(“Summer. The perfect time for vacation, beach fun, and…”) The relaxing Commander looked up from his sunchair. His sunglasses-covered eyes scan the shoreline intently. There was only one girl to look out for, as the Commander exclusively reserved the place for one of his ‘bond-strengthening exercises’. The choice was always difficult, but this time around he gifted the well-deserved vacation to Anis.
(“…Sexy bikinis!”) He finally gets a good look at her once she makes her way back on dry land. Her excited walk didn’t give the Commander much time to take it all in, but he still enjoyed every second of it.
“Commander! Come on, now’s not the time to be a lazy lame sack!” Anis calls out to him.
He didn’t want to admit it, but he was still tired from their earlier session of volleyball. Usually, he would ignore it when Anis was poking fun at him. But at the moment he was in the mood to indulge her a bit.
“But what if I like being a lame-sack?” He responds. Without the sunglasses giving him away, he continues to take in her whole beauty.
(“My god. Those thighs. And her boobs. I knew she was stacked, but seeing her like this is a whole nother level of sexiness. I can’t believe she agreed to wear a bikini this tight…”)
While the Commander ponders on, he’s oblivious to Anis’ teasing retort. He doesn’t want to be stuck with lewd thoughts for too long, as Anis and all the other Nikke still keep things platonic… For the most part. There’s no way he’d allow her to see him with a full-on boner.
In an attempt to get his mind off her alluring curves and delightfully smooth skin, he tries to think of anything negative about her.
(“Oh yeah. She is kind of short. Like, what, 5’2″ or 5’3″? And even with all that jiggle she has going on, her arms look kinda thin… If only she was taller… And put on some muscles…”)
His thoughts derailed in a spectacularly disastrous fashion as he now envisioned an amazon of a girl. Big enough to completely dominate him. The Commander kept having utterly lewd fantasies, which probably only got increasingly depraved the more time he spent with all these sexy girls. Despite his position as a leader, he always had a thing for girls bigger and stronger than him.
“Hellloooo! Are you having a sunstroke or what’s going on?” Anis snaps at him. Somehow she doesn’t notice his pants tenting with an aggressive throb. Partially motivated by a genuine concern, she comes closer to take his sunglasses off.
“…EW! Is that drool leaking out of your mouth!??”
“Huh-? wh- No I’m fine it’s nothing, I swear.” The Commander breaks out of his wet daydream just as fast as he slipped into it. He shakes his head to regain some composure.
“Alright, then get up and let’s have some fun. Just ’cause there’s only the two of us, doesn’t mean you have to lie around in the shade all day. We got THIS after all” She slams down a beach ball into the Commander’s crotch. It definitely caught him off guard, as she takes in his surprised reaction with a mischievous grin. Did she know?
Whatever might be the case, the two of them enjoyed the hot summer day while the sun was still up. A beachball on its own might just be all about some innocent fun, but when your partner is a scarcely clad beauty, the game reaches a new difficulty. The crashing waves and bits of sweat glistening off her skin only made her cleavage look even more inviting.
Fortunately, the rest of the day passed without any awkward encounters. The two of them shared some fun moments and enjoyed their first day on their own. When evening came, they sat together, watching the night sky and talking about whatever came to mind.
The clear sky was decorated with countless shimmering stars. Compounded by the distantly quiet atmosphere of the rhythmic waves, it gave the pair an idyllic end to the day. As fate often comes unannounced, a shooting star grabs Anis’ attention.
“Quick! Wish for something!” She urges the Commander.
“Uhh, sure. It’s not like these come true anyways.” He doesn’t outright dismiss her, but it’s clear by his lack of enthusiasm that he wouldn’t commit to the idea.
“And, what’d you wish for?” Anis continues without skipping a beat.
“You’re not supposed to tell, or else it won’t come true, silly.”
“Yeah duh, of course not.” Anis had her usual grin display. The Commander couldn’t see her, but he could tell by her voice alone. “That’s why I wished for infinite wishes.”
“But then… All infinity of them would also be gone.” The Commander questions why he is evening attempting to argue against her train of thought.
“Nu-uh! Obviously, my second wish was to make it so that anything you wish for becomes true! So now the wishes are all safe. Like when you put all your money in a Swiss bank account.”
“Hmm… I feel like you made it more complicated than you had to…” The Commander entertains her wishful thinking and tries to match her with an equally unconventional idea. “Why not say something like… I wish for shooting stars to fall nişantaşı escort every 30 minutes. That way you can-“
Everything stood still for a moment. With time frozen in place, a new reality is born. In the vast distance, the cosmic scenery shifts and bends to the Commander’s wish. They entered a reality in which shooting stars do indeed fall very frequently. Both Anis and the Commander were completely unaware and carried the conversation on like nothing happened.
“Yeah, I know right? Pretty crazy how common these have become lately. I dunno much about space, but someone should probably tell Orion to fasten that belt a bit tighter” Anis muses.
“Well, whatever.” The Commander yawns. He stands back up and stretches his arms all the way out. “I think it’s about time we hit the bed.”
“Your wish is my command… Commander!”
“That’s not-” He stops short of getting worked up and instead tries to mock her back.
“…Just because I propose something doesn’t make it a wish. Or are you gonna tell me you made another super secret wish, like ‘I wish that whatever the Commander things or intends also counts as a wish’ “
On the spot, the Commander felt a daunting presence. A short-lived pause, along the lines of a déjà vu. Without being aware of the weight of his words, another wish was made.
The conversation was dropped then and there, as the two of them retreated to their own rooms, all within their cozy vacation home.
All alone, the Commander wanted to take care of his increasing arousal. He reasoned to himself that he wanted to keep a clear head for tomorrow, as it was their last day at the beach.
(“My god. That body of hers is criminally hot. Does she even know how sexy she is?”)
He jerked off to his vivid imagination painting a picture of an even sexier body. There was nothing he wanted more than to feel the soft touch of her outrageous curves.
Once he was just about to cum, his thoughts ran wild with lewd ideas. He imagined an enhanced version of Anis. One with curves just thick enough that her clothes become too inadequate to handle her size.
(“I can’t wait- if I ever *grunt* witness her nipples can’t be contained by that bikini anymore.”)
The Commander moaned in relief. As he finally went to bed, the already sleeping Anis was restlessly tossing and turning. A tingling sensation caressed her inch by inch. Despite the magical circumstance, the process wasn’t instantaneous. She slept on through the warm summer night, as her hips widened by fractions of an inch, and her breasts kept amassing little bits of weight and heft.
The morning after, the Commander found himself alone outside, wondering where Anis had been. Usually, he’s the late one. Or was he? In an attempt to recollect the past few mornings, the Commander couldn’t grasp some details. Momentaneously, specks of his blanked-out memory were getting replaced with a new normal.
(“That’s right, I’m the one that’s usually out early. She explained to me why her mornings take longer. What was it again? It’s…”)
“Hey, Commander! Sorry again for the delay. I don’t know why, but my clothes have been killing me lately.”
Right off the bat, the Commander noticed that she somehow looked curvier than before. His awareness wrought an aspect of embarrassment. He was able to tell this easily, just by how much he was ogling at her these past few days.
“Ah, yeah. No problem. I can… understand why.”
With every fiber of his being enacting self-control, he glosses over her sexy beach body.
“So, are we ready? You promised we would get some volleyball action going today, remember?”
It turns out, in this new reality, Anis wanted to put off playing volleyball. The fact that she’s gotten a bit thicker already influenced her opinion on all the running and jumping they’d be doing. Still, she liked the Commander too much to outright decline.
After a bit of warmup, the pair was ready to hit the court. However, they wouldn’t be facing actual opponents. The beach has a ‘Nifty Robotics Amusement’ department, specifically designed to entertain visitors. The Commander was just in the process of setting them up for a challenge.
“But don’t make them too difficult. We already get our asses kicked enough outside of vacations.” Anis calls out to him. All the meanwhile, she keeps readjusting her bikini.
(“There’s no way this bra was this flimsy in the morning. One wrong step, and it might…”)
“Sure thing! This is a team-building exercise first and foremost. I’m sure ‘Easy’ will do the trick.” The Commander replies while feigning the voice of an understanding mentor. In truth, he couldn’t pass up on seeing how much jiggling and bouncing a bigger challenge would cause, so he secretly set the system to ‘Normal’.
The ensuing bout of high energy back and forth took the two to their limits. The Commander winced along every time he heard Anis groan during an attempted follow-up. He was nusaybin escort fully immersed in their fight for volleyball victory. Despite all that, something strange took control of him. Like a clean-cut incision into his train of thought, all of his attention was redirected to Anis’ cleavage. The way those delicious boobs swayed side to side was irresistible to him.
It appeared that the power of his wish was ramping up. Making sure that the Commander had no option but to look, as Anis’ bikini was about to give in to her ever-growing thickness. He was completely oblivious to the incoming enemy spike.
“You got that one!” Anis yells out.
In one awkward clash, the volleyball hits the empty space between them. While it flies off with incredible speed, Anis tries to make sense of what went wrong.
“What happened? I thought you-” She piped up. Her complaint was disrupted the moment she saw the Commander staring at her. He was so enthralled, it didn’t seem like he even heard a word she was saying.
“I, uhhh…” Silence. No words could escape his mouth. From his perspective, he was in heaven.
What was there to say? Her nipples were hopelessly strained against the bikini top, while her lower half was about to go from a tightened camel toe to completely rip apart. The Commander noticed that she began blushing and averted his gaze from her after an eternity of staring.
“Uhm, sorry about that. I suppose my growth spurts have been getting more extreme lately…” Now that the Commander’s wish was almost fulfilled, Anis began to accept her growth as a natural part of her that she’s had to deal with for a long time.
“I knew it was a bad idea to play volleyball during my growth period. Sorry I didn’t tell you about it before. I thought if we played well, we might finish before I hit another big spurt.” She continues.
“Ah, ohh I mean… *Ahem*” The Commander clears his throat, still looking away.
“I’m sure it must be difficult for you. It’s not your fault that you can’t reach as high, or hit the ball as hard.”
The Commander’s last sentence may have seemed inconspicuous, but he couldn’t help but imagine an even better Anis. One that could reach up the 8’0″ high net with ease. No, what if she was even bigger than that? And had muscles to match? The Commander still wasn’t aware that his dreams could come true.
We tried our best, and that’s-” Suddenly, he was interrupted by a high-pitched moan.
“Unngh! I can feel another spurt coming” Anis trembled on the spot. Her boobs jiggled in the resulting glorious aftermath, while her erect nipples gave away her increasing arousal. Now that his previous wish was finished, the new one appeared to go into effect right away. “Please, excuse me…”
Anis rushes away, as the Commander can only watch on from behind. Her ass had almost completely devoured that skimpy piece of her bottom swimsuit. Those massive cheeks of hers were irresistible to him.
Since the two split up, they didn’t get in touch again for quite a while. The afternoon’s refreshing sea breeze announced the harsh midday sun’s parting, as the hours went by in solitude.
Another consequence of the Commander’s wish was his increasing distance to Anis. Now that the changes were more substantial, their impact on the past was also increasing.
Her beauty was too much for him to handle, so the two never got as close as they used to. With their final day about to come to a close, he regrets his missed opportunities and awkward encounters. Today was only an example of what went down the days prior.
(“If only we could’ve stayed longer… There’s so much we could’ve done.”)
In his high-on-horny mindset, the Commander envisioned an even better scenario. Why have the vacation take longer, when this could be his entire life? Anis and him, no one else on a paradise island.
Simultaneously, Anis was by herself and contemplating what possibly went wrong this vacation. She sat on a balcony and watched the clear sky, her one leg was raised to allow her hand to comfortably rest on her knee. The changes kept enhancing her body bit by bit.
Her posture soon changed to better suit her increasing height. At 5’5″ her longer legs shifted to accommodate for a wider angle. Then the inches kept adding on… At 5’7″ Anis also gained definition for her muscles, which led her to sit more confidently, with both legs stretched out. Because of the wish’s phrasing, her clothes kept up with her growth this time.
(“Why is he acting so coy whenever I’m around? I wish he was more honest about his feelings.”)
During her wishful thinking, another burst of shooting stars flung across the clear sky. Just in time to respond to Anis’ wish. The convergence of two such significant wishes, those being Anis’ growth and the Commander’s changed attitude, forced their past to equally go through a big shift.
The evening came close, as Anis breached the height of 6’2″. Her bikini kept readjusting to the new reality. odunpazarı escort Longer strings wrapped around to still reach around her widening hips and growing upper body, while also turning into sturdier material to resist the weight of her tits. It’s a constant game of catchup, as Anis moans the moment her growing body outdoes her old constraints, only to return to normal shortly after.
Her growing muscles were free from any clothes, so her backside gained deeper ridges, while her biceps and triceps formed accents on her previously thin arms. It wasn’t long until they grew significantly into a sturdy shape, even while completely relaxed.
Without being able to settle for one final reality, the day goes by in constant shift. Anis still grows even bigger in bed, as her feet start to peek out of her bedsheets at 6’3″, only to hit the bed’s frame with her toes when she grows past 6’5″. Her ass expanded further into the mattress, firm and soft all around.
The Commander dreams. He imagines a perfect island, a perfect home, and a perfect partner. Every day, she would wake him up and take him out for a walk. They’d stroll around holding hands, when the moment finally came. He goes down on one knee and admits his love to her. She falls over him with a deep kiss, forcing him to the ground. Her sheer weight takes him by surprise, and even after telling her, she doesn’t let loose…!
He wakes up. The line between reality and fantasy felt blurrier than ever, now that he felt something similarly heavy weigh down on him in his bed… It was Anis.
She snuggled up on him in the night, and now she must’ve grown to at least 7’2″, absolutely outsizing the Commander. Slowly taking in the situation, his other senses put his struggle into contrast. Her touch was soothing and delicate in nature. And her smell was downright captivating him. Suddenly, he wanted the moment to last as long as possible, with his growing partner embracing him in her sleep.
Her long legs reached up and around him, partly enveloping him from every side. Unfortunately, Anis instinctually puts an end to his cuddly prison, as she also departs from her very own dreams and opens her eyes to this new reality.
“Oh, good morning dear.” The tall beauty greets him with a serene voice. She stepped out of the king-sized bed that was barely able to contain her and strutted in front of the Commander. Their relationship had taken a complete flip now that the Commander confessed his feelings for Anis.
The day he asked her out on this trip, she was already growing steadily and had by then passed him in height. That, paired with the fact that she seemed to get stronger and curvier every other day made her irresistible to him.
“How about we start off the day just right?” She asked in a deep morning voice, with a flair of playful arousal.
She looked stunning. Although, unlike his previous encounters, the Commander felt more confident this time. He leans up in his bed to get a good look at her.
“I love you. It feels like every day… You give me something new to love about you.”
Anis came closer, her constant growth was just about to come to an end at about 7’5″. Big enough to easily reach above a volleyball net and slam back uncatchably strong counters. He loved it whenever his tall queen had to bow under doorframes, putting even more emphasis on her beautiful breasts.
“Well, now that you mention it, how about we try something new today?” She leans over the Commander’s resting spot. Her boobs sway enticingly over his crotch, as she gives them a quick grasp to get her nipples erect. Before he could object, she takes off his pants and places his dick between her deep cleavage.
“You love these, babe, don’t you? Let me make you happy~” She envelops his dick completely and begins sensually massaging it with her strong hands. Her arms were now far bulkier, with ridges covering her rough upper arm. Another addition were her subtle trap muscles giving extra curvature between her wider shoulders.
The only responses he can give are satisfied grunts, as he’s utterly overwhelmed by her affectionately lewd behavior.
“Remember what you said yesterday? ‘I always want to give you the pleasure you deserve.’ Well, turns out all I really wanted is to see you come right between my huge boobs~” Anis doesn’t miss a beat and goes on to raise her breasts with a tight grip, drowning his cock in pleasure.
(“What’s she on about?”)
The Commander still had trouble separating truth from trickery, but it appeared that the echoes of his changed past had reached so far, that they in and of themself now also contained wishes that slowly affected his current reality.
(“I can’t remember… when I said that…”)
His thoughts start reeling, while the wet flops of Anis’ tits kept thrusting up and down his cock. There’s no way out of this personal heaven he’s created.
“Oh god… Yes! Anis. Keep going!!” He pleaded, and of course she followed his lustful yelling.
He came like never before. A pleasure so strong, that some stray shots exited her delicious paizuri and covered her breasts. The force and volume of his cum proved just how blown away he was. It didn’t take long for Anis to realize that the natural lubricant was ideal for a second round. She undeniably also loved the feeling of his hard-on plunging into her vast cleavage over and over.
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