Cold Vengeance


Flickering flames light the room, bouncing golden lights around the dungeon walls. Toys of the best kind line the room, All gleaming and begging for some sweet sub to find their way into their special shackles. But they stand empty, cold without their lovers touch. No beautiful Mistress’s touch to bring the toys to life and make them sing.

A log falls in the hot fire and the sparks send a shower of light from the hearth to the center of the room. The beautiful blond slave stands spread on top and bottom. The spreader bars hold captive my victim, unable to leave her predicament. I smile at her misfortune.

She moves slightly and the bar turns as she tried to adjust herself to no avail. I stand in the darkness. I watch and smile evilly, letting the cold reach my heart .

Thinking to myself, “How could she have done this? To Me, to Us?” I watch the flickering flames play across her lovely naked body. Golden hair shimmering with flecks of firelight. She is so beautiful to me, still .

The shimmer of whore red sparkling on her fingers and toes continues to taunt me as I gaze upon the exposed flesh that awaits my assault. Hot rage swims through my body like a flood… And something else I dare not give a name.

She has been here Kadıköy Türbanlı Escort for an hour. She waits for my return. I have not left her to hang alone in the fire’s glow. I shall keep her safe if nothing else. I have watched her struggle in her bonds and beg to go free. I’ve turned a deaf ear to her pleas of anguish. And her note worthy “I’m sorry Mistress.”

The click of my heels on the tile floor brings her head up from its fallen position. Turning a tear filled green gaze into the ice blue stare of her once upon a time Mistress. She is stunning, even in her frightened state. Quivering lips and hardened nipples give her away. Aroused even though she knows that her punishment will be severe. Breathing hard, awaiting her fate. Accepting what I shall reign down upon her.

“Betrayal has brought you here Pet.”

She begins to shake visibly as I walk around the beauty before me. True fear is upon her and she knows she deserves whatever happens to her. Her head falls, hiding her worried eyes.

“I was kind, was I not, Pet? “

Her voice sounds unlike her own as she quietly whispers,

“Yes, Mistress. ” And the tears she tried to hold back begin to fall.

“Then your cheap betrayal was my own fault Kadıköy Otele Gelen Escort as well for not being heartless and cruel, and beating you everyday into the loyal submissive you should have been.” I reply.

Her tears do not deter the cold that has seeped into my heart when I look at her. I have touched this woman with a passion that rivals the Gods. I’ve heard her cry out in painful pleasure more times than I can bear to remember as I stare at her sorrow filled green eyes. Passionate days that turned into nights as I could never get my fill of her. No More. Never again. I am cured of this sickness which is my need of her. The love that dared not speak its name…

As quick as a flash of fire, the whip in my hand sang its blissful song in flight only to be brought up short and never allowed to reach its mark. The sheer look of terror on her face was enough. Her scream of “I’m sorry, Mistress!” Filled the room.

The snap of the whip feeds me and releases the breath I had been holding as I made my decision. I could never touch one of my submissives in anger. It would be too easy to lose control. Just not my style. But she knew the depth of my anger.

Silently I release her bonds as gently as if I was Kadıköy Ucuz Escort holding a baby, and set her firmly away from me as she reached for me. Without a mark on her fair skin save the redness from the shackles, I muster all the strength and resolve inside me and coldly tell her,

“Leave this place and never return. Your betrayal, Glenna has bought you your freedom.”

The use of her given name tells her just how serious I am. She stumbles as my words sink in, falling to her knees and looking up at me.

“Please Mistress not that, I’ll do anything for your forgiveness. Just let me stay. Please!”

Looking at her now I know I could never place my unyielding trust in her ever again. Fierce anger reaches inside me, some broken bonds can never be healed.

“Leave my sight, you are free and no longer needed here. Get out, Now! “

Glenna slowly crawls to the wall where her dress is hanging, stands up and lets it drop over her well curved body. She gives me one last pleading look, picks up her shoes and slips quietly out the door.

My own tears are free to fall now as I make my way to the hearth. Falling upon a stack of pillows, I remember the green eyed gaze of the one who betrayed my heart. I am crumpled to the floor and all the pain has rushed to the surface. The Mistress has momentarily died, because of a broken promise of love. I stare into the flames and clutch a warm pillow and let love fall away into the fire. Fanning the flames of a broken heart… I wish her love and Godspeed to her future.

© Sunamoon 2000

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