Becoming the Neighborhood Slut Ch. 04


Ch.4-Two heads are better than one

Kinky sex with my wife was always great. Ever since we met she had always been wild in bed. Always up for anything. It’s why I felt so comfortable opening up to her about myself. But on this occasion, when she said she had something kinky in mind, I couldn’t tell her that I didn’t think it would measure up to the week that I had. I of course just told her that I couldn’t wait. So we watched some TV and she ordered food from our favorite restaurant. I went and grabbed it and we just relaxed together for a bit. After finishing out food and some more conversation she turned to me.

“So….wanna know what I had in mind for tonight” she asked seductively.

“Of course I do!” I said playfully.

“Well then….maybe you should follow me to the bedroom then”.

I followed a few steps behind as she removed her oversized shirt and showed me that was all she had been wearing. Her round ass swayed with her hourglass figure as she ascended the staircase. She laid seductively on the bed as I took a hint and started to undress.

“So….I was thinking…..we put on a sexy video, and we recreate what they’re doing in real time.”

“Mmmm, I like that idea” I said as I finished undressing.

She looked me up and down and smiled. “BUT….we’re gonna do a roll reversal. So why dont you get a sexy little outfit together, do your makeup, and then I’ll pound that tight little ass of yours.”

I was so excited! It had been a little while since she had asked me to get fully feminized for her. I loved how it turned her on. I was definitely lucky there.

“Oh….but use the downstairs bathroom. I left my makeup down there, so just use that.”

I have a drawer in my dresser dedicated to my crossdressing. The first thing I pulled out was my thigh highs. I absolutely loved wearing them. I grabbed a tiny little black g-string as well. After that I saw the silver baby doll that Cynthia had given me that I snuck in there earlier. I knew Melissa hadn’t seen it, so I thought I could get fucked in it twice in one day! I went into our closet and I grabbed a long blonde wig. I didn’t usually use blonde, but was feeling it that night. I gave her a kiss and told her I’d be right back! I went to the downstairs bathroom and got to work. It felt so good to be this version of me again. It had been almost a week since it happend, and I had been longing for it since. I went as quick as I could, but still tried to look good. When I finished I went back up to find our bedroom empty.

“Babe?” I called out.

“Oh I’m in here, just finishing up.” She called from our bathroom, “I have the video all queued up, just hit play on my phone!”

I hit play and sat on the end of our bed. The video stated off a bit grainy but slowly started to come into focus. And when it did, I was horrified. It was me!! It was me and Mark and Tim from lüleburgaz escort the basement the night before. Nevermind the fact that I didn’t know it was being recorded, who sent it to her!?!?! How long had she known?!?

“Babe….I-I can explain.”

“No need.” She replied. She had emerged from our bathroom, her big rubber cock firmly fastened to her now, “You got all dressed up and got fucked. Now we’re gonna reenact it.”

“Ok…but, listen…I-“

“Of course, there were two men there. So, it looks like we may need another cock for you.”

“I think I can help with that” a familiar voice called out from behind her. To my surprise, also emerging from our bathroom was Jen. She was completely naked except for her own strap-on. It was slightly smaller than Melissa’s, but still a decent size.

“Perfect!” Exclaimed Melissa. “I’ll be Tim, and you can be your husband.”

Melissa went and sat in a chair in the corner of our bedroom while Jen walked over to me on the end of the bed. “You were recording me?!?!” I whined at her.

“Oh honey, not only did we record you, I watched it live. I was playing with myself the entire time. How do you think I knew to be exactly where I was when you left?”

I was a little angry about it. I mean, no one wants to be filmed or have their picture taken or anything like that without their knowledge. But…..I was also incredibly turned on by the whole thing. I had lost any power I had. I had been violated. I had been used. And it excited me to no end. Jen looked at the TV and then back to me.

“Come on…this is the part you crawl to that cock.”

I didn’t fight it. I got down on the floor and crawled over to my wife. She had a smirk on her face, waiting for me to come to her. I did deviate from the video a bit as I started kissing her feet and legs. I made my way up to her inner thighs and then took her cock in my mouth. I started bobbing up and down on it. I could hear both her and Jen moaning and making comments about how good I looked and how hot it was. The pleasure they took in it only gave me more pleasure. I stood up and got ready to lower myself onto her. Before I could, Jen pulled me into her and kissed me. I didn’t know what to do. No women had ever kissed me in front of my wife before. But judging by my wife’s moans, I didn’t think she minded.

“You have no idea what your in for little girl” she said as she backed away from me.

She was right. And not only that, I had no idea what she meant at that time. But I didn’t have time to think. I felt my wife tugging at my g-string. I got in position and I lowered myself onto her. It had been a while since I had a fake one, so it felt a bit different this time.

“Mmmm….that’s my girl” she moaned. That was the first time Melissa had ever referred to me that way….and it drove me crazy. There was something maçka escort about riding my wife while also watching me ride Tim that got me so turned on. Seeing myself being taken by a man was hot. I started bouncing up and down on Melissa’s big cock harder and faster.

“Well…looks like someone’s a pro now” she remarked as I just moaned and took it. Jen had started playing with her nipples and getting herself more worked up. I could feel that I was close. And they could sense it as well.

“Not quite yet” Melissa said as she stopped me from riding her, “we wanna have a bit more fun.” She stood up and pushed me off of her in the process. They were standing next to each other now looking down at me. “Suck” my wife barked at me. I started going back and fourth on their cocks. A minute on one, a minute on the other. I know they weren’t real, but I couldn’t get enough.

Melissa and I had an open marriage fairly early on. However, it was much easier for her to get dates and find play partners than me. It ended up evolving into a cuckold marriage. It wasn’t by choice at first, it just kind of happend. However, I was never there for any of it. She would always go out and tell me all about it when she got home. So what happened next was new for me.

“Make sure you pay special attention to Jens cock.” Melissa said. I didn’t know why she told me to do that, but my submissive nature made sure I did as I was told. I hesitantly moved my hands to Jens smooth backside. Her ass was just a touch bigger than Melissa’s. I shoved her cock in my mouth and proceeded to give it the best sucking I could. “That’s a good girl” Melissa’s encouraged me as she walked around me and out of my view. I continued to suck and lick until her voice stopped me. “Mmm…that’s enough, I think it’s good and ready now.” Jen backed away from me and I turned around. Still on my knees, I saw my wife on all fours on our bed. Jen ran her hand through my hair as she walked over.

“I’m gonna give her the pounding that you can’t.”

In all years of sexual adventures, open relationships, cuckolding, etc, I had never once seen my wife fucked. I think part of her felt bad that other men could please her better than me and felt guilty putting me through it up close and personal. At that moment, I wasn’t sure what changed, but I didn’t care. I know it wasn’t a real one, but the thought of Jen ramming a big, hard strap-on into Melissa was making my little cock twitch. “Come. Get underneath me and watch her do what you cant.” Melissa instructed.

I slid myself underneath my wife. Her pussy was glistening. I picked my head up a bit and gently started licking. I had to stop though as Jen grabbed her hips and slide her cock inside of her. Melissa let out a moan that I had never heard out of her before. “Fuck! It’s so big!” She yelled. I was so turned on. I moved my hand down to magosa escort my own cock and started rubbing it though my g-string. But that was also short lived. Melissa slapped my hand away. “No!” She proclaimed in between moans. “Fuck yourself with the strap on!” I used my feet to guide it to me as she had discarded it o our pillows and started to fuck myself with it. I felt like I was going to burst at Amy minute. Fucking myself while my wife took it from someone else was the hottest thing I had ever experienced.

“Now do you understand?” Melissa asked me breathlessly and moaning.

“Yes” I moaned back as my hand started to pick up the pace.

“Good” she cried out. Then I felt her hand again. She pulled my cock out from under my panties and buried her mouth on it. I moaned so loud as her wet lips explored my tiny manhood. The vibrations from her moaning were driving me crazy. It didn’t last long as she pulled herself off of me and grabbed the bed sheets. “I’m gonna cum” she moaned. It didn’t take much longer for her to let out a scream that I didn’t know she had in her. It really made me realize that I most likely never gave her a proper orgasm.

Jen pulled out of her and Melissa collapsed on the bed next to me. The look of satisfaction on my wife’s face made me happy. If she was getting off like that with everyone she was with, then I was glad to share her. That sweet moment of bliss was inturpted my Jen though. “Be a good girl and clean my cock” she barked at mem I eagerly hopped up on all fours and shoved my mouth over her strap-on. My wife’s juices had never tasted better. I couldn’t get enough as they both giggled at me.

“You’ve been such a good girl” Melissa encouraged as she ran her hands through my hair, “I think your reward is getting to cum.” I was close as it was, so I knew it would only take about a minute. My hand made it was down to my cock but she stopped me. “No no. Stand up.” She said. I got off the bed and the two of them sat at the end. “Jerk your little cock for us.” Melissa instructed. Believe it or not, it was a little nerve wracking. I had never mistreated to an audience before. But I got over it pretty quick as they’re hands started touching eachother. It took me all of 90 seconds to shoot my load right in front of them. I got a little on their danging feet so they made me lick it off.

We all chatted for a few minutes before Jen left. Melissa told me after that a couple weeks prior to her leaving, she had been searching for a date online and came across a profile for Mark and Jen. She secretly reached out and she told them everything. They had hatched a plan for when she was gone, but me, being the eager little sissy I was, made it ten times easier for them by Mark accidentally catching me dressed. She admitted that she knew everything that was going on the entire time and said that the neighborhood wasn’t what it seemed. I pressed her to explain, but she told me I’d have to wait. In 1 week, Frank and Cynthia were throwing a Halloween party that we were going to attend. She said that everything would be explained in due time, and that we would both be getting what we wanted sexually.

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