A Visitor For Jaina Pt. 04


Life has a way of getting in the way, sometimes. I started this final “chapter” of Aaron’s/Jaina’s story immediately after the previous “chapter” a year ago. In between work and life, I have finally had a chance to finish this chapter. Because of the length of time, you may want to go back and at least read the 3rd chapter if not the full story up to this point. This part is much longer than my previous parts and focuses very little on sex. But I have found in my readings on Literotica, the stories don’t always need to be about sex. In fact, very beautiful stories can be told with very little, if any, sex. I sincerely hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy getting to know the characters as much as I enjoyed creating them. Please feel free to message me directly with any comments or suggestions. There will be more stories to follow. Some featuring characters already developed and others introducing new characters. Some being in the Transgender/Crossdresser category and some being in other categories. Some will focus on the more arousing aspects while others will focus more on telling a story. All of them, however, will be set in the same “universe”, so to speak, and all of them will be coming from the heart. With that…I hope you enjoy.

Jaina Tahiri


It was still dark when I woke from a dream, although it might have been a nightmare. I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was only 4:57. I had been asleep for a little less than four hours. Shayla and Rachel tried to get me to stay the night with them, and as much as I wanted to remain Jaina for the rest of the night, I wanted to sleep even more. They understood, and I put myself through the makeup removal routine Rachel had taught me, remembering to wash my face, use my face cream, and moisturize before collapsing on my bed, exhausted in more ways than one.

My dream had been very vivid. I was here, in Shane and Rachel’s hotel suite, getting ready as Jaina. There was a knock at the door, and I offered to answer it, wanting to put my crossdressing to the test and see how passable I was as a woman. I looked through the peep hole in the door and saw nothing. As I moved away from the door to head back to my room, there was another knock. Still nothing when I looked through the peep hole, but I could hear shuffling on the other side of the door. I swung the door open, trying to surprise whoever was on the other side, and I came face to face with Traci. She looked at me as though she recognized me but couldn’t quite put a finger on where she recognized me from.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I must have the wrong suite,” she said as she looked around.

That was when I woke up.

Through the darkness I could just make out the outline of my white satin and lace babydoll draped over the back of the chair where I left it when I removed it. Draped over the babydoll were the stockings I had worn. On the floor next to the chair were my shoes and the panties I had worn. Seeing everything made me smile as I thought about the previous few hours, when I experienced what was quite possibly the most amazing sex, the most amazing orgasms ever.

Rachel had somewhat introduced me to ass play. She fingered my ass and probed my prostate, enhancing the feeling of my orgasm. As if that couldn’t be topped, she and Shayla introduced me to the world of toys. There was one in particular that I tried before fucking Shayla’s ass. It was a silicone butt plug of sorts, but the plug was shaped more like a finger. Attached to the plug was a cockring. I placed the cockring around my cock and balls and the plug in my ass. Because of the way they were attached, any movement by my cock and balls moved the plug, creating the sensation of being fingered, but better.

The cockring made me larger. It didn’t add length, but it added girth. And it added sensitivity. When she saw it, Shayla was eager to have it in her ass, and Rachel made it known she wanted some of it also. The orgasm I experienced when I fucked Shayla was like no orgasm I had ever had, not even the one Rachel brought me to. This orgasm was intense, the feeling so pleasurable I honestly thought I might pass out. I didn’t know it was possible for a man to feel that much pleasure, but this orgasm lasted even after I had stopped coming and had deposited my load in Shayla’s ass. For several seconds after I came and the sensation would have normally worn off, I still felt like I was in the middle of an orgasm.

I decided it was close enough to my normal wake-up time, so I crawled out of bed. I had already planned to talk to Shane and Rachel about Traci and get their thoughts on how, or even if, I should tell her I was a bisexual crossdresser who very much enjoyed sucking and fucking another bisexual crossdresser.

I turned on the shower to let the water warm up while I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything from my neck down had been waxed the day before. I ran my hands over my chest, my arms, Kemer travesti my legs. Everything still baby smooth. Even when I used Nair for Men, after a few hours it wasn’t uncommon to feel a few small bumps where the hair was beginning to poke through. According to Shane and Rachel, it would be at least a couple of weeks before I felt anything. My face was starting to show signs of a 5 o’clock shadow, but shaving could wait. I would be doing an extra close shave later in the afternoon as I got ready for my first public appearance as Jaina.

I hopped in the shower and let the water run over my body for a couple of minutes. Even the water hitting my body felt different after the waxing. I wasn’t as sensitive as even a few hours ago, but my senses were still heightened at the absence of hair. As I washed my face I wondered if I should take Shane’s advice and go with laser hair removal treatments. I had never been a fan of facial hair and had never so much as tried to grow a mustache, even when I hit puberty and it seemed all pubescent boys tried to grow mustaches to show off their newly acquired manhood.

I finished showering then got dressed and headed downstairs to make coffee and see what there was for breakfast. I got the coffee going and looked in the refrigerator. I was surprised and pleased to find it was fully stocked. There was bacon, two different kinds of sausage, ham, eggs, fresh fruit and vegetables, various cheeses, milk, and three different kinds of juice. I checked the pantry and found pancake mix, waffle mix, and various kinds of cereal. If there was pancake mix and waffle mix, then I assumed there had to be a stovetop griddle and a waffle iron. After checking the cupboards, I found both of those items, plus several other pots and pans of different sizes. I decided I would be making breakfast for the three of us.

I mixed waffle batter and put it in the refrigerator, then got to cooking some strips of bacon, sausage links, and ham. When the meats were cooked, I diced them, then diced some onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and mushrooms, intent on making omelets to go with the waffles. It had been a while since I had cooked for more than myself, but I knew my way around a kitchen, and it would be a small way to repay the generosity shown by Shane and Rachel this week.

As I finished getting everything prepped, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Seconds later, Rachel emerged. She was wearing a bathrobe and had a towel wrapped around her head, covering her hair. She was without makeup and seeing her this way made me realize just how beautiful she was.

“Good morning, handsome,” she said as she walked in. “I thought I heard you down here. It looks like you’ve been busy.”

“I’ve been prepping breakfast. I figured you guys have done so much for me, and for Jaina, it would be a way to say thank you and repay you for your generosity,” I replied, feeling more than a little embarrassed at the knowledge there would be no way I could ever repay them.

“Honey, being yourself has been repayment enough. I mean, the sex has been phenomenal also, but even without the sex, you are one of the kindest, most understanding, and downright friendly people either Shane or I has ever met,” she said, while giving me a hug. “I think I speak for both of us when I say I’m glad you came into our lives. Making the decision to accept my promotion and move out here probably wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t been for you.”

I stood there in silence, staring down at the stove.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Rachel asked.

I took a deep breath, not knowing if I should ask Rachel for advice about Traci, or ask Shane, or both. At the same time, I knew she had trusted me with her feelings about their house in Dallas, so I felt I owed it to her to trust her with my feelings about Traci.

“It’s Traci,” I began. “I don’t know how far things are going to go with her or even if things are going to last. I’ve always been against the idea of workplace relationships because if things go bad, it can be uncomfortable at best. I want things to work out, but….” I stopped.

“Go on,” Rachel said gently. “You want things to work out, but…?”

“I want things to work out, but I don’t know how or even if I should tell her about Jaina. Can you imagine? ‘I know we just started dating, but I like to dress as a woman and suck cock.’ I don’t know about Traci, but I would freak the fuck out if I were in her shoes.”

“Shane might be able to help you better with your decision. My advice is to trust your instincts,” she said after a moment. “But I can tell you it wouldn’t be fair to either you or Traci to keep it hidden. It would eat at you, and she will sense something is wrong.”

She poured herself a cup of coffee and went to sit at the table. I asked her what she would like in her omelet and after she told me, I began cooking. Shane came down as I was finishing Rachel’s omelet and waffles and, after giving Kemer travestileri me his order, I made his breakfast then my own and joined them at the table.

We sat and ate in relative silence for a few minutes. I noticed Rachel looking at me, then at Shane, as if encouraging me to mention my dilemma regarding Traci. I gave a slight nod to Rachel and took a breath.

“Shane, I need some advice. I already kind of filled Rachel in before you came down, so I think she knows what I’m about to ask,” I said, breaking the silence.

“Sure. What’s up,” he asked.

“It’s about Traci. And Jaina. I’m not sure how to tell Traci about Jaina or if I even should,” I began, just as I had with Rachel. “I like her, and I think I want to see if we can build a future together. I want her to be accepting of me, and of Jaina, but I don’t want to freak her out and possibly risk her telling the entire office before I even get a chance to really know her.”

Shane gave me an understanding smile. “My advice, tell her. We’ll help you find a way, but tell her. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you to keep it hidden.”

“Jesus Christ,” I said, half laughing. “Did you two rehearse your virtually identical responses in case I came to you with this issue?”

Shane and Rachel both laughed, after which Shane continued. “No, we just think a lot alike. And… I’ve been in your shoes.”

“I thought you two…or Shayla and Rachel…met at a party,” I said, remembering their story of how they met.

“We did,” he said. “But I had been previously married before I met Rachel.” He paused for a moment as he looked at Rachel and continued. “In hindsight it was for the best, because I wouldn’t have met my amazing, accepting, beautiful, and sexy wife, but I kept it hidden from my ex. She found out after one of my business trips when I was with my old company. I came home from the trip while she was at work. It had been a long flight and all I wanted was a shower and a nap in my own bed. So, I hopped in the shower to get cleaned up and she happened to come home early. I had been gone for a week and she wanted to surprise me. She decided to help unpack my suitcase while I was still in the shower, and she discovered some of Shayla’s clothes, shoes, wig, makeup…everything I had taken with me on the trip.”

He stopped talking, giving me time to think about what he said.

“When I got out of the shower, I went into the bedroom to find her sitting on the bed, holding Shayla’s wig in her lap, crying. All she could do was ask ‘why’, but when I tried to sit with her and come clean, she told me to keep away from her. She told me she never would have married me if she had known I was a ‘faggot’ who liked to dress in women’s clothes.

“She left. Packed a bag, told me she would be back to get the rest of her things when her ‘faggot husband’ wasn’t home, and she left. She filed for divorce that very week, and it wasn’t until the day the divorce was final that she finally sat down with me and let me explain. I told her everything about how I had been bisexual since high school and had been crossdressing for even longer. I told her I had met with men and other crossdresser on business trips. I spilled my guts and we both spilled a lot of tears. She finally told me that she could have accepted me if I had told her when we first started dating. She said she never would have married me, but she would have accepted me, and we could have been friends. I have neither seen nor heard from her since.

“I don’t have an answer about how to tell Traci. You must tell her, though. If she accepts you, and if she accepts Jaina, great. If she doesn’t, it will be better in the long run.” Shane ended his story and went back to eating his food.

“I’ll figure it out,” I said as I went back to eating my own breakfast.

The next couple of hours were spent in silence. I went to my room and laid on my bed, trying to think of a way to both tell Traci about Jaina and make her accept her. The only answer I was able to come up with was that I agreed with Shane and Rachel. I had to tell her, but accepting Jaina wasn’t something I was going to be able to make her do. She either would, or she wouldn’t. And I could only hope for the best.

After two hours of mostly silence, I heard Rachel on her phone as she exited their room and headed back downstairs. She sounded excited, so I went down to see what the commotion was about. I soon discovered she was talking to Johnathan, and he was telling her they had received more offers on their house in Dallas. With the deal already accepted on the place in Rancho Santa Fe, all they had to do was accept an offer. They ended up accepting a $41 million cash offer, with a request they be ready to vacate in two weeks.

Johnathan told Rachel he would investigate how much time was needed for the people owners to vacate the property they were buying and told her he would have an answer later that day or the next. She hung Travesti kemer up the phone and, after noticing me, told me it looked like we would be neighbors sooner rather than later. Hugs were exchanged, then she excused herself and headed back upstairs to their room.

“Looks like we might be on our own for a good part of the day,” Shane said. “She’s heading to their offices to begin the paperwork for the promotion, and she said it might take all morning into early afternoon. She asked if we could drop her off if it isn’t too much trouble, and she will grab an Uber back here to the hotel.”

“Of course, it won’t be any trouble,” I said. “We’ll drop her off, then head to the offices so you can get started on the transfer process. And while I’m thinking about it, we can stop by my place, and I can show you around. I know you both said repayment isn’t necessary, but I have a four-bedroom house with dual master suites and if you guys need a place to stay for a couple of weeks, you’re more than welcome. Besides, I haven’t been home since Monday night. I should probably make sure there aren’t any science projects growing in my refrigerator and I need to get at least one suit and my tuxedo to the dry cleaners.”

Shane raised his eyebrows when I mentioned my tuxedo. “Ooh…tuxedo. Fancy! What’s the occasion?”

“It’s for my date with Traci tomorrow. I might not wear the tux, but I will be taking her to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, followed by a viewing of Neil Simon’s ‘The Odd Couple’ at The Old Globe. After that is anybody’s guess. I told Traci it was semi-formal, and I don’t want to turn it to formal if she isn’t up for it, but if she is, then I’ll need my tux,” I explained.

A few minutes later Rachel reappeared. She was wearing a navy-blue skirt, matching blazer, and a white pin-striped blouse with matching scarf. She had on nude stockings or pantyhose and the shortest heels I had seen her wear all week, a navy-blue pair of sling-back pumps with heels that were only about two and a half inches. She looked every bit the vice-president she was going to be in just a few weeks.

“Well, I think I’m ready to go,” she said as she grabbed her purse, phone, and laptop bag. “I don’t know how long I’ll be, so I’ll just catch an Uber back here.” We headed out and thirty-five minutes later, dropped her off. “I’ll text you and let you know when I’m headed back,” she said to Shane as she got out of my car. Then to both of us, “Try not to get into any trouble without me. If you’re going to get into trouble, I want to be there, too.” Laughing, we said our goodbyes and headed off to our own office building.

We stopped by my house on the way to our office building so I could grab one of my suits and my tuxedo. I showed Shane around the house and pointed out where he and Rachel could stay if they needed a place to stay, then we headed to the dry cleaners to drop off the suit and tux before finally heading to the office.

It was just after 9 o’clock when we pulled into the parking garage. A few minutes later and we were on the 12th floor and walking into the boss’s office, where Shane announced he would be officially requesting a transfer and asked if there was anything he could get started on now. He discovered there was a lot of paperwork to be done, equipment selection to be made, company cell phone assignment and company credit card assignment. Some of the paperwork could be handled by the Dallas office, but everything else needed to be handled here.

While Shane was taking care of what he could, I headed down to the 10th floor to see Traci. Even though it was Thursday, everybody was acting like it was Friday since the next day was a company holiday. Traci and the other ladies she worked closely with were no exception. As seemed to be the case the last few times I had been to their set of cubicles, they were all standing around gossiping.

“Well here comes Mr. Fancy himself,” Samantha said as I approached. “Good morning, Aaron! Traci was just telling us you have a swanky date planned for tomorrow night. I’m pretty sure you don’t have to go all out if you want to get in Traci’s panties, though.”

Her comment earned a dirty look from me, and a swift “Fuck off, Sam” from Traci.

“Relax, guys, I’m only joking,” she said. “And maybe a little jealous. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have Noah take me out someplace fancy. I can barely get him to even put shoes on when we go out. I seriously had to hide his flip-flops when we were ready to meet up with you guys Tuesday night.” She was referring to an impromptu dinner party at a local restaurant where Shane and Rachel treated, and where Traci and I officially became an item.

Jennifer sided with Sam, wishing her fiancée Dylan would do the same, while Kim bragged that her husband, Jacob, was known for doing such things. She noted it was probably one of the reasons I got along with Jacob so well. Jacob was a programmer on a couple of applications my company created and one of my best friends. We had been cycling and running partners for a long time, and he often joked that he probably spent as much time with me as he did his wife. “And…it usually gets him laid, so I can’t say I blame Aaron for going the extra mile,” she said with a grin.

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