As I Say


— Now then. Tell me, first, what you are, hm?

— What I am?

— Yes. What you are. I think we both know what you are… I just need to be certain that you’ll say it when I ask you. When anyone asks you.

— I… I…

— Come now. Don’t be shy. I know you find it difficult to say, but I also know you want to say it. Don’t you? Hm? Be a good girl for Daddy, now. Tell me. Say it.

— I… I’m Daddy’s girl…?

— Aw, such a sweet girl. But I think you can do better. In fact, I know you can do better. Don’t you think so, too? Hm? Why don’t you try again?

— …

— Oh, girl, you make me laugh! So bold in type, yet so insecure, so uncertain, so afraid when finally faced with reality. This is what you’ve wanted, after all, isn’t it? Deep down? … And please do more than nod, won’t you? I’d like to hear you say it.

— Yes…

— Good. I’d hate to think you had come here without truly wanting to do so.

— No, no! I wanted to come; I did. It’s just… well… it’s just so…

— So what, girl?

— … Even when you call me that… ‘girl’. It does something to me. And that… frightens me.

— How so?

— I feel as if I’m … crossing a line. As if I won’t be able to go back once I’ve crossed it.

— Did you feel like that when you were travelling, too? Afraid, I mean?

— Well… not really. Or… sometimes, I guess, yeah.

— Would you ever have not done something — assuming it was relatively safe in terms of your life — simply out of fear?

— No… it would’ve meant missing out on something.

— Yes. Precisely.

— Hm.

— Now, won’t you…

— Wait.

— Yes?

— There’s something I… want to say.

— I’m listening, then.

— I’m a dirty little whore, Daddy.

— Well… Well, well. Hm, that was çanakkale escort a rather welcome surprise. And oh, look at you blush, heh heh. Have I mentioned how much I like spots of red?

— I … think you might have, yes.

— Good girl. Ha. Well, now that we know you can say it, I need to know that you can do what’s asked of you. Will you do that for me? Now don’t just nod; tell me.

— Yes.

— Yes, what, sweetness?

— Yes, Daddy.

— Good puppy. Now. I want you to take the teaspoon you just used to stir your tea. This might be hard for you, especially here, and it being our first time face-to-face… But I want you to remember that I want you to do this for me. You need to do this for me, do you understand? I want you to take the teaspoon in your mouth and suck it. Like a cock. The way a little girl like you would suck her Master’s cock. And I’m going to watch while you do it.

— …

— Shy again, hm? Repeat your words. You know… the ones you just said.

— I… I’m a dirty little whore, Daddy.

— Again.

— I’m a dirty little whore, Daddy…

— Again.

— I’m a dirty little whore, Daddy!

— Yes, you are. Now take the spoon in your mouth and suck it, little whore.

Good. … Good girl. … It’s so small, isn’t it? Keep sucking. … Daddy’s cock would be so much bigger, angel. … That’s it. … It would be so big for you, stretching your mouth, gagging you. … Hold out your tongue. Don’t hide; no one’s watching you. At least, I don’t think anyone’s watching you, heh heh. … Lift your eyes. … Yes, good girl. Keep them on mine. … Now, mouth open, tongue out. … Mm. … Reach that spoon back into your throat. … Farther. … I want your eyes to water for Daddy. YES, that’s it. … That’s it. … Gag on it, slut. çanakkale escort bayan … Again. … Now wrap your lips round it again. … Slide it in and out.

I’m going to do something… come a little closer. KEEP sucking, like a good little slut. … Yes. I’m going to hold you now, just for a second. By the throat. … No one will see. … Mm, yesss… do you feel the size of my hand? Hm? Keep sucking, now. … Your pulse, little one… it’s racing. I wonder why. … I bet your panties would be all wet right now, wouldn’t they? If I felt them, I mean? Keep the spoon in your mouth and tell me how wet they’d be.

— They’d be tho weth, Thathy.

— Oh, sweet girl, so obedient; I’m so pleased. Take the spoon out of your mouth, now.

— …

— Say it for me again. Tell me what you are.

— I’m a dirty little whore, Daddy.

— I’d like you to prove it for me… just so we’re both clear. Just so you know your position, in all of this. You need to know where you belong. And by that, I mean that you belong on your knees, forehead to the floor, ass raised. Well… either that, or on your knees with your mouth open and ready. Either way would please me…

But yes; that’s for another time, hm? For now, listen closely: you will slide those greedy little fingers of yours into your panties and press them into that slut cunt of mine. You will remove those fingers and slip them into the mouth that I also claim as mine. And privacy isn’t something a slut deserves. You’re going to do it right here.

— What?? But, I … I can’t!

— What do you mean you can’t? Is there a problem?

— Yes, there’s a problem!

— Oh, don’t be silly. You need only raise your skirt slightly, under the table, and then do as you’re told. You don’t wish to disappoint Master, do escort çanakkale you, puppy?

— Gawd…

— Don’t play, now. You’ve admitted, right here, in no uncertain terms, that you’re a whore. You’ve told me your panties are drenched. You’ve sucked a café spoon like it was a cock. My push, here, is a minor one. I wouldn’t ask you to do something of which I don’t believe you are capable. Now. Be a good toy and do as you’re told.

— Please… please don’t make me…

— Sweet girl; I’m not making you. You’re free to say no, to walk away from me right now. We have come to no agreement of terms. Do you really think this is something you don’t want to do? Is it that difficult for you? Or is it your fear talking again?

— I… I am afraid, okay? I can’t help it.

— Yes, I know. Daddy knows. But behind the fear, do you deny the greedy hunger that I know also exists? Isn’t there a reason why that cunt is soaking you right now? Hm?

— Daddyyyy…

— Ha… there she is… There’s my little girl who can’t help herself. There’s the slut who desperately wants to do as I say. Let go of society’s bonds, girl. Mine are much more liberating. Now… fingers in.

Good girl, now. No one can see.


Yes, just open a little…

Mouth open just slightly for me please, slut… So I know your cunt is open, too.


There, yes. … Show them to me.

Slippery girl, aren’t you?

Now. Taste. Keep them in your mouth, now. Tell me how they taste. How your cunt tastes.

— Thangy sweet.

— Remember that taste, Robyn. Because… Here, remove your fingers and come closer… It’s how my cock is going to taste after I’ve stuffed it into you repeatedly, filled you with it, and then yanked you back around to shove it down your throat.

— … Daddy. Yes please.

— Pardon me? What was that?

— Yes please, Daddy. I… I want to be used like that.

— Oh little one… heh heh. Be careful what you say to me. For you have no idea how I’m going to want to use you once you offer me such words.

Now. Eyes on me. Lips and legs apart again, just so. I’d like to finger that cunt… my cunt… for myself…

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