Detention of Four Girls by Lecturer


“What are you girls doing with my personal laptop? You should not be in here at lunchtime and you should not touch my personal belongings. All four of you are in detention with me tonight.”

Miss Brown was slightly surprised at the lack of protest from the four 18-year-old girls. They were a tight group who were noisy, cheeky and sometimes down right rude.

The four girls were holding an excited conversation when the lecturer entered the classroom after the rest of the school had all gone home.

“I like the old fashioned punishment of lines. You will all write “I was wrong to touch Miss Brown’s laptop.” one hundred times”

The lecturer was surprised when less than a minute later each girl put a piece of paper in front of her. She read them in the order they were laid out.

“I should not leave my laptop around”

“I should use much more secure passwords.”

“I should not fantasize about young girls.”

“I should not write stories about my fantasies and leave them on my laptop.”

She felt sick. How could she have been so silly? What could she do? She decided that attack was the best form of defense.

“You had no right to look at my laptop, I could get you expelled for this.”

She tried to hold the girls stares but found their dismissive smiles hard to counter. Annie was first to speak.

“I think it is you who could loss your job if this got out. Try asking us very nicely what you can do to ensure we keep your little secret. We might consider some options if you change your tone dramatically.”

While she knew she was in a hopeless position something forced her to try once more to fight her way out.

“I will not be spoken to like that by a eighteen year old girl. Now get back to your desks and complete your lines.”

There was little conviction in her voice and she was not surprised that the girls did not move. Barbara delayed her comment just long enough for dramatic effect.

“You will find that we can and we will talk to you exactly as we want. Understand very quickly you have no bargaining chips. You will do what we tell you and you will do it when we tell you. Is that clear?”

She knew there were no options available to her. Somehow she was helpless to do anything other than agree. Head bowed she quietly said yes. The four girls shared smiles as they realized their plan was falling easily into place. Cassie was next to address the, now clearly distressed, teacher.

“You will stand in the middle of the room with your hands behind your head. We have drawn lots to decide which of us gets to do what. Dawn will have the pleasure of holding you from behind so that I can start to undress you. I am sure we are all looking forward to seeing your gorgeous body stripped and available to be played with.”

Dawn was soon behind her lecturer. There was little need to secure her but somehow it just added to the woman’s feeling of helplessness atakum escort and embarrassment. Cassie stood in front of her and waited until she had her full attention before very slowly unbuttoning the older woman’s blouse. Her bra was full but slightly opaque. Cassie did not want her turn to end too quickly, so she teased, the already erect, nipples through the thin material. All the girls heard Miss Brown’s strangled sigh as she fought her growing excitement.

“Are they always this responsive or am I even better at this than I think? You look like you are struggling with yourself already and we have barely started. Let’s take that bra off it does make arousing your lovely nipples quite limited.”

The contrast between her pale almost white boobs and her totally black nipples aroused Cassie more than she had expected. Reluctantly she moved aside to let Annie take her place. She simply bent down and flicked the helpless lecturer’s nipples with her tongue. She repeatedly moved from one to the other.

“You just cannot do this to me. I am your lecturer you must show me some respect. Stop immediately.”

“Oh as Dawn said we have hardly began. I am sure over the next hour or so you will reconsider whether you really want us to stop.”

“You cannot keep me here that long the janitor is due here in ten minutes. He will not put up with this.”

“I am sure Mr. Tomlinson would love to witness you being humiliated and stimulated all at the same time. He, however, will not save you today. Janice will be intercepting him around now. She is so keen to find out whether the rumours of, shall we say, his large proportions are true. She is also very keen to further develop her fellatio skills. Do you know if she will find him a challenge?’

“How would I know whether he has a big prick?”

“Well if you are interested I am sure Janice will give us a detailed report. Now back to more important matters. You look as if you have either run a marathon or you are very aroused. Unless you are able to tell me otherwise I will guess the latter. Given that I am right, I am really looking forward to slipping my hand down inside your skirt and knickers and see how a sexually aroused lecturer feels.”

Miss Brown tried to avoid Annie’s invasive hand by bending at the waist. Annie responded immediately by slapping her lecturer’s face.

“We will do everything we have planned with you. If you resist you will be punished. Do we make ourselves very clear? Sorry, I did not hear what you said please repeat it loud and clear so we can all hear.”

“I am sorry I will do as you ask so that we can get this over quickly.”

“You will be disappointed again. We all want our turn at arousing you, stimulating you embarrassing the shit out of you. I suspect you will welcome the final act of surrender you will suffer. I always find an orgasm is very special after I have been atalar escort aroused for a long time.”

For the first time for many minutes Miss Brown realized that she had one thing that she could fight back with. She would never let them force her to orgasm. This gave her a small comfort. She felt Annie’s hand move inside her panties and down over and passed her aroused but still hooded clit. She knew she was aroused and moist between her legs but had not realized that she was in fact soaking.

“Oh girls that is wonderful our lovely lecturer is so wet I could almost believe she has pissed herself. I am sure you are thinking you can prevent us from enjoying your final humiliation by not having an orgasm. I so hope that is what you are thinking as it will make it a much more enjoyable victory for us mere girls.”

Annie left Barbara to complete the undressing. This showed the lecturer to be completely hairless below the waist. Dawn spread Miss Brown’s legs further apart to give Barbara more access to her swollen lips and clit. With great ease Barbara found her lecturer’s clit pulling firmly to ensure the hood was pulled well back out of the way. This done she slipped two fingers into the gaping pussy with no resistance from the oozing orifice. She hooked the fingers back towards the front of the pussy and gently stroked them in and out.

The poor woman was hit by the girl finding her g spot first time. This combined with her palm rubbing firmly on her exposed clit nearly brought her to a surprise orgasm.

“Our challenge girls will not be to bring this poor woman to orgasm but will be to prevent her from doing so until we have all had our fun. Let’s get her up on her table so that we can all see her squirm.”

Miss Brown didn’t fight as she was positioned on her back in the middle of her large desk. From somewhere a cushion was place under her head. Barbara and Annie stood beside her and held her legs bent and well apart. Dawn was up near her head leaving Cassie full access between Miss Brown’s legs. It was Cassie who told their lecturer how things were going to progress.

“We have drawn lots and we will each take turns, two holding your legs, one playing however they chose with your pussy and the last one having the pleasure of you performing cunnilingus on them. This last girl will decide when she is ready for us to alternate. If you suffer an unwanted orgasm yourself it may take us longer to bring you off at the end. If so, I hope you are multi-orgasmic because you are not leaving until we all see your final surrender.”

All the girls removed their knickers and Dawn was soon in position lowing herself onto her lecturer’s mouth. Barbara and Annie varied their nipple play from harsh squeezing to the lightest of touches. Cassie, who loved giving oral more than anything else, played with her teacher from arse to clit. She backed ataşehir escort off a number of times, as she did not want her to orgasm yet. Dawn amazed everyone including herself as she exploded in orgasm after less than two minutes of Miss Brown just licking her clit. The rotations varied in length but all ended with Miss Brown enabling them to reach their goal. When Dawn was the last to move to Miss Brown’s pussy she was delighted to see it swollen beyond recognition. The clit looking more like her ex boyfriends, very inadequate, prick than a clitoris. Dawn had to be really quite careful, as it was clear that it would take very little to trigger an orgasm. It was Cassie who addressed everyone.

“That was fabulous, even better than I had thought. Your face looks like someone not only came on it but pissed on you as well. I hope you girls all behaved. I think we only have one thing now to consider. Miss Brown has done a passable job and I think we should put it to a vote whether we allow her some relief. Hands up who says yes, – two votes. Hands up who says no, – two votes. It really is your lucky day Miss Brown you get the casting vote. What do you say?”

This was her last chance at retaining the one very small bit of dignity left to her. It was a defeated lecturer, who simply said,

“Please bring me to orgasm and I am nearly out of my mind with frustration. I will say or do whatever you ask. Just fucking do it,”

“Very few people get to live out their fantasy. We read to the end of your story. With a few modifications we are going to let you live out yours. Annie and Barbara please get up on each side of the table and have Miss Brown’s arms trapped between your legs. That way you can slap her breasts and specifically her nipples without her wriggling around. Cassie you sit on her stomach and pull her legs back under your arms. You will be able to slap her clit, leaving me to slap her bottom. That is surprisingly similar to your fantasy, Miss Brown.

You need do nothing but lay back, enjoy the pain, and let us pleasure you. You will orgasm when I tell you to.”

All four girls took their positions and slapped or spanked the helpless teacher, very gently. She was soon crying and pleading with them to hit her harder. As Dawn gave permission for the orgasm she slide her middle finger deep into the dementing teacher’s bottom and stroked it in and out forcefully. At the same time all the slapping was made much harder. That was it Miss Brown seemed to explode. The girls did not allow the lecturer any movement except her head. It was amazing that this seemed to heighten the arousal even more. The girls looked on not believing what they saw and heard. She swore, she blasphemed, she cried, she praised them, her eyes looked like they would pop out of her head, she threw her head from side to side. It could have been three or four orgasms, or was it one, that lasted nearly three minutes, they had no idea. Somehow, in the end Miss Brown managed to ramble something incomprehensible about dying and ecstasy.

“Miss Brown you will report to us next week at the same time for your detention. You will complete one hundred lines saying: I will not allow myself to enjoy orgasms forced on me by school girls.”

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