A.N. Heyyyyy
Next chapter of Born To Be ^-^ We gonna meet Ashley’s parents!
Also in case you haven’t noticed, yep I’m uploading stuff publicly again after a long pause from doing so. Sorry it took me so long, but now there’s pleeeeeenty of content to upload in a steady stream of new chapters and new stories. Some good stuff is coming!
I will say this chapter has some more emotional content to it about family and such, so get ready to FEEL. Lol
The Following Contains: Interracial strap on lovin.
I hope you all enjoy!
Pink high heels clicked across the sidewalk at an excited pace, flowy, frilly skirt whisking in the cool late fall breeze. Not much time was left that one could get away with wearing a skirt or dress, so Ashley was making the most of it while he still could. His pink and purple purse swinging by his side, matching the tone of his dress almost perfectly. One good thing about the drop in temperature, was the new clothes!
Since he started dressing like a girl in the spring, the majority of his clothing was all summer dresses, light outfits and sporty summer wear. But now that Winter was on the way, he got to expand his wardrobe even further and buy a whole bunch of new stuff with his Daddy’s money!
Ashley almost giggled out loud at that thought, he sounded like such a basic bitch. But it was kind of true, the little money he made usually went into food and occasionally presents for Selena. The rest was her money that acted basically like his allowance, and he got to spend it on whatever he wanted. Which in turn, mostly ended up being presents for her anyways since he didn’t buy a single outfit without at first wondering if Selena would like it.
Dear Lord in Heaven, he had full on turned into a white girl from those movies. The ones where they marry older men and sugar Daddy off of them in order to get everything that they want! He had to tell Selena about this later on tonight, even though she was probably aware of it. She’d at least get a laugh if she didn’t. “Maybe that’s what I should start calling her from now on instead of just Daddy? Sugar Daddy!” He giggled at the thought before shaking his head, naahh, just plain old Daddy rolled off the tongue better.
So here he was now, just finishing up his trip to the Mall and happily walking along the sidewalk back to his house. Three bags of Autumn themed clothing slung over his arm, and a bright smile on his face. His hair bouncing with every step at its longest point, past his shoulders, close to the middle of his back with a beautiful shine to its thickness.
Walking by Ashley on the road were two men, crossing paths as they walked in the opposite direction. They glanced over his pretty face, make-up dolling his cheeks with blush, his lips ruby red and eyes lined flawlessly. He had dabbled a little with contour to make his skin less pale on his face, but Selena liked the fairness of his tone, so he didn’t bother with it too much. And apparently, other people liked his paleness too.
As one of the men whistled, turning his head as the smaller ‘lady’ walked by, however Ashley immediately called back in response, “Never gonna happen!” And continued to stroll on, smiling at the surprised, ‘Ooooh!!!’ he heard resounding from the two guys. The shyness he’d chipped away at for so long finally wearing off, he walked with his head held high. Feeling sexy, beautiful, comfy in his own skin, and loving life with all of it’s promises.
Just then out of the corner of his eye, he passed a little clothing shop based in a small residential area. Closer to home, he took a few more steps but his upper torso didn’t follow him along. He bent backwards and kept his head facing the store as he inspected the mannequin on display, modeling an outfit in the window.
A cut off red sweater top that stopped at the midsection, neatly knitted with cute patterns. A high waisted black skirt, and slightly see through black stockings that went all the way up to the top of the thighs. And two brown, high heeled ankle boots to finish it off. Ashley practically gasped looking over the cute outfit through the glass. Immediately feeling his hands grow itchy and warm with desire. To feel the fabric of that outfit slipping along his fingers, sliding it over his skin into place, performing a little twirl for the approval of his loved one. His pupils transforming into pink heart shapes, throbbing at the sight of it.
“Oh my Gooosh, that’s so cute!!!” He glanced over it, looking for the price tag, “Ouuuf…three hundred dollars?” He hesitated, fingers tapping on the side of his purse where he knew Daddies credit card lay in wait. He’d already bought quiiite a few things with Selena’s card, and this wasn’t exactly cheap. “Well…I’m…technically buying it for her…not just for me…” He reasoned in his head. Plus then again, if she didn’t trust him to buy stuff, why’d she even give him the card in Kurtköy travesti the first place? She did tell him to have fun when she wasn’t around, so that seemed reason enough. “I’m sure she’ll understand.” He grinned before quickly skipping over to the shop entrance and hurrying inside. Besides, even if she did get upset over the spending, he could always make it up to her later.
Baby girls gotta keep their sugar Daddies happy after all. They have needs too.
Later on, now with an extra bag over his arm, Ashley was trotting home with the highest spring in his step. Sunglasses over his eyes and a shining smile exposed to the sky, now approaching his home. He hurried up the sidewalk and unlocked the front door to head inside, bags saying and crumpling along each other with each excited prance.
“Daddyyyy? I’m hoooome!” He called out swinging around the doorway and shutting it behind him. After it shut, he arched his back to point his ear at the interior of the home, patiently waiting to hear her voice call back to him. But after a few moments of silence, he elected Selena still hadn’t gotten home from work yet. “Yes!” Ashley excitedly fist pumped, he could surprise her when she got home with some dinner and his new outfits!
His heels clacking on the hardwood as he hurried across the living room to set the bags down, then darted over to the kitchen to start preparing something yummy for dinner. He grabbed up his ‘kiss the cook’ pink chef’s apron, then opened the fridge and bent over to look inside, feeling his skirt slip up his back, exposing a little too much skin for a sweet, innocent little girl. Selena would surely be on him right now if she was home, spanking his ass, calling him naughty, and pressing him to the counter ready to deflower him.
But there wasn’t enough time to think about fantasizing over what she would do to him if she was here. When she got home he didn’t have to fantasize about it, it would just happen when she got here. He didn’t know how long exactly it would take for her to get home either, sometimes she was home right on time, others she would make trips on her way back and take longer. Or even sometimes she’d pull some overtime at Lunar Lifters and not be home for a few hours more. There really was no way to tell when exactly she’d be home to fuck his brains out on the kitchen floor, so he’d have to just make something that was quick and able to keep warm for a while.
He bit his lip at the thought of her plowing him pile driver on the floor though, hoping that it would become a reality soon, but just as he was about to reach into the fridge, his phone rang.
Ashley lifted his head quickly and closed the fridge door, running back to the living room and retrieving the phone from his purse. And upon inspection of caller screen, ‘Daddy’ was listed as the contact. So eagerly, he swiped the screen to accept the call and brought it up to his ear. “Hiii Daddy!” Cheerfully he said, waiting to hear the voice of his lover.
“Ash! Hi buddy! How are you doing?” And all the blood ran cold in the boys body. It didn’t even cross his mind in the moment that both Selena and his father were both listed under the same title of Daddy. The only difference was that Selena had a little heart next to her name, Ashley was so lost in the moment that he didn’t even notice.
“H…hi. Umm…I’m…uhh…I’m doing good Dad…how ah…how are you and mom?” There was a very subtle tremble in his voice as he suddenly felt the instinctual need to cover himself up.
Speaking to his father for the first time in so long, it made him feel so…exposed. He wanted to tug his skirt down, wash his face, put on some pants, just the sound of his voice was enough to make Ashley just feel so dirty. Like he was looking at him right now through the phone with complete disappointment at what his son was doing. Dressing and acting, Hell…living! Like a girl…
“We’re doing great buddy, your mom’s right here.” There was a brief pause before another voice called to him.
“Ashleyyyy!!! Baby hi!!” The sound of his excited mother came from the speaker, her voice was chipper as always and made Ashley feel a little less uncomfortable, but it still gave him the urge to try and cover up no less. “We miss you so much!! How are you doing? Haven’t heard your voice for months!” She exclaimed.
And it was true, Ashley had maintained contact with his parents, but only via texts and Facebook messaging. There had been no actual phone calls or video chatting communication. Ashley was thankful for that, seeing as how this whole, being a girl thing was still kept secret from his family. It was easy concealing it from everybody within the city because no one knew him, he was just a stranger that had a nice ass. But back home, his mother and father…what would they think?
“Uuum…eheh…hi Mom, I’m…I’m doing great!” He tried to sound more enthusiastic. “I’m still holding down my job and place, you know, making it day by day as always.” He figured the least Kurtköy travestileri interesting his life sounded, the more likely it was that the conversation would be kept short.
“Good! That’s good.” He heard his father speak, they must’ve put him on speaker phone so they both could hear him. “I’m glad you’re doing alright out there buddy.”
“Make any friends yet? Maybe any special lady friends?” His mom inquired about.
And it was as if the clouds opened up and God said, ‘this is where your living Hell begins Ashley.’ As the key turned in the lock of the front door, causing Ashley to whip around as Selena walked inside. “Hey baaabe I’m home!” Before looking up and seeing him standing by the couch, staring at her wide eyed and nervous with his ear to the phone.
Once again, there was a pause, a moment of silence between everyone involved as Selena stared at Ashley. The visage of a deer caught in the headlights, his lips moving slightly but no sound coming out. And for a second Selena thought something was horribly wrong, thankfully though, her worry was washed away as she heard the voices over the phone suddenly begin to speak again.
“Ashleyyyyy…honey…who was thaaaaat?” His mother practically sang over the line, they had clearly heard her.
“Did someone just call our son babe?” His dad picked up after that.
“I…uhhm…I…ah…” Ashley stumbled over his words.
“Ashley? Do you have a girlfriend????” She sounded so excited, so elated! “Is this why you’ve been so secretive!??” His worry was thankfully beginning to calm down as their tones seemed to lift at this thought. He was concerned about himself before, thinking that neither of his parents would want to interact with him at all if they found out his change in lifestyle. But this discovery of a girl calling him babe, seemed to be enough to deflect attention off of himself.
That was more than enough of an excuse for Ashley to go with it. “Okay, you caught me, yes. Mom and Dad…I have a girlfriend.”
Selena mouthed an ‘Oh!’ as realization came full circle, he was on the phone with his parents. And judging by the sudden squeal of excitement, loud enough to cause Ashley to recoil from his cell phone, she allowed herself to sigh in relief. Now knowing nothing was wrong, she set down her gym bag and walked further into the living room.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! Andy!!! Our boy’s got a girlfriend!!!!!” That however, gave Selena pause for a second…but she brushed it off. She still called him a boy every now and again so she figured it was probably just caught up in the moment.
There was some laughs over the line while Ashley also deflated a little, his nerves starting to leave his body like a balloon with a pin hole. Selena walked up and opened her arms to hug him, “Can I say hi?” She asked while they hugged, Ashley nodded his head against her side. “Hi Mister and Misses Walker.”
“Hello there!” The father said first followed by a similar greeting from his mom.
Ashley leaned back and put the phone on speaker, “Yes, Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend Selena Mills, and Selena these are my parents Andy and Tabitha Walker.”
“We’re sorry we couldn’t have this meeting in person! We would’ve loved to meet our little boys first girlfriend!” Tabitha continued to fawn over her son’s relationship status.
“So this is why you’ve been hiding from us huh bud? Heh, I can’t say I blame you, when you get a girl in your life all you wanna do is spend time with her.” Andy added on, sounding so proud in the moment.
Selena giggled, “Well, Ashley is certainly the only person in the world I wanna spend all my time with.” She nuzzled her cheek into the crown of Ashley’s head, taking in a good whiff of his shampoo’s scent. “And I’d love to meet the two of you in person sometime also! To finally meet the pair who blessed me with such an Angel.”
Ashley stood bolt upright though again at that, “But! I mean, I understand everybodies so busy so, I totally get why we’ve had to stay apart for a while you know, it happens sometimes.” He spoke quickly and hurriedly. And it was this point Selena also happened to notice Ashley was talking a little different. She tilted her head and listened closely, “I miss you two a lot but, we’ve all got jobs and you know, places to go, people to see.” He was talking lower, it had been so long since she’d heard him speak like this that it was almost completely alien sounding to her.
He had risen his voice an octave the girlier that he got, and ended up talking like that naturally, saying it was his normal voice anyway. Only now that he was speaking to his parents, he put the act back on, lowering his tone to try and sound more manly, or at least more boyish? She furrowed her brow, why was he doing that?
“Oh well actually that’s something that we wanted to talk to you about honey.” Tabitha went on, “We both have a little time off for Thanksgiving, so we wanted to know if you’d like to Travesti kurtköy come up and we could have a nice family dinner together?”
The girly boys face paled, “Thanksgiving? That’s this Thursday…I mean I…” He glanced to Selena, looking for help but instead of seeing a reassuring gaze, he saw a hint of confusion.
She shook her head and mouthed the words, ‘what’s wrong?’ to him. She’d been with him long enough to be able to spot when things were off with her boy toy. It was written all over his face that something was wrong, question is what?
“Pleeeease honey! It’s been way too long, you’ve been out of our lives for months, I miss my angel!” His mom playfully whined, “I neeeeeed to cuddle you, I neeeeed iiiiit!” This was a tactic Tabitha used a couple of times before, when she tried to have her way. Either Ashley was being pouty or didn’t wanna cuddle. She would stretch out her arms and just keep saying, “I neeeeeed iiiiiit!” And when he was little, if he kept playing hard to get, she’d pretend she was getting weaker and weaker, eventually to the point of collapsing on the ground, and only his cuddles could restore her energy.
“Come ooon buddy? It’s just a little dinner, we aren’t gonna make fun of you with your girly frined or show her a bunch of pictures of you as a baby or anything.” His dad added.
Selena gasped, “Ooou! You have Ashley’s baby pictures??”
“Daaaad!!!” Ashley whined, “Okay, okay we’ll go.”
His mom cheered, “Yes!! Finally, ugh, really we’ve missed you so much sweetie. I’m really happy you’re doing good out there but I just wish you’d check in a little more. We raised you from birth you know!”
“I knooww, I’m sorry I just…” He hesitated, “Have had a lot to do I guess, but we’ll make it work.”
“Yes we have his baby pictures.”
The conversation concluded soon after, with them arranging a time on Thanksgiving for them all to come over. However, after Ashley hung up the phone, Selena wasn’t willing to let go of the feeling she got off of Ashley’s nervous expression. “So…what’s up with that?” She started.
“Huh? Nothing’s up at all honey, what makes you think that something’s up?” Ashley tried to return to the kitchen, distracting himself with busy work while his brain went absolutely apeshit thinking about what he was going to do. His parents had NO IDEA he was dressing like a girl, no less living as one, and taking fake cock like one too! The humiliation was already unbearable, and here he was today feeling on top of the world with his confidence.
No one was the wiser to what he hid under his clothes, the only thing in the world that could put him down would be his parents and their imminent disapproval.
He clattered about with some dishes he’d yet to log into the dishwasher, running them under the rushing water of the faucet to wet them before opening the device and loading them in. Selena just stared at him while he did this, knowing fully that he just lied to her about there being nothing wrong. “Ashley, baby.”
“Nothing’s wrong Selena I’m fine.” He said quickly, not turning to face her.
She lowered her head in his direction, “Baby, using the words, ‘I’m fine’ on a guy may work. But you’re using it on a girl, I can see through that no problem.” She pulled out a chair from the dining room table and planted herself on it, “So talk.”
Ashley sighed, “Selena…” He hit the knob by the faucet to shut down the water, “We’ve been together for almost six months now. And…you’ve built up my confidence in ways that I’ve never felt before.” He turned around to face her, “I love you, so much and, I love being who I am! I’m comfortable in my own skin, and everything we do together has made me the happiest boy…or girl? In the world…”
Selena shrugged, “Okay, so what’s wrong? You’re parents didn’t raise you with confidence? OR they weren’t good to you? They seemed so nice.”
Quickly he shook his head, “No, no, my mom and dad were the coolest parents in the world. They always went out of their way to make me happy. I love both of them, that’s not the problem. The problem is…they raised a son. A boy, Ash, and what they’re gonna see when I go over there in three days…is not the same boy.”
“Ooooh…” Selena finally understood, leaning forward in her seat and interlocking her fingers.
“I mean…what are they gonna think?” He placed the dishes into the dishwasher. “I’m their son, if they see me like this, what if…what if they’re disappointed or…or what if they like shut the door in our faces?” He rambled on.
“Honey.” Selena tried to interject but Ashley kept on going.
“I know my mom and dad, and I think they aren’t like that but I mean how would anybody’s parents act?” He started to pace back and forth in the kitchen, “Just look at me? One day I’m their normal high school graduate boy and the next time they see me a few months later I’m wearing a pink apron and cooking chicken while humming pocket full of sunshine to myself!” He waved his hands dramatically, Selena again called out to him to try and stop his rambles, but he was tunnel visioned and focused on just his thoughts right now. “I can’t stand the thought of Mom and Dad not accepting me I can’t, so we probably just shouldn’t go, we’ll say I got sick or I have an important meeting or-“
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