Chapter One: “Simple Pleasures”
I hadn’t been to my uncle’s house in a few years, so when I heard that I was going, I was kind of excited. I had memories of fishing with my uncle, playing with my cousin, and eating great food all the time we were there. Usually visiting relatives was boring, but I always enjoyed going to my uncle’s place.
He, my aunt, and my cousin all lived in a cabin on a huge, quiet lake. Behind it was a huge backyard that had its own private pier that went out over the lake where we would do our fishing. The yard had a big hill in it, so you weren’t able to see the pier, or anybody on it. I can vividly remember it being the best hiding place for playing hide and seek with my cousin Hannah.
I had just graduated high school and so had Hannah. It was now the summer before college, which was supposed to be the best summer for anyone. A trip to the cabin was lined up, and I was ready to go before school was out.
My mother and I arrived to be greeted by all three of them in the front yard. They were there to open our doors for us, give hugs and whatnot. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day and the lake was glistening. We were set to be here for four days and three nights, and I knew it was going to be a good time.
As I got out of the car, my aunt first greeted me. It was the ol’ hugs and kisses then, “Oh how I missed you…”. Then came my uncle with a quick, man-to-man hug and then, “You ready to go fishin’ boy?” I laughed and told him I was.
Finally, my eyes met up with one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen. It was Hannah, all grown up. Well, so was I, but not like this. At first sight I didn’t believe that was her. The last time I had seen her we were both twelve. She had had braces, was scrawny, and was kind of nerdy. But what I saw this day was different. She was beautiful.
Hannah was now taller than me with a sexy, athletic build and no more braces. She had straight, shoulder-length brown hair, beautiful baby blue eyes, and the cutest face with the added pleasure of a freckle or two. Her chest was still small, but definitely bigger than the last time I’d seen her. I couldn’t see much with the breezy blue dress she was wearing, but as I looked her long, smooth legs over I couldn’t help thinking about that body inside the dress.
“Wait a minute!” I thought to myself, “This is your cousin. You bad boy!” I immediately came out of my momentary daze and went over to hug her. “Hey Jason, how are you?” she asked. “Couldn’t be better”, I said as I snuck a peek over her shoulder to check out her backside. She had a tight little round ass that just screamed mount me.
“Uh oh”, I realized after I had got a look. I had to cut the hug a little short in order to spare myself the embarrassment of pressing wood against my cousin. We eventually began unloading the car and moseying into the cabin. As I carried my luggage to the door, I kept thinking how shameful and guilty sumo web tools I felt that I got wood from looking at my own cousin!
“Jason, you can sleep in Ron’s room while you’re here because he won’t be able to come by”, my uncle said from behind me. Ron was my older cousin who was studying for a master’s degree over the summer. I realized as I struggled down the hall with my luggage that his room was next to Hannah’s room, and I felt even guiltier.
After I had settled in and stashed my luggage in a neat pile on the floor, Hannah came in and sat on my bed. “So how was graduation?” she asked. Trying to keep my mind off her hot body I tried focusing on the conversation, “It went smooth. No problems with anything. I thought it was pretty boring really. What about yours?” As I finished moving stuff around, I went over and sat on the bed next to her, but made sure not to get too close for my own good.
“My was fine, too! I’m glad to be out of there,” she said as I kept my eyes on her eyes and nothing else. Then she continued as she leaned back, supporting her body with her arms, “So tell me what you’ve been up to. Where are you gonna go to college?” As she made her movement to lean backwards, obviously for comfort, I felt very uncomfortable because I started having my thoughts again. How could I not though? That hot body was right there in front of me, now leaning backwards where her dress adjusted to reveal every curve of her fantastic body.
I couldn’t help but watch the dress settle on her bosoms, but shot my eyes back up to hers very quickly. “Corpus”, I managed to stutter out. “Cool”, she said supportively, “Now I’ll have someone to stay with when I go to the beach!” Yikes! That sealed it for me, the thought of her in a skimpy bikini in my own apartment on the beach. I stood up in order to hide my petrified wood, but now I had to come up with a reason for why I stood up. I began frantically looking around for something to do as an excuse. I did the only thing I could think of and began messing with my luggage where my back was turned to her so I could calm down.
Finally, in response I said, “Yeah! You can come down and visit me anytime. I’m going to get an apartment because I don’t like dorms, so there will be plenty of room.” As soon as I realized what I had said, I began having dirty thoughts of her naked by the beach. Holy shit! Even with as much guilt as I was having, I couldn’t break the thought process and I only got harder.
“Hey, sorry to cut this short, but can we continue this later? I need to change clothes”, I told her to get her out of the room. She had made a noise like she was going to speak before I did, but I didn’t care. I had to get her to leave, otherwise who knows what I might have done.
I heard her stand up and say, “Sure, no problem.” Then she disappeared out the door. I heard her open another door and close it, so I figured she went to her room. sumowebtools I quickly ran over to my door and locked it fast. Finally in private, I could steam off these hormones, or so I thought.
I looked down and saw a large bulge in my khaki shorts. I unzipped them and pulled them down to my feet. A very large bulge in my boxers shot forward. My boxers were stretched to the limit that you could see my cock and balls through the leg holes as I looked in the mirror across the room.
“Damn”, I thought to myself, “You’re fucking cousin did this! This is so wrong.” I pulled my boxers down to my feet, and then kicked both the shorts and boxers away. My cock pointed straight forward at an almost perfect 90-degree angle. I had seen a lot of porn and done a lot of jacking off in my teenage years, but never had I seen my cock so big or so hard. As guilty as I felt, I still felt a little pride boil up.
I paced around the room bottomless for a while, trying to think of a way to get rid of this raging boner and how to avoid getting another one from my cousin. Still, as I walked, my balls would bounce a little and only intensify the hard-on.
So, I pulled the mirror closer and sat on the bed. I could only shake my head in disbelief, but then, I thought of one way to get rid of it. “What’s the sure way to get rid of a boner? Jack off”, I thought, “But this is your cousin! You can’t jack off to your cousin. That would be so wrong.”
Finally, after sitting for five minutes trying to resist tugging on my member, it deflated a little. Relief was on the way. But then I thought of her leaning back on the bed again, and back up it went.
“Oh, hell”, I kept thinking, “It’s not like anyone would know. You might as well just shoot one off for Hannah so you can get her out of your system.” So, I lay back on the bed, began to tug at the tip a little, then the shaft. Then, assuring myself this would be the one and only time, I pulled my shirt off, spit on my hand, and began pumping my cock slowly.
As I got into it, I gradually sped up, letting my hand slide all the way from the base to the tip with each pump. I started thrusting my hips a little. As my right hand did the work, my left hand started fondling my balls. I could already tell that this was better than any other masturbation I had ever done.
I bent my legs upward to get better thrusting action. I sped up the pumping some more. Pre-cum oozed out and re-lubricated my hand. Finally I started feeling the first feelings of a great orgasm. Deep inside my balls, then up into my shaft. I was ready to squirt.
By this time my breathing was hard and I did everything I could to keep anybody from hearing heavy breathing or shouts of pleasure, although I wanted to so badly. As I reached maximum speed for pleasure, I thought, “Okay, this is it. You’re about to erupt to your cousin. This is the last chance to stop.” But then, I thought of that hot, sexy body and that dress coming off of it, then the skimpy bikini in my apartment.
Jets of cum burst forward as I thought of her screaming in painful pleasure, nude on my bed. I kept pumping until no more cum was left. I had my eyes closed the entire time, so I just lay there with my eyes shut as my dick softened and my breathing settled. That had been the best orgasm I had had up to that point.
Finally, I opened my eyes to survey any damage. I first looked down at myself. Of course I was covered in it, from the belly down to the balls. Then I looked at the bed. Luckily nothing had gotten on the bed. I slowly sat up with a smirk of pride and thought of both guilt and pleasure. Then, I looked up to see the other mess I had made.
There about three feet from the bed was the mirror, covered with sticky goodness from top to bottom. First, not realizing what had been done; I began thinking, “Damn! I’ve never shot that far before.” Then, I realized that my aunt’s mirror was covered in my manly creams and softly screamed, “Oh shit!”
As I quickly began searching for the shirt I had thrown off, I thought I heard something. My first thought was that I had been heard and the jig was up. I had been caught masturbating in my uncle’s house. At least they didn’t know whom to. But then, I realized that the noise was not coming from someone standing at the door, it was from the wall next to the mirror. It sounded like a laugh that had been muffled.
I didn’t have time to investigate this right away because there was cum drying onto an antique mirror. I found the shirt, stood up and quickly ran over to the mirror. I began wiping it frantically trying to remove the sticky substance before it left white spots. I was able to reach it in time, so the big problem was over. But now there were two small problems. The first of which was how the hell was I going to clean my shirt without someone seeing man goo on it, and the second of which was what was that sound I had heard.
I decided that the shirt could wait. I could just clean it when I showered, then hide it somewhere. It was time to investigate. I put on some clean boxers and started hunting around the wall. It didn’t take long to find that a small vent on the wall next to the floor existed there, so I had found the source of the noise. But who or what was it?
I lay down on the floor so that I could see through the vent. Just as my face arrived at the vent, I realized that was the wall that was shared with Hannah’s room. Sure enough, I peeked through and saw a girlishly decorated room, complete with the girl.
Oh no, had I been caught masturbating by my cousin, ironically whom I was masturbating to? If so, had she been watching the whole time, or was it just enough to see that I temporarily re-decorated her mother’s mirror? This wasn’t good. If she had, would she tell her family which would forever ban me from this house for eternity and leave me family shame, or was she enjoying it?
What will happen next? Did Hannah catch Jason masturbating and will she rat on him, or find it sexy? Find out more in “CHAPTER TWO: PIER CONVERSATION”
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