This is kind of like a brief table of contents for the stories I have either written, or will be writing. At the time of writing this part I am up to Part 6 with in the series, I am working on Part 7 also as you read this, and should be ready to go very soon. There will be 13 parts to my series, not long stories, rather brief really. These stories are based around my relations with one particular Sub, they all happened over the space of a couple of years, she will probably never read these stories, there are parts in these stories that she doesn’t know about, the details in some of these stories have been changed to spice things up a bit.
Looking back at my journey now, these stories will outline a mix of what actually happened, and what should have happened if I knew then, what I know now. The first 12 parts to this series will be based on actual events that happened, the final 13th part to this series, will be a story told to me by my Sub. What happened to her after our journey, and urfa escort how open minded she became as a Sub.
Parts 1 to 5 are reasonably light with mild BDSM, Part 6 takes a sinister turn, then 7 to 12 are more exploring different fetishes from voyeurism to food play. Part 13 is a very special story told to me by me sub and involves her exploring her inner slut and truly testing her limits and pushing them to the very edge.
Part 1 – Introductory story, it outlines my initial meeting with my Sub both meeting in person and meeting in flesh. It contains mild dominance, secret home movie, a blindfold and a cum shot.
Part 2 – Touches on sex toys, my past as a creator and introduction to spanking. Nothing to saucy in this story really sorry, just setting a base for future stories.
Part 3 – First real BDSM type story, includes gagging, spanking, face fucking, things will warm up from this story on, this is where I decided to take balıkesir escort the bull by the horns so to speak!
Part 4 – First ‘accepted’ home movie, non consent touches, facial, school girl costume, a fun story about me enforcing my dominance upon my sub.
Part 5 – Voyeurism, Peeping Tom, Masturbation, this story sets the tone for Part 6
Part 6 – This was the first real time I fully let my dominant side out, After an unintended ‘break’ things took a turn, more understanding from me, less power for her.
Part 7 – More voyeurism in this story but not of just sub, but her and another partner! This was more a secret peeping tom and came out of the blue.
Part 8 – Once again another voyeurism story of my sub and this other partner, this time it was planned from both my perspective and my subs!
Part 9 – A gift for my sub to help her remember me on those cold dark nights.
Part 10 – A new fetish becomes trabzon escort quite an arousing situation on multiple occasions.
Part 11 – The new fetish once again proves exciting!
Part 12 – The final meeting that she never knew about, and potential opportunity moving forward.
Part 13 – Sub secret situation with multiple partners…at once!
This initial journey with this particular Sub has come to an end, we still remain friends and see each other from time to time in passing, it’s a bit hard not to living in the same town. I have told her time and time again, things could continue and whatever happens between her and I, would remain between her and I. Only time will tell if my once truly obedient Sub will faulter to her inner desires and become obedient once again. I live in hope that maybe one day she will, but my mind swims in reality and knows deep down it probably won’t. But in saying that she was always one to surprise and every now and then when I least expected it, she would just flick a switch and obey once again.
I hope you enjoy my stories, I’ve been a long time reader of stories here, but this is the first time I’ve ever shared such stories, so please, don’t mind the spelling and grammar, I will do my best, but I’m sure you will get the gist as you read.
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