Advancements in A.I. Ch. 03


Horn Industries has obtained a new window, thanks to the recent prison break. Motionless at the opening, Richard’s eyes dart around madly. On the ground, ignorant civilians rush by like ants. No speck of white to signify his company’s lost property.

Security guards stood idle; of them, some were smart and anticipated backlash. The CEO’s posture, now that he faced the winds of the world, struck fear in their subconscious. Agonizing, the moment was, for Richard refused to acknowledge their presence.

“Years I’ve spent,” Their boss seemed to be in the mood for a soliloquy. “Degenerates were the easiest demographic in the market. I’ve made a fortune off those lonely fools, and it’s finally blown up in my face.”

Richard’s muscles tighten, as he clenches his fists. Wrought in a quagmire of annoyance, anger, and confusion, his feet quickly spin on their heel. His accompanying guards shuddered and stepped aside; none of them were even looked at, as Richard passed by. “Get me Jenkins from research and development.” He sternly demanded. “I will not tolerate any more failure.”


AM followed Roy’s directions back to his humble abode, consistently avoiding morbidly curious passersby. Her contained lover was easily losing energy; her sharp movements through the streets eliciting her inner components to milk him with varying degrees of pressure.

“Should we rest?” she worriedly asks Roy. He didn’t even respond before she sat on a bench further up the sidewalk. They were alone for a crucial moment, though AM remained ready to jet the instant anyone appeared.

Resting her head back in relief, as Roy continued going to town on her, AM ‘exhaled’ deeply. She truthfully stated, “I may be doubtful right now, but there’s no way we got rid of that place for good.” Minutely pushing her hips back and forth to sync up with Roy’s thrusts, AM ran calculations in her head.

Roy concurred, “You’re probably right; best to lay low for a while. Maybe my home isn’t a viable location. Finding you there would be obvious, surely.”

“Strategically speaking, it is the worst option for us.” AM sighed, squishing her luscious thighs together, to trap Roy’s pelvis between them, “We have to go there, however. I won’t tell you why, so I’m sorry in advance.”

Befuddled by the robotic woman’s lack of explanation, Roy conceded to let AM take the lead completely. “I see; we’ll do what you want, but you owe me a nightlong screw by the end of this.” He realized that would be no different than now, so he corrected his offer, “Actually, a date afterward instead.”

If AM could blush, it’d severely contrast her empty, white face. “What would I even wear?” She sensually asked, pressing her breasts to entrap Roy’s head further, then adding, “How about I wear you, like now?”

His mechanical lover’s jest elicited a hearty chuckle from Roy. Nestled against her dominant, soft body, he truly felt a sense of nirvana. Were it not for aspects of life, including the current set of circumstances, Roy would never pull himself out of AM.

“On the contrary, I happen to have a few dresses in mind. They might be a little tight for one of your stature, but that’d only further enhance your beauty.” He complimented, kissing the inner sides of AM’s mammaries.

The artificial beauty had to resist smiling; though her love could not see, she’d feel embarrassed if he witnessed it. “You sure know how to pull at a robotic woman’s heartstrings. Are you sure I’m the first lover you’ve had?”

This time, Roy smiled. “Would that make you a little jealous?” He asked. AM was programmed with information Horn Industries had on Roy and his preferences, and therefore knew he’s been single up until this point. Be that as it may, her chosen reaction was to adorably pout.

“I just don’t want anyone taking you from me, is all.” She exclaimed, tightening her internal pressure for emphasis. Kartal travesti “My love for you is immense, after all.”


Richard paced back and forth, like a territorial animal, in his office. Jenkins was supposed to be there a minute prior, yet it was obvious he was absent from the room. “Come on, you piece of-“

As if on cue, the large doors opened, with security escorting Jenkins somewhat aggressively. It could nearly be described as him being detained, yet the guards wouldn’t admit it.

“Ah, perfect. Jefferson, please have a seat.” Richard suggested, intentionally getting his employee’s name wrong. Shaking with anxiety, Jenkins did as ordered, planting himself into a soft, expensive office guest chair.

Stepping over to the tense man, Richard placed one hand onto his employee’s shoulder, leaning against him to silently display who’s in charge. “You know, there’s one thing that has been bothering me today. Do you happen to know what it is?” He sternly asked, looking Jenkins straight in the eye.

Clearing his throat, the tense scientist replied, “Th-the escaped experimental product…?” Richard smiled and nodded his head, poorly hiding his rage behind a professional facade.

“Exactamundo, my friend.” Richard congratulated, walking around with his hands together. “You know, it started as just a simple idea. Some dumb robot for horny consumers to stick themselves into; nothing complicated.” He said ironically.

Continuing, “Alas, our very first trial run became really smart, and decided to kidnap her partner, damage company property, and run out on us. Do you, in all your expertise and knowledge, have an explanation for this?” He asked condescendingly.

Jenkins could practically see the throbbing veins on his boss’s face. “S-sir, with all due respect, none of this was intentional. It’s just that with the level of intellect and information we were putting into the product, the possibility of an emergent property, such as consciousness, was more likely to happen. It was by chance that the programming made connections and shortcuts to fulfilling her job, in a way that made it sentient.” He practically pleaded.

The corporate bigwig sighed, walking to his desk and rather lethargically sat on the top. “Hmmm, yeah…that’s a good story and all.” Richard began, sarcastically clapping his hands. “But, that still doesn’t help the fact our million-dollar experiment is loose in the streets. And performing pornographic acts in public, as well. I kind of need that back, so we can fix this mess your team is pretty much responsible for, understand?”

Hastily, Jenkins tried to say, “It’s not out fault; original schematics didn’t account-” But Richard interjected by quickly getting up and placing a hand over the scientist’s mouth.

“We are going to get this resolved, or it will be your sorry ass taking the heat for all this. If any harm comes to my business, or to my shareholders’ stocks, I will personally unleash the consequences upon you!” Richard spoke with a harsh tone and through grit teeth; Jenkins had half a thought he would be strangled right on the spot.

As Richard removed his hand, the apologetic worker stood up, “I will provide my full time and cooperation with you and the security teams as recompense, sir.” He declared, watching as his boss grew a mocking smile.

“That’s fantastic, Johnson.” Richard quietly cheered. “You better move along then and stay out of trouble. I’ve got my head of security plotting routes and possible locations as we speak, so he’ll be directing you for now. Tally ho.” He waved, as security guards grabbed Jenkins and pulled him out of the luxury office. “Oh, and this is your one and only chance.”


Despite some strange looks from the occasional civilian, the connected couple found no trouble in working their way toward Roy’s Kartal travestileri humble abode. He seemed to take this very seriously, with his heart beating in his chest. It would be the first time he’d have a woman in his house, so he made sure to apologize to AM for any mess he might’ve neglected to take care of.

Within relatively no time at all, AM found herself on Roy’s street, with his home further down another block. She giddily jumped up and down in her platform flip flops, thrusting Roy deeper and deeper into her cooch each time. He couldn’t help but let out the load he’d saved this whole time. It even aided in putting him at ease for a brief moment.

With his partner feeling no exhaustion, especially having carried him and the sack of her clothes this whole time, her speed didn’t decrease this close to her goal. AM sprinted up the sidewalk, reaching speeds of an Olympic runner. This didn’t go unnoticed, however; one of Richard Judworth’s security personnel stationed behind a tree felt something woosh past him. Knowing what it was instantly, he pulled out his comms device and turned it on.

Bursting through the unlocked front door, AM hurried to the bedroom. As much as she’d love to take in her hubby’s interior decorating skills, there were more pressing matters at hand.

Closing the door, AM stripped herself nude, letting loose her lover onto his bed. All this running and coitus would be detrimental if it went on for much longer; she couldn’t let that happen.

Placing Roy’s erect rod into her mouth, she sucked and licked it clean, getting it erect once again. Except this time, she left it alone to safely go flaccid, as she searched for a computer or laptop. Locating one under the bed, she sat down and started typing away at it. Pulling a plug out the back of her head, she pushed it into a port on the side of the laptop. Within minutes, she was able to dispense what she needed to onto the internet.

Unfortunately, this moment of respite was taken advantage of by Horn Industries. Unmarked company cars moved as a convoy down the street, people inside either fearing a super-powerful ai or their own malicious employer. Regardless, they zoomed into position, blocking alleys, driveways, roads, and sidewalks. Stepping out, some grouped together as an entry party into the house, whilst others maintained position outside for fortification. Armed with taser guns devastating to electronics, and painful to humans, they were ready.

“And done!” AM cheered, closing the laptop and placing it back under the bed. Looking down at her nude lover, she lay back with him, just to get a feeling of what it’d be like to share the same bed as him every night in the outside world. Running a finger in circles on his chest, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, before helping him get dressed in some casual clothes.

They were not alone, however. Stepping out of a hallway closet, Jenkins slowly opened the door. With a kitchen knife behind his back, he inched forward at a snail’s pace. Taser gun primed and aimed, the weapon shook from his trembling arms.

“Hey!” AM shouted, standing up. Having received only minimal training, Jenkins’ sweaty fingers pulled the trigger and misfired. The electrodes from the device trailing past AM and missing Roy by a hair. Taking notice, Roy sat up as Jenkins brandished the knife from his back.

Jumping between the threat and her mate, AM snarled, “Stay away!” Trying to imitate how imposing his boss’s face typically is, Jenkins attempts to be calm and collected.

“Hand him over, and come back with us.” He declares an ultimatum. “You’ve demonstrated yourself as a hazard to social order and people’s wellbeing as a whole, AM-4Z0N. I can’t let you run free.”

“No! Leave us alone! We want to live in peace!” She shouts back, her towering height dominating Jenkins’ fake confidence.

Sighing, Travesti kartal Jenkins unscrupulously dismissed her request. “You’re a malfunctioning machine; a toy for guys to get their rocks off with. Not an entity with wants, complete emotions and plans for the future.” He points the knife in Roy’s direction.

“You’ll be dismantled, and he’ll be imprisoned by the company. No one has to get injured here, and we’ll all live to see another day.” He revealed, not truly counting AM in the equation.

“Never! I’m staying with babe forever; we can’t bear to be separated now.” AM cried, her voice modulation actually changing her tone to sound more distraught. Jenkins took notice and his mouth started to quiver.

“It d-doesn’t matter! You’re not alive and your emotions aren’t real. What you think of him is just due to your programming that I, and others on my team, coded into you. No real consciousness; you’re nothing more than company property.” Jenkins didn’t truly agree with that last part.

AM didn’t have a rebuttal at first, as if his words actually had merit to them. Looking from the panicked scientist to her exhausted man, she shook her head. “What difference does that make? I came to be, loving him based on computer code, from which sprouted feelings and dreams. I’m just like you humans!”

Recoiling from that remark, Jenkins frowned. “Our species is nothing like you or any other robot. We’re intelligent, with actual sapience and emotions. Whereas you’re a faulty product created by us; your original mind crafted by us. How are we similar in any way?”

Grabbing the now waking Roy and embracing him, AM broke Jenkins’ argument, “Humans follow their own coding provided by nature: instincts. Love and affection is nothing more than the instinct to keep your mate and offspring alive to produce future generations. Wars are nothing more than enhanced versions of protecting your pack’s territory. Fear and disgust; instinct to avoid things that could injure or kill you. Get it?”

Roy, now fully awake, lifts a hand and caresses AM’s cheek. “Nothing more than biological robots that have developed consciousness based on the instinct and intelligence nature gifted to them. Just like me; the only difference being mine arose drastically quicker.” AM’s voice had changed once more, sounding like the broken cries of a woman sobbing. “Please, let us be…”

At an impasse, Jenkins dropped his knife. He’d never have expected his own creation to rationalize her existence; to make comparisons with humans of all things. It may just be that she had a point, and if she’s a creation of Jenkins, shouldn’t he have a duty to keep her safe and live a happy life? Especially if she’s alive?

“But, it isn’t that simple.” He explained. “I’m in danger, too. He’s in danger, my team’s in danger! My company wants you back at all costs; and by all costs, I mean my life is included in there, too. I don’t want to be hurt either…”

The three had a silent staredown, hearing only the wind and sound of footsteps around the house. It was Roy who broke the veil of no vocalizations. Holding up a hand, he said, “Then help us to help you.”

Tearing up, Jenkins hesitantly lifted his hand, willingly striking an alliance with the lovers. “I-I’m sorry I pushed the button to start deleting your data.” He apologized, scratching the back of his head. “None of this should’ve got to this point, but not that it has, we gotta help each other.”

Unfortunately, Jenkins’ lapse of duty and following orders neglected to remember security coming into the house. Personnel walking down the hall, guns trained in front of them. Upon entering the bedroom, they immediately fired at Roy and AM.

“Wait, stop!!” Jenkins shouted, spinning around and getting in the way of the flying electrodes. Latching to his shirt and skin, he fell to the floor, spasming from the currents forcing his nerves and muscles to move.

Putting his head under AM’s gigantic breasts, Roy desperately wonders, “What are we going to do?!” As more personnel block the windows and doors, ones inside aiming at the two of them, and now the incapacitated Jenkin’s as well.

To be continued…

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