Cum Dumpster Finds Her Way Pt. 03


So… I never got over the things that happened to me in high school. I never moved on with my life. I existed. I allowed myself to live in the moments of my greatest humiliation. I lived tied up in that van where they pissed on me, lived in that pool of filth. I don’t know if I’ve really lived anywhere else since, until Gordon and Dick Bigsuit came into my apartment, shackled me to a platform, and packaged me up for shipping.

These long weeks traveling on the train, I’ve had nothing but time to replay every humiliating memory of high school and after, like how I sucked up to my English teacher, for extra credit and attention. Each time I did, I knew in my heart I needed- wanted him to take advantage of me. That I would be a slut for his use, and that thought comforted me. I’m sure he knew, and within the first week, on my hands and knees, I had his cum in my belly. Within the second week, he had taken my ass, and everything left of my self respect.

“I knew you wanted it bad, cum dumpster.”

Each time I remember his voice repeating what they all called me, my body fucking orgasms like Pavlov’s dog. I feel it more and remember the specifics less. Even if the mass of my breasts and belly didn’t prevent my self pleasure, my shackled hands in front of me would have. I ground my nipples into the crate for stimulation, and by the time the train hit the last stop, just the memory of cheerleaders pissing on me in that van, made me cum.

Gordon unloaded the crates containing Jesse Lee and myself from the boxcar on the train. I could hear him huffing and puffing with the exertion of shifting the weight of both me and my crate from the train to the loading bay. Jessie Lee sniffled and cried as our crates came back together. When I started hearing other voices talking to Gordon, I was too scared to call for help, and Gordon, Gordon still wasn’t talking.

“Gordon! Go! Go on you useless beast, back to the pen. We have treats for you. Get going!”

This person sounded hard, dismissive and jaded, a crisp east coast cadence. He walked with a heavy step, dragging one heavy boot a fraction of a second longer than the other. Gordon moved quietly towards the direction my crate was facing. Through the gloryhole, I watched him turn and pause before continuing to walk away.

“He almost looks sad, when he leaves them behind.”

This one, a younger man, stepped lightly and moved quickly, his voice drawled a bit, as if he had been raised in the Midwest, and tried to hide it.

“You know as well as I do that Bulls don’t have the capacity to think or feel until they’ve been processed back in to the herd. You! take that delivery straight to security. Don’t unbox it until you’re inside, the boss wants answers and doesn’t want anyone else asking questions. The chief of security can figure that one out.”

They had a Dolly to move the other crate. The men fumbled the box, and I heard the sickening sound of Jessie Lee’s head smacking the side of the crate.

“Careful jackass! The freaky one might be valuable.”

The older, angry man never even paused to hide his contempt for us.

A third voice at a distance snapped sharply.

“Yes, sir!”

“It’s dangerous to start projecting human emotions on them. Do better kid.”

They talk like I’m not listening.

I don’t know where Jesse Lee is anymore.

I can’t see much from inside my crate, and she must be out of earshot if she’s even still conscious after banging her head. I don’t know if this is the end of the line or if there is further to travel. I’m having trouble remembering things for more than an hour at a time. Not that I had much to see in the box, every hour Gordon fucked my face or my ass, twice a day he cleaned me up. I used splinters to keep track of stuff, because otherwise I’d forget. It’s either my orgasm or his cum that makes it hard for me to remember, the waves and spasms of pleasure wash away my short term memory. I still remember my life, I still remember being led on by that jock in high school, I remember how they humiliated me in the van, how they left me covered in muck. I remember how hard I orgasmed while they pissed on me.

I can’t remember his name anymore.

I feel like there used to be more room here in the crate, granted, I have no idea how long I’ve been in here. I feel like I haven’t felt the sun on my face in ages.

I locked myself away voluntarily before this. All alone in my tiny efficiency, working phone jobs from home, so that I could stay naked on the couch instead of being out in the world. I watched porn all day, and masturbated until I was too fat to reach my pussy.

I was lazy and sad, and I took what the world gave me.

I’m locked in a smaller box.

“Jessie Lee!”

I hissed out hoping the one friendly voice I new would hear me.

“Jessie Lee?”

“That little gender bender misfit can’t hear you piggy, she’s been shipped off to another part of the farm. You need to worry about yourself now. Time to uncrate the bitch boys!”

Pneumatic tools Halkalı travesti rattled the outside of my box, the noise vibrated right into my bones as they removed the top of my wooden prison. Cooler air rushed inside, making my nipples harden against the crate floor. As the fasteners dropped out, the pressure of the panels on my hips and buttocks decreased until my ass broke away the last few bolts, slapping the crate sides down.

In the too bright sun, I tried to shade my eyes, but my wrists and ankles remained shackled down to the floor of the box.

“Well how-dee-do, piggy, you’re a big girl ain’t ya? Your fat ass literally busted out of the crate.”

My eyes hadn’t adjusted, and over the glare all I could see was vague shapes. I smelled sweat and sawdust, men.

“Our stock in trade are heifers, but you take the cake sweetheart, lots of it.”

Someone swatted me on the ass, hard, bringing tears to my eyes.

“Clean the piggy up.”

High pressure water sprayed at me from three directions. Faceless people hosed off my skin with brutal efficiency.

“Use some soap, and the scrubbers, she’s a dirty one. Make sure you get under her udders, down by her cunt and deep into that ass crack.”

The stinging stream of water lingered on my asshole forcing water into the place Gordon fucked ruthlessly. The pressure of the hose changed, when a rough gloved hand shoved the end of the nozzle up my ass. Warm water filled my gut, and I cramped.

“No more!”

They men surrounding me laughed, low and guttural, while aggressively scrubbing me down. My belly filled to the point where the water sprayed back out. Those same rough gloves quickly replaced the hose for the giant butt-plug Gordon used to keep his mutagenic spunk deep inside me.

I wept as the other two high pressure sprayers worked their way down to my nipples, under my breasts, and into my cleavage. At the same time, a gentler hand scrubbed small circles into my pussy, making me hot. I stifled my moan, terrified to let them know I was enjoying any part of this.

“Unlock her, get her off the crate, roll her back on her haunches and clean her belly, she’s pretty filthy. Good old Gordon has done a number on this one, filling her up with his mutie cum, I think she’s probably farther down the curve that any of the bitches the bulls have brought in so far.”

“Was she always this big, or is this what happened because Gordon spammed her?”

“The boss says, a little from column A, a little more from column B. He said she was well on her way in high school.”

“The boss knew the target in high school?”

“That’s why we let Gordon loose near her.”

“The mutagen has done a number on her.”

“As far as I know some women, like her, have a predisposition to it.”

“Some dudes too, seems like. Did you see the paperwork on the poor thing they brought in with her?”

“The cockgirl?”

“I didn’t think men survived being covered by one of our bulls?”

“Like I said, kid, predisposition.”

“Heads Up! There she blows!”

The cramps in my belly had reached a point I could not stand anymore. The plug in my ass flew out of my butthole ricocheting from the floor into the wall. Then the entire contents of my intestines voided between my feet.

“Oh God no!”

I whispered, the filth spilled out between my thighs, with my tears following soon after.

“Hose her down, we need to clean her up inside and out. She’s probably had more mutagenic spunk than necessary. Fucking fat cows are disgusting.”

I am disgusting. I can’t even control the most basic of body functions.

“So why work here?”

My handler, asked in a offhand manner while he blasted filth from my nipples.

“For the money and the perks!”

Even through the glare and distortion of my affected vision, I could see the horsecock sized monster the pit boss waved in my handler’s direction. My mouth watered.

“Like any normal woman would let you near her with that.”

“Fuck’em, I stopped asking ’em a long time ago, kid.

He held me by the chin, pulling my face up. The immense roundness of my belly forced my thighs apart, my tits rested on my thighs as I squatted down and allowed the rest of mine belly to empty. I still couldn’t see him clearly, the glare of all of the bright lights had me all but blinded. I could feel the the stiff erection of my handler digging into the flesh of my tits as he washed what was left of my hair and scalp. The hoses washed away all my filth into a nearby drain, while he covered my eyes and rinsed the soap from my head.

“Run her through the driers, and get her ready to see the boss.”

“Come here sweetie, I know you can’t see yet, follow me.”

Gentle hands stroked my shoulders and neck. I relaxed, closed my eyes. He removed my bell and collar, washed my neck, and replaced my original gear with a larger cowbell, new collar and locked them tight.

“Easy, easy girl. Just follow my voice.”

The young man, I figured him at Halkalı travestileri 24 or 25, clipped a chain to the collar. My feet were tender, and I was cold from the water, my body felt so wrong and just… Huge. Every so often, something brushed the back of my knees.

“Here you are. I’m going to turn on the dryer, don’t be scared. I’ll be right here the whole time.”

Warm air blew up from under my body, and the young man began to brush out my matted hair. He took his time.

“Close your eyes.”

He switched brushes, stroking my neck and back with soft bristles. The dryer turned off with a metallic click.

“Open your eyes, I have some drops that might help, kneel down and I’ll put them in for you. Tip your head back.”

I knelt on the floor, feeling the young man’s hand on my tit, his cock hard against my belly, he opened my right eye wider, allowing the cooling drops to cleanse my eye.

“Close it tight, let it weep, and we’ll do the other one. Your vision should return quickly. Remember to stay calm. Listen to my voice.”

My vision started to clear, and the young blonde man came into focus. He smiled at me, and tucked the eye drops into the pocket of his apron.

“There you go, can you see me? Nod if you can.”

I nodded slowly, looking behind him and to the side, my cowbell clanking out of tune. That’s when I saw a dozen or so naked women, at least for a moment I thought they were naked, some wore animal skins. I saw the chains linking them at the collar, suddenly I realized the animal skin were a part of the women, fur, just like Jessie Lee.

Other mutated women, hucows.

I panicked. I started to hyperventilate. Clang, clonk, Clang! My bell rang out, something swatted my ass cheeks, hard and fast.

What should I have expected in this place?

“Easy! Easy girl. Calm down. I have what you need.”

He lifted off his apron, revealing the leather coverings on his legs, that ran from his thick boots to his belt leaving his cock and balls exposed.

“Here you go, girl. That’s it. Take the cock.”

His cock, thicker than I would have expected for a man of his size, started to wake up. His cock grew to a substantial nine inches or so. It was tiny compared to Gordon, but this was a man not a bull.

I.. Leaned over, dropping onto hands an knees.

“ugh, huunnngh…”

“Take it girl.”

His cock wasn’t as big or thick as Gordon’s but that didn’t stop the drool that ran down my chin and into my cleavage. I took his cock to my lips, and then down my throat. As he started to fuck my gullet, I immediately felt calm and centered.

“Regular cum, not the mutagen Gordon has been feeding you, should stimulate your milk production. Soon those already humongous tits of yours will fill with milk, and we’ll have another product to sell.”

He gently rocked in and out of my mouth, my tits and belly all rested on the ground, I had become immense. No wonder the crate broke.

He stroked my hair.

“Roll over girl, that’s it, lay on your back.”

I moved without questioning, without letting his cock fall from my mouth. He lay over on my belly and worked to seize both my nipples while continuing to fuck my face.

“Good girl, I’m going to work your teats, get you ready to produce milk. Stick out your tongue, see, it’s long now like a real cow’s. Feel free to suck on my balls or tongue my ass, while I jack your nipples.”

I did exactly as he asked. His nut sack tenderly washed in my mouth, I tongued his balls like they were the most precious things in the world to me. Meanwhile, he wrapped his fists around my nipples tugging them at a consistent speed.

My pussy flooded. I stuck my tongue up his ass.

“OH! Alright girl, now take my cock back so I can feed you my cum, and we’ll take you to see the boss. Take it, yes… There, good girl.”

He worked my throat, and I felt the pulsing of his nut sack over my nose the moment before I felt him spurt down my throat. It occurred to me that this was the longest I’d gone without a cock in my mouth for *weeks.*

My orgasm that had been building this entire time wrenched my body. I squirted, spraying the wall with my fluids. I sucked every drop of cum he had to give me.

“Good girl, rest a moment, and we’ll take you to the boss. He’s waiting for you.”

I lay on my back as he lifted his sack from my face. I was satisfied, laying in pools of my own fluids. The cum in my tummy felt warm, comforting. That warmth seemed to spread to my entire body, ending in a tingle in my nipples. I explored my body, tawny fur on the back of my hands, the vastness of my belly and breasts patterned in white and dark places, my three inch long and inch and a half thick nipples.

Gordon told me the truth, he took me to the farm, I was well on my way to becoming a cow. My handler slipped his apron back over his head, tying it down around his waist.

“Follow me, walk if you can. Crawl if you can’t. We have to take care of a few things, before Travesti halkalı you are passably presentable.”

I stood to follow him, the chain to my collar hanging slack between us. My feet, unused for however long I traveled in the crate had never supported whatever insane amount of weight I’d gained. I couldn’t corral both tits with two arms, and could barely see my toes as I walked. In the warped reflective surfaces, I looked like carvings of fertility idols I’d seen in school, the kind that my teacher-lover showed me before I asked him to sodomize me.

“Sit here. We need to tag you and some other things. Stay calm, and maybe there’ll be some more cock in it for you.”

The beefed up bench had a bull dick dildo and rectum wrenching ass plug, where they directed me to sit.

“Go on girl, get on it.”

I hesitated, but after the first tug of the chain I directed the bullcock to my to long unused pussy, and centered my nether hole over the sphincter destroying phallus.

“I’ll help you with your tail.”

“My what… ahh! Oh! nooo…”

He had grabbed and pulled a tail out of the way of the bench butt plug the second before gravity speared my ass upon it.

“noooo! Nooooo!”

I bawled. He helped to move my fat knockers out of the way.

“Place your wrists and neck into the openings in the rail.”

Still in shock over learning about my tail, I leaned down as he instructed, not exactly easy with all the tit and belly flesh in the way, he locked my hands and neck in place by sliding a board over them.

“This is just to keep you from moving while we make it so you fit in with the rest of the herd. This gentleman here is going to put in your nose ring, and ear tag, so we know who and where you are. Also, the ring will help us move you around. You’ll get to like it. Lastly, that man will set a laser bar-code on your hip. I’m told it hurts way less than a branding iron, like they used in the old days. So unless you want to do it twice, no squirming.”

“Shave her head, first.”

The angry bees of the clipper sounded off over my left ear, where a pair of gloved hands shaved the sides of my head and the back stubble smooth, leaving what I felt was like a ratty Mohawk atop my head. I only had a moment to contemplate the cool air over my ears before another man stepped forward to sit in front of me. He laid a metal tag and ring on a tray as he pulled on blue powdered gloves. He cleaned the random hairs from my right ear, with alcohol and a cotton swab. When he pierced my ear, I jammed my ass all the way down on the bench plugs. My asshole had never been oven so wide, not even with Gordon. The shock was so overwhelming, that I hardly noticed when he ran the ring and tag into the new hole in my ear. He grabbed my nasal septum with piercing forceps pulling me just a bit forward. The piercer pushed the largest needle I’d ever seen through my nose. My tears came and he chided me.

“There, there, bessie. It will be over soon.”


I tail swatted my own ass in anger and frustration.

He walked away, smiling. The man that had been standing beside him stepped forward and then around to my right hip. He placed a corded piece of cold metal high up on my leg. The piercer, stood by the wall and a large switch.

“Turn it on for about ten seconds, then turn it off. Now!”

Excruciating pain seared my leg, but he held the device onto my fat hip solidly.

“9, 8, 7, 6, ready, 4, 3, 2, 1 and off! There, Let’s take a look.”

He removed the laser from my hip.

“Now that’s a good brand. Boy, go ahead, let her loose. Take her through security, so she is logged into the Herd, then take her to the boss. When was the last time she had cock?”

“Just a few moments ago.”

“Good. Take her to the boss.”

“Yes sir.”

I sat there whimpering, getting used to the huge ring in my nose, the tag in my ear, and the stinging of the brand on my thigh. He unlocked the yoke around my neck.

“You can get up off the bench now. Follow me”

I used the yoke to lift myself up and off the plugs splitting me. Despite the pain in my nose and ear, it dawned on me how empty I now felt, how easily my body accepted the phallus, and how docile I’d been during the process since my uncrating. I accepted all the things that had happened, like they were things that should happen.

I could barely muster the energy to talk, my throat was now so fucking dry. The air in my lungs came rasping out as I panted, in exasperation and anxiety. The trickle of blood coming from my nose made me nauseous on top of the rest.

“Are you thirsty girl? Nod yes, or shake no.”

I nodded yes, sending a shimmy throughout my body and clanking the cow bell. The effect it had on my handler was profound, the tent under his apron was hard to miss.

I didn’t know if I wanted his cum or the water more.

I cried again because I couldn’t make up my mind.

Fortunately, it seemed that he was familiar with my dilemma.

“Go drink some water, the cock will always be there.”

He guided me to a wooden trough, stood next to it patiently. I looked up at him.

“Cum on, piggy, what are you waiting for, a glass? Cups, and glasses, and forks are for people, not livestock. If you want a drink you have to get your face in there.”

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