City Of Angels Ch. 1


Quite unexpectedly, as I walked by the TV set one Sunday afternoon, I caught a glimpse of an extraordinarily sexy man being interviewed. “Oh, my,” I murmured, like Susan Sarandon in Bull Durham except throatier with more evil intentions. My roommate noticed my frenzied exit to my bedroom. “Hey Beavis, she shouted, using the code name we had for each other when we got too infantile or horny, “lock the door if you’re wanking off in there.” After I finished pleasuring myself, I discovered who had got me so hot in only a 10 second clip.

Doreen, my roommate, told me he was a musician who had been a minor rock star about 20 years ago. I vaguely recalled the name. Save for a goofy article I remembered reading in the National Enquirer about him swindling some model, I didn’t know anything about him. But if he got me as hot in person as his TV image did, I vowed to give him the best sex of his life.

Doreen and her friends counseled me on where to met him. After being raised on classical music with a dash of Miles Davis and Sarah Vaughn, I had little knowledge of rock n roll M.O. Doreen recommended a club he often frequented. I sat at the bar, with the intent purpose of seducing him. I knew he’d be an easy lay from all the stories I’d heard.

I knew he’d show up, though I didn’t expect him to be there so early. He held court at the back of the club, by the dressing room, carousing with two girls who looked like they were barely out of high school. I’d struck up quite a conversation with the bartender, who seemed to like me and had given me a free drink. Once I saw Michael, though, it was hard to concentrate on anyone else. My eyes must have burnt holes through him cause a minute later he walked up to the bar.

He pulled up a Bostancı Ukraynalı Escort bar stool and sat down, not taking his eyes off me.

“Its not polite to stare.”

“Was I staring? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“That’s quite all right. I rather like a sassy woman. What’s your name, love?”


He kissed my hand. “Come with me, Vanessa.”

He took me into a room in the back of the club where we could talk without screaming over the jukebox. We exchanged idle what do you do chit-chat for a few minutes, while our body language indicated much more. I ran my fingers through his hair as he told me about a guitar he’d just bought. He lifted me onto his lap while I told him about the movie set I was designing. I could feel his thick cock straining through his jeans.

He took me to his house in the hills. It was small by Hollywood standards, and tucked away in a remote corner with a breathtaking view of the city. Neither one of us had the strength left to unlock the door and get inside before we fucked. I peeled off his jeans and straddled him, watching his face contort with nasty satisfaction, bathed in the red light that illuminated his doorway. The three a.m. lights of Los Angeles shimmered below us.

We finally made it inside, where we left a trail of cum, pussy juice, baby oil, and sex everywhere in his domicile. When we stumbled outside the next morning, the whole house, not only the bed, reeked of sex. Now that we had fucked the hell out of each other, it was time for the games to start.

He slipped into the front seat of his Jag.

“Get in the back seat and leave your sunglasses on. “

“Is that an order?”

Just sit there, look Bostancı Üniversiteli Escort hot and don’t say anything.”

In nothing but sunglasses and jeans, he looked exactly as he had when I’d seen him on the telly the first time. Of course, I never told him about my initial masturbation. It was better to let him think he discovered me.

He watched me, amazed at my every move..

I pulled his jeans down…he opened his mouth ready to speak and I shushed him.

I studied him, beautiful just like I had envisioned him. Better than a statue by his swimming pool that perfect, that on target. I sucked his cock, taking him in as far as I could, enjoying him, feeling him squirm and moan. The guttural moans that crept up from his throat were as scorching as the taste of his cock in my mouth. “All right, suck me hard, sweet thing.”

I marveled in the thick shot of cum that covered my face. I licked some of it, and let the rest drip down on my tits, rubbing it in my skin delightedly. The hot noonday sun felt so good beaming down on my naked, cum-drenched body. I hated to shower and slip into clothes before he drove me home, but it was a necessary evil.

Of course I hadn’t known for sure that I’d be up in his house, fucking him as the lights of L..A. shimmered below, so I had no cadre of supplies. That was reserved for the sequels.

The sequels began the next week. He met me at a Beverly Hills café. Normally, I hated such pomp and circumstance but he seemed comfortable there and the staff knew him. Luckily, my accouterments fit nicely in my purse, so he had no idea what he was in for. Once we got to his place, I took action immediately.

“Sit on the bed up against the headboard – Bostancı Vip Escort that’s it.”

The scarves are in the dresser drawer.”

“I don’t need scarves..and did I tell you to speak?”

By now his amazement was tempered with fear.

“What is this some damn Sharon Stone movie. “

“No hon, it’s the real thing”

“You see these” I held up the studded leather straps.

He laughed

“Oh, is that all.”

He wasn’t laughing after I set to work, tugging on his muscular arms to make sure he knew I meant business, that he was tied in tight enough.

“The problem is that no woman has ever disciplined you. I’ll put an end to that.”

Oh sure his little chicky babies had done his bidding, but could he handle a woman?

“What are you gonna do to me?”

“I can see you’re looking forward to it.”

He had a gorgeous erection, so full and playful

“He just keeps getting bigger, don’t he?” I laughed

“Suck me.” He growled.

“I give the orders around here.”

I knelt between his legs and coyly fingered him to relieve a little tension. He smiled droplets of sweat beaded his forehead. When I saw that he had relaxed I spit on his cock and rubbed it between my gloved fingers, squeezing it and tonguing the tip. He bounced wildly on the bed.

“Put it in your pussy NOW.” He growled.

I slapped him. “I am your mistress. You speak to me with respect.”

He stared at me, silent and seething, then he relented.

“Its for your own good, my sweet slave.”

“Please, mistress,” he pleaded breathlessly, “fuck me.”

“That’s much better,” I said.

I unhooked my thong and straddled him, guiding his cock inside me. My pussy was dripping wet with juice, like a waterfall. Just seeing him tied up, sweaty and hard as rock proved that what I had seen on TV screen was no illusion. His cock would give me boundless pleasure. I rode him hard, and untied him after he showered me with his cum. He fell asleep in my arms, a smiling little slave.

To Be Continued…

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