Adventures of Mark Ch. 3


Mark parked his truck behind the ranger station, his friend was a ranger and had agreed to keep an eye on the truck and trailer while Mark camped. His friend came out and they went over the park visitors list. One group of four had started their hike early that morning and were going to be out three days. No one else had called about hiking during the week, but that didn’t really mean anything, there were no requirements for advanced notice. Probably a group or two would show up for a couple of days of hiking and camping plus the normal day hikers.

Mark tried to do a solo trip each spring, spending about five days in the woods. This year, he was a little later than normal but the schools weren’t out yet so no scout troops or vacationers would be out here yet. Mark liked the peace and quiet of hiking alone and could easily avoid contact with other campers by making camp off the trail a little.

After checking his gear, Mark headed out about two in the afternoon. A couple of hours of hiking would put him deep enough into the woods to make camp for the first night. Most people would hike for six hours or longer before making camp that first night. Making camp early let Mark double check his equipment before getting too far away from civilization.

Mark set up camp off the trail but he had a view of an open stretch of the path. After his tent was up, he ate the sack lunch he brought with him then relaxed as the sun set. With enough food for seven days, Mark was ready for most problems. A gallon of water with him, purification tablets for refills along the trail. A slick new dry ice cooler that was small enough to fit inside his pack and weighed almost nothing, held a dozen eggs, a steak and some lunch meat. Enough instant oatmeal for every meal for five days and a loaf of bread rounded out his food supplies. Any fish he might catch during the trip would be icing on the cake.

The nights were cold and the days were warm this time of year, Mark huddled in his sleeping bag the next morning after dragging his clothes inside with him. After his clothes warmed up, he got dressed, cooked a couple of eggs on his tiny propane stove and broke camp. It was almost ten o’clock by the time he was ready to go.

Just as he headed for the trail, Mark heard two female voices coming down the trail. Knowing he couldn’t get in front of them, he sat down out of sight to wait for them to pass. Two girls, who Mark guessed to be in their early twenties, appeared in the clearing. Each wore cutoff denim shorts, a T-shirt, and hiking boots. Both had long firm legs and nicely shaped bodies. After they made it through the clearing, Mark followed them down the trail, staying out of sight.

The girls stopped for lunch beside a natural pond, Mark ate a sandwich out of their view but where he could see them. To his surprise, the girls shed their clothes and dove into the pond. Mark admired their firm, young bodies as they disappeared into the cold water. It wasn’t long before they came bouncing out of the pond, their nipples erect from the cold and quickly dried off. They bask in the sun for an hour before getting dressed and continuing up the trail.

Mark stalked them the rest of the day until the girls stopped to make camp. He slipped around them and continued down the trail for an hour to the point where a second trail met the one they were on. Mark set his camp up then doubled back to see what the girls were doing. Shadows were growing long when he got to the girls camp, it would be dark in an hour or so.

From his vantage point, Mark had a clear view of the camp, the girls were eating dinner. The blonde sat on a log while the brunette sat on the ground between the blondes legs. Odd, Mark thought, for them to sit so close with so much space around. The reason for their closeness became clear when they set the plates off to the side. The brunette rose up to her knees and turned to face the blonde. the blonde pulled the brunette close to her and kissed her deeply.

They tenderly caressed each other as their kisses grew more passionate. Fingers roamed about each body, hands slid shorts down long firm legs. Bras and T-shirts came off in a single motion. The girls took turns licking and nibbling each other’s body. Slender fingers toyed with pussies, one trimmed neatly, the brunette’s was shaved smooth.

To Mark’s disappointment, the two girls climbed into their tent out of his view. As nightfall approached, he heard the sounds of pleasure coming from the tent. First one orgasm echoed through the darkness, followed soon after by the gasps and moans of the second girl’s orgasm. A quick look at the fire the girls had built to make sure it wasn’t going to flare up, and Mark headed back to his camp.

That morning, Mark set up for breakfast and headed a few minutes back up the trail. bağdatcaddesi escort As soon as he heard the girls coming up the trail, he hurried back to his camp and started cooking his breakfast. The girls happened upon him just as his eggs were done.

“Good morning.” Mark said.

“Yes it is.” replied the surprised blonde. “We didn’t think anyone else was out here.”

“You must have caught up to me this morning.” Mark offered. “I don’t get in a hurry in the mornings. Could I offer you some eggs or oatmeal?”

“We ate a little while ago.” said the brunette. “We should probably just head on up the trail.”

“Enjoy your hike.” Mark replied.

The girls headed up the north trail, Mark ate quickly and took the south trail. He knew the two trails met again later in the day. Mark passed the point the trails rejoined and set up camp by a stream. An hour later, the two girls appeared on the trail.

“Well, hello again.” Mark grinned. “I couldn’t tempt you with breakfast this morning, how about a fresh fish dinner?” Pulling his stringer out of the water, he showed them the two trout he had just caught. “They are biting pretty good, I can probably get another soon.”

“That sounds delicious.” said the blonde. “We would be grateful for such a nice meal.”

“We’ll have to set up camp first.” said the brunette.

“Good.” said Mark as he baited his line again. “If you’ll start a fire, I’ll clean these up while I catch one more. By the way, I’m Mark.”

“I’m Darla,” said the blonde, “and this is Amber.”

The girls set up their tent and started the fire, Mark quickly caught another trout and had all three fish ready to cook by the time the fire was ready. They talked about hiking and camping as they ate, about how Mark had been camping in these woods since he was a boy and the girls had been here the last three years during college breaks.

After dark, they turned in. Mark heard a muffled discussion in the girls tent that he couldn’t make out. Silence followed until the muffled sounds of a woman having a orgasm and not quite being able to be quiet drifted through the crisp night air. Mark could not tell whether it was Darla or Amber that had come and he did not hear a second orgasm.

The next morning, as the trio broke camp after breakfast, Darla was all smiles and Amber was all business. Mark easily knew who had gotten off and who didn’t.

“I’m headed off the trail this morning.” Mark said. “There’s a beautiful cave with a spring about three hours from here. I always spend one night there no matter where else I go on my trip.”

“That sounds neat.” said Darla. “Lets go with him Amber.”

“You better ask if we can before you horn in on somebody.” replied Amber.

“You are welcome to come with me.” said Mark. “If you both want to. If not, we’ll say goodbye here.”

“I’d like to if Amber wants to.” Darla looked at Amber, pleading without saying a word.

“Oh. Ok.” said Amber.

The hike was tough, Mark had to wait on the girls several times as they lagged behind. There was no trail to this spot they were going to, it wasn’t listed on any maps, you had to know it was there to get to it. They arrived at the spot early in the afternoon.

“At least it will be mostly downhill when we leave tomorrow.” said Mark.

“This is wonderful.” said Darla.

“Well worth all the trouble to get here.” Amber said in awe of the beauty. “How did you ever find it?”

“A friend brought me here years ago.” Mark replied. “Then it took me two years to find it again. I come up here at least once a year so I don’t forget how to get here.’

“I bet that spring water is cold.” said Amber.

“Freezing is more like it.” said Mark. “But I’m going in after while. We’ll set up camp in the mouth of the cave. It’s a really nice spot.”

The tents were pitched, a fire started, and Mark began fishing for supper. He soon had three trout on the stringer.

“Time for a swim now that we have supper.” Mark informed the girls. He peeled off his shirt and began to unlace his boots.

“We don’t have any swim suits with us.” said Amber.

“Neither do I.” said Mark. “I usually come up here alone so I don’t waist the space.”

“We’ll just have to skinny dip.” giggled Darla as she slipped her T-shirt over her head. “Last one in is a rotten egg.”

Mark watch her full breasts bounce as Darla headed for the water, he looked at Amber, shrugged his shoulders, and pulled his jeans down on his way to the bank of the spring.

Darla let out a shriek as she surfaced after diving into the spring. “Damn, this water is freezing!” she gasped.

Mark slid to a stop at the water’s edge, “You ok?” he asked Darla.

“Yeah.” she panted. “I just wasn’t ready beykoz escort for it to be this cold.”

“You’ll get used to it.” said Mark and he dove in beside Darla.

Amber walked over to the water and stuck her toe in. “You two must be crazy. There’s no way I’m getting in there.”

Darla swam to the edge by Amber, “Did you see how nice his cock is?” she whispered to Amber.

“This trip isn’t about cock.” Amber hissed. “It’s supposed to be about us being alone together.”

“Ok.” Darla replied. “But you need to think about it. You didn’t get off last night like I did. A stiff cock may be just what you need. It has been a long time since either of us had one.” She swam back out to Mark. “Amber is not going to be sociable at the moment, maybe we’ll get her to loosen up after dinner.”

Mark and Darla swam for another half hour before getting out. The three campers cooked the trout and had an excellent supper. After Mark cleaned the dishes, they all talked about the spring and the area. Mark showed the girls on their map exactly where they were. Darla marked it for future outings.

After turning in, Mark heard a heated discussion coming from the girls tent. Although he couldn’t make out the words, he understood the tone of the voices. He heard the zipper of their tent fly open and then close again.

A few minutes later, Darla was beside his tent. “Mark.” she whispered. “Mark.”

He unzipped his tent flap. “Yes?” he answered.

“Amber is being a shit head and I left the tent without my coat.” Darla said. “Could I slip into your tent until she cools down?”

“Of course.” Mark said as he opened the tent flap. Darla crawled inside, her coat wasn’t all she didn’t have. Mark saw by her flashlight that all she had on was a T-shirt.

“Your teeth are chattering.” Mark told Darla. “We need to get you warm before you get sick.” Mark unzipped his sleeping bag and grabbed his blanket. “Climb in here, oh, wait a minute, I don’t have any clothes on.”

“That’s fine with me if its ok with you.” said Darla as she spread the blanket over the sleeping bag and crawled in beside Mark. The feel of his warm skin against her butt was inviting . Pulling her T-shirt off, Darla pulled Mark’s arm around her.

“This feels much better.” Darla purred. “I’ll be warm in no time.”

“What’s wrong with Amber?” Mark asked her.

“She’s pissed because we are here with you.” replied Darla. “This was supposed to be a girls only trip and then we stumbled across you.”

“It probably didn’t help that you had an orgasm last night and she didn’t.” Mark said.

“I guess I wasn’t as quiet as I thought I was.” giggled Darla.

“That sound is hard to hide,” Mark said, “especially when it is as quiet as it is out here.”

“You poor dear.” Darla cooed. “There is more than one reason I am beginning to feel something growing between us.”

“Well,” Mark said sheepishly, “it has been a long day.”

Slipping her hand between them, Darla said, “I didn’t think of you and sex until I saw this before you jumped into the spring.” Her fingers wrapped around Mark’s growing cock. “I’ll have to cure this for you.

Darla’s head disappeared under the blanket, with the sleeping bag still unzipped she had room to turn around under the covers. Mark let out a moan of relief as Darla’s warm lips parted for the head of his cock. One of his hands stroked her ass while the other gently caressed her breasts. Darla’s tongue teased his cock from its base to the head, then she took him deep into her mouth. Mark parted her legs as he pulled Darla on top of him, his tongue dove deep into her pussy.

Darla’s breathing became heavy and she began to squirm as Mark slipped a finger into her ass. Her hand followed her mouth up and down his shaft while her other hand massaged his balls. Darla’s hips grind onto his face and days of pent up frustration release as Mark’s come rushes up his shaft and slides down Darla’s throat. His tongue triggers her orgasm seconds later as her entire body shuddered on his face.

“My that tasted good.” said Darla. “I haven’t swallowed any come in a long time.”

“I see why Amber wanted you to herself.” said Mark. “You have the sweetest tasting pussy.”

“Why thank you sir. You know, such kind remarks must be rewarded.” said Darla as she grazed her fingernails along Mark’s shaft.

They kissed passionately, caressing and groping each other until Mark’s cock began to grow again. Darla climbed on top of him and pushed his cock deep into her pussy. They rocked together, slowly at first. while they continued to kiss. The moans and panting coming from the tent grew louder. As Darla’s second orgasm hit her hard, her muscles contracted around Mark’s cock triggering his flood of come inside her. After caddebostan escort they rested together Darla disappeared under the covers, she licked and kissed Mark’s cock until it started to grow a third time.

“How many times are you going to fuck him?” demanded Amber, she was outside Mark’s tent.

“You have to come in here if you want to talk to me.” snapped Darla

Amber unzipped the tent flap and started inside. Darla threw off the blanket and was holding Mark’s throbbing cock straight up as Amber’s face came through the tent flap.

“I’ve got to do him one more time.” said Darla. “I can’t leave him like this.”

Amber stared at the swollen member in front of her as she crawled into the tent. Fumbling around, she zipped the tent flap up behind her.

Darla continued, “There’s not enough room for three people in here, you’re going to have to leave or find something to sit on.” When Amber didn’t move, Darla pulled her on top of Mark. Amber only had on a T-shirt and it rode up exposing her ass. SMACK! Darla swatted Amber’s ass. “You lay right there and don’t move unless I move you.”

Amber whimpered as Darla pushed her legs on each side of Mark’s.

“Kiss him now!” demanded Darla and Amber obeyed.

As their lips parted briefly, Mark whispered into Amber’s ear, “Do you want to do this?” Darla stroked Amber’s moist pussy at this instant and Amber shook her head yes.

Darla had the head of Mark’s cock worked into Amber’s pussy. “Rock on this cock Amber.” Darla ordered. “I want to see it going deep into your tight pussy now”

Amber worked Mark’s cock deeper into herself, he reached up and gently caressed her breasts. Darla caressed Amber’s ass with both hands, pushing Amber farther onto Mark’s cock. Amber began to stroke harder and faster on top of Mark. Darla nibbled on Amber’s butt as she pushed a finger into Amber’s ass. Amber started bucking hard onto Mark’s cock and Darla’s finger. Panting hard, Amber’s moans turn to soft screams as thundering orgasm rolled through her body.

Darla pulled Amber forward off Mark’s cock, leaving her on top of him. She lubed Amber’s ass with saliva, Mark’s cock was still slick with Amber’s juices. Spreading the cheeks of Amber’s ass, Darla guided Mark’s rock hard cock to Amber’s ass hole.

“You’ve never had a real cock in this tight ass.” said Darla. “Now your going to take all of this into you.” Amber let out a whimper as Darla pushed the head of Mark’s cock into her virgin ass. “Now take him deeper into your ass very slowly Baby.” Darla whispered to Amber. “I’ll keep you two lubed up.” Darla added more saliva to Mark’s cock as Amber pushed a little harder onto him with each stroke.

When Mark’s cock was completely inside Amber, Darla moved around to straddle his face. “See his face where yours was last night.” she said to Amber. Darla slid a hand down to Amber’s pussy and began to tease the lips. She pushed Amber harder onto Mark’s cock then pulled Amber’s face to her own. The more passionately they kissed, the harder Darla pushed Amber onto Mark.

Darla slipped two fingers into Amber’s pussy, immediately Amber began to moan and pant loudly. She started bucking hard on Darla’s hand and Mark’s cock. Mark met each of Amber’s strokes with a thrust of his hips. His hand rolled Amber’s nipple between its thumb and forefinger, his other hand found Darla’s ass. Darla, breathing heavily, slid another finger into Amber and grinds her own pussy onto Mark’s face. Darla pressed her thumb against Amber’s clit while they embrace passionately.

Amber goes wild, bucking and screaming, her orgasm crashed through her wave after wave. Amber’s gasping for air sent Darla into her own thundering orgasm and with one last deep thrust, Mark’s cock explodes deep inside Amber’s ass. The three of them collapse in a heap inside the tent. The walls of the tent are dripping with the moisture they generated.

The three campers slept entangled with each other. Mark woke up shortly after dawn and wiggled out from under the girls. He prepared breakfast, waking Darla and Amber just before cooking the eggs. After breakfast they broke camp and all three went for a swim in the spring. When they were through, they dried off and got dressed.

The hike back to the trail took most of the day, Amber was very sore and couldn’t move very fast. At the trail, Mark showed the girls a shortcut to the end of the trail on their map. He told them he was going to let them spend some time alone and he was going to hike a couple of more hours before he stopped. for the night. He also gave them the directions to the motel he had reservations at for Saturday night. He always spent his first night out of the woods in the plush suite at the motel. The girls were welcome to stop by if they felt like it and were still in the area.

Mark kissed each of the girls and headed down the trail. Two more nights in the woods, Mark thought, it would be nice to be alone again. As much as he enjoyed being with the girls, the whole purpose of this trip was to spend some time alone, away from the rat race.

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