Big Dave, An Autobiography Ch. 01

Non Nude

Chapter 1 – Big Dave, An Autobiography

In Chapter 1 you meet me at age eighteen and my first sexual experience with Rachel.


Hi, my name’s Dave and I have an enormous cock.

“Yeah sure!”, you’re saying, “Who doesn’t in these stories?”, but I can assure you it is very large. I also produce copious amounts of cum.

Now, while having an enormous member might be every man’s dream, especially in these days of readily available internet porn where no man is seemingly less than nine inches in length, I can tell you it’s not without it’s drawbacks.

Believe it or not, but not all women cream their panties at the thought of being penetrated by something that could possibly hurt. Some do, but not all.

And clothing is very unforgiving, especially if you get the stirrings of an erection while encased in tight jeans. That can certainly make your eyes water.

But I managed to develop a kind of Zen mind state where I found I could tap into the mechanism that controlled my tumescence and switch it off when I needed to. No more embarrassingly noticeable erections while watching tv with the family! I also had the ability to control precisely when I would cum, or at least be able to restrain myself for longer than most.

You might be assuming that a large cock would mean plenty of early sexual experiences but, in my case, you’d be wrong. While it did lead me to a career in the ‘Adult Entertainment’ industry, my initiation to manhood came quite late.

In fact my first proper sexual experience happened when I was eighteen.

Let me take you back to the nineteen eighties…..


It was the end of school for everyone in my year. Exams sat, lessons ended.

We were all now eighteen years of age and looking forward to going to college or finding a job.

It was a very hot summer that year and, for what I hoped would be the last time, I walked along the shaded dirt path which ran alongside the school playing fields and led to the housing estate where my family lived.

This was out in the countryside and between the school and the housing there were still farmers fields and small, wooded copses.

In the winter the walk could be brutal and muddy, but in the summer it felt like just what you needed after being cooped up in an exam room for four hours.

I was lost in my own thoughts walking alone on this path when I started to notice female voices behind me.

I turned and glanced back, and my heart sank.

Three girls were walking up the path towards me.

Serena Smith was in the centre, taller than the other two and the leader of their little gang. Dyed blonde hair, too much make-up, her school tie tied short and loose contrary to school dress code but just her pathetic two fingers up at authority.

Jane Carmichael was to her left. A shorter, somewhat stocky girl, with short hair and a mean face. She was known as Serena’s enforcer, though that mostly meant picking on other girls these days.

To Serena’s right was Rachel Jones. A little taller than Jane but still only shoulder height to Serena, Rachel had a kindly face with delicate features framed by auburn hair tied back in a ponytail. I was kind of pleased to see her as we had been friends years ago, before puberty kicked in and things changed. She had always been a nice girl but for some reason she liked to hang with Serena. Maybe it was for protection from other bullies, or maybe she liked the thrill of being in a clique of bitches.

I turned back to face my direction of travel and carried on walking.

“My boyfriend says you had a stiffy in the showers.” It was Serena, of course.

I ignored the comment and carried on walking.

“Fuckin’ homo!” she shouted.

At this I stopped and turned to face them. The three girls stopped about ten feet away from me.

I stared at Serena and for a moment her gaze faltered but then she steeled herself and matched my stare.

“Your boyfriend has a vivid imagination, Rena. I wonder why?”

I knew she hated being called Rena, as often some bullies would turn that into ‘Renal’. She was obviously also uncertain about her boyfriends predilections.

She snorted. “They all go on about your fuckin’ dick but I bet it’s nothing special.”

“Probably isn’t,” I replied, “but you’ll never know.”

“Ha!” she cried, “Too scared now?”

I frowned, “Scared of what? You?” I laughed and looked at Serena and Jane with contempt.

Jane kept glancing up at the taller girl, awaiting the signal to Alsancak travesti attack me. She didn’t look happy about it, as she knew I was no longer an eight year old she might stand a chance with in a fight, but was now an almost fully grown man who could certainly cause her some hurt if she tried anything.

“If you are so sure of yourself then let’s have a look.” said Serena much to the shock of the other two girls.

“You want me to get my dick out?”

Rachel said: “Leave it Ser….” but Serena silenced her with a look.

Serena: “Yeah. C’mon. Show us or we’ll just have to tell everyone how disappointing it was. Just a little worm.”

The other two laughed at the joke made by their commander.

Threats to ruin your reputation were somewhat hollow now that school was done, but we did all still live in the same villages and towns and even when approaching your twenties some of these silly things still mattered.

I considered what she was asking.

“Okay,” I said, “But you have to reciprocate.”

Jane looked puzzled.

I continued: “I show you mine and you show me yours!”

Both Rachel and Jane were now starting to object to Serena’s idea.

“Fuck off.” she responded, “One dick for three, that aint fair.”

Pathetically my schoolyard sense of right and wrong kicked in and I had to agree that it wasn’t a fair trade.

“Just tits then.” I offered.

The three started squabbling with Rachel and Jane very much not up for this. I chuckled as Serena tried to impose discipline on her recalcitrant troops.

Eventually the whining died down and Serena stepped forward. I thought for one comical moment she was going to offer to shake on it!

“Where?” she asked, since although the path was deserted apart from us four, there was no guarantee a dog walker or jogger wouldn’t come along at any moment.

“The Groundmanshut” I replied, all in one word, which was how the infamous Groundsman’s Hut had become known.

It was a simple timber shed on the edge of the playing fields at the furthest corner from the school buildings and backed on to a thick wooded area. We all knew the path through to it from those early days of smoking and, for some lucky people, making out. It provided just enough seclusion.

Serena agreed and the other two reluctantly followed. I let them go ahead and Rachel gave me a stare as she passed me, making me feel somewhat guilty.

We all arrived at the clearing and luckily there was no one else utilising it.

“So?” asked Serena.

“Well, you guys first.” I said cheekily, leading to another eruption of dissent in the ranks.

In the end we agreed that the girls would unbutton their regulation white blouses, unfasten bras and be ready to lift them, and I would drop my trousers and be ready to drop underwear, and on the count of three we would expose ourselves.

We were ready. My mental Zen was working hard to keep it flaccid.

In unison Serena and I counted “1….2….3”

I pushed down my underwear and the three girls lifted their bras.

Jane actually had a pretty decent pair of breasts. Maybe a little saggy, given her age, but the skin was pale and smooth and her nipples were invitingly perky. I smiled as I stared at her and I saw her blush and smile back at me, but her eyes were also darting between my face and my cock.

Serena’s breasts were rather unexpected in that they were much smaller than I’d imagined. The nipples were also tiny and uninviting. Then the realisation hit me: Serena wore padded bras!! I chuckled at this, and also at her wide eyed expression as she stood there looking at the dangle of my dong.

Rachel. Oh my god, Rachel. Beautiful breasts. Lovely proportions, firm and pert, nipples that just begged to be sucked. I looked at her face which was beetroot red. She glanced at my cock and back at my face and licked her lips.

The silence seemed to go on for many minutes. What a strange tableaux we must have made.

Then Serena spoke: “But it’s not hard.” She sounded a bit petulant at this.

“You have to pay extra for hard.” I replied.


“Full monty.” I responded, at which the spell was broken and Jane and Serena started squabbling.

Rachel was still staring at me and I at her.

“I’ll do it.” she said.

The other two girls stopped their bickering and turned to her in surprise.

“I’ll do it.” Rachel repeated.

“Zen, zen, zen.” I thought frantically.

“Not here,” I said quickly, “In the shed.”

Rachel faltered a little and then Alsancak travestileri nodded.

Serena said: “I’m not going in there with you!”

“You two aren’t invited.” I responded and pulled up my underwear and trousers.

Rachel walked towards me, clutching the front of her blouse closed while the other two watched us, open mouthed.

“Are you serious?” cried Serena while Jane voiced a plaintive “Rachel, no!”

The shed was easily opened if you knew how, and even better was that you could lock it from the inside.

The one window had been boarded up years ago because of the number of times it had been smashed by kids, but I knew there was electric and a light.

I opened the door for Rachel and she entered. I followed and switched on the light before closing and locking the door.

“I’ve not been in here before!” she said nervously.

“I have.” I replied and she arched an eyebrow.

“No, not to do this…I mean…I have been in here…I skived off class a few times…over the years.” I felt embarrassed.

“So,” she said, sitting down on a scaffold board that was set upon two saw horses, “are you going to show me?”

I stood a couple of feet away from her and pushed down my trousers and underwear and raised my shirt, giving her full view of my cock and balls.

Again she licked her lips, then opened and shrugged off her blouse and bra, freeing completely those lovely breasts.

With a deep breath, she stood and unfastened her pleated skirt and laid it on the board. Then, facing me, her face the colour of beetroot again, she looked down at her white panties and placed her hand over the front of them. I had already seen the dark patch of moisture she was trying to conceal.

Neither of us spoke as she pushed the panties down, then sat quickly down on her spread skirt, with her hands in her lap and her legs discretely together.

I was no longer using my mental trick to stay soft. My cock throbbed and grew, becoming longer and thicker with each passing second. A bead of pre-cum oozed from it’s tip and fell to the floor leaving a trail of clear liquid reflecting the overhead fluorescent.

Rachel audibly gulped and I got to full stretch, my cock so heavy and engorged that it pointed horizontally towards her.

“Are you going to cum?” she asked after a minute or so.

“Would you like me to?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Let me see you then.” I replied.

Hesitantly she moved her legs apart and removed her hands from her lap.

“Can you…. Can you put your foot up on the board?” I asked

She cleared her throat and did as I asked, allowing me to see he pink pussy lips through the bush of black pubic hair.

I started to stroke myself while looking at her lovely body. I so wanted to touch her, kiss her and to smell and taste her.

Without me saying anything, her hand went down to her pussy and she started stroking her fingers between the lips, while her other hand caressed her breast.

I loved how firm her breast appeared to be as she gently squeezed it and then pinched at her swollen nipple.

I was rubbing myself faster now, just keeping my mind in check so I didn’t cum too soon but also concentrating on the scene in front of me.

Rachel was rubbing her clit and sighing and I guessed she might be close.

I switched gear in my mind and turned on the tap.

I gasped “I’m going to cum!” at which Rachel stopped her rapid frigging and instead focussed her eyes solely on my cock.

Another gasp from me and I opened the valve and powered up the pumps.

The first spray out of me was thin and fluid like pre-cum, but then the big, thick jets of spunk erupted from my cock.

They hit shelves and old sacks and splattered on the dusty floor. About seven or eight really good heavy blasts came from me, gradually diminishing as my cock began to soften.

I looked at Rachel who was sitting with mouth and eyes wide at what she had just seen.

As my cock wilted she suddenly reached for me and wiped her finger quickly across the tip of it, scooping up my sticky white love juice.

My cock twitched and another dribble of cum emerged and dripped to the floor at my feet as I watched her raise her cum covered finger to her nose and then put it in her mouth and sucked off my cream. She had her eyes closed as she licked her lips again and then swallowed.

She opened her eyes and said “Wow!”

Those were my thoughts exactly.

From outside the shed we could hear Serena shouting “What’s going on in there? Travesti alsancak Are you guys fucking?”

We ignored her and I stood staring at Rachel.

“Aren’t you going to get dressed?” she asked.

“I need to wait a while.” I said, “It’ll be leaking cum for the next few minutes and I don’t want to walk home with that showing on my trousers.”

I stared at her nakedness.

What about you?” I asked

“Well…. I haven’t cum. I was going to carry on once you’d gone.”

“Carry on now.” I said bluntly.

Rachel considered this for a second and then put her leg back up on the board and her hand down between her legs.

“May I watch?” I asked, ever the gentleman.

She nodded so I sat down on the dusty floor as close as I could get without touching her and watched intently as she pleasured herself. I found it fascinating and incredibly sexy.

She had her middle finger on top of her forefinger and was rubbing them up and down between the soft lips of her quim. The skin of her fingers was glistening wet and she would then move them up to her little button and rub up and down and side to side against this.

“That’s my clit.” she said as I watched her stroking it. “That’s what you need to play with if you want a woman to cum.”

She looked down at me, all worldly wise and full of womanly knowledge.

I breathed in the aroma of her sex and wondered what she tasted like.

I decided to ask to taste her, after all she had tasted me.

She paused her frigging and pressed her hand against my lips. I stuck out my tongue and licked her fingers and then sucked them into my mouth.

She let out a groan at this and quickly removed them and continued frigging herself.

I kissed the insides of her thighs and rested my cheek against one so my face was inches from this exciting action.

With her free hand Rachel was now stroking my head, running fingers through my hair. Occasionally she would tug at me slightly and then relax. At first I thought she was just so wrapped up in her masturbation that this tugging was reflexive, but then I realised she was pulling my face towards her pussy. She was just uncertain if I would do what she wanted.

I relaxed myself and allowed her to pull me with no resistance.

Suddenly my mouth was pressed against her cunt lips and my tongue was exploring inside her. At this she gave out a very loud moan, which had Serena now banging on the door and threatening to go to the police.

Rachel gripped my head with both hands and my tongue slid up to her clit.

I flicked it quickly with the tip of my tongue and then licked it with the flat of it. Rachel was pushing her hips towards me and encouraging me to go faster.

“Finger me.” she gasped.

I brought my hand up and pressed my finger between her lips until it started to slide down and then into her. I resumed licking her clit while pushing my finger as far into her as I could and then pulling it back out.

“Yes! Yes! YES!” she cried, raising both feet off the ground and clamping my head with her thighs as the orgasm coursed through her.

“Oh my god!” she gasped as her breathing started to get back to normal.

She was looking down at me, her face blushing red, and slowly pulled me up and towards her.

We kissed, deep and long. Rachel seemed unfazed by the fact that my lips were covered in her own juice. My cock was semi hard again but I knew we didn’t have time for more activity because Serena would have a bloody hostage rescue team on it’s way to us before long.

It would have been nice to have been able to rest and hold each other after such an experience, but we were suddenly silly teenagers again and we needed to get home to our families. She also needed to explain to her less than helpful friends outside precisely what it was that we had done in that shed and, more importantly, what we had not done.

So we dressed, and sorted out ourselves as best we could and left the shed.

Rachel faced snotty, accusatorial looks from Serena, whilst Jane was looking at the two of us with curiosity.

I made my excuses and rushed off back to the path and then home.

I did see Rachel a couple of times during the summer, but we didn’t explore any more sexual activity. She told me she’d split from Serena and Jane not long after the episode in the shed and she was now working in a Garden Centre until it was time for University.

The two others I have no idea about. I really couldn’t have cared less about Serena as she was a malignant force during our school years and I doubt she ever changed.

Jane, I think, had a soft heart beneath the bravado and just needed to be true to herself. I suspect she was a lesbian, or Bi, or whatever, but I do hope she found happiness somewhere with someone.

For me, after that summer, life would never be the same again.

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