Chris Ch. 02


Chapter 2

Chris pulled up to the office building and stepped out of his van. He straightened his button up shirt and looked at Freckles.

“You gotta stay here ok? I’ll come back in a bit to let you out.”

“It’s nice and cool too so I’ll just crack some windows. You take a nap.” He said as he grabbed his computer and charger.

With the device in hand he straightened and slid the door closed.

Let’s get this over with. He thought with a sigh and entered the office.

Hours later he emerged at the end of the day.

He’d spent hours in meetings and conference calls with both his boss and the man in charge of the local branch.

He felt drained despite having not really done much other than be there as a physical representative of his company.

The sheer amount of socialization he’d just endured was more than he’d experienced in months.

Didn’t even need me there, I just sat around and made small talk. He thought with a sigh while Freckles ran around in the parking lot. There was a grassy area just on the front of the building by the front door and he was throwing a tennis ball that Freckles was happily fetching.

The parking lot had empty promptly at five and his van was one of three cars left.

Freckles ran up and dropped the slobbery ball at his feet. He picked up the wet ball and threw it without hesitation, sending the ball bouncing across the lawn. Freckles tore after it, throwing grass into the air with each foot fall.

“Come on Freckles, let’s go.” Chris called. They still had to find a place to stay for the next two days while he attended more meetings and conferences as Deritech’s representative.

They loaded into the car and an hour of driving and grocery shopping later they were in an RV park just outside the town.

Chris paid for three nights and was assigned a spot between two truly massive RV’s. The kind that were more like semi trucks or touring buses and had little old grandpa’s behind the wheel.

After backing into the small space and hooking his van to all the amenities Chris grabbed his toiletries and towel to hit the showers at the end of the row.

Freckles stayed happily behind and napped on her bed, not wanting anything to do with soap or towels..

Chris took a luxurious shower and reveled in the hot water and all the space. Normally he took what he called submarine showers where he got wet, turned off the water, scrubbed himself with soap and shampoo and then turned the water back on to rinse off.

There was nothing luxurious about showering in the small and cramped space, Chris couldn’t even stand upright in the van’s small bathroom..

The company he bought the camper from claimed a six foot person could stand upright throughout the living Levent travesti quarters and Chris had to give it to them because at six three he couldn’t quite do so and he’d gotten good at doing things slightly hunched over.

The shower cut off and Chris toweled off once again enjoying all the space.

Afterwards he lay in bed reading and then it was a quick dinner and off to early bed.

The next two days were more of the same, meetings, conference calls, zoom meetings and lunch with the other workers. He made multiple trips out to let Freckles out and run her around the grass so she wouldn’t be too bored but he could tell she was just as ready to away from the city as he was.

The last night in the city Chris decided they’d go out to eat instead of eating at the RV park in celebration of leaving town, a quick google search for dog friendly breweries yielded hundreds of results so Chris picked the closest one and left without any further research.

The parking lot was pretty empty when he arrived but that wasn’t too surprising for five o’clock on a Thursday. He parked and changed in the back, not wanting to wear his dressier clothes inside.

Freckles donned her harness and they left the van before entering the Lone Pine Brewery’s patio.

There were two other women with dogs outside chatting with each other and nursing drinks while their dogs laid at their feet. They looked up at Chris’ arrival but otherwise ignored him and Freckles after a cursory inspection.

Chris settled into a chair in the corner and waited patiently for a server to arrive.

Several minutes later a young woman came out of the restaurant wearing an apron that had the bar’s name embroidered on the front.

“Hello, welcome to Lone Pine Brewing, My name’s Katy, sorry for the wait. I’m the only server for now so it’s kinda hectic.” She said, placing a menu on the table.

“What can I get you-Oh look at your dog! Can I pet her?”

“Er yeah no problem, not in a rush anyway and yeah go ahead, she’s real friendly.” Chris said. Picking up the menu and looking through what they had on tap.

“What’s her name? She looks like a heeler mix but I can’t tell what else she’s got.”

“Freckles is her name and yeah I think she’s a heeler mix? Not sure really.” He said, still scanning through the menu.

Katy had squatted down and was petting the dog lovingly.

“Freckles, I love it. Because of the little spots on her nose right?” She said, still petting the dog.

“Yep, not very original I know but it’s what I went with temporarily and it just sort of stuck.” He said with a shrug.

“Well it’s fitting, she seems like a sweetheart.” The waitress said and stood up.

“Now, what can I get you started Levent travestileri with?”

“How do you feel about the lager?” Chris asked, genuinely interested in what she had to say.

“Oh it’s good, great even but I think I prefer the pilsner. Especially the spring seasonal they make here. It’s very good.” She said with a dazzling smile that lit her brown eyes up.

“Yeah, let’s go with that for now.” Chris said with a smile of his own.

“Sounds good! I’ll get that right out. Bye Freckles!” She called in a sing song voice and retreated back inside.

Chris perused the menu and almost immediately picked what he wanted then reached down to scrub at Freckles’ ears.

“We’ll get something for the both of us and then get something to go for tomorrow yeah?” He asked her. A tail wag and her flopping to the ground so he could rub her belly was her response.

It took another ten minutes to get his beer out in which time more and more people trickled in. When she did finally make it back out Katy was once again very apologetic. Someone that was supposed to show up bailed at the last minute and Katy was stuck as the only server for the whole restaurant.

Chris just smiled and waved away her apologies. He wasn’t in a hurry and he was only planning on nursing the one beer the whole night anyway. She took his food orders and was off again, tending to the other customers.

As the sun set more and more people streamed in until the inside portion of the brewery was full and people were forced to come outside.

Chris garnered a few looks and to his surprise it was mostly men that were the ones smiling at him.

It didn’t make him uncomfortable or bother him but it happened enough that he found it unusual.

As the night wore on and the crowd grew louder a young man left his group and approached Chris’s table.

“Can I pet your dog?” He asked with a smile.

“Yeah sure, she’s really friendly.” Chris replied easily.

“Oh my gosh she’s so cute!” He gushed, petting her easily.

“Her name is Freckles, she’s about three years old or so?” Chris supplied.

“She’s adorable! My name’s Josh.” He said, standing back up and offering his hand to Chris.

“Chris.” He said, standing to shake the smaller man’s hand. Now that he stood he realized he veritably towered over him. Josh’s eyes flicked from Chris’ face to his chest and even to his navel before returning back.

“My, you are tall.” He said, smiling even wider.

“Er yeah, guess so.” Chris said sitting back down and feeling decidedly odd about the conversation and then it clicked.

He’s trying to pick me up. Ha! Wow, I’m dense.

“So Chris…Can I buy you a drink?” Josh said and Chris couldn’t help but admire Travesti levent his confidence.

“Sorry Josh, I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I’m flattered but I uh, I don’t want to offend anyone but I uh-“

“You’re straight aren’t you.” Josh said bluntly, seemingly amused at his discomfort.

“I…yeah. Sorry?” Chris tried.

“Don’t be sorry, it’s fine. It’s who you are. My friends all told me you would be but can’t blame a guy for trying right?” He said with a laugh.

Chris let out a relieved breath. “Thanks for understanding.”

“You know this is a gay bar though right? And you’re here on ‘Thirsty Thursday’?”

“Thirsty Thursday?” He repeated back.

“Yeah, it’s like an unofficial singles night here. They’ve been doing it forever.” Josh explained, gesturing at the brewery as he spoke.

“Oh, huh. That’s pretty fun actually.” Chris said, sipping his beer. “And to answer your question. No, I did not know this was a gay bar. I’m from out of town and this place is close to where I’m staying.”

“Well I hope you’re ready to get hit on a lot because it gets a little rowdy here after dark.” Josh said with a laugh. “See ya around Chris. Bye Freckles!” He said as he returned to his group that had been trying to discreetly watch their interaction.

Chris gave them a small embarrassed wave when they all looked his way after receiving Josh back into their numbers.

Well I’ll just get my food to go and that’ll be that.

He thought as he sipped his beer again. Being hit on by Josh didn’t bother him in the least. He was truly flattered by the attention, he was more concerned with offending someone than he was with being told he was attractive.

And that’s why I think it’s best to clear out sooner rather than later.

He tried to catch Katy’s eye several times but the poor server was being worked ragged and he felt bad trying to change his order now.

More and more people showed up and thankfully another server showed up to ease the burden on Katy.

Soon the patio was standing room only as people milled about and chatted. A group off in one corner were smoking and watching some sports channel while others were talking loudly over the music and noise of the crowd.

Josh’s prediction proved accurate and several more men came and offered to buy him a drink to which Chris, as tactfully as he could, told them he was straight but thanks anyway.

Most took it in stride but a few seemed offended and that he’d somehow hurt their pride with his sexual orientation.

He’d been at the brewery for around an hour and was about to leave without his food when Katy finally found him.

“I’m so sorry, your order is in the kitchen. Here’s another pilsner, on the house. Thanks!” She said in a hurry, putting the full glass on the table and taking his empty one before rushing off without another word.

Author’s note.

As you can probably tell, this story is ongoing. I hope to update pretty regularly but life is busy so we’ll see.

Thanks for reading!

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