First, the obligatory disclaimer about content: Non-consent, fantasy, all characters of age, etc.
Second, I encourage you to start at the beginning with chapter one. It’s not a stand alone story.
Hope you enjoy.
Belney moved forward to intervene in the dream-battle between her lifelong friend Lenya and her new Goblin tribe. They had pursued their beautiful young prey to what seemed to be a door in a very large and stately tree. Here at the door they paused and were confused. Lenya had imagined a tree and then imagined the door and presently was hiding within. Probably attempting to catch her breath and regain some strength.
The problem for the goblins was their inexperience with doors. In their caves there are no doors. Belney’s stall had a gate with a primitively effective rope latch. Goblins have no sense whatsoever of privacy amongst themselves. Lenya’s conjured door had a handle with an iron mechanism and the whole thing momentarily baffled the goblins. They were at a loss.
It was then that Belney, who had been watching the cat and mouse game between Lenya and the goblins with mixed emotions, strode up and entered without hesitation. The goblins watched her go in and smiled to each other. Their slave had learned the dreaming-ways beyond their hopes. She would lure the pretty little filly out for them!
Lenya looked up with wild round eyes through the hazy mist of dream.
Her face reflected her utter astonishment at seeing her companion, who she had been seeking these many weeks striding in-tall, naked and at ease.
“Lenya my dear!”
Belney was coming towards her beaming, arms outstretched in welcome. Lenya marveled at how healthy she looked. Strong and tan, her curly hair shining and cascading around her shoulders.
In a moment she was wrapped in her friend’s strong arms.
Oh Goddess did it feel wonderful to feel each other. Safe and warm and strong. For a moment Lenya was aware of their nakedness. Had they ever been naked together? She thought not. It wasn’t an awkward feeling. There was a noting of Belney’s grown-ness. She was different. Older. She had become so much more of a woman.
Belney pulled back and held her friend gently by the shoulders.
“Oh Lenya, I’ve missed you so much.”
Their eyes held each other, searching each other for clues to the mysteries of their time apart.
“I was so worried. I thought you had been tortured and killed, imprisoned… “
Lenya’s last words trailed off.
“Oh I’ve been through a lot, trials and tests good Goddess yes. I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you. This dreaming…” Her hand moved between them, as if to show that their presence together in this strange vivid dream was under Belney’s control.
“And for you to meet my people…” She stepped sideways and pointed her outstretched hand back the way she’d come.
Lenya’s face dropped. The realization crashing in on her after the moment of warmth and safety with her friend, she was With Them!
She took a step back. Her eyes full of the horror of being chased like a rabbit. Of fighting for her life against the monsters that had stolen her friend. She couldn’t ever surrender to them. She didn’t have any quit in her, was her thought.
The goblins poured in around them in a flash. Lenya made a move to flee, to transform again, but seeing Belney had shaken her. Her warrior’s resolve had a moment of hesitation. The goblins of course seized that hesitation and buckled her knees and she was down. On her back. Arms, legs, head all pinned immobile.
Belney was down a moment later and moved to be astride her. Her heavy breasts dropped softly down onto Lenya’s own and a current of sexual electricity shot between them. Their faces were very close.
“Please, Lenya. You can’t fight them any more. We’re together now.” It was a soft whisper of breath in Lenya’s mouth. “You belong to them now like I do.”
“No.” Lenya whispered back and tears flooded her eyes. “Please no.”
The goblins pressed in on them together. Lenya couldn’t move even a little.
“You will be joining us.” Said the goblins together in her mind, in their strange voices. “You belong to us now. It is your destiny and your great honor. You are ours.”
Lenya felt them exploring her body. Fingers found her wetness and slid in easily, stretching her. Belney’s breasts were still on hers and her breath was in one ear. The other brought her the strange chanting song that was the same that Belney had heard those many weeks prior.
Pushing in and stretching her with the heat of their cocks and moving in her. She felt the fullness. The incredible pleasure. The rhythm. She heard their chanting and smelled the musky smell of them and she felt Belney with her. Felt her friend moving with the pleasure also. Her heart beating with the drums of their chanting.
“You ünye escort will come to us dear friend. Leave the human town and come. We will meet you and you can join me.”
Lenya felt herself swimming in orgasm waves and felt their slick wet cocks in both hands and in her ass mouth and pussy together. She smelled and tasted their cum in her throat and face and leaking from her. What the hell kind of dream is this. Eventually it faded to a dreamless sleep.
When Belney awoke, her first thought was a question: Would her friend come? She remembered her goblins chasing Lenya in the dream space. She remembered speaking with her and her capture and being made to submit. But all that was in the hazy unreality of the dream space.
She would wake up and be in Farnum town. Would the power of the goblin’s magic and how she had been made to surrender to her pleasure in the dream, would it be enough? Had her warrior spirit been broken? Or had she just detached and let herself be taken in the dream, while her spirit had slipped away?
Belney couldn’t remember how it had ended. She couldn’t remember the women’s dream-circle closing. I must have been exhausted. Was I carried back to my stall?
She considered things as she poured herself a cup of cool tea and sat cross-legged to wait for her release. I want her here with me! I want my Luh’Kaah to take her and break her in and make her theirs. If I could do it, then Lenya could do it!
Then she remembered her friend’s heartbreaking plea to not be taken. Lenya was a different breed. My body and mind were just waiting to be taken, but would hers submit?
When Lenya awoke, her first thought was crisp and sharp. I swore myself to goblins! After all the wild chasing, she had evaded them, but then Belney had come. And after Belney, she had been caught. And after a while of her mind full of sex and chanting and being pinned down and fucked, Belney was gone and she was floating. Then she hazily remembered the goblins put a collar on her and a leash. She crawled on all fours between them and they told her she was theirs, and she had agreed! She had sworn herself to them. It seemed to be a truth that had embedded in her and taken root. She had opened her mouth wide with her tongue out and she taken them in. Their big green bulbous cocks. One by one. Every part of her. They had chanted around her and there had been a ceremony. All in this dream.
She sat up and looked around as if she had never seen the room before. She heard a rustling outside the door and a key in a lock. The door creaked open and in came a woman she remembered as an innkeeper’s wife. What was her name?
“Ah, there you are darling. You’re awake and it looks like the fever has lifted.” She put a warm hand on Lenya’s forehead and looked down at her with concern and with kindness.
“We’ve all been worried about you with the way those little monsters poison their weapons. Tristan and Barlo must’ve got a bit of it too cuz they were sick as well but the women get it much worse so they do.”
Her name is Rose, and the innkeeper is Bill. Lenya smiled up at her weakly.
“I’ll come around for come breakfast, I will. Just let me have a few minutes, Rose, if you would?”
“Oh yes of course, of course. The sun’s well past noon, dearie.You needed your sleep. It’ll be supper you’ll get now.”
Lenya sighed as the woman exited and closed the door behind her. Sleep. I’m not sure that any of that was what I’d call sleep. She ran her hands over her face and her nose just vaguely and barely caught a smell memory of all the sticky cum that was on her face and hands and everywhere else. They pulled at her, those wispy memories.
She stood up on shaky legs. Stretching and shaking out her arms she realized: I feel pulled. The monsters who stole her friend away back in Lundsmuir, they weren’t strangers any more! I belong to them. She had sworn herself to them. I’ll be heading straight out to meet them, won’t I?
Dressed, with her shortsword on her hip, Lenya descended the stair to the tavern’s big main space. She expected to find the little company of young adventurers she had persuaded to join her in scouting the perimeter of the marshes. She had led them into danger and danger had indeed found them. She hoped she could smooth things over and reframe yesterday’s bloody skirmish as a valuable learning opportunity.
When she arrived in Farnum a fortnight ago, the small garrison of royal army soldiers there would hear none of her requests for swift action on Belney’s behalf. If a girl was indeed stolen away from Lundsmuir town, the time for her rescue had passed when she entered the marshes. The fact behind the soldier’s hesitancy was simple. The goblins could overrun the town. They wouldn’t, unless strongly provoked, but the fact remained. The captain told Lenya that she could take her case to the regional governor or to the capital. There would be no engaging şanlıurfa escort the marsh goblins on their home grounds without reinforcements and experienced spell casters to tip the scales.
Lenya’s eyes scanned the room. The adventurers in their corner booth hadn’t seen her. Hunzer the Cleric was not in attendance. Rose and Bill had their back turned toward the kitchen and so Lenya made a quick decision to duck out the front door. It was a decision made in a moment. The late afternoon sun caused her to bring her hand up to shield her eyes. She turned and slipped quietly toward the edge of town. It happened that nobody of consequence saw her leave. There was a much anticipated trade caravan from the South that had arrived minutes earlier and so the fair haired young woman walking hastily north went unnoticed.
She had felt called toward the marshes and the little pale green folk there.The vivid dreams of the previous night hung half-remembered in her mind. Also Belney. Belney’s face. Her smile and her easy walk. Whatever had happened to Belney had captivated Lenya’s imagination.
Lenya’s walk eased as she turned onto a footpath that she knew would take her most directly toward the marshes. Her old friend Tholeaus popped into her mind. His big steady presence. The three of them had been inseparable. He’d be horrified to see her walking right in to surrender herself as a slave. But he hadn’t seen how they caught her. Caught her and claimed her. And Belney with them, tall and easeful in her body. All in a dream.
The confident young traveler navigated around big bushes of wild rose laden with rose hips and between straggly pines and stretches of winter meadow. The trail had narrowed. She wished she had eaten in town as she walked and munched as many of the hips as she could. Really only the tart skins were edible. Storm clouds were building in the West. There’ll be a nice sunset here shortly.
What would happen when she entered the marshes? In her chest a flurry of butterflies bumping together. Thinking of the goblins her nipples hardened and she felt a slippery wetness between her legs. For the briefest moment Lenya remembered her rage and her resolve to take on the goblins with force and rescue her friend. All of that had changed in that bizarre dream space with Belney. Had she been drugged by the goblin’s little darts?
Here she was going straight to their lair to surrender herself in her real waking life. Because why? Because I told them I belonged to them. I promised myself to them.They caught me. With Belney’s help, they caught me. Lenya arrived at a place where the trail dissolved into cranberry bogs, ankle and calf deep. Reeds and cattails began to appear. The air was thick with the songs of marsh birds. She had arrived.
For Belney, the arrival of the shaman Bulshnah meant a warm bowl of meat and herb salad after her supplicant’s bowing and kissing of feet. The old goblin gave Belney an affectionate pat on the head with the bowl of food and his gaze came and went from her as she quietly ate.
“I heard you did very well with the dream circle last dark, slave.”
Belney shot him a quick glance and a smile.
“The little filly you had been friends with in your before life will be coming, people are saying. You will have another slave to join you here.” Bulshnah regarded her steadily. His mood was inscrutable. “Things may be changing for you here, filly. When you give birth it must be above ground. Humans must not bear their Gellihacq babies in the sacred cave of the Crow clan. It must be in a hut near the cave, not within.”
The words of the shaman made Belney’s heart skip a couple beats. When I give birth?! Her mind, even knowing that breeding was central to her role with the Luh’Kaah, had imagined herself a pleasure slave. Am I pregnant? When did I bleed last? Have I, since my capture? Belney’s mind covered all the ground as she ate. A hut outside the cave? What would that be like?
After finishing her meal, Belney presented herself in supplicant bow pose. Bulshnah had the choice of fucking her however he liked or leashing her for their sunset walk. Younger goblins always took her in groups of three, five, seven, etc. Belney had come to discover that occasionally the old dogs, as she affectionately referred to them in her mind, would give her a quickie on their own.
Quickie wasn’t a great descriptor though, because the old fellows would could sometimes go on and on, until another group arrived and there’d be a joyous handoff, and Belney would miss her aboveground walk, in service of her duty.
On this evening Bulshnah leashed her and led her up to the South cave mouth. A half dozen very young goblins were returning from hunting crawfish somewhere with an older escort. Their little wicker baskets were full of wriggling crustaceans. Belney dropped easily and bowed the same to the passing little Lu’Kaah, who giggled in their weird goblin ürgüp escort way, which was more of series of short hissing noises. The cool mud on my nipples feels nice, she thought.
The old shaman led her on a trail around to the West toward the sunset. A storm was gathering and the pink and salmon color reflected on the shallow water. Bulshnah pointed with his nose in the goblin way towards some rocks and a flattish area of wildflowers.
“This is the place your hut will be built. It will be for any pregnant slave, as her time gets close. It will have a tunnel connecting it to the cave. You will see.”
The way he spoke made her uneasy, so sure of this new development. Belney realized that she’d feel less safe up here alone, outside of the warm cave. The dim candlelight, the smell and feel of it, had become comforting over the weeks.
“Thank you for thinking of me and sharing this news, Master. I’m so grateful for my life and the way I’m permitted to serve the Great Lu’kaah.” Her words were a mix of goblish and some human mixed in where she didn’t know. Young goblins had been teaching her their language. Giving her short lessons in the languid time after they’d all taken her and she lay with them in a sheen of goblin sweat and cum.
Bulshnah’s attention had shifted to a trio of crows coming in from the waters to the West. They circled once, chattering and clicking, then swung toward the North cave mouth. The old shaman gazed off to the West for a long moment, then he gave Belney’s leash a tug and began their walk back down the way they’d come. On their walk back, after going a ways, the shaman paused and made a crow call, to which one of the black birds responded, from somewhere within hearing distance. He brought from his waist bag a small pouch. This pouch he gave to the crow, who grasped it in their beak and flew straight out toward the West.
For Lenya, reaching a little flat island of dry land felt like a good place to stop and assess. There was a ring of stones. Actually there were several, but some were obscured by plants.
Her eye caught a little bright garter snake winding its way through the marsh grasses.
When Lenya looked up they were upon her. From all sides they seemed to come, moving in their swift sure way like liquid. She brought her hand to her sword instinctively but paused, eyes wide in fright. Her arms were grasped from behind. Sharp pressure at the backs of her knees collapsed her down onto them. Her wrists and ankles were swiftly bound.
Lenya’s eyes shifted back and forth between a pair of taller goblins standing before her. Both were strong with ropey thick muscled arms and long fingered hands. Their necks were rather long and thinnish compared to humans. They could crane them forward or turn them almost completely around like owls. Their chests were overmatched by their thick bellies. No soft fat on those bellies, just solid core muscles in a rounded smooth shape. Below their bellies dangled loincloths of supple painted animal-hide. A strip in the front and a strip behind. Then below-strong legs and long agile feet with something a bit closer to unruly toenails than claws.
Their dark beady eyes flashed with dangerous intensity. Lenya hadn’t ever been so close to goblins. She’d only seen them in the blur of action. And in her dreams. They had an animal smell. Her heart pounded. She remembered- I am here to surrender! To be taken by them. To join Belney. What madness made this make sense? Now, in the moment, only fear.
One of the two came close and smelled her, his mouth opening in a smile or a snarl.
Lenya felt the electric tension at his closeness. He grasped her by the chin, his face just above hers. She felt a cold blade at her belly and she tensed, feeling time slow down. Is this the end? Then the blade traveled up deftly and her clothing fell open. Those were my best shirts.
Then suddenly flat down on her belly. The air knocked out of her. Ties released and arms pulled above her head at the same time that her legs were puled straight and the rest of her clothes were pulled off in one quick movement. Oh Goddess save me. I’ll get through this. Be brave, Lenya.
A chanting began. There were drums from somewhere. She heard crows. She felt herself grabbed by the hair and yanked up to a sitting position. Her hands instinctively went to the hands grabbing her hair but her wrists were grabbed and again tied behind her. Now she was naked on her knees. Surrounded by goblins. The sun was setting, coloring the sky surreal colors, but Lenya hardly noticed.
“Why you here!?” Lenya was hearing the goblin before her speak in a rasping version of her language. Her mind took a slow moment to process. She blinked and looked down at his green feet. Why am I here? What am I doing?! The slap was sudden and sharp. After seeing stars for a second, an anger rose in her and the goblin saw that moment and leaned a fraction toward her in challenge. The other goblin stepped forward and took her breast in his hand. He lifted and squeezed it a little, feeling its weight and fullness. The nipple hardened as he rolled in between his fingers. It settled on Lenya how she had been tricked.
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