Club Masquerade We bid you welcome to our house of erotic mystery. Masks are mandatory for both sexes at all times! Men pay certain fees, women receive pay.
The ad called it a club, but in reality it was a fancy brothel of sorts. It lured women with the promise that they could explore their call girl fantasies under complete anonymity. No one would see who they were under the mask. And they would never see the face of their clients. Maybe it was someone famous? For men, it was a place for young men who were too embarrassed to seek out an ordinary brothel, or for important men who could not be seen with women of negotiable affection. And of course the fantasy that whoever they were with, could be anyone. Select someone with the same body type as your crush, and maybe, just maybe, it was really her.
Meredith was looking into the mirror, gathering her resolve. She liked what she saw, of course. A lithe body, twenty years old, firm and toned by fitness and yoga. Tanned to perfection. Boobs could be larger, but her B-cups meant she could fit into good sports bras and go for a run, unlike many women with larger endowments.
Tonight she would go through with it! She had received her membership more than two weeks ago. But she had not been able to go through with it yet. What IF, one of her colleagues were members? Or her dad? Or her Brother? It was unlikely in the extreme, of course. Ridiculously so. But even so the thought had kept her back.
But tonight it would all work out. On Thanks Giving, almost anyone would be elbow deep in turkey. She had checked, with the utmost subtlety of course, that every man she knew was going to be gorging themselves and watching football. Except her boss John. It would be kinda sexy to be with him. He wasn’t her main fantasy of course. If she wanted to, she could have him. Tonight was about someone else entirely.
Every preparation made, everything shaved to perfection, she got dressed. Almost put on make-up out of old habit, but tonight no one would see her face. Only lipstick was needed. Mouth and chin was not covered by the mask.
Stuffing the mask in her purse, she took a steadying breath, picked up her phone, and called the number of her dad.
It went straight to voicemail. Too bad, dad was much easier to lie to. Another few taps on her phone, and the display lit up with “MOM”.
One awkward conversation later, she had called in sick for the family dinner. It had taken some work to ward off her mothers offer to come over with dinner for her, and keep her company, but it worked.
“Merry just called in sick. Some sort of stomach flu. The poor dear.”
Alicia told her husband, just as he came out in the kitchen. It was of course a mess, she was busy making enough turkey dinner for the whole family.
“Must be really contagious then.” Eric said. “Willy just called me with the exact same thing. It’s a good thing we have a lot of guests over, when our children can’t manage to come to a family dinner for once.”
Shrugging, Alicia was about to add something more, as the gravy started to boil over, and she had to toss her phone to one side, as she went to rescue the very soul of the dinner: Gravy.
William hung up the phone. It was done. It had taken a little bit of deceit, but everything was now in order.
He had made sure to ask dad if everyone else was missing, but no one was unaccounted for, so he could finally go through with it.
Looking at the membership card in his hand, he could already feel his cock stirring in his pants. With every female in his family at the dinner, there was no risk of accidentally breaking a taboo. Not that he didn’t want to. That was what this was about. Being able to live out his fantasy, without actually causing any harm.
Putting on his team jacket against the cold weather, he prepared to go. The stopped. It would be pretty silly to wear a mask to that place, if everyone could read the name of the college teams premier running back on his back. Exchanging it for a more anonymous coat, he stuffed the mask in his pocket along with his keys, then hurried out the door, before he could change his mind.
Arriving at Club Masquerade, Meredith carefully looked around, checking to see if anyone was watching, but the door was deliberately dimly lit, and had a sign on it that said ManPower Temp Service Agency.
Only someone who knew from personal experience would know what she was there for. Swiping her membership card at the card sensor, the door bleeped its happy little bleep, and the door opened, letting her into the building.
First things first, she got the mask from her purse, and quickly put it on. Inside the club, no one knew her real name.
To them, she was simply Kismet, there to test her limits and live her fantasy, while making money at the same time.
Once she was up the stairs, she entered the Ladies Lounge, where the club looked a lot more welcoming. Tastefully furnished to give the Gaziantep Mutlu Son Escort ladies pleasant surroundings in which to rest when they were not busy. Quiet music filled the air. A couple of fridges had complimentary refreshments. Other masked women were already there, some there for the same as she, some were staff, busy making sure all ran smoothly.
But not a single unmasked face anywhere.
Heading to the dressing room, which should rightfully have been named the undressing room, she put her clothes in a locker, leaving only her tantalizing white lingerie in place. In the dim light of the Club, it would make her stand out nicely, especially combined with some UV body paint that would react to the black lights in there.
As she got ready and touched up her lipstick a final time, she felt her pussy tingle with expectation, drowning out the butterflies in her stomach for the first time in days.
Alicia was pleased! The dinner had turned out just right, and her sister who was always trying to one up her, was clearly uncomfortable with how much praise everyone was giving the gravy. To think that all it took to finally get it just right, was to have both her kids call in sick at the very last minute, causing her to not pay attention to the cooking, almost but not quite burning the gravy.
She would much rather that her precious children had been well enough to attend, of course, but the praise was most welcome. And the big slice of humble pie being shoved down her sisters throat was a most welcome icing on the cake.
Soon the boys would be watching the game, and she could enlist some of the girls to help her clean up the disaster that was her kitchen.
William walked past the club once, then round the block, back again. Making sure no one else was heading to the same door as him, that he was not watched. The signs by the door all sounded like random offices of small businesses. Of course the door only opened at the swipe of a membership card.
Steeling his nerve, he swiped the card, shoving the door too soon, so the mechanism refused to release, forcing him to swipe again. This time a breath and a little restraint, and he shoved the door at the sound of the beep and the flash of green from the sensor.
Once inside the dimly lit stairwell, he put on the mask, and headed up. It was probably for the best, that only members had access, or a masked man heading up a stairwell might be a cause for alarm.
As it was, as he got upstairs, he could hear the music of the club already before entering. Across the corridor from the entrance to the club, there was a door marked Smokers Lounge. Clearly for when your need to smoke was outweighing certain other needs.
The lounge was a large area full of dark wood and leather furniture. A bar manned by masked female staff members saw to the members refreshment needs, and accepted payment for the other activities that were to take place, once a member had arranged to meet a lady.
Large flat screens decorated the walls in lieu of portraits, with pictures of the female members being shown there, along with their chosen artist name. All were suitably masked. Some were naked, others wore various types of lingerie. A few even leather of latex. Whatever their fantasy demanded. Every few minutes the pictures would change, showing the girl from a different angle, in a different position, or sometimes with a new girl, as one became unavailable.
The place was very pleasant as such, but William still felt rather awkward sitting there, among other masked men. Conversations were few, as most just nursed their complimentary drinks, while they studied the women they were hoping to meet, waiting for a staff member to come and either bring them to meet a girl, or tell them that the girl they had requested was unavailable at this time.
It was known amongst the gentlemen, that a girl was always given an option to decline a guest for any reason, or no reason at all. It was not uncommon for a girl to change her mind at the last minute, as she felt the reality of her fantasy was too much after all. When a gentleman was turned down, it might simply be that. Or that the gentleman was not entirely to her taste. Still, the club did its best to ensure everyone had a good time, even going so far as to suggest to gentlemen who found it hard to find a match, that they could go for a safer choice, as directed by staff. It would probably be a more professional girl, and not a fresh amateur just out to live their fantasy. But it ensured that everyone had a chance to leave… satisfied.
Accepting a white russian from the cute little female staff member, with the very asian looking body, he started to look all the options over. It was the drink he had listed as his drink of choice, when he created his membership, so it was no surprise. But still pleasant.
There were many gorgeous women, and he would not object to being with any of them as such.
But he had his pick of women in general, being good-looking and a shining star on the college team. Any girl would not do. He had to find one with the right body type and build to fit his fantasy. That a girl like that could turn down his request did not even enter his mind. He wanted what he wanted, and he would have it, at long last.
Already thinking ahead of how he would enjoy having her, or what could technically have been HER, if he had not made sure that SHE was at the family dinner. Thinking about her gave him the usual stab of longing, and thinking about having someone like her, made him hard and eager.
There! That one was just the sort he was looking for. A gaudy mask in white and gold, that made her look like a porcelain angel. Glowing decorations and patterns on her skin. White lingerie of the sort he had often fantasized about seeing her in, after removing her wedding dress and having his way with her.
Letting his choice be known with the nice asian lady at the bar, he just had to wait, she said. She would let him know shortly if the lady would be available.
Nodding his thanks, he went back to the comfortable armchair, and nursed his drink. Looking at the pictures of her posing in all kinds of positions. Getting uncomfortably hard in his pants, he had to reach down and rearrange himself a bit to make room for his growing excitement. As he admired her very lovely body, he noted that even her hair had the perfect nuance to match HER hair. It was the perfect way to harmlessly fulfill his fantasy.
Meredith found the drink helped her drown some of the butterflies in her belly, that were trying to stage a rebellion against the iron rule of her lust. She would brook no resistance. This was finally happening. Finally, she would get to live her fantasy in a most harmless way. And she would even get paid, which was completely awesome. She had already turned down two gentlemen, who were eager to meet her. Probably very nice people, but not quite what she was after tonight. Any other night, if she met one of them in a bar, she might have gone for it.
“Excuse me, you have another gentleman wanting to meet you.”
She was pulled from her thoughts by the overly polite little staff girl, asian descent like most of the staff appeared to be, wearing only as mask and lingerie like most of the female club members in the women’s lounge, so everyone would feel at ease with the staff around.
“Oh? Let me see…”
She took the offered tablet from the nice girl. Liuwei or something was her name. Meredith tried to just not say it, for fear of mangling the pronunciation. Probably safer that way.
On the screen were a couple of pictures from the cameras inside the men’s lounge. They showed a broad shouldered man of a very athletic build, wearing chinese devil mask of some sort, that per regulation left only his lower face uncovered. There was something about him.
Something right.
Maybe the confident way he stood at the bar. Almost rejecting him anyway, and abandoning the whole idea before she went through with it, she gathered her wits and drew a couple of breaths. Yes, it did look almost perfectly like HIM, but it wasn’t. She had made sure. She could safely play out her fantasy, no harm done. And now she would.
Taking a deep breath, she handed the tablet back to the waiting girl, and nodded her acceptance.
“Yes, I would like to meet with that gentleman, please.”
Gulping down the remains of her drink, she stood up. Nodded again to herself more than anyone else. “I will just freshen up first, and then I am ready!”
The football match was great entertainment, but it wasn’t quite the same without his son there to cheer for their favourite team. Perhaps it was because of one beer to many, but Eric felt a little emotional, so decided he had better check up on his boy. Using the game score as a pretext for calling him would do, so Willy wouldn’t think his old man was just getting all kinds of emotional all of a sudden.
Mind made up, he grabbed his phone, and got up, away from the den, and all the boys that were having a roaring good time with the beer, snacks, and the cheerleader show on the 80 inch. Finding a bit of quiet, he pushed the call button, and got ready to sound unworried and cheerful, and certainly not tipsy and needy. It rang. But no answer. He tried again. Still, no answer.
Strange. Willy was a good boy, he never ghosted his old man. And when he was at home with a stomach flu, he had even less reason to. Maybe he was just on the john, Eric thought. Maybe a call after the game was better.
Heading back to the merry relatives, he once again slipped into the role as the patriarch and host of this thanks giving.
William surged to his feet, as the asian girl with the colorful mask signaled him to approach the bar.
“Your chosen lady will be ready for you very shortly, Sir, so if you will settle the small matter of the club bill, we can see you to your private room.”
She was very polite and her voice pleasant and smiling, so even though he felt slightly embarrassed at knowing that this woman knew that he was about to have sex that he had paid for, with a woman he never even talked to, he nodded at her, and said: “Sure, lets settle up.”
Like in a high class restaurant, she slid him a folded note with the amount due, which he glanced at as he pulled out the roll of cash he had brought along for the very purpose.
No one really uses cash anymore, but in the club, it would be pointless to allow credit cards or other electronic payments, as that would negate much of the purpose of the masks. Anonymity, as much as could be provided in a modern world that no longer seemed to value privacy in any way.
The amount was not small, but it was no surprise to William. He knew ahead of time, ofcourse, the exact amount. So rather than having to peel off individual notes, he just handed her the entire roll of cash, which she just took without even counting any of it.
William couldn’t quite suppress the idea he could just have given her a single note and a wad of cut out newspaper, instead of all that cash, but he would never do it. Not only because he would at most get away with it once, and then be barred from the club forever, but simply because it was not something one did.
He was led through a dimly lit corridor, and into a small room with an armchair and a small end table with a selection of drinks. The girl gestured to the only other door.
“When she is ready, she will knock, and then you may enter her room. Do not be impatient, her door is locked until she knocks. All good things to he who waits, Sir.”
“You may either get undressed in here yourself, or if you choose, you can wait and let the lady help you.”
“When your visit with the lady is over, you come back here, and we will be along shortly to escort you back into the main lounge.”
“And dont worry, Sir, we will knock first, in case you are not yet dressed.”
“Also, help yourself to the drinks in here, but bear in mind that too much might have adverse effects on your enjoyment.”
Having completed her briefing, she gave a little bow, and closed the door behind her.
It was almost time. Unable to decide whether to get naked, or have her help him, he finally dropped all but his boxers. And the mask of course. Getting rid of the mask would mean an instant end to the evening, no refunds. And if the club decided it was on purpose or had happened before, it could mean being permanently barred.
William did not want that, not at all.
So there he was.
A devil in underpants.
Hopefully she would think the mask was okay.
She must have, or she would not have accepted his request to meet her.
He thought it was appropriate, given his sinful fantasies. So simple a thing, really, but no matter he had had plenty of women since his rise to fame on the college team, knowing that they were not HER, just meant they could not quite satisfy that hunger.
But here, tonight, he could not KNOW it was not her. It wasn’t her of course. But he could not KNOW it, which was the whole point. And the girl in the mask sure looked enough like her to be her body double, if ever she became a movie star like she sometimes said was her ambition.
Undressed to the degree he had settled on, he poured himself a drink. White russian again, since they had thoughtfully put out all the ingredients, and it was one of the few he knew how to make anyway.
Just as he had taken the first sip, a soft knock sent his pulse spiking, and he all but spat out the drink in surprise.
Then a slightly louder knock, as if the person on the other side was not entirely sure the first one had been loud enough to be heard.
Meredith checked her lipstick one final time in the mirror. It was perfect. A very nice shade of crimson to contrast the pale porcelain and gold of her mask.
Dimming the light so the black light could really illuminate her decorations, she touched up a few bits that had been smudged a bit.
Everything had to be exactly as she had visualized it, or what would be the point? Finally, adjusting her stockings and making sure her breasts were displayed to their best in the white lacy bra she had bought for this very occasion.
She was as ready as she would ever be, so with a nod to herself in the mirror, she left the bathroom, and gave the bedroom a once over.
It was very tasteful, almost like the bedroom of a high class hotels honeymoon suite. Across the room was the door behind which her date for tonight was waiting.
Her butterflies were not going down without a fight, and once again took wing in her stomach.
Crushing their hopes and dreams, she steeled herself. She went to the wall panel that let her select her chosen playlist for the ambient music, and adjust the lighting to what she liked. She wanted the lights dim enough, that the black lights mixed in, would make her UV decorations really stand out. Make her look like a creature of magic and illusion, like in those dreams she kept having.
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