Adulterous Penis Serves Sentence

Big Tits

Jonathan got home from the office at about 5 PM. This was the time he got home every day, like clockwork. So it was easy for Megan to implement her plan.

Their home was not a mansion, but it was definitely high-end. They both made very good money.

Jonathan walked in through the kitchen entrance from the garage, where he had parked his BMW. Entering the dining room, he was surprised to find it had been rearranged a bit. The dining room table and chairs were made of heavy oak. The chairs were very sturdy with nice cushions and arm rests.

One of the six chairs had been moved to the middle of the room, by itself. Another had been placed to the side, against a wall. The others were all lined up on the opposite side of the table.

Hearing the door, Megan entered the dining room from the living room. Jonathan whistled, “Wow, you look hot tonight, babe.”

Megan’s hair was pulled back in a pony tail. She wore a conservative skirt which complimented her full hips. A white blouse which showed off her bountiful chest without being slutty. He thought she must have had court that day. She often won juries over with her quick wit and feminine wiles.

She obviously was in the mood. She sidled up to him wordlessly, and began unbuttoning his shirt. He began to ask what had gotten into her, but she placed her finger to his lips to silence him.

As she pulled down his pants and boxers, freeing his rapidly growing manhood, he chose to go along. Whatever she had in mind, he was ready. And becoming more ready by the second.

Once he was completely nude, she guided him to the lone chair in the center of the room. She stepped behind him and returned with the set of expensive leather restraints they occasionally played with. It was usually her tied up, but he was game.

She fastened his wrists to the arm rests securely, then did the same with his ankles to the front legs of the chair. She produced one last leather belt and placed it around his midsection, securing him to the back of the chair.

Now he was completely nude, his erection pointing straight up before him. He was so hard it hurt, and was hoping for a slutty blowjob, or for her to sink down onto his big cock to ride him til he came.

Imagine then, Jonathan’s mortification when instead Megan walked over and sat down in the chair against the wall, completely ignoring him. She tapped a text into her phone.

Shortly, four of her friends, fellow attorneys, paraded into the room. They too ignored him, walking in single file to the other side of the dining room table. They were all dressed in the same fashion as Megan, professionally alluring.

Jonathan tried to twist his hips or move his arms to cover himself. It was obviously in vain. He was entirely exposed and could do nothing about it.

“Babe! What the fuck, Megan?!”

He was not entirely ignored. Cynthia glanced over at his naked form, her eyes went wide, and she bumped into Consuela in front of her.

The ladies each took a seat at the table facing him, sitting prim and proper.

His erection quickly flagged, and he became flaccid.

Monica, Consuela, Cynthia and Rebecca all regarded him momentarily before scanning documents laying in front of them.

Cynthia still had difficulty not staring. Megan had not exagerated. Jonathan was handsome, well-built, and now she knew he possessed the most beautiful, perfectly shaped and proportioned cock she had ever seen.

Jonathan was used to female attention, so he was not disconcerted by Cynthia’s eyes upon him. He was a show-er, not a grower. So even after he lost his erection, his large penis simply lay like a slab of meat from the chair in front of him. It was large, but not enormous. The flared head was perfect for rubbing across a woman’s G-spot.

And since it remained virtually the same when soft, the bulge that showed down whichever pants leg he placed it drew looks like Cynthia’s all day, every day.

He WAS very nervous about what game Megan was playing. She had never shown any interest in sharing him, so he doubted this was a sex game.

He was correct.

Consuela spoke in her lovely accent, very businesslike.

“Jonathan McGregor, you stand accused of adultery.”

Now he understood the arrangement of the furniture. He was placed as the defendant, his spouse as the witness, her friends as the jurist panel in a court. A court of female attorneys.

His body and his sins were laid bare before them. And he could not run.

His heart raced. “No! No! I would never! Babe, you know I would never!”

“The defendant will remain silent unless queried by the panel, or he will be gagged.”

“No! This is bullshit! Megan, talk to me!”

Consuela nodded to Rebecca, who sat at one end of the table. Becky was the tallest of the group. She was definitely feminine, but she worked out. Her biceps bulged nearly as large as Jonathan’s. He had often joked she could take him in a fair fight. He was not wrong.

Rebecca opened a brief case on the table and removed amasra escort a gag which she held up so he could see it. The gag was not a cheap toy. It had a thick leather strap, and the gag was shaped like a short, thick, heavily veined penis. If applied, it would obviously fill his mouth so he could not speak. And it was…a dick, damnit. He stopped talking.

Rebecca sat the gag on the table in front of her, the implied threat obvious.

Consuela spoke again, “This panel will review evidence, interview the parties involved and determine any penalties to be imposed.”

She looked directly at Jonathan, “How do you plead, gulity or not guilty.”

“Not guilty. This is a sham…you can’t do this.”

“You bring up a good point. You are correct inasmuch as this is not a court of law, and we need to establish jurisdiction. Often in domestic issues, the parties involved will agree to mediation, to avoid public scrutiny or the consequences of divorce. This panel has been convened for that purpose.”

She paused for that to sink in. “The defendant can submit himself to the judgment and authority of this panel, or the victim…the plaintiff…has expressed her intent to implement the GTFO option.”

“What is the GTFO?” He suspected he already knew.

“Get the fuck out. If the defendant expresses an unwillingness to submit to the panel’s efforts to reconcile the circumstances, the plaintiff will file for divorce.”

Monica interjected, “She will take your house, half your salary, your car, boat, lake house, your dog…she will leave you with nothing but that dick you are so proud of.”

Jonathan tried to put his head in his hand, but of course could not reach to connect them. The wheels were spinning.

Rebecca spoke, “May I make a suggestion?” She was speaking to the panel, not Jonathan. The others nodded.

“Perhaps we should present the evidence before the defendant answers. He obviously does not understand his position in the case.”

Consuela agreed, “That does seem apparent.”

Megan nodded.

Consuela, still all business, “Very well. Megan, will you describe for the panel your involvement and how we got here?”

Megan made a show of dabbing a tear with a tissue.

“Well, as you know, Jonathan and I have been married for ten years. Things had been very good. But in the last few months I began to notice an alienation of affection. He stayed late at work more often, did not want to have lunch with me very often, and his libido seemed to wane. He used to be after me all the time, but not so much lately. I don’t like to ask for sex.”

She paused to compose herself. “Anyway, I was suspicious, so I hired a private investigator to follow him.”

Jonathan looked at her in shock and disbelief.

Consuela addressed the rest of the panel. “Monica has arranged an interview with the private investigator via Zoom.”

Monica opened her laptop and tapped a few keys. The image of a woman appeared on the big screen TV mounted on a wall they could all see. The woman had long brown hair and appeared to be a bit rough.

Monica spoke, “Can you hear us, Gina?”


“Okay, could you describe the results of your investigation?”

“Well. I followed Mr. McGregor and it didn’t take more than a day til he met a blonde woman not his wife at what I have since learned is an apartment he rents. Over the next week he met a brunette, a redhead, and an African-American woman at the apartment…”

Jonathan was perspiring, “I can explain that! It was all business…Megan!”

Rebecca held up the penis gag again, and glared at him menacingly.

“Anyways, ya’ll. When he wasn’t around, I jimmied the lock on the apartment and installed some cameras. I monitored them remotely for the next month.”

Monica asked, “Are you able to show us any of the video?”

“Yes, ma’am. I prepared a compilation of several of the most important…umm…events.”

As the screen filled with an image of the bedroom in his clandestine apartment, Jonathan groaned, “Oh, god no…”

For the next hour snippets of sex scenes played out on the television. Images of Jonathan receiving fellatio from Mandy, of him taking Keisha from behind, of Gloria riding him cowgirl style, missionary with Jennifer; on the kitchen table with Keisha, on the patio with Jennifer, back on the bed with all of them in various positions, then pounding his erection into a woman with long brown hair from behind for a long time. Each of the women were very vocal, screaming their appreciation.

When the fifth example of Jonathan greedily performing cunnilingus on the women appeared, Megan screamed at him, crying, “You sonofabitch! You told me you didn’t like eating pussy anymore!”

There was even video of Jonathan sitting by himself, watching porn and masturbating himself. When they all watched him orgasm, his large, pulsing cock ejaculating long streams of semen up several feet into the air and covering him in copious amounts of the fluid, Cynthia amasya escort could not help squirming, “Oh, fuck me…”

The women all glared occasionally at him throughout the presentation. Not only because of the evidence of his infidelity. Also because, inspite of the obvious ramifications of the evidence, watching and reliving the sex with all of those beautiful women was too much. He regained his erection, which spent most of the presentation tapping him almost in the chest and seeping precum, which formed rivulets down his shaft.

When the videos ended, Monica asked, “Gina, you identified all of the other women, who was the brown haired girl with the big ass?”

Gina flushed. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. M. About three weeks in Mr. M saw me in the apartment complex parking lot and started hitting on me. After seeing what he did for those other girls…again, I’m sorry Mrs. M, I had to know…”

Monica was incredulous. “Had to know?? Gina, you fucked him six times!”

Gina blushed, “I know, I know. But once you know what that thing feels like, its hard to stop…”

Megan waved the others off, weeping, “No, its okay…what’s one more? And she’s right…the sonofabitch is like ‘Lays’ potato chips…you can’t have just one…”

They all glared at Jonathan and his big, beautiful erection. Now he wanted to cry. He was humiliated, embarrassed and scared. Yet he still could not control his manhood.

Wanting to strike while the iron was hot, Consuela spoke, “Now that you have seen the evidence against you, does the defendant wish to submit to the authority of this mediation panel? Or do you wish to have this same experience in a court of law?”

Jonathan hesitated for over a minute, but then nodded slowly.

“You will have to speak aloud for the recorder, Jonathan.”

He now realized the event was being video recorded. Shit.


“Yes what?” Sternly.

“Y-yes, I want…I will submit to you all.”

Cynthia found his phrasing funny, “Woohoo!”

Monica found THAT funny, but Consuela stared them both down to proper behavior.

“Very well. Panelists, what are your votes?”

Monica: “Guilty.”

Cynthia: “Guilty.”

Rebecca: “Guilty as hell.”

Consuela: “It is unanimous then. I vote guilty also. The verdict is guilty as charged of multiple counts of adultery.”

Megan sniffled.

“Does the defendant wish to make a statement before sentence is imposed?”

Jonathan initially shook his head no, but then reconsidered. He addressed his wife rather than the panel.

“Megan…I’m sorry, I really am. I’m sorry I was weak…but you know it wasn’t my fault. You remember how we met…it is like that every day…what am I supposed to do?”

Megan trembled, “You are supposed to be faithful!”

Consuela addressed Megan, “How did you meet? Is it important?”

“I guess I’ll let you decide if it is important. I am not proud of it. I met him at my sister’s wedding. He was so charming and nice. He was wearing loose fitting dress pants, and his dick kept pushing his pants leg out in different places while he walked. I had never seen anything like that before…I…I fucked him in a coat closet at my sister’s wedding…”

The other women were silent for a moment. Most were thinking “wow”, Cynthia was thinking, “I woulda fucked him on the cake table if I had to, so what?”

Consuela directed her comments to Jonathan again, “The panel will adjourn to another room to confer and decide your sentence. The defendant will remain secured until the sentence is imposed.”

All of the women, including Megan, filed out. She did not want to speak to him alone, at least not now.

It was over an hour before they all filed back in and resumed their seats.

Jonathan shifted in his seat, his manhood again laying heavily between his legs.

Consuela ignored his assets, “Jonathan McGregor, we have researched the circumstances and arrived at your punishment. Monica, will you please advise of the background information?”

Monica cleared her throat, “Um, there are statutes and punishments still on the books regarding adultery. They have not been enforced for years, but we chose to use them as the basis for our decision. In this state, adultery is considered a misdemeanor. It is punishable by a year confinement in the county jail and a $1,000 fine.

Jonathan gasped. What the fuck??

Cynthia spoke, “Obviously we do not have the ability to put your sorry ass in jail for a year. And it would not be fair to Megan for you to lose your job and income. Also, it would be silly to have you pay her a mere one thousand dollars for her pain and suffering.”

Rebecca added, “So we have adapted the statute to fit your unique circumstances. You have blamed your penis for your…indiscretions, correct?”

“Yes…YES, that is true…” Maybe they understood.

Consuela spoke, “After interviewing Megan and…umm…Gina, we find your defense has SOME merit. Although it does not excuse your behavior.” anadolu yakası escort She nodded to Rebecca.

Rebecca walked to Jonathan’s chair, and released the belt around his waist. She then disconnected the wrist cuffs from the arms of the chair. She did not remove the cuffs securing his ankles to the heavy chair.

“Hands behind your back, NOW.” She secured the wrist cuffs together behind his back.

Consuela spoke, “The defendants will stand for sentencing.”

Jonathan struggled to his feet. He stood nude before them, his manhood swinging between his thighs.

“Both defendants will rise.”

Jonathan was confused. He looked around.

Consuela glanced at Cynthia, who easily had the largest breasts in the group, expectantly.

Cynthia was still businesslike as she unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra, exposing her big, beautiful milky white boobs, her nipples erect.

Jonathan gazed upon them and his cock quickly grew erect, standing straight up.

“That’s better.”

Consuela read from the document before her.

“Jonathan McGregor, you have been found guilty of six counts of adultery…”

Jonathan interrupted, “But there were only four on the video!”

Monica interjected, “The private investigator makes five; we determined that your masturbation problem makes six. You could have been using that time and energy for your wife.”

Consuela comtinued, “Jonathan McGregor, you are sentenced to provide one thousand sessions of cunnilingus for your wife. You shall begin payment of the fine as soon as your wife is willing to tolerate your touch on her body again, and shall pay each instance upon demand without question or reservation.”

Well, that isn’t so bad. He actually likes eating pussy.

She now looked directly at his crotch, making it obvious to whom she was speaking.

“Jonathan McGregor’s penis, you have been found guilty of six counts of adultery. Your co-conspirator alleges you were the instigator and ring leader in these offenses…”

Okay. This was silly. But it might work to his advantage.

“Jonathan McGregor’s penis, you are sentenced to twelve months of solitary confinement, sentence to begin immediately.”

What the fuck?

“Jonathan McGregor and Jonathan McGregor’s penis, neither of you shall experience sexual attention or satisfaction, absolutely no orgasms, until both of these sentences have been fully served and…satisfied.”

Monica walked over to Rebecca, behind him. She moved in front of him, holding two large ice packs, which she placed on his genitals.

He tried to pull away from her, “What the fuck?? No! Stop! You crazy bitches!”

Rebecca walked quietly back to the table and picked up the penis gag. She returned and used her strength to hold him still while she forced it into his mouth and secured the strap behind his head. His eyes were wide.

Between his apprehension and the ice packs, his penis had shrunk to as small as it ever got. Still impressive, but not erect by any means.

Rebecca held him still while Monica put down the ice packs. She moved behind him and returned with a device which made his eyes widen even more.

She held a large synthetic phallus, heavily veined with a large head, about the size and shape of his own member. It was attached to a belt assembly which had wide leather straps which would fit around his waist and between his legs.

The phallus was hollow. The cavity within was much smaller than the phallus itself.

Monica held it with both hands and forced it down over Jonathan’s penis. He tried to pull away, but Rebecca held him fast. Monica wriggled and pushed. Even completely flaccid, it took some doing to squeeze him into the device. Once she finally had it pressed flush against his midsection, she ran the straps around to his back where they were joined and snapped together. Rebecca produced a small padlock and Jonathan heard a “SNICK” as it was locked in place.

Rebecca held two keys. She carried one to Megan, the other to Consuela.

Jonathan looked down at the device in shock. His penis was squeezed firmly, as in a tight fist. He could feel nothing.

He looked up to see Cynthia smiling at him, playing with her own nipples seductively. His cock tried to expand, but could not…not at all. It was only squeezed more tightly.

He fell to his knees, “Oh, gawd, oh fuck! I can’t feel my dick!”

Once he had calmed down…which took some time, Consuela spoke again.

“There are rules regarding the humane treatment of inmates, and we will abide by them.”

“Jonathan’s penis, you will be accorded three one hour exercise sessions per week, so that you may stretch and maintain your…umm…physical stature. According to the rules, you must be accorded at least one four hour period outside in sunshine per week. This shall be done. However at no time during your exercise and yard time will you consort with others, nor shall you orgasm.”

“Jonathan McGregor and Jonathan McGregor’s penis, it must be understood. Any attempt to escape, any diversion from this sentence or refusal to cooperate, will instigate the GTFO clause. Do you understand?”

He had a deer in the headlights look. Still gagged, he slowly nodded.

“There is no appeal process. Good luck, I believe you will need it.”

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