My way home was uneventful – I was getting the hang of walking without orgasming at least. The chilly night air felt good on my heated up body, letting me cool down from the recent orgasmic heights. The streets were mostly empty at this time of the day, so I safely arrived home (a small room in Sherry’s inn and pub), and collapsed on my bed, exhausted.
I awoke to the sound of Sherry’s, my lamia landlord’s voice. “Oh my, what have we here? What happened to you?”
She quickly removed the covers that I must have sheltered myself with during the night. Apparently I slept in the fetal position, which was strange, because I used to sleep on my back – probably my body adjusted unconsciously to a more comfortable position. I still wore my lacy thong, but I must have kicked my shorts off during the night, and the scarf around my boobs became untied as well.
It was troublesome. It’s not like I was embarrassed by Sherry’s looks on my close to naked body, in fact we had sex several times in the past. However, I wanted to show my recent modifications to her in my own terms – it was my bargaining chip for the dancer position. It was meant to be a surprise. Why was Sherry even in my room? Sure, it was Monday (I timed my flossing to the weekend), but the inn was closed before noon anyway, so I should have ample time to get ready for work. Maybe she had more sources of information than I thought.
“You should take a shower, you are all sweaty. Let me help you, I want to examine you anyway,” Sherry told me. Well, no point resisting now, the cat is out of the bag, and I really could use a shower – a bath, even. Every sleeping room in Sherry’s inn had its own bathroom, free of charge – a tribute to Sherry’s generosity, or maybe she really liked her employees clean. I let Sherry prepare the hot tub for me, she seemed eager enough to help, so I could examine myself in my full-length mirror.
I looked exotic. Despite my hair being a mess, and my skin sweaty all over, I looked hotter than ever. My muscled calf and thighs leading up to my high-cut black lacy thong, my chain only causing subtle bulges along the way under the clothing. It became much more blatant, however, when the thong ended, rising from my nether regions towards my navel.
The contrast between the metal chain and my toned, slightly bronzed abs was huge. The links forked into a “Y” shape at my belly button, held in place by a thin ring, almost invisible, from the same material as the chain was, then continued upwards my nipples. They no longer rested on my skin, the height of my boobies lifting them up from my body – that was something that I did not account for previously, because this will make my currently owned upper body clothing fairly impractical. They arrived to my nipples, the nips themselves pretty much hidden under the chain that was held in place by identical piercings as in my navel, then continued upwards, again, breaking away from my body, until they each arrived to the respecting corners of my lips, again, held in place by almost invisibly thin rings. I opened my mouth to check inside, watching the links go around my teeth then disappearing into my throat along with my tongue. Kissing and eating will never be the same.
Done with checking myself out now, I watched as Sherry Bahçelievler travesti finished applying the bathing salts to the bathwater. She was quite good looking herself – even though I still found lamias quite freaky, even after living with them for a while – they certainly had a strange allure to them as their humanoid upper bodies descended into a smooth, scaled tail. And Sherry herself was no pushover – she had beautiful long brunette wavy hair, hanging down straight to her buttocks – well, if she had an actual butt, that is. Her face was slightly plump, as well as her body, but not overly so – she was just looking soft all around, and radiated a somewhat matronly feel. Her bust was massive, currently covered in a few layers of fancy, silky clothes, but it was impossible to really hide due to their sheer huge size. She also wore a tiara for some reason, she looked festive today.
“Your bath is ready, milady,” she said mockingly. It was usually me helping her in stuff like this – I was her employee, after all.”Come, don’t let the water cool now…” she said, keeping her earlier mocking tone.” Do I need to undress you as well?”
Well, she really didn’t need to, but she did anyway, pulling my thong down with her index finger hooked around the strap. It was obvious that she was determined to at least bathe me, with the promise of more sexy time in our near future. I gingerly stepped into the hot tub, careful not to boil myself (lamias usually used really hot water for baths, much higher temperature than us, saintly humans use), but Sherry was considerate enough, the water felt really good. I slowly lowered myself into the water, my movements measured and calculated to avoid hurting myself. After sitting down, I just let Sherry do her thing, she was more than eager to wash me.
“You don’t do things by half, do you,” she said while washing my back, her hands occasionally creeping forward to the side of my boobs. “When I told you to get yourself pierced, I really only meant something like a barbell in your nipple, or a few rings in your labia, something much more tame. Pussy piercings are all the rage right now anyway.” She cupped my right breast with her right, while tugging on the attached nipple chain with her left hand.
“But these.. These are much more serious business. You realize that your career as a mercenary is probably done for good now, right? I have no idea about fighting, but I cannot imagine you winning a brawl with these in the way, and with the distraction they cause.” Her hands tracked the way of the chain downwards, only stopping at my pussy lips. She peeled my labia away from the metal, gently lifted my chain away from my folds, then started drawing circles around my clit. All I could do was whimper. “However, your looks are certainly improved by the local standards. People would pay to see you perform.” That sounded reassuring, I thought at the corner of my mind, but most of my attention was dedicated to the events between my legs. Sherry certainly knew what to do with her fingers, she brought me to a quick orgasm in just a few seconds. “Just to help you loosen up,” she winked at me.
After a while, when we both agreed I was perfectly clean both inside and out (Sherry really did not mind Bahçelievler travestileri helping me clean my orifices at all), I stepped out of the bathtub, and let Sherry towel me off. She was not reserved at all, she spent at least as much time groping me and tugging on my chain as actually toweling. She also used the end of her tail as well.
After I was sufficiently dry, my lamia landlord told me, “get dressed on your lower body, I don’t have firsthand experience with legs and stuff, but your standard uniform should still fit you. And leave your upper body clothing for me.”
Oh damn, was it that late already? Apparently it was, judging by the height of the Sun as I looked out, maybe that’s why Sherry visited me to check me out. I have decided on a white, plain thong for my underwear to wear under the tight waitress uniform skirt (skirts were convenient at the bar, because they fit both the human girls as well the lamias), because showing my panties was not necessarily expected of me as a waitress. Maybe, if and when I get the dancer job, but I probably will eventually get it, if Sherry’s comments were anything to go by. Speaking of witch, she was already in my doorway, holding up a piece of silk for me that looked like one of her own tops.
“Traditional lamia clothing,” she told me smiling. “It should fit even your altered body, and the size is easy to adjust. Wear it proudly”. It was black, matching the skirt, and it had a really smooth feel to it. It was actually similar to the scarf I wore earlier, it wrapped around the body in a similar fashion while letting my shoulders and belly bare, but it had an actual closing mechanism at the back, was much more elegant, and covered significantly more skin than my make-shift clothing I was forced to wear yesterday. After checking myself in the mirror, I decided I looked hella sexy in it, a good mix of elegance and plain sultriness (I was showing a lot of skin), while obviously being really kinky with the chain and all.
“Good luck with the customers, you will certainly get a lot of attention,” Sherry winked at me while slithering to the door. “I would really enjoy to supervise you today personally, but I got to go, I have a meeting with the major.” Oh, so that’s why she dressed so fancy today. “We will talk about the dancer job tomorrow. Have fun.”
Sadly, her wish just hasn’t come true, as it turned out hours later. I did not lack attention normally anyway, as I was pretty attractive, but with my new chain in plain sight, it became too much. The afternoon was bearable, the amount of the customers being fairly low, but the inn got a lot more crowded towards the evening, and the density of drunk people also increased.
“Hey, Ali, bring me my wine already!” Fildon shouted at me. He was an exile like me, a fairly rare sight around these parts, mostly because the male Saintly people were just cherished more south of the Great Barrier, the wall that separated the land of the Judgement from the Saintly country. He turned out to be a great disappointment. We had a similar past, both of us exiles, and we both worked as sellswords at some point in our life, and on top of that, our genders were different. While sex with females was something that I appreciated a Travesti Bahçelievler lot, meeting a soulmate who was more than just a sex partner was something that I yearned for, and I always imagined that special someone as a man.
Fildon, however, turned out to be crude, rude, and a drunk – about as far from a soulmate as I can imagine. On top of it, his skills with the sword was seriously lacking, but he tried to compensate for it by talking big.
“You decided to floss yourself, eh? You were never a big fighter anyway, being a whore as a career choice suits you much more!” he shouted in my face after I set the wineglass on his table.
Truth be told, I was not the best warrior to ever roam the land of the Judgement, but I was still pretty good, and I was much better than this drunk shithead. The reason why I stopped fighting was much more about ideology – killing monsters seems easy at first, but when you realize that they are actually sentient, feeling people as well… I lost my will to fight. I might talk about it later.
When I turned to leave, I felt his rough hand go straight under my skirt, right for my chain that just emerged from my hole, and yanked hard on it through my thong. It was really painful, I screamed while I fell on my butt, my combat experience helping a bit in softening my fall. I was furious, and I became even more frustrated when I stood up and turned around, watching him and his 2 sellsword buddies just laugh at me. However, I realized that in my current predicament, I was no match for Fildon, let alone him with his two buddies together. Since the inn’s only bouncer was soundly snoring just two tables way, totally drunk, I had no hopes of retaliating for now, so I just stormed off, not wanting to hear Fildon’s insults anymore.
I hurried to the bar, where Cecil, the barmaiden was giving out drinks. She was the unofficial second-in-charge at the inn, probably because she was also a lamia, as her other qualities (or lack of them) made her quite unqualified for the job. At least she looked good.
“Sorry, I cannot continue this today, I need the rest of the evening off,” I told her. Her eyes narrowed.
“Awfully fussy today, aren’t you? Your work today was slow and sloppy, and you made a scene multiple times already. Just because you got flossed doesn’t mean you get special treatment, you know!” came her answer. Sure, as if I wanted to be groped or something. I mean, when a cute guy or girl cops a feel here or there, it’s fine, but when your chain gets yanked, or your nether parts get blatantly grabbed, it is too much.
“I know you probably want to be one of the dancers,” she pointed towards the dancing poles and the girls occupying it, “but that job is not nearly as easy as you think. We are also filled to the brim with applicants for that job, you might not even be able to get it,” she spat at me. At least they had their own dancing space, protected by a few spells, so the only time they got touched was when they let themselves to be touched. I did not wait for her to continue, I had enough bullshit for today, so I just left her, surely making her even more angry, and went straight to my room.
I was so angry and frustrated at that point, that when I entered my room, I had to fight back my tears. Was this really what I wanted? Sure, getting the dancer job might turn things around, but I would still be ogled for multiple hours a day. I lay down on my bed, trying to rest, but sleep only came after I released my frustration by masturbating myself twice to an orgasm. That was, unlike working, easy at least with my modded body.
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