Fair warning: This story contains some pretty dark themes. If you’re okay with that, I hope you enjoy.
Not even Meerach’s lewd caresses could have lessened the blow.
The rain hid Ana’s tears, as she looked from on top of a hill at what remained of Forestwood. The charred husks of what once were houses had been overgrown by grass and weeds. There at least stood a graveyard for all those that lost their lives. Unfortunately, most of them were unmarked. There would be no way to tell if anyone survived.
Beyond the town limits stood a small military barracks – maybe one platoon of soldiers from Durandia. Next to it stood a small outpost with a bulletin board with a number of wanted posters. A few moments later, Ana was in front of the posters, studying them. The first one that got her attention was her own.
Too bad for them, I’m never going back.
Ana shivered in delight as Meerach’s touches intensified for a moment. She had to admit. Her fears about the demon were unfounded. Exercising her newfound powers with those adventurers felt very good.
“Who are you?!”
A soldier had spotted her and was already pointing a spear at her back. He was unsure if he should have been scandalized or scared. The woman was armored, but her backside was…exposed. More surprising was how she did not move or even flinch. In fact, she was completely non-responsive.
“I said who are you!?”
She finally turned sideways and looked at him. Despite the very accurate human details of her breastplate, the soldier turned almost as pale as her at the sight of her eyeless helmet. Worse yet, was the barely concealed rage on her face as she pointed to the poster she had been looking for.
“Where?” Ana demanded.
The soldier stammered “I-i-i-i don’t think that’s a very…”
The guard flinched away from her. “In the hills to the south! Ümraniye travesti That’s all I know! Don’t kill me!””
The entire camp heard the shouting and came to investigate. All they found was was the young man sitting in the mud, shaking in fear. Thankfully, the rain had hidden the fact that he had wet himself. What he was shouting at was gone.
Do not stay your hand . Do not hold back. Vengeance will soon be yours.
Meerach’s voice kept echoing in Ana’s head as she ran tirelessly through the hills looking for the bandits’ hideout. It was no wonder the soldiers failed to find them. The area made for an almost perfect place to lay low. Almost.
A few hours later, the rain had ended and she had found them. A small fortification could be seen in front of a cave opening – a mine, perhaps? A small palisade with a wooden gate had been set up, plus a couple of wooden platforms as lookout points. Indeed, there were a pair of archers on the platforms, but they must have been either blind or asleep. Ana was making no attempt to hide herself, and no one seemed to notice.
Now is the time. Do it. Kill them all!
Without any second thought or hesitation she drew her sword and charged, screaming at the top of her lungs. As expected, the sentries were quite startled and scrambled to nock their crossbows. Too late. Ana had already leaped on top of the wall and with a single swing, she easily removed the head of one of them. Before the body even fell, she used her clawed gauntlet to rip out one of the man’s ribs and hurled it into the other’s forehead, right between the eyes. The second man’s eyes rolled up as the rib protruded from his skull, and he, too, fell dead.
Ana staggered a bit in the throes of the most intense orgasm she ever had. Meerach was right; true release came with the kill. Time to kill the rest.
As if right on cue, several more bandits came through the door to see what was going on. Only one stood his ground as the black-armored terror dove right for him. Running only gave the rest a second or two longer to live.
Ana was lost in a haze of sexual bliss as she cut a bloody swathe through the tunnels of the hideout. With inhuman precision, each swing Ümraniye travestileri of her sword sliced through a weapon, a piece of armor, and even bone as easily as if she were cutting butter. Anyone who got in her way died. Anyone who stood aside died. She even made a game of how many ways she could kill a man. It did not take long for her to be covered head to toe with bandit blood and her own wetness running down her inner legs.
It has been so long since I’ve properly tasted battle. We should do this again, soon.
She took a few moments to calm down and survey the carnage around her. There was one man she still needed to kill: Percy the Predator. He was not among the dead.
At the end of the cave, she found a curtained alcove. Ripping the curtain off, there was a simple bed and a bearskin rug, but in the corner…she finally found him. Percy was naked as the day he was born, holding an equally naked slave girl with a knife at her throat. Ana just stood there expressionless without a spec of blood from all the men she just killed.
Percy knew he was dead. Still, desperation made him shout “Back off or the bitch dies!”
How pathetic. Just kill them both and be done with it.
Ana simply smiled.
That night, what was once a steady rain followed by some calm was now a series of thunderstorms. Captain Curtiss Helman once again cursed his assignment to this gods-forsaken backwater. Today was the strangest day he’s had since being assigned to this post. First, there was the foolish guard who claimed he saw a devil woman. Now these gods damned storms! It looked like the troops were going to get some extra drills, tomorrow. Not much comfort, but it was better than nothing.
Suddenly, noises could be heard outside. The men could be heard shouting at someone to halt outside. Great, another annoyance, he thought to himself. Muttering under his breath, he got up from his desk and made for the door, ready bash some heads together. Instead, he never made it out the door.
In front of him, stood a woman whose description was matched almost perfectly: pasty white skin, obscene armor, eyeless helmet. This time, though, she was smiling evilly. The devil woman was real! Travesti ümraniye She was surrounded by over a dozen men who kept her at spear point while keeping a good distance away from her. Over her shoulder, wrapped in a soaking wet blanket, was a young woman, while in her other hand was a bag drenched in blood on the bottom.
She raised the bag toward the captain. “I’m here to collect a bounty.”
Reluctantly, the captain took the bag and peered inside. Sure enough, there was a head in there – the head of…”Percy the Predator,” he whispered in disbelief. “How did you-?”
“I can do things most men can’t,” the woman replied in an overly seductive tone. “Such as slaughter bandits like lambs.”
She knelt down and gently placed the unconscious woman on the floor. “She’ll be fine. She just had a rough time with Percy.”
Captain Helman just stood there in awe, unable to speak as he studied the strange visitor.
I response, Ana started groping her breastplate and pinching its nipples. “I know you like what you see, but I’d like my money, please.”
“Oh! Right!” Helman’s face went beet red as he hopped over to his desk and took out some parchment and a pen. “I-i-i don’t have don’t have the money, here. But if you give this message to the sheriff of Lowton (LO-ton), he will pay you.”
As he wrote the message, something dawned on him. “What is you name, by the way?”
It took several seconds to think of a response. “Ana. Ana Meerach.”
I’m surprised. I had actually thought you were going to kill that girl.
Ana smiled to her self as she made her way down the rain-soaked road. There was no need to kill the poor girl. There would be many bandits, brigands, and monsters which would be a great pleasure to kill.
And how exactly did you save her? These men have probably not seen a woman in months. Hell, just keep her and fuck her yourself.
And where would she keep the girl? That village was where her home used to be. Besides, she gave the captain enough of an incentive to not allow anyone to touch her.
Ha Ha! Yes! The idiot pissed himself so much, it was all over the floor!
Fortunately, the rain washed off the stench. Still, when she got the money, a bath would be nice.
Suit yourself. Still, was it wise to use my name? It won’t take long until word gets out and you’ll be a target.
As if the the look he gave her would stick out like a sore thumb.
Point taken.
Their conversation went on much like that as she disappeared into the night.
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