Dark Archer Pt. 04


I awoke before dawn. My senses told me that nothing was wrong. Graud slumbered and softly snored. Solenne hugged me closely under the layers of clothing and blankets. Comfortable and warm on the mountain.

Why was I awake?

The slow, soft movement of Solenne’s hand could be felt slipping inside my trousers. Fingertips touched and began to stroke my cock. It seemed I was already semi-aroused. Solenne purred softly in my ear. Her fingers wrapped my growing cock and aggressively squeezed. A quick breath escaped my mouth. The pleasure takes hold quickly.

Solenne’s head moved toward my own, her lips finding mine in the darkness. The warm breath and taste of her filled my mouth. This only added to the growing arousal. My moans stifled with Solenne’s mouth covering my own. Her fingers deftly undid my pants and freed my hard cock. Several strong strokes from her hand had me raging hard now.

Solenne broke our kiss and her head disappeared beneath out blankets. Swiftly my cock was engulfed in her hungry mouth. Solenne wasted no time, sucking and slurping my cock deep into her mouth. Saliva dripped from her lips to trickle down my balls. Solenne’s hand then gripped my ball sac firmly squeezing, the saliva making my skin slick in her hand.

Solenne moaned softly sending ripples of vibrations through my cock. The feeling was exquisite. Solenne would plunge down around my entire length to slowly rise. Then her tongue would swirl around my tip, stopping suddenly, her tongue invading the slit of my cock.

Eagerly, she lapped the precum that issued as she continued to stroke me. I could feel my impending climax growing quickly. Such was her aggressive manner. My vision dimmed as pleasure overtook my senses. Then Solenne abruptly stopped.

She spoke.

“Not yet Michael. I am not finished with you. There is more pleasure to be had by us both.”

Solenne raised her body and pulled her skirt to her waist. She positioned over my cock and began a slow descent. The movement was agonizingly slow, but the pleasure was fantastic. Solenne was dripping wet and enveloped me with utter patience. Ages seem to pass while Solenne lowered herself on me. Finally, when I was totally engulfed, she sat very still. Her lips returned to my mouth, and we kissed deeply.

My body wanted to thrust and take Solenne. Hands moved to her hips to begin the process. Solenne pressed her body to mine.

She whispered.

“Be patient my Love. You will plant your seed in me. But for now, let’s take pleasure in what we have. You buried deep inside me, and I stretched by you. Hold still Michael.”

I did as Solenne asked, motionless underneath her. My frantic breath returned to normal and the urge to thrust subsided. But it did nothing to lessen my erection. Rather I was surrounded by the soft wet feel of her pussy. I could feel her heartbeat on my cock. Solenne kissed me more tenderly now. Then, as we were entwined, she began to flex and relax her muscle walls within her pussy. A sensation I had never experienced. Instead of the frantic pounded and movement, Sıhhıye escort this was quiet and slow. The feeling was amazing.

Solenne whispered.

“Yes Love, we are in no hurry. We can savor this, making slow love instead of fucking like animals.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but Solenne laid her finger on my lips. Then her finger dropped to be replaced by her lips. Her insides continued to massage my cock and a gentle rocking motion as she rubbed her clit against my pubic bone. Solenne’s soft moans and she whispered my name. The juices from her slowly issued from her pussy. They coated my cock more so and leaked to my balls and thighs. Solenne was very wet. She seemed to speed up her movements ever so slightly.

Her body stiffened and she moaned in my ear.

“Michael, I’m cumming. Don’t move.”

Solenne’s movements were now more hurried. Then she tensed for what seemed the longest time. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she shivered. There was the feel of even greater amounts of fluid coming from her pussy. The muscle walls of her pussy tightened incredibly around me, forcing my own climax. My cum seemed to pump endlessly into my Lover. We both grasped the other in climax. Then I was spent. Solenne was also released and fell against me. I held her tightly. I began to soften inside her, but still oozed seed. We had made love several times on our journey. Never like this.

Graud grunted across the campsite.

“If you two are done, we can have breakfast and get moving. Noisy fucking humans.”

Then he snorted and rolled over.

I found this highly embarrassing. But Solenne just giggled and moved from me. We both adjusted our clothes and began to do as Graud had suggested. While I moved, there was a grand smile on my face. It grew broader each time I looked at Solenne.

At first, she was a traveling companion. We had fought a few battles together. Solenne proved a formidable warrior. Then there was her magic. She was good and not maleficent. Solenne had saved Graud’s life and mine as well. Without her, I would most likely have been dead.

We had breakfast and packed our goods. Then the trek up the mountain began again. Graud moved tirelessly. It was not so easy for Solenne and me. We needed to rest more often. Graud said very little, except to mutter something about puny humans periodically. The upward hike continued. Occasionally, we caught a glimpse of the peak.

It was huge, but still far away. I began to wonder if the adventure was worth the effort. Given that I had Solenne as a Lover and Graud as a friend and companion. To risk either of these things seemed more foolish now. Just for the sake of magic coffee. Yet here we were.

I reflected as we walked. There had been firsthand observations of what coffee did for Solenne. What would magic coffee do for her? I know very little about magic. Solenne has not shared her reasons. Yet, we now have a bond. I would see her have the goal.

The day wore on Solenne and me. The angle of assent steeper than before. We seemed to Tunalı escort spend more time moving in a sideways direction. Graud did this for us, I am certain. His massive body and strength would allow him to move more directly. The only sound he made was an occasional grunt and shake of his head.

We made camp in the shelter of a large boulder. It gave us shelter from the wind. We found enough wood to make a small fire. The trees here were thin and spindly. Coffee was prepared as we huddled for warmth. It would not have been possible for Solenne to be any closer to me unless she was inside my shirt. She was chilled and tired. Graud suggested we huddle closer together and share body heat and I made no argument. His shaggy and fur covered body seemed impervious to cold.

Graud spoke.

“You two sleep. Tomorrow, we do my way and finish this. No argument. Sleep now.”

Solenne smiled and snuggled closer. Our cloaks covered us both and sleep followed. I had no idea what “Graud’s way” would be. But I imagined it would be grueling.

Morning arrived much to my sadness. I remained tired and cold. The little wood we had left was placed on the glowing embers. More coffee readied and consumed. A few bites of food and we were ready. At least I hope that I was ready.

Graud urged action. All things packed and we were ready. Solenne was told to crawl to Graud’s back. He then tied her to his body so that she sat securely. A large coat then covered Solenne and Graud. Solenne would ride and be very warm it seemed. The slightest hint of smile on her face. Graud then pulled a length of rope. He ordered me to secure it around my waist. At the other end, he secured to his wrist. It seems we were going to the top today if he had to drag me there.

Graud went straight at it. He used his mighty strength to carry Solenne and help me climb after him. Occasionally, I would slip and lose my footing. Without Graud, I would have slid down the mountain. Even with his help, my breath was labored, and my muscles ached. Graud proved tougher than the mountain.

The wind ripped at our bodies. The bare rocks tore at my hands and feet. The longer we climbed, the more cuts and bruises I seemed to accumulate. Solenne’s look of mild amusement turned into one of concern. More often her gaze turned in my direction. Graud continued the pace and the climb. He was on a mission.

The mountain face was straight up at times. Graud climbed with Solenne on his back to an outcropping and then pull me up as though I weighed nothing. Despite his great strength, this had to be taking a great toll on him. Yet he said nothing. The climb went on and on.

I felt dizzy at times and disoriented. A blind urge to keep moving but did not know how. Graud pulled and I followed. I slipped and went down. Once again, without being tethered to Graud, I would have fallen down the mountain. Solenne cried out my name and Graud turned to stop and hold the rope. I was so tired and only wanted to rest and sleep. My awareness faded.

My eyes opened briefly. I was moving, Turangüneş escort but not on my own. It seemed I was on Graud’s back in place of Solenne. A glimpse of her looking over Graud’s shoulder. Great concern on her face. Then I faded away once again.

I awoke in darkness.

My body ached in every possible location. Such weariness I had not felt since a great battle I was involved with. But I was warm. A small fire burned in front of me. Solenne plastered against me.

She spoke.

“Michael, can you hear me? We thought you were leaving us. Speak to me.”

Great effort to turn my head towards Solenne. My mouth was dry and speaking difficult.

I rasped.

“What happened? Where are we?”

Solenne spoke.

“We are in a cave. Graud looks for firewood. Michael, drink this.”

A small metal cup lifted to my lips. The aroma of strong coffee filled my senses. I sipped, although the desire to gulp was strong. My thirst raged.

Solenne withdrew the cup and fed me small morsels of food.

She spoke.

“Eat Michael. You need your strength.”

I turned to look at Solenne. A grave look, on her face. This told me I was in poor condition.

Solenne then took a very deep breath. Her hands went under my shirt to touch my bare skin. A soft golden glow surrounded her.

I spoke.

“No Solenne! Do not do this! Do not weaken yourself on my account!! You need your strength!!”

The healing power flowed into me. The surge filled me and strengthened my body.

After a few minutes, the glow faded, and Solenne slumped against me. Her hair was now grey, and her skin withered.

I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her as she slept. Once again, she had sacrificed for me. I vowed never to leave her ever.

Graud returned with armloads of wood. Some placed on the meager fire to enliven it. He glanced at Solenne and shook his mighty head. He knew what had taken place.

Graud spoke.

“It had better be some damn good coffee to risk all this.”

Then he huffed a great breath. I believe it was his attempt to lighten the mood. The longer I am around Graud, the more I am convinced. He has a heart of gold. There is nothing I would not do for him or his family. Solenne now has my undying devotion. I will give my life for her, as she has done for me.

Graud appeared grim and spoke.

“In morning we go. Archer keep woman warm and sleep. Graud carry woman in morning. Archer keep up. We finish climb. Find magic coffee. Get out of this place.”

Graud took a place against the cave wall and promptly fell asleep.

Solenne appeared fragile and exhausted. I pulled her closer to me. What waited for us at the summit? The search for magic coffee seemed a good idea at the time. The cost of it now manifested. My eyes closed. There was little sleep.

The morning sun streamed into the cave opening. It gave a little warmth, but the sky was blue and cloudless. The moment I stirred, Graud was up and moving. The remaining supplies became breakfast and coffee.

Solenne ate and drank some. Strength would return, but it would take time. We packed. Graud wrapped Solenne securely and held her against his mighty chest. I determined to keep up with Graud regardless of what lay ahead. The fire extinguished and into the morning sun we marched.

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