Breeders , Bulls Pt. 06


(Chapter 22.) The division.

The division is finally here. I wake up early and most of the guys are asleep. Liam is one of the guys sound asleep and I don’t disturb him. I watch him for a moment. Happy that he has a certainty that I don’t, and I leave him. I have a great calm feeling as I shower, eat and prepare. I check myself out in the mirror, flex a few times. Get my hair the way I like it. Before I know it, I am called along with a number of other guys, some of whom had still been asleep when the service bots tell us to assemble on the lawn.

There are about 50 of us, and we are taken to a large room in the admin center. I don’t say any goodbyes. I feel pretty sure what today will bring.

Brett, Calvin, Dean, and another 15 or so names are called out. As we step forward, I see we are all clearly bulls. Not one of us is less than 5 inches soft. We are the biggest of all the boys.

I feel so relieved. As we are led away. We are taken to the medical center. I am the first one called into one of about 10 rooms down this corridor. As I enter the room, it is clearly a medical facility and I assume this is where I will get the Golden Nectar.

“Brett. I am Dr. Anderson,” the Bull says. Even though he wears a white coverall, it is open down the front and I can see his long thick, exposed cock. He is rock hard and has a silver cock ring on his massive bull dick.

The room seems quite empty, with a few chairs. A couple of breeders with E Tabs they seem to tap away at. In the middle of the room is an almost upright table.

“Hello, Doc,” I say.

“Now, if you could get up here, Brett. I will take some measurements, a blood sample, a DNA sample, run a few tests on you and give you the Golden Nectar, get you on your way to becoming a big bull,” he says with an upbeat voice.

I almost run across the room, ready to become a bull. I knew I was stupid to worry. I put my feet on the two metal plates that seem designed for putting my feet on.

“Now lean back. Brett. Perfect,” he says.

I am now resting almost upright against the table. The breeders have moved forward to either side of me. I feel a scratch on my arm.

“You didn’t even feel that, did you?” The Doctor says in that sing-song voice.

One of the breeders walks over and pulls a strap out under my left arm and passes it under my arm, which feels heavy. The breeder hands the strap to the other breeder, and he places it under my right arm. My body feels heavy all of a sudden.

“Doc, what are you doing?” But my voice is slow and sluggish.

“Just securing you in place.” I feel the strap tighten, and it starts to take the weight off my body. I feel my head fall forward, then I feel it pulled back. A strap is placed around my forehead, and my head is placed back against the table at what seems like an awkward angle. I have a view of my dick.

“Doc,” I say.

The Doc is fussing around. I can’t see what he is doing, but I feel the breeders strap my left leg and then my right leg.

My body feels heavy and numb. I feel the table lowered back and I try to struggle, but my body won’t move right and I am strapped down. I am now lying almost flat but not quite. My heart races, and I feel a sense of fear and panic. This doesn’t feel right.

My head is clearly positioned, so I can see between my legs. They are held apart, and my cock and balls are exposed and I see the Doctor smile. He holds up the clamping device I saw him use on Gordon on the visi screen. I really panic, this isn’t right, this can’t be right. Not me, not this. The clamp’s chrome glints in the light. I know it will hold everything nicely in place as the Doctor makes that final cut. This can’t be.

“Doc, NO! I am a bull. The Golden Nectar you said,” I say and my words are slow.

The Doc just laughs and moves between my legs and grabs hold of my dick. “You do have a big cock, Brett,. It is almost as big as a bull cock. In fact, some bulls don’t have this much, such a shame,” he says, and that sing-song voice has turned quite sinister. He rolls back my foreskin and exposes the head of my dick. He places a silver cone on the head of my dick.

“NO DOC PLEASE NO!” I scream. I feel like I want to be sick. I know what he is doing.

“What Brett? You are meant to be a bull. Why? Because you have a big dick and big muscles? Silly, silly boy, the big boys always make the best breeders and you are one of the biggest, so you will be a fine breeder bitch for many cocks. The clever ones almost expect it, the mediocre and average are usually resigned and the rich boys know they were betrayed by a loving father. It takes all sorts. But my preference is a big breeder like you,” he says, stroking my chest.

“I will be sure to keep an eye on you as big Brett fades away. I have a special treatment for you,” he says and laughs.

“Doctor no. Don’t. There has been a mistake. I don’t want to be a breeder god, no Doc, not this. Please,” I feel my heart race. This can’t be happening. I start to cry.

My eyes fill with tears. I yell and cry. “I don’t want a pussy, not yalvaç escort that. Please god no not my dick. THIS IS A MISTAKE!”

“No Brett, no mistake. Brett, you are dumb as a post. Your IQ is very low, really low. You are the perfect breeder material. You have nothing to offer. No excellence in anything that I can see in your file. Nothing to mark you out as special. Your parents have credit, but not enough, it would seem, for more than a handful of bulls. You haven’t excelled in any academic way, you have no commendation for any sort of bravery. You do look great and have a huge cock, but that is not part of the criteria, we have drugs for that. It is called Golden Nectar. We can make a boy big and strong, but we can’t give him brains, though. We can’t give him a rich father and even then, that is no guarantee. And now look at you crying just like a breeder. A real bull wouldn’t cry like this. I haven’t even cut you and already you cry. ‘Oh no, Doc.’ ‘A mistake doc.’ See Brett; all you are doing is proving to me they made the right decision with a blubbering thing like you,” he says.

“But Doc, not this, please don’t, not this please. I don’t want a cunt,” I plead and sob.

He grabs my dick. “Brett, this is so big, so big and thick and long, but you are a breeder. So I need to take care of this thing,” he said and squeezed my fat cock. He takes the cone off my dick.

“Maybe we did make a mistake,” he says and squeezes on my soft cock.

I look at him. “Really?! Oh god thank you doc, thanks doc,” I say and he looks at me.

He says nothing and begins to jerk me. His thick firm fingers slowly rub the skin of my dick back and forth. He says nothing and neither do I. He pumps the shaft and works me, and I start to get hard. “Such a big cock. Such a big bull cock,” he says finally.

“Doc. I err…” I am confused. Has he changed his mind? He tugs fast and hard. He works me hard for a few minutes, fast and furious. He just grins at me, saying nothing. I am not sure what is going on and am too scared to say anything. Maybe it is some test and if it is, why the fuck didn’t Angel tell me about it?

“You like that, Brett? Look how hard you are getting you like that, don’t you?” He tugs on my dick.

“Yeah,” I say hesitantly.

His strokes become firmer and longer. He emphasizes the skin rolling back and forth over the head. Each stroke is a reminder of what he can take away. He is now gripping me and pulling my still uncut cock a little too hard at times, but it still feels good. “All that foreskin on your big bull cock. Feel so good sliding over your cockhead, doesn’t it Brett?”

“Yes Doc, don’t cut me please, I want a bull cock,” I say and I am getting really close now. My dick feels good, and he works it faster, harder, faster. He smiles at me.

“Yeah, you fucking love it, Brett. You love a big bull like me jerking you. Don’t you?” He asks. I see he is hard and leaking as he jerks me off.

“No…Yes,” I say, confused and am getting fucking close. I feel my toes clenching and the tension in my thighs.

“Yes, you do, you are getting so fucking close with my big bull hands stroking your clitty aren’t you,” he asks?

“No… Yes… God. Doc. I am a bull, not a breeder, honestly,” I say. I am desperate at the will of this man. My entire future hangs in the balance of this man. I feel so weak and vulnerable. I can’t be a fucking breeder. A series of holes to be fucked and filled. Yet here I am, begging and pleading like a bitch, as some fucking bastard holds my precious cock in his hands. My future. I already think I know what it feels like to be a pathetic breeder and I don’t want to feel this anymore.

“‘No.’ ‘Yes’. ‘God.’ Listen to yourself. Brett, I am jerking you, and you fucking love it, don’t you?” he asks, smiling at me.

“Yes,” I say, taking my chance, that is what he wants me to say.

“Yes, you do. You love having your clitty jerked, don’t you?” he asks, and I am really, really close now.

“No sir. It is a cock,” I say, and I feel my nuts churn a little, but somehow stop the impending eruption.

I see a flash of silver before me. It is a scalpel. “Call it a clitty or I will cut the whole fucking thing off. Tell me you love me playing with your clitty,” the doc shouts angrily and scarily.

The level of fear, panic, and desperation reach levels I can barely process. His tugging on my shaft becomes furious and with his other hand he still waves that silver scalpel before me. I give in.

“I love it, sir. I love you playing with my clitty. I am a bull though, sir, honest.” I pant and cum and as I do, he waves the scalpel at me real close to my face in a swishing motion. I just called my dick a clit. I feel the shame and pleasure of an orgasm. A powerful blast of cum out of my dick. My big fat uncut dick. I just called it a clit.

“A fucking bull. Look at you soaking me in your jizz, crying like a bitch, getting off from a real bull’s touch. A fucking bull? No Brett, you are a fucking joke. I should just cut it all off now.” He shouts and runs the yenibosna escort scalpel around my dick.

“NOo!!!” I scream and then I feel something else as he runs the scalpel over my spent dick. A wave of utter fear. I piss myself.

I hear him laugh and feel the piss flow and spray everywhere. I look at him and he moves closer and stands with his hard cock near my face, my own cock spraying piss. I feel a jet of spunk on my face and another as he cums on me. I feel his cum run down my cheek and down my neck. I feel it cool on my skin. The thick globs of his bull batter mark me.

“Clean up required.” He says somewhat breathily. “We got a pissy breeder.” I feel someone wiping me down, and I hear the noise of a cleaner bot.

I hear the doc sigh and chuckle. “Fuck, what a way to start cutting day.” The doc says. “I fucking love cutting day, especially the big bitches like this one. Still, I have work to do,” he says, and I hear him rattling around. He wipes his hands and tosses the wipe onto the floor, and a bot picks it up.

“Now where was I?” he asks.

I feel the doc roll my foreskin back, and I feel someone wiping my dick and chest clean. I feel the cold metallic cup placed back on my cockhead.

“Well, now back to it. Time to give you a real nice fat thick breeder clit Brett. So sensitive. It will be a big clit, Brett. You can be proud of your big fat breeder clitty,” he says as he moves back to business grinning.

“It’s a cock. I don’t want a clitty,” I say quietly. I feel somewhat dead inside.

“Well, now, Brett, I think a few minutes ago you even called it a clitty. A big boy like you won’t have an itty bitty clitty no. You will have a big fat sensitive cut clit, not this swinging thing. We will soon take care of this. Now let’s get started.”

He pulls the foreskin back up over the metal cup shielding the end of my cock.

“I am going to make you get a tight cut right down the shaft. I will use a special scalpel on you. I am going to give you a really big thick, sensitive scar. And I will see you get the right treatment. You will have a much bigger clit than most of the breeders, and I will try to make sure as much of it is as exposed as possible. Just think how jealous the other breeders will be when they see your fat cut clit head poking out of your slit above your juicy cunt, ready to be rubbed and pleasured. The bulls will love it too. So easy to find, so exposed. They will see a big clit and think how easy it will be to get you to respond so nicely to their needs. Eager to take dicks in your tight pussy. Do you like pussy, Brett,” he asks?

“Yes sir,” I say, sobbing.

“Oh, cry baby breeder likes pussy, well that is good because you are going to have one. I am going to help you get one. I am kind like that.,” the doctor says, laughing.

“No, please no. I don’t want a pussy please,” I say and plead and try not to cry anymore, but can’t help it.

“But you do want one, you said you like pussy, you cry like a breeder, fuck Brett you just pissed yourself, a bull wouldn’t do that. And guess what, a pretty big breeder like you will get lots of cock in his pussy.” He laughs.

He tugs my foreskin through the clamp. He pulls it really tight. I see he has pulled inches of foreskin through the hole. He smiles at me. “That is not enough, a little more?” He says and tugs again and now seems to be holding a lot of skin. “One more for luck,” he says, and I scream in agony. That’s the spot, he says and begins to clamp the device shut.

“Please god no.” I sob in pain, my cock skin pulled painfully tight. This can’t be. It can’t be happening, not to me. I will have a fucking pussy.”Not my big cock. Please Doc, not this,” I cry. He finishes clamping the device.

He moves to my face and puts his hand on my chin. “Listen, you dumb cunt. You will be a big muscle breeder bitch with a wet empty pussy that gets fucked. If you are lucky, you won’t end up as a whore.” He lets go of me.

“No, please no.” I plead, and the pain is almost unbearable.

I think about the video of Gordon and how his foreskin was cut and then healed with the pen. I think about how he was caged. I think about Zach and his shrill breeder voice. About Brick and the way he bloomed, his ass cunt pumping and pulsing before my eyes. I think about all three of them, their dicks shrinking, their balls pulling up inside of them. The way they pissed out of their new piss holes. How their cunts popped and burst open. Their periods, their smell, that the familiar sexy bitch smell. The way they got fucked and loved it. The way Thomas grew a pair of tits and cried. I think about the Golden Nectar, which would make me massive, a real bull, a real fuck machine. I was already the best in the academy, all the whores said so. I was meant to be a bull.

I cry and plead. The pain is almost too much. The Doctor looks at his scalpels. There are a number and they have different serrations on them. “Oh, this one. I call him Mister Blunty. He is perfect for a nice bit of uneven healing and a perfect bit of thick yenimahalle escort scarring. I know the man who designed this one,” he says with sick glee and chuckles.

I see the doctor pick up the scalpel. He moves toward me. “Ready for the final cut, bitch? Sorry, but this is really going to hurt. This one is a little blunt, but it gives a great scar. I only use it on very special boys,” he says and waves the scalpel in front of my face.

“No,” I sob.

He moves slowly, not at all the swift motion of the video, and the pain is searing. At some point, he hacks at my skin as he works around my shaft. I cry out in pain and almost pass out and finally; he stops.

“I never took so much skin off a boy before. Brett, you will be a triumph.” He holds the skin in some tweezers in front of me and there is a lot of my cock dangling before me. I look down and see blood pooling now.

I look back at the jagged edges around the now detached foreskin. He holds a part of me. “Nooo!” I weep as I see a part of my manhood, the first part gone.

I am marked my dick is cut. I will be a breeder. He removes the clamp. “Alan, clean up the blood, please.” The Doctor says to one of the breeders, and they do.

He runs the healing pen around my cock. He stands back and I look down and although it is fresh at the moment, I can see a thick, raised jagged join and a change in tone almost two thirds of the way down my cock.

He runs a finger around the scar and it is still a little numb from the healing pen. “That is my best work to date. Brett, you will have one of the most sensitive clits in all of Albion,” he says and laughs.

He picks up a syringe and injects me several times, and it is done. “That was the first of many injections. No going back now. Brett. You are on your way,” he says.

I sob and am given another injection. I feel less sluggish in my body as I am unstrapped. I collapse on the floor. Crying.

I look between my legs. The shaft of my cock, all six inches of it. Only now it has a big pink ridge of a scar almost halfway down the shaft. I touch my cock, and the skin feels taut and tender. The skin’s so tight, and I’m as small and soft as I’ve ever been. What will this feel like when I get hard? The first thing that really strikes me is how ugly the mushroom shape of my cock looks. It is no longer framed by the foreskin. My cock was a sleek rod. Now the head splays out and back into the shaft, the skin that used to soften that stark contour of my dick, gone.

The fat shiny pink bulbous head of my cock looks almost ugly now, strange and foreign, and yet it was always like that, only shrouded and softened by the missing inches of skin he cut away. The tone of my cock surprises me. The familiar skin of the base, then the darker reddish color of the thick scar, and the jarring lighter pink that was hidden that runs darker to the head of my dick. A head that will never be covered again. It looks strange, almost like it belongs to three different people. A Franken-cock. I don’t get long to look, but the image of something that brought me pride, joy, and ecstasy, something so familiar, is now so alien, strange, and worst of all, ugly.

The guards lift me up, and I am led out of the room sobbing. I look at my mutilated cock as it swings. The head, free of its foreskin, looks so exposed, and it is. I am fitted with a cage.

They manhandle my cock and stuff it into a cage. “This is our clit now. You keep this on for 7 days for proper healing and to remind you that you no longer have a cock. You have a clit now, and it is ours to control.” The words are said as if they were said a thousand times before and I am almost dead inside.

I am off to an unknown part of the campus. The cage at first was a relief, so I couldn’t see my dick, but now I am aware with every step that my dick is stuffed tightly into a metal case. I am being turned into a breeder.

I pass through a door and a greeter bot flies towards me. “Welcome. Brett. This is the breeder processing center. Follow me. I shall show you the facilities.”

The words hit me, and I wipe a tear away. I walk around, but there isn’t much here. Large Dorms. I am shown mine. A small gym. A small canteen and a small social area. There are a number of whores walking around. I see Adam. He looks at me and looks sad. I see Thomas; the bulge showing my child inside him. I see Angel.

“I will show him around,” Angel says and dismisses the bot.

“Oh god, Brett, I am so sorry.” He says.

I can’t speak, I just start to sob as my brother holds me in his arms. I look down as my tears fall down into his soft fleshy breasts and see my future in his cleavage.

(Chapter 23.) The bull parade.

It takes all day and into the night before all the boys are done. The sight of all those boys who just days ago were free and naked. Slowly the dorm fills with caged boys. It is strange and somewhat horrific. I had only ever been caged once before. It was strange seeing us all marked like this. I think back to school, you would see someone like Zach turn up looking red-faced and wearing a cage. It was an immediate sign of punishment. A sign that you were still a boy and your manhood was on loan until you finished the Academy. It was the stuff of nightmares, a threat that you could end up with a cunt. Now the nightmare was real.

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