This story is fiction and combines my two fetishes piss play and sex with old grannies/couples aged at least 70 years old.
Ever since I admitted to myself that I was a dedicated granny/grandpa lover who got turned on playing with old wet cunts and cocks, I trained and qualified as a domiciliary home carer.
My first job was with an agency and had been with them for a couple of years. But the pay was shit and I was always getting tempted by a few nice old ladies and some couples who made it clear they wanted a more sexual form of intimate care. But I was always very wary of taking them up for fear of being reported. So I decided to go private to enjoy new old fuck buddies.
My card said: Independent, young professional qualified male domiciliary care provider seeks clients who are interested in a personal and long-term intimate and caring service. No upper age limit. All disabilities are catered for. Phone Peter on ….
I chose my target market carefully: bungalow land in an upmarket neighbourhood.
After two days I had my first call from a lady called Jane. This is how the conversation went. J is her P is me.
J. “Hello Peter, I am ringing regarding using your service. My name is Jane and I am a widow of 76. Could you help me with things like personal care dressing/undressing, bathing, etc? And my last carer very kindly used to give me a massage to relieve my arthritis.”
P. “Thank you for calling Jane. The answer to your requirements is yes including the massage.”
J. “Oh that’s good, what is your hourly rate?”
P. “If you wanted me regularly it is £15 per hour or we could come to a mutually agreed arrangement for (say) a weekly service.”
J. “That is cheaper than I am paying the agency. Will you call round so we can meet and discuss things?”
P. “I would be delighted to. Would tomorrow afternoon around 3 pm be convenient?”
J. “Look forward to it.”
To ensure my old ladies had something to look at, I bought myself a new white uniform and ensured the trousers were nice and tight. With no underwear, my thick7-inch cock was very prominent.
I presented myself on the dot at Jane’s and after ringing the bell, I had to wait a few minutes for her to answer.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting Peter, my arthritis does not make it easy for me. Sahabet Anyway, come in.”
Seeing her difficulty I offered her my arm as we gently walked into her immaculate lounge. “You may be young, but I can see you are a gentleman with lovely manners, Peter.”
“And you seem a nice lady Jane, you have a lovely bungalow.”
“Thank you, but it is not easy keeping up with the housework, maybe you could also help me with that? Anyway, sit opposite me on that sofa, I’ve made the tea. Is that ok?”
Sitting down I spread my legs to give her a good look at my package and as I hoped, she noticed right away. Jane was a typical granny, quite plumb verging on fat and she wore a skirt instead of the usual boring granny trousers. I could not judge her tits, but the mound under her cardigan looked promising.
“Peter, may I ask you a very personal question?”
“Sure Jane, go ahead.”
“Aren’t you put off working with us old people and our decrepit bodies, especially with intimate things such as bathing and toilet stuff?”
As she was asking I was imagining fingering her fat cunt.
“Well, Jane to answer that, I will have to be very frank with you. You see, when I was just twenty my mum asked if I would look after her sister, my aunt, for a couple of weeks. Well to cut a long story short, as I had to do all sorts of personal things for her. God bless her, she must have enjoyed it, and so started to seduce me. And to be honest with you, I enjoyed it. She introduced me to lots of wonderful erotic things. After enjoying her lovely old, saggy, wrinkly body, young girls never did it for me.”
As Jane asked me to pour her another cup of tea, she added. ” So, is that why you got into caring for us oldies?”
“Yes, I suppose, in a way, it was. Now, Jane, would you like me to help you?”
“Peter, well yes, I would very much. I have been a widow for over 10 years and in all that time, have been quite content with my lot, but recently I got a computer and found some lovely sites that depict young men playing with old ladies like me and that reignited a lot of passion in me. Isn’t that daft?”
“Not at all, Jane. I will be only too happy to give you everything you need” Placing her hand on my hard cock, leaning over I added, “Give me a nice kiss, to seal the Sahabet Giriş deal.” She just nodded as I gently and must say, chastely kissed her lovely soft lips.
“Hm”, she sighed as I gently opened her lips with my tongue. That did the business. We started virtually eating each other with lots of spit. Coming up for air after five minutes, Jane went bright red.
“Oh, Peter, what do you think of me.”
” I think Jane, that you need a lot of sexual stimulation.”
With that, we started to kiss again but as soon as I put my hand on her knee, she dutifully opened her legs and fat wrinkled thighs as wide as possible. My fingers felt a very wet and quite hairy crutch and as I worked them into her hole, she squirted a small drop of piss.
“Oh my goodness Peter, I’m sorry. Those two cups of tea went right through me.”
“Jane, lesson number one, I want you to piss as much as you like. Most of my old lady friends, thought like you until I got them to enjoy piss sex play.”
After giving her a nice orgasm, she kindly gave me a gummy blowjob and swallowed my spunk.
I left Jane contented and with an agreement, I would return next week.
I found her call strange but intriguing from a nice-sounding lady called Penny. Here’s how it went.
“Hello Peter, my name is Penny. I noticed your card that was put through our door yesterday. We are an old couple in our late seventies and need help in the bedroom department. I know this is highly unusual but you did say that you provided intimate care.”
“Yes Penny, that’s right. Don’t be shy, tell me what you need.”
“Oh, that’s a relief. Well Peter, we- that’s Don and me- had a good friend who used to play with us once a week if you get my meaning. The thing is — and this is very naughty — we have always been very highly sexed but as we got older Don found it difficult to get an erection. It was only by accident when our friend came round one night and stroked his cock that he got a massive stonker. Sadly our friend passed away last month and we were wondering if you would be ok to help us?”
Well, what could I say but yes? Two old fuckers instead of one!
I made sure that I kept my uniform on to get off to a good start. Well, when Penny opened the door I was gobsmacked. Sahabet Yeni Giriş She was a good size 18 and wore a see-through housecoat that left nothing to the imagination. She had a large pair of tits that hung down almost to her belly, which was lovely and jiggly.
With a smile on her quite pretty wrinkled face, she ushered me into the front room where Don came over to shake my hand.
“Pleased to meet you, Peter. It is kind of you to help us but we were worried that you would think us perverted as we are so old. You see we were desperate as Penny is getting so frustrated and I have not had a hard-on, you know a real fucking stonker for a couple of months.”
“Now love don’t be frightening our Peter off with our problems just yet. Let’s have a nice cup of coffee and get to know each other better. Is that ok with you Peter?”
“Fine, by me”, I answered.
As Penny came in with the coffee, her big saggy tits were swinging and I got hard. But what the fuck, that is what I was here for anyway.
Penny made sure that I sat opposite them.
“Peter”, she started, “When we saw your card we could not believe that a young man would enjoy being a carer for us oldies. Do you have some kind of kink, or what?”
I told them my story and then asked what sort of ‘games’ they played with their old friend. They liked double fucking, role-playing, and although they were shy about it, piss play.
Penny kept looking at my now fully engorged cock and said “Peter would I be forward if I were to ask if you would fuck me right now? Don, won’t mind will you darling?”
Upstairs on the bed, Jane looked very fuckable. Her tits — a good 38 DD — really dropped down to be flabby belly which I lifted up to play with her surprisingly hairy cunt. “Oh, that’s it you dirty granny fucker. Stick them all up. Don, come here honey, and suck my tits.”
Don crept over with his half-hard cock and greedily sucked her nipples.
“Yes, yes, oh yes, I’m cumming!” She was one greedy lady.
But Pete wanted more. “Come here Don and let me get you hard. Lying down and facing each other they rubbed each other’s cock with the result that Don said “Look Pen, I’ve got a lovely stonker.”
Don said, “Pete fancy a three-way. You fuck Penny and I shoot my spunk up your shithole?”
Now I know what your thinking but fucking a lovely granny with a cock up your arse but it makes me shoot at least twice the amount of spunk.
And that is exactly what we did.
This old couple would be good for a long time and they said they would never tire of trying new horny things.
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