breasts bounce as she bounced. I was doing everything I could to slow my orgasm, but nothing was working, and I groaned, “Liz. I’ve gotta cum.” Just then, she came, and her juices trickled down my balls onto the towel. I released my load into her, but I doubt that she even felt it. She was trembling, her eyes were closed, and she was rubbing her tits as if feeling them for the first time. Then she just sort of flopped down on me, putting her full weight on my chest, and I felt her cunt muscles relax, then slowly tense, and then relax again, over and over, as though she was milking my cock to get all the jism out. I felt it slip out of her, and then she gave a long, low laugh.
“God, that was good!” she said. “I needed that!”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t last longer, Liz. I was doing everything I could to stall. Thinking about garbage. Thinking about work. Thinking about bills. Nothing helped.”
“Don’t worry. It was just what I wanted.”
“Better than yesterday?”
“Not better. Different, though. It was like thirst.”
“How so?”
“Well, when you’re really thirsty, you know, you just want water and lots of it. That’s what today was. Yesterday, it was wine, not water. I didn’t want to drink it so fast. I wanted to sip it, and savor it, discover its overtones and aftertastes.”
“So what was your fuck last night? Wine or water?”
“Flat Seven-Up!” she snorted. “We went to my place after dinner. I wanted him to wear a condom, but he bitched about it. He swore he was clean, but I didn’t believe him, so I insisted. Anyway, we fucked, and he was like ‘Let me take it off. Let me really feel you,’ and like that. I was almost cumming when he came; I was that close! And when he took the rubber off, I could see a sore on the underside of his dick. ‘What’s that?’ I said, and he said it was nothing, it was something he always had. That sonofabitch had kayseri escort herpes, or worse, and he wouldn’t tell me!”
“And that tore it for you?”
“It sure killed the mood. And then, he had the nerve to ask me if his cock was the best I’d ever had. I said, ‘I had a better cock than that just a few hours ago,’ and I told him about our fucking on the beach. He hit the roof, got all possesive, told me that he expected me to be faithful to him. After one fuck! I told him to get out, so he did.”
She paused, and then continued. “I really needed a climax, but not with him. I got out the old rabbit and got off, but I kept thinking about how different it would have been with you.”
“If it makes you feel better, I jacked off twice last night thinking about you.”
“Listen, I’m wondering something. I asked you for your medical record, and you got it to me right away. But how come you didn’t ask for one in return?”
“I trusted you. I figured that you knew the importance of taking care of yourself, and that you were used to taking care of yourself. The karate, the way you take care of your bike. Your carefulness about me. You came across as a person who doesn’t let these details slide.”
“You seem the same way. and to prove I trust you, I’ll do something for you that I wouldn’t do to that other guy.” And with that, she took my cock, still slimy with her juices, into her mouth and gently sucked on it.
The feeling was exquisite. And to cap it off, she slid a finger up my ass and gently massaged my prostate. I was hard again in seconds. There was no hurry, no urgency. I surrendered to the sensation, and to the breeze, and the sun, and the crash of the surf. It was the complete moment, except for one thing. I had to taste her pussy again.
“Let me eat you as you blow me,” I begged. She shifted position to allow me access to her cunt and resumed sucking. The musky taste of her juices, the silky softness of her folds, the tartness of my own cum as it streamed from her pussy, ratched up my lust another notch. But I was teasing her as she teased me.
At some point, I realized that Alison and Barry were there, looking at us. I smiled, and they smiled back. Barry was standing behind Alison, lifting and kneading her breasts and pinching her nipples as she parted the folds of her cunt with one hand and caressed her clit with the other. I couldn’t see Barry’s dick at firt; it might have been inside her ass for all I knew. Then I saw the cap protruding from between Alison’s legs, under her slot, appearing and disappearing has he stroked her perineum with it. Then Liz took her mouth from my cock, kissed me on the lips, lay on her back, and spread her legs. “Fuck me now. Nice and slow.”
“Barry and Alison…” I said.
“..want a show,” Liz finished. “Let’s give them one!”
If it had been yesterday, I might have refused. But now all I could think of was getting inside that wet pussy again and fucking it silly. I slid my cock into her vagina and again she signaled the pace she wanted by the clenching of her vaginal muscles. Impossibly slow, I thought at first, but I took her cue. She responded by digging her heels into the back of my thigh. She was right about the tempo; it was almost like being in a rocking boat or a swinging hammock. I would get her to the point of the orgasm, then back kıbrıs escort off a little. Somewhere in there, Alison came with a gasp. And then Barry came; I saw her hand reaching down to press his cock against her hole to increase the friction, and then his cock squirted glob after glob of yellow-white cum on to the warm sand. Alison turned around and they embraced, tuning us out of their private ecstasy.
“I wonder if that will be us in twenty years?” Liz murmured into my ear.
“We could do worse,” I whispered back. “Are you ready to cum again?”
She closed her eyes and smiled, and I felt her heels digging into my thighs again, and he hands on my ass, pressing me. I sped up the thrusting and she followed suit. Then she came with a wail, a fierce hug, and a grip on my cock that could have squashed a banana. I let her orgasm subside, and then she growled, “Again!” I could only manage another two or three thrusts before I came, sparking a second peak of her climax. We were breathing as one, clenching as one, and finally relaxing as one. I looked up, and our friends were gone.
Liz kissed me and said, “Now that was wine!”
“It was indeed! Now it’s my turn to say, ‘That was the best fuck I’ve ever had in my life.’ You are amazing, Liz! I’ve never met a woman who could use her cunt muscles like you can!”
We held each other for a while, and then got up to stretch our legs and take a swim. Alison and Barry were already in the water. The woman came up to me and said, “I’m glad you got over your shyness! That was the hottest thing we’ve seen in a long time!”
“The pleasure was ours. I didn’t know I had that exhibitionist streak in me, but you guys were the perfect first audience.”
“For you, you mean. We’ve seen Liz wank before, but never get it on with a guy.”
“You’ve seen her wank?”
“Oh, sure! She’d love to do it in front of us. And it always got Barry super-horny.”
“Did you feel…threatened in any way?”
“Like she was making a move on my man? Oh, hell, no! Liz wouldn’t take it farther without my permission, and Barry never asked. She made that clear even before I brought it up. She’s such a sweet girl! You know, it does my heart good to see that she’s finally found a lover she can share with us. And frankly, my dear, you are a stud! It’s always a pleasure to see another man who really knows how to use his cock!”
Liz and I swam for a while and chatted with the older couple. Then we returned to our towels, re-applied the lotion, and fucked some more. This time, I wasn’t in a hurry to cum, So I teased her, going in just a little way, letting the ridge of my cap glide against her G-spot. I timed my thrusts to the sound of the waves. They say that every seventh wave is the strongest one, so I made that seventh wave the only time I’d fully enter her. Then six more shallow thrusts, one deep thrust, and so on. She was cumming again, with sharp little climaxes instead of big ones, which she showed with hugs, shivers, and clenches of her cunt. I’d let each climax subside, and slowly work my way up to full thrusts again, timing my strokes with the waves. We went on like this for a half an hour, maybe more. She seemed to reach another plateau of arousement, one of a continuous orgasm washing across her. At last, she moaned, “Let’s finish this. My cunt’s starting to hurt.” konya escort So I gave a half dozen more deep thrusts in a row and shot my load as she chuckled.
“Water or wine?” I breathed.
“Cognac! Little sips of heaven! I didn’t know I could last that long, after two fucks. How did you do it?”
“You did it, dear. I just helped set the pace, that’s all. Thanks for taking it slow this time. It really helped me last.”
She moved to a sitting position, put on her hat and sunglasses, and drew her legs against her body, hugging them with her arm but leaving her feet spread apart somewhat, allowing me to see her cunt with our juices oozing out of it onto the towel. “You know, with you it’s easy. That guy last night. He was like so many others. All urgency, get in, squirt, and the curtain comes down and the band goes home. I tell them I need more, and they get defensive, like I’ve insulted their manliness. With you, I don’t even think about it. I know you’ll get me there.”
“I can’t believe you’re so…orgasmic. For a while, I thought you had to be faking them!”
She laughed. “How do you know I wasn’t? But, no, they were real. All of them. You were so into what I was feeling that I thought you deserved to know what was working and what wasn’t. I can’t lie to you, Dick, or keep anything from you. That would be so shitty.”
She paused, as if to collect her thoughts. “I wasn’t always so orgasmic. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older. But I didn’t really unlock it until I started coming to the beach here and wanking. I just told myself to enjoy my body, not worry about anything, let it happen. Feel the sun. Hear the waves. No pressure, nobody else to please but me. That’s when I started to really notice my orgasms and how they differed. Wine, water, Champaigne, whiskey. Flat Seven-Up.” We laughed. “Now you’ve got me wondering what else I’ve got in that liquor cabinet of mine. It’s like there’s a whole ‘nother compartment, and you have the key!”
“I’d like to find out, too, as long as you keep giving me a sip.”
“A sip? I’ll get you stinking drunk, Dick!”
“You already have, dear. Please don’t ever let me get sober again!”
“You may be drunk, but I’m hungry. Let’s take another swim and then get something to eat.”
“Is that a date?” I asked.
“Dinner and a show.”
“A show?”
“Back at my place. I want to introduce you to Mr. Bunny, my vibrator. He’s my best friend, next to you. But I want him to meet the competition.”
“Well, I’ll have to get a rain check on that. I have to be on the boat at five tomorrow morning, and there’s no way in Hell that I could leave you that early. And it’s going to be a grueling day, and I’ve got to get some sleep before then.”
OK, then. Just dinner. When do you get time off next?”
“When I come back, on Saturday, probably around mid-morning. Meet you at the gate again at noon then?”
“Absolutely. Now let’s get going.”
And that’s how the day ended, with another swim and an excellent dinner at one of the local bistros. I can’t remember what we talked about, because all I remember were those beautiful eyes looking at me and, when we parted, those lips kissing me. Then she smiled, and tucked something into my pocket. “Have a good trip,” she said. “See you on Saturday.” And then she was off on her bike. When I checked my pockets, I found her panties, with her cum still damp on them. She’d taken them off in the lady’s room. I imagined her roaring down the road, the motor’s vibrations on her bare cunt, muffled only by her motorcycle pants.
It was going to be a very long week.
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