Note to readers: Thanks to a feedback comment on a previous story, I remembered this adventure… and immediately felt it would also make an interesting story. So… feedback can be helpful, y’all.
One of our favorite cities is Chicago. Fortunately for us… Anthony visits Chicago several times each year for work-related meetings. And… I get to be the tag-along spouse at some world-class hotels… yay!
Last year, we were staying in a downtown Chicago hotel for several days where simultaneously a professional conference of some sort was happening. I never really found out what the specifics were for the conference but did figure out quickly it was a group of engineers. First… their name badges included the name of their host organization… ending in “of Engineers.” And then, second… one of the guys I met in the bar on the first night was wearing a t-shirt with the words, “Engineers Do It with Precision.” Ahhh… good hints, eh?
On our first evening, Ant and I met a few of these engineers at the private bar area on our executive-level floor. They were mostly men on our floor… and they appeared to all hold leadership positions in their professional organization of engineers. It was Happy Hour, so they were enjoying a bit of relaxation at the end of their conference day… but they were also discussing off-and-on what adjustment they wanted to make in their sessions over the next couple days.
As we enjoyed our drinks, Ant and I both noticed that I was getting some semi-interested looks from several of the guys. I was still in my travel clothes at that point, so there really wasn’t that much to see.
In addition to the mostly modest clothes I pack to accompany Ant in his professional settings, I always pack a few sets of what I consider to be “play clothes.” These are clothes I can wear that are skimpy, flirty and fun… outfits meant to be worn around the hotel, visiting museums, shopping, etc. When I overheard that the conference had about 600 participants, I was inspired to start planning my outfits and my appearances to maximize the potential of a ready-made audience.
The concierge at our hotel connected us with a wonderful restaurant for dinner… wow! After a leisurely dinner, we returned to our hotel and we decided to have a drink and perhaps some dessert in the top-floor bar before turning in. it appeared that our own hotel bar was a destination night spot… perfect!
What a great place! It had very large windows around three sides with amazing views of the Chicago downtown skyline. The design of the bar was elegant… a triangle bar in the middle of a square space. What we found was that the space on the other side of the triangle bar was pretty much private from the other two sides of the triangle… sweet! That’s where we went… and it proved to be a space with a great view and no direct public exposure. My creative juices were flowing!
It was almost 11pm, and the place was humming with laughter and conversation. They may be analytical engineers, but they also obviously knew how to kick back and have some fun. A few other couples were enjoying the “private” part of the top-floor bar… but it appeared to be populated mostly by the convention goers.
We checked the place out, and each enjoyed an Irish coffee. I’d seen all I needed… so we went down two floors in the elevator to our executive-level floor. As we walked out of the elevator, we saw four people in the honor-bar seating area. We chatted with them briefly and then walked to our room at the end of the hall.
Our room was a corner junior suite… the entry room was the living area with a sectional seating area with a couple of plush sofas, desk, large-screen TV, and a mini-kitchen… with floor-to-ceiling windows on two sides. Then… there was a spacious bedroom with a king-size bed and luxurious bathroom with its own large window. My hubby knows how to keep me happy!
As we do often in downtown hotels, we both shucked our clothes immediately… with no worries in closing the curtains. Our view… similar to the view from the bar a couple of floors above… was spectacular from both the living room and the bedroom. And… several high-rise hotels near ours on two sides had a clear view of us… lights on and no curtains. Both Ant and I find this to be a fun part of high-rise hotel stays.
Naked and very happy… Anthony and I walked close to our floor-to-ceiling window in the bedroom and looked out on the amazing vision of the Chicago skyline in the middle of the night… magical! We spotted several fully lit windows in two nearby hotels with some movement… one couple watching TV in their hotel robes… a woman working on a laptop computer in just her underwear… another couple leisurely unpacking their suitcases. In addition, we saw five more windows with an outline of a person or two with dim lighting in their room… these were the viewers we felt might be seeking a late-night show.
Of course, we knew full well that, mersin escort if we could see them, they could see us. As we surveyed the landscape of nearby windows, we didn’t see any indication that we were being watched. Not yet anyway.
After a couple minutes, I grew a bit restless… ready for even more. I walked into the bathroom and selected what appeared to be the largest of the towels. I tied it around me… securing it above my boobs. I looked into the bathroom mirror… yep, it covered my yoni and ass enough to consider myself safe. I walked out to have Ant check my towel outfit out… he agreed that I was covered just enough, but also exposed enough to be provocative.
Anthony decided to check his email, so I decided to see what was going on our floor. When I opened our door, I could hear a soft conversation in the bar area… sweet! I stepped out into the hall… making sure the security bar was blocking the doors from closing completely. I walked down the hall toward the bar… my heart beating hard and fast, wondering who would be hanging out in the bar at this late hour.
As I entered the bar and conversation area… I found just two women… both dressed casually. I said, ‘Hi,” and continued walking to the whiskey bar. Yes… I was totally impressed earlier that a bottle of Maker’s Mark was available… what a cool amenity to offer!
I poured a couple of glasses of Maker’s Mark and added a couple of ice cubes to each… our special nightcap at home. When I turned around… I saw that both women had turned to watch me. And… both were smiling. Yummy!
I walked over to their seating area and smiled back. I lifted the glass in my right hand, and said, “Cheers, ladies!” They both lifted their glasses, and one of the women replied, “Cheers back at you.” And then she added with a big smile, “And, by the way… I like your outfit.”
I laughed and said back, “Well… it’s literally just a little thing I threw on.”
They laughed briefly, and the second woman said, “Well… you look amazing in just a plush white towel, my dear. We’d ask you to join us, but it looks like you’ve prepared a drink for someone else also.”
I replied, “Oh… my hubby is checking his email, so I can sit for a couple minutes.” I walked into the U-shaped seating area across from the two women, put my two drinks on the table in the middle of the three sofas, and carefully sat down with my right leg curled under me.
The first woman said, “My name is Tracy. Happy you can join us.”
The second woman added quickly, “I’m Zoey… and it looks like you’re practiced in wearing just a towel… assuming you are naked underneath, of course.”
I introduced myself, and said, “I’m actually most comfortable while naked, but felt it might be too risqué on our first night here in Chicago.”
Zoey turned to Tracy, and asked, “Trace… have you ever walked around naked or almost naked in the halls of a hotel? Tell Annie the truth… because I know the answer!”
“Oh, you devil! We’ve had some fun together, haven’t we?” Tracy replied with an eye-roll and knowing smile.
“So, Annie… you’re among friends here!” Zoey said.
“Ahhh, that’s so good to know!” I said, untying my towel from my boobs and laying it across my lap casually. “That’s better! You were gracious enough to ask me to join you here… how about you two joining me for a semi-naked nightcap?”
Tracy said, “Oh, we wish we could, but we’re here with the conference… and we can’t afford to let these guys who are our colleagues see us naked… we’d never live it down, and it would damage our credibility in the organization. Sad, but true.” Zoey nodded in agreement with a heavy sigh.
Tracy and Zoey were both older than me… but both were very attractive and trim with stylish haircuts and casual wear… and nicely pedicured bare feet. I later found that Tracy was actually 12 years my senior… while Zoey was 7 years older. The gleam in their eyes and the spirit in their conversation made me feel very comfortable.
After a few minutes… I casually opened my towel, laying it on the sofa on each side of me. Their eyes followed my towel briefly… and then centered on my shaved and bare yoni that was partially visible above the cushions of the sofa. Being comfortably and casually naked is my absolute delight… and I was savoring every moment.
As we chatted, I also enjoyed a growing sensual pleasure in being casually naked in a public place. Zoey and Tracy kept eye contact most of the time, but I would tell they were both enjoying the view as well. Soon I could feel my nipples harden into little pebbles and my yoni growing damp.
After a few minutes more, it was no longer comfortable sitting with my leg under me. I stood briefly, smoothed the towel across the sofa, and sat back down with my legs slightly apart with my yoni at the edge of the seat, leaning forward with my hand at ease resting on the sofa kocaeli escort at outside my legs.
There was a pause in the conversation while the women both took in the new view of me… both smiling. Tracy said, “Annie, you’re absolutely right… you appear to be completely comfortable being naked in the company of others. Bravo!”
Just a few seconds later… slightly behind me… I heard the sound of the elevator door opening. Zoey and Tracy immediately glanced over with a sense of alarm. Then… they glanced back at me and saw that I was simply smiling back at them with no reaction and no nervousness… my towel still open on the sofa. Zoey smiled at me and nodded. Tracy kept her eyes on the guys emerging from the elevator.
Tracy said to the four guys who were approaching our seating area, “Hey, guys… time to call it a night, eh?”
As they approached, I knew they were facing Tracy and Zoey as they sat on one side of the U-shaped seating area… and were viewing my totally bare back. When I saw one of the men in my peripheral vision to the left, I casually threw the left side of the towel back over my lap. Just like I’d hoped… it just covered my yoni while leaving my completely bare belly and the right side of my naked lap visible.
All four guys stopped at the opening of the U-shaped seating area. Zoey said, “This is Annie… she’s going to share this floor with us for a few days.” She told me their names, left to right… and each smiled at me in turn.
I said, “Hi, guys… good to meet you. I hope you’ll forgive me if I don’t stand up.”
This reply got a couple of chuckles, and then one man who appeared to be the oldest among them said, shaking his head from side to side, “Well… I, for one, am pretty disappointed.”
I laughed as did everyone else. Then I said, “Perhaps, Nelson… there will be another opportunity in the next few days.” Zoey’s eyes widened as she responded with a soft “Ooooo!”
Nelson had a surprised look on his face as he said, “Hey… that’s good… you remembered my name. I’m impressed.” Then… I pointed one by one at the other three men as I repeated their names, “Robert… Sean… Dan.” They each looked as surprised as Nelson.
I continued by saying with a little laugh, “Oh… I’ll remember your names and faces… but y’all will probably only remember my boobs!”
Tracy clapped a few times, and said, “Gotcha, guys!”
The guys laughed and said their good nights… wandering in different directions to their respective rooms.
“Mmmm… that was sooo much fun!” I said in a whisper as the guys walked away. “And…,” I added with my eyes closed, “I am sooo turned on! Ahhh, I can’t even tell you… sooo sweet!” I panted briefly… and then opened my eyes.
Zoey shook her head slowly with a smile, and said, “Oh, girlfriend… you and me both. I’m not naked, but I’m wetter than wet!”
When they’d all disappeared into their rooms, I said, “Hey… it’s been fun, you two! But… I’ve got to run… this is primetime for sensual hotel window viewing. I’m gonna refresh these drinks for Ant and me… hey, come on down to our suite just now to meet Anthony and to see the view… into our rooms!”
By the looks on their faces… I could tell they were a bit confused.
“You won’t be surprised to hear that I’m addicted to exhibitionism,” I said, throwing open my towel again that was partially covering my lap. “When we can arrange it, we stay in downtown hotels with large windows that can be viewed from nearby buildings. Here it is… it’s an additional turn-on for us to be watched being casually naked and even making love.”
After a moment of thought… Zoey said, “That is sooo cool! Now… I’m even more turned on!”
I picked up the sides of my towel, stood up, and tied it around my hips. As I said as I picked up the two glasses from the central table, “So… come on down… Anthony is undoubtedly wondering why I’m not back. And oh, just checking… you’re both okay hanging out with a naked man, aren’t you? When I left, Ant was very comfortably naked, and I’m sure that’s how he’ll still be.”
Tracy and Zoey both laughed and rolled their eyes… and Tracy said, “How delightful that he’d be okay literally hanging out with us!”
“Here’s the deal with Ant,” I said in a low voice. “He’s absolutely committed to never surprising a woman in person with his nakedness. We both know women who have been deeply traumatized by past bad experiences, and he never wants a woman to feel unsafe because of him. He’s fine with being naked in our hotel room with the shades open, but careful with visitors to our room. And… neither of you should feel any pressure to be naked in front of him.”
I refreshed our drinks as did Tracy and Zoey and we walked together down the hall toward our room. They were both only a couple doors from our suite… very convenient! As they got to their rooms, I added, “Hey, jump into samsun escort your robes or just a towel, bring your drinks and visit our suite… but be aware that the dress code in our suite is robes, tied towels or naked… with our preference being naked!”
They both disappeared into their rooms with smiles on their faces… no guarantees whether they would visit our suite or not. Not a problem… I’d already had lots of fun.
I walked in on Anthony as he was sitting in our living area… beautifully naked and splayed out across the sectional sofas, still scanning his iPad.
I also noticed that the sheer curtain was mostly closed on the far side of the living room, but the corner window to the right side was still wide open. Ant was in a position to be visible to one side but not the other.
“Hey, big boy… here’s your drink,” I said in my best imitation of Lauren Bacall.
He glanced back at me in just a towel tied around my waist… with a drink in each hand. His reply was classic Humphrey Bogart as he said, “Ahhh… I thought you’d gotten lost, my dear. Is one of those for me?”
Ant always makes me laugh. As I slowly walked into the sectional seating area, he sat up and watched me with eager eyes. Stopping directly in front of him, I handed him his drink… and then leaned all the way over to give him a sensual kiss. Ahhh… yummy!
We clinked our glasses and took a sip of our drinks. I said, “Sorry it took so long… I met a few people… and one thing led to another. And… as you can see, I had an opportunity to show off a bit.” After a few moments, I added, “Truth be told… I guess I was totally naked for a few delicious minutes.”
His eyebrows lifted with additional interest, and he said, “Hmmm… that means you’re probably still turned on from this ‘delicious exposure’… am I right?”
After setting my drink on the coffee table, I pulled the towel loose from my waist and gently tossed it onto the sofa next to him. With a wink and a smile, I said, “Come and find out for yourself.”
Ant stood up, put his drink next to mine, and took a step forward, so his right hand was just in front of my ‘mare’ yoni… and my right hand was just in front of his ‘bull’ lingam. As we looked into each other’s eyes, he reached gently between my legs… slipping his middle finger between my moist yoni lips. He whispered, “Just as I’d thought… and hoped.”
Keeping eye contact, I reached forward to grip his growing bull erection… it was already half-on. I said, “Oh, my… look what I found.” We kissed again.
“By the way, my sweet,” he whispered in my ear, “your lovely naked ass is being watched off-and-on right now by three women and two men in the building across the street. They’re trying to act casual, but their very attentive right now. I’ve been trying to keep them entertained until you got back.”
“Ahhh,” I replied, “That’s why you were laid out across the sofas. Fun!”
“Let’s dance, my sweet… I want to turn you a bit… and to feel your body move in my arms,” he whispered, as he gently put his left hand around my waist and started moving side to side, rotating us so my left side was facing the window. I put my left hand on his arm and enjoyed our intimate dance.
Anthony slowly slipped his finger out of my yoni lips to rest lightly on the base of my clit… where he knows I’m really sensitive… holding it there briefly as he watched my eyes.
I whispered back, “Oh, you devil! Mmmm!” In my mind’s eye… I was envisioning how we looked to our viewers… us slowly moving to our own rhythm… his hand between my legs. Imagining the view turned me on even more!
Then, I whispered, “One more thing… we might have a couple of visitors in a few minutes.” He looked back at me with an inquisitive smile. “A couple of new women friends.” I added with a semi-repentant smile as we swayed together with loving eye-contact.
He rolled his eyes briefly and laughed briefly, and said softly, “You know the rules, Annie.”
I nodded and said, “Always. They know the dress code in our room… and they’re anxious to meet you. They’re hoping you’re as naked as I am… and I already told them we enjoy being watched.” We both smiled, and I leaned into him to kiss his shoulder, resting my head there as we danced. He leaned his head over to touch mine.
Man… I was already turned on… but as Ant started to circle my clit with his finger, my arousal rose dramatically, making it impossible to not move my hips in response. He dipped his finger back into my yoni juices briefly and circled my clit with a little more pressure and speed. And… I was loving it!
Just then… we both heard soft voices at our entry door. I lifted my head slightly to face the entry and saw both Tracy and Zoey peeping carefully through the slightly open door. I just kept swaying with Ant… and waved them in with a smile.
They both smiled back and walked in with their drinks in hand… dressed in their hotel robes just as I’d hoped. But then… they both quickly stopped as they tried to take in the scene before their eyes. From their vantage point, they could clearly see that we were both naked… and that Anthony’s hand was between my legs. What they couldn’t see was my hand holding my naked hubby’s semi-raging bull.
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