To thank everyone for all the great feedback, I’ve rushed to post the next chapter, featuring very revealing clothes, a little bondage, and a loose interpretation of reality. No sex this time, just a little fingering and a lot of looking; you’ll get the sex next time. I hope you enjoy yourselves.
If you haven’t already, please see my previous post for the rest of the disclosure, not to mention the first five chapters.
Chloe woke up at 6 to start her daily routine. A three mile jog, 20 push-ups and 100 crunches, followed by a grapefruit and granola with yogurt for breakfast. She worried about work. She had just sucked off one of her coworkers. Would he get clingy? She thought she’d made it clear to him this was a one time thing, but who knew with men…. And what about the other guys? Would they be jealous? Probably…. What if she made them think they all had a chance? Would they lose respect for her? She had to keep control. She could manage these guys. She had definitely felt in control last night. As soon as she lost control, she would certainly lose their respect. She had to be friendly, slutty and firmly in control.
As Chloe left the house, she noticed the landlady at the window of her little house, an ancient looking cabin on the far side of the complex’s parking lot that looked like it might be haunted. The woman was probably as old as the town and dressed like she was ready to churn butter. She was staring at Chloe, her scowly face looking especially mean this morning. Had she seen her last night? Chloe shuddered. She got to Arthur’s at 7:30.
“Hello, Angel! Good to see you again.” The rotund little old man went to lock the door and appraised her. His eyes stopped at her shoes. “Oh no, those won’t do at all.”
Chloe had worn heels like he had asked and she was not prepared for his reaction.
“Those are not heels. Please, give them to me. Now, off with the clothes.”
Chloe had worn sweats, so it didn’t take her long to get naked. Or at least down to her undies. She thought it was a little odd that shed was so ready to get naked, but he was a harmless old man, and he was a tailor. Arthur stepped into the back room holding a box.
“Oh no no no. We can’t have lines. Off, off. You will not wear underwear with my clothes. It makes them look awful.”
“What did I tell you about buts?”
Chloe complied and took off her bra and thong.
“I had a feeling you wouldn’t have the correct foot wear, so I took the liberty of picking up some shoes from a friend yesterday after you left. Shoes make the woman, and these should get you started.” He handed her a pair of glossy black heels with straps going up the feet and a thin strap around the ankles. The heels were definitely heels. They were the sharpest stilettos she’d ever seen and couldn’t be less than five inches long. She’d never worn shoes so high. With her small feet, she’d be on tiptoes all day! Not like she had a choice about it at this point.
“Beautiful, these shoes work very well for you. Come over here.” He led her by the hand to the mirror as she tripped after him. “Look.”
She definitely looked good. The shoes made her push her butt out, suck her stomach in and push her shoulders back just to keep her balance. Something bothered Arthur, though.
“You are not used to wearing these shoes. I can’t let you go until you do it right.” He took a seat.
“Walk around the room.”
Chloe held her arms out to her sides to keep her balance and took small shuffling steps. Arthur barked orders at her. “Chin up! hands to your sides! Stomach in! Bigger steps – you must show confidence! Keep your chin up!” It was endless. Occasionally, he would get up and spank her with a ruler. Finally he was satisfied and had her get up on a small raised platform in the center of the room.
The first thing he brought over was a strip of black cloth made of soft wool, six inches from top to bottom and thirty two inches around. He wrapped this around her hips, very low. Just above her butt in back and a few inches below her belly button in front. He fastened it with a large silver button over her left hip. Looking down, Chloe noticed the cloth separated as it went down, showing a sliver of thigh that widened as it got lower.
He then brought out a white cotton blouse with short sleeves. The blouse fit perfectly, shaping itself to her body, and shaping her body. The top pushed her breasts up and together into a deep cleavage, bare half way to her nipples. The cotton was also pretty thin and her little pink nubs were visible as dark shadows under the fabric. There were four buttons. The top one was between her nipples, the next one rode under her breasts, pointing downward, the third one went just under her breasts and the last one was an inch above her navel. From there, the tails went further down a couple of inches at forty degree angles, framing her little belly button in a triangular gap. And that was it for the blouse.
“There is one more thing. We cannot have you slouching. There is a simple trick that will keep you in good posture for the rest of the day.” Arthur brought out adana escort a thin silver chain and wrapped it around her waist. “Now suck it in… a little more, perfect!”
With that, he locked the chain closed behind her with a small steel lock, shaped like a heart and half as small as a baggage lock, but sturdier. He figured she could hold it at 19 inches, and she really did need to work on her posture.
Chloe relaxed and felt the chain digging in. “What the hell?”
“You’ll get used to it, trust me, you just have to pull in your belly.”
“But it’s too tight!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Arthur brushed off her concern casually.
Just then her phone rang. She picked it up.
“Are you OK?” It was Brian. Shit, work!
“Yes, I’m so sorry, I’ll be there real soon. Sorry sorry.”
“We were worried.”
“I’ll be there right away, bye sir!” Shit, damn, damn. I have to go, Arthur. Thanks for the clothes.
“Now, now, watch your language.” Arthur was displeased. “And hold on one second, young lady. As we agreed, I must take your photo.” Of course, he was videotaping the sessions anyway, but she had agreed to pictures, and he was looking forward to taking them. I must record how these clothes look on you.
“But I’m going to be late”
“There’s that word again.”
He picked up the camera from the back counter. “Plus, you rushed off yesterday. You will have to come back with the shorts tomorrow for another session. Now, stand up straight. Good. Walk around.”
Arthur smiled watching her, he soaked in the view of breasts bobbing side to side, visible even from the back, how her blond hair, tied back in its customary ponytail, danced a squiggly bounce over her back and how her butt cheeks danced under the tiny hem. He was certainly spending time and money on this girl, but he was old, he had the money and he needed a hobby.
“Now bend over and put your arms on the wall.” “Put a leg up on the chair.” “Undo the top button, let’s see how that looks, now clasp your hands behind your back.”
Ten minutes of pictures before the old man pronounced they were done. Chloe practically bolted out. It was a ten minute walk and she was already twenty minutes late. She jogged as quickly as the heels let her, which was still too slow. She noticed that she actually felt a little more balance with the momentum from jogging than she had felt walking. It was five blocks before she realized the show she was putting on. The top button was still undone and she could feel a lot of wind on her trimmed pussy. She was also pretty sure the skirt didn’t entirely cover her ass, and she was right. Even standing straight, there were half an inch of glutes left uncovered. Running, the front flap opened to bear her entire thigh up to her hip and the show from behind wasn’t bad either. She was glad it was a pretty heavy material or it might have flapped all the way open.
She considered buttoning her shirt back up, but figured it would probably help to distract from the fact that she was very late.
By the time she walked in, it was 8:27. She hurried to Brian’s cubicle to apologize. Brian heard her the second she came in and was once again stunned. She actually looked hotter than yesterday. Where was she getting these clothes? He saw her coming and resolved to be stern, but couldn’t help looking at her tits. The jog over had made her a bit sweaty and the thin cotton had gotten translucent enough to show some color. The material was tight on her chest and clear enough to let him know for a fact that her nipples were a medium pink. Was it called coral? Next time he’d have the color chart ready.
“27 minutes late. I’m disappointed.”
“Sorry, sir.” Sir sure sounded good to Brian. And with that breathless pant. Damn.
“The guys out there, they come in at six am, ten am, four in the afternoon, but they work as long as necessary. You have the luxury of going home at the same time every day and coming in at the same time every day. That’s a privilege around here. You arrived 27 minutes late, to make up for it, you’ll stay 54 minutes after 6. Now get to work.”
“Yes, sir. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
Chloe turned and took a couple of seconds to compose herself, forcing a smile.
Brian just stared at the long bare legs and partially covered butt. He blinked. That was definitely the shortest skirt he had ever seen.
Today he would appreciate the privacy of his cubicle.
When Chloe stepped back out into the common area, she realized there were a lot more empty places than usual. It was just Mark, Carlos and Jim. She figured it might not be the best time to go to the kitchen to make coffee. In front of her was a major challenge: how would she get up onto the stool? After some thought, she put her hands on the seat and her left foot up on the lower rung, baring her leg all the way to her hip. Brian enjoyed the view from the back. She then pushed up, crossed her right leg between her left leg and the stool and spun to a sitting position. Sitting, her skirt rode up even higher. Looking down, she eskişehir escort realized her pussy wasn’t covered. In back, the skirt didn’t even touch the seat. She was actually showing as much crack as yesterday, except this time there wasn’t anything going between her legs. The only thing providing even a modest amount of cover was her long hair, which hung down over the back of the small round padded seat in its thick braid. The short chain made her suck her stomach in a lot more than she was used to, and she would have to keep her legs closed tight at all cost. It would be a challenge holding this posture for the whole day.
With the top button undone, the blouse had come apart even further and now rested at the edge of her nipples. It was open down to the very bottom of her tits, which could only mean that it would flap open up even further with little effort. At least the sweat made it stick to her body a little – for the moment. She did the top button back up just to be safe. Maybe she’d tease them with it later, she thought wickedly.
Sitting in the stool in the middle of a room with twenty two pairs of eyes on her, wearing the skimpiest clothes she’d ever worn, buttoning herself backup was more an act of modesty than a strategy for teasing. She didn’t want to think of how long she’d have to hold this position on the stool. She felt the chain digging into her waist and remembered to suck in her gut, conscious of the way the action pushed her breasts out and emphasized their size over her narrow waist. She looked like a pinup. It was kind of unreal that two days ago she’d been wearing normal clothes, and now she wasn’t, and she was kind of getting used to it. Liking it? She rubbed her legs. Yes, her little lady was definitely on board with this.
Plus she had killer abs. The chain was going to be a cake walk. Pulling her stomach in a little all day was like doing easy crunches, and she could do a lot of crunches.
As the guys started coming back out to the work area, they were even more astounded. The legs just went and went. The girl was pretty much naked from the hips down. And her tits looked even bigger. The contrast of her big tits and her impossibly tiny waist, emphasized by that thin little chain, was too much for some of them and they lined up for another round in the bathroom.
Edward and Craig came right up to get a closer look, circling like vultures. “Ho lee shit!” Chloe kept her eyes down and pressed the phone down into her lap to cover her pussy. “You look amazing! That’s got to be the shortest skirt I have ever seen,” Craig leered and slid his hand under her butt. She felt herself getting wet, more than usual. Her constantly stimulated pussy definitely had an effect. Was she losing control? Brian saw the guys go up to his intern and wondered if he should get involved. He knew what kind of porn Craig surfed.
“I figured you guys might like it,” Chloe played along. She could handle them if she didn’t let herself be intimidated.
“Absolutely,” Edward was trailing the back of his hand over the neckline of her blouse, “gorgeous.”
“You’re sweet,” She pulled him in by the collar and gave him a peck on the lips, “now get back to work,” she said, giving him a playful spank and a smile.
“Yes, ma’am!” Edward complied. One down. That wasn’t so hard. But Craig’s hand was getting carried away. It was now fully gripping her right butt cheek.
She dragged a finger up his chest and pushed on his nose with a smile. “You, too, hot stuff.”
It didn’t take long for stuff to start falling off the desks. First was a stapler. Chloe grinned at the culprit. Sanjay again. But she wasn’t going to give in easily. Chloe carefully got off her perch and bent down at the knees with a hand over her crotch to pick it up. A preposterous mockery of modesty considering what she was barely wearing, and her improbable success at keeping covered was hotter than any blatant display. A first class opening teaser with major potential for build up.
Edward pulled the spilled drink trick, dumping coffee out in front of his desk. This was more of a challenge. She got down on her knees, towels in hand, and drew her pelvis in, keeping her skirt pointing to the floor. This had the added effect of narrowing her waist further, leaving the front of the chain dangling sexily in space, and the guys still got a good boob and butt show. Finished, she went back to her stool.
At lunch time, she made the rounds at the same time as the day before. This time, she went around behind the guys, starting with Edward on her right. With him, since there was no one behind, she leaned forward over his desk to show cleavage as she wrote down his order on a small notebook. Next she went to Craig and sat up on his desk with her legs crossed. This pushed her skirt all the way up to her hips, giving him a total view of her thighs. His hands couldn’t resist and it didn’t take long for him to start stroking the inside of her left thigh as he gave his request, clams, with his fingers straying to her moist pussy lips. She let him indulge for a second before sakarya escort popping up and going over to Frank.
This time she got up close enough to him for her thigh to brush his arm. She could feel his breath speed up as she took down his order. She moved on to Mike and leaned up against his desk. Last in the row was Mark Harris, who barely reacted. She decided to test him, putting a leg up onto his chair spanning the gap across his legs, to a chorus of soft “holy shits!” of disbelief. Mark was suddenly faced with a genuine wet vagina staring at him in place of his computer screen and froze, staring in wonder and confusion. Chloe still got no response from him and put him down for pizza. The presence of the drop dead gorgeous nineteen year old had finally registered in his mind, setting in motion a chain of fantasies that would run continuously in the back of his brain. The way Mark worked, the fantasies would occupy his constant attention, but only in part of his mind, and would blur with his actual experience of reality. Far from distracting him, these fantasies would work his reserve neurons, keeping them warm and ready for use in solving otherwise intractable challenges. Sexual thoughts of the level Chloe had started were on an order of magnitude greater than Mark’s usual and propelled his brain like high grade jet fuel. It took him a couple of minutes to recover from the view but the vision would chase him around the clock.
Chloe moved to the left side of the room and carried on with her tantalizing poses. When she got to Sanjay, she stood next to him like she had with Frank. Sanjay had been studying her, planning for his turn. As she stepped close, he turned his chair around quickly, pushing her right leg out with his left and pulling her in so she had to sit straddling his lap. Chloe was caught off guard and almost dropped her notepad. She felt herself falling back and pressed her left hand back to support herself on Sanjay’s knee, thrusting her barely covered tits toward his face in a pronounced arch. Her bare pussy rubbed up against his rough jeans, tingling. Spreading her legs across his had bunched the skirt up to her waist and Sanjay’s neighbors were leering at her naked ass.
Sanjay was a fairly tall, lanky guy. He was smart enough to pull off a competitive work visa, and had one of the highest salaries at SofTec. He also had a strong competitive streak. Craig had emailed everyone about his date and it sounded heavily exaggerated, but looking at how this hot piece of ass was strutting her stuff for their pleasure, could some of it be true? Regardless, Craig had taken her out first, and something may well have happened. Sanjay had a compulsion to outperform. Whatever Craig got, he was getting more.
Chloe was reassured when Sanjay’s hand didn’t stray from her waist and his eyes didn’t spend too much time below her nipple line. He propped her up enough to let her hold the pad and take his order, effectively blocking the view of her pussy he was struggling not to take. “Mr. Verma!”
“This is what I want. I want a medium rare burger with cheese, lettuce and two tomatoes, a side of fries, and an iced tea.” He waited for her to write it down, then continued, “I also want you, wearing something very small and very thin outside your door at 9. I’m going to take you dancing tonight. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” Chloe was breathless. This was totally unexpected.
Sanjay stood her back up, her skirt bunched up above her butt, finally showing her bare pussy to the room. Sanjay’s hand took over, sliding up her still spread legs, tracing her slit. The move was so unexpected that it came and went before Chloe could react. He had never seen anything more gorgeous than that little vagina and couldn’t hide his reverence as he sampled her flavor off of his wet finger. The next words out of his mouth were deeply sincere, and mostly involuntary, “I definitely want to see more of this tonight.”
He pulled her skirt down, reverent and dumb with awe. Chloe blushed hot and he smiled. It took her a moment before she was steady enough to move to her next client.
The lunch delivery went much faster than the day before. Word was getting out that a stunningly hot chick with massive titties and tiny clothes was working at SofTec. After seeing her today, staff at the nearby restaurants would start vying for the privilege of bringing over the food. Brian noticed how the delivery boys reacted and gave Chloe another point for her effect in reducing the lunch bill.
Chloe ate her own lunch quietly in the kitchen to catch a break from all the perving eyes (there also wasn’t anywhere to put her food down on her narrow stool). Chloe thought about what Mr. Verma had said and realized she didn’t quite have anything that fit his request lying around at home. Her stomach knotted up realizing that he would be expecting something even sluttier than today’s skimpy office clothes. She fingered the chain that was tightening around her waist as her stomach filled with salad, cursing Arthur for his posture trick. She forced her flat stomach in further. Arthur. She had a feeling he’d be able to accommodate her with enough notice especially since this was literally a small request. She couldn’t disappoint Sanjay, and Sanjay seemed more demanding and take charge than Craig. On the other hand, there was something kind of off about asking someone to help her look like a prostitute. She took a breath and called the old Greek.
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