[This story involves major sexual encounters of all kinds and significant bathroom play. Both, but especially the latter, could be described as extreme and, in any event, might not be to your taste. If not, then check out some other story on this site. All characters are 18 or older.]
I was getting used to how my life changed since I lost my husband and now resided with my niece Jenny. She and her partner Glenda have been wonderful in helping me get on my financial feet after Don’s departure left me stranded. I had not worked in ages and my skills were not what they had been. They gave me a chance to renew my abilities and find the right place to restart a career.
Jenny is 32, has a nice figure, dresses well, has nice sandy-blonde hair, and is a very take-charge woman. I’m 44, still looking presentable, but could stand to shed a pound or two or three, and now feel I’m a full generation older than she is. She has degrees from a fine university which led to her important executive position with a major national distributor and supervises more than 150 staff members.
She asked me to take on many of the normal household chores because she and Glenda work full-time while I’m still putting my next career together at home. Soon after, when she decided I wasn’t performing up to her standard, Jenny told me that when Glenda failed to carry out her assignments around the house, she had been disciplined. She was suggesting that this should be the new regime for me.
I wasn’t able to argue with her. I had heard noise from their bedroom which made me think that someone–presumably, Glenda–was being spanked. The idea of my niece, more than a decade younger than I am, taking my panties down to whale my bottom made me shudder as I hadn’t been spanked since growing up at home.
But yesterday, when Jenny arrived home and found that the breakfast dishes were still unwashed in the kitchen sink while there was obviously worn underwear scattered around the bathroom, she told me that I was a naughty girl. I didn’t entirely grasp the significance of that word: naughty.
In Jenny’s lexicon, naughty girls are destined to be disciplined severely, which means physical punishment. Jenny instructed me to report to her bedroom in an hour. My stomach was on edge, and I couldn’t focus on anything else for that awful hour of waiting to learn my immediate fate.
When the hour came, I walked into Jenny’s well-appointed bedroom. She had dressed in what looked to me to be a very formal outfit and it made me think of authority figures I had known: her crisp white blouse, grey flannel skirt, seamed hose and burgundy pumps gave her the look of a female boss or attractive but stern teacher.
She ordered me to stand in front of her. Then she unbuttoned my simple blouse and unbuckled and then unzipped my casual slacks and slipped both off. I found myself in my bra and pants there, having shed my shoes and little socks when she took my trousers down and off.
Then she picked up a pair of pink bloomers and told me to take off my panties and put the bloomers on. I found that embarrassing as the bloomers almost came down to my knees, but I did what I was told. Then she said I need to unhook and remove my bra. After I complied, she gave me a quite simple white training bra with small cups like a bralette to put on. It was big enough for me to get it on but felt quite tight and pressed my boobs down.
“From now on, when I tell you that you have been naughty, you will put on these bloomers and the little bra and stand in the far corner of the living room until I am ready to discipline you,” she announced. “Today I will spank you here, but in future, you will be punished in the living room, regardless of whether anyone else is present.”
“Must I be spanked, Jenny?” I pleaded. “I’ve really tried to do what you’ve asked me to do in the house.”
“I’ve warned you before that I expect you to do what’s needed here and to do it right away, not to let things go,” Jenny snapped, “and Glenda knew that those were the rules when she did many of the tasks I’ve asked you to take on, and she holds down a full-time job.
“Naughty girls get spanked, Debby, no matter how old they are” she continued, “and if their behavior doesn’t improve, their punishments will be increased, as necessary. I’m perfectly happy for you to live with us here and I do like you a lot, but you will have to conform to our rules.”
I found myself in the classic spanking posture as she yanked down the shameful bloomers and placed me across her lap. Then I felt her palm spanking my bare bottom, gradually stepping up the strength of her spanks while maintaining the steady rhythm of a metronome.
The spanks were really starting to hurt as my bottom cheeks had not been punished in this way for so long. After quite a long hand spanking, Jenny began spanking me with her ebony hairbrush and this hurt that much more. Soon I was crying out, but Jenny did not stop spanking until my bottom was burning.
After karasu escort I was allowed to stand, but told not to rub my flaming bottom, Jenny walked me to the corner of her bedroom where she pressed my nose into the corner and told me that after every spanking I received, I would spend some time in the corner where I could focus on planning how to perform my chores better so as to avoid further disciplining.
I felt totally abased standing there even though the only person other than Jenny who was likely to see me with my pants down was Glenda. She pointedly seemed to avoid coming into the room while I was relegated to the corner. I felt totally humiliated by the way Jenny summarily treated me, but I accepted that this was the price for her generosity towards me.
When it was time for dinner, which Glenda had prepared, Jenny directed me to walk downstairs to the dining room with her. I asked her if I could put my clothes back on and she merely said quietly but forcefully that naughty girls wore their punishment clothes–the training bra and bloomers–until bedtime whenever they were disciplined.
Later, I learned that if Jenny felt I had not learned my lesson or seemed resistant to her critique of my conduct, I might be put to bed early as a further humiliation. Glenda told me that Jenny had made her get into her pajamas and into bed as early as 5:00 P.M.
Dinner proceeded. Glenda had grilled some rockfish with nicely-prepared vegetables and a gorgeous salad. I thought my cooking skills were decent, but this was a bang-up meal. I complimented her and she smiled, thanked me, and said she hoped I had learned from Jenny’s disciplining me.
“Jen had to give me some spankings when I was naughty,” she confessed, to what I already knew, “but it improved my attitude and I got with the program. Debby, just do that and you’ll be right with both of us, am I right, Jen?”
“Yes, indeed,” Jenny replied, smiling, and telling me that she hoped I would take my correction in the right spirit. “I’ve found, Debby, that the kind of rules I have set out here make this house run well, so I expect you to learn them and act accordingly,” she announced.
I had noticed that both Jenny and Glenda did not use the word “naughty” except when specifically referring to conduct that earned one a spanking, or even more severe punishment. The word itself carried an aura beyond its simple meaning; it connoted behavior that was sufficiently unacceptable as to result in physical punishment.
I didn’t know, however, that Jenny had become something of a star in the world of female dominants. The private group to which she belonged included several high-level female executives. None of them, naturally, would want to open up about this to someone not in their circle.
Apparently, though, Glenda, with Jen’s permission, recorded one of Jen’s informal talks to the high-powered group. She took me aside one morning, after Jen had left for work, and let me hear some of the presentation. I’m sure she cleared it with my niece, since Glenda, even as Jen’s partner, was still liable to be disciplined if Jen felt she had misbehaved, or excuse me, had been “naughty”:
“As a dominant woman, I’ve found over time that the word “naughty” carries a lot of baggage of which many may not be aware. When I inform someone that they have been naughty, they should realize immediately that they have misbehaved and deserve punishment.
“Most people associate the word with young people–in our situation here, those 18 or older–who act up, use bad language, resist correction, or insult me or one of my friends or employees. Other friends of mine or even their teachers, if the offender is in school, know that they may inform me if the culprit has been naughty, knowing that this will result in my taking the miscreant’s panties down for punishment.
“Note that I used the word “panties” for underpants worn by both men and women. All those whom I designate for disciplining will be required to put panties on if they are not already wearing them.
“But “naughty” is not a word that I use lightly. I want anyone who reports to me to understand that if I find they have been naughty, they are in line for significant discipline, including spanking, caning, tawsing, or paddling. I also have more exotic implements.
“There are many behaviors that qualify as naughty. One obvious one is using naughty words. The three principal ones–all “four-letter” words–are fuck, cunt, and shit. Men who report to me are totally forbidden to use those words. Women under certain circumstances may use the word “cunt,” mainly because they have one. If, however, they dare to hurl it at me or any woman as an expletive, they are line to have their panties taken down for an immediate castigation on their bottom.”
“Other misbehavior includes being rude to me, anyone I know, or anyone whom they must regard as persons deserving proper respect. In many instances, I have spoken to their teachers karatay escort or supervisors at work and given them forms to have the offender bring to me. This provides the teacher or supervisor the opportunity to inform me in writing of how the offender has been naughty and their recommended punishment.
“I find that women teachers, who are not permitted in most places now to employ physical discipline in school, find it satisfying to send me a form where they can describe the behavior and why they are suggesting a particular punishment. The teachers may also indicate on the form whether they are lowering a grade or awarding a failing grade for the naughty behavior. Supervisors may indicate whether the offender is being or will be subjected to employment discipline, including suspension or termination.”
I confess that I was quite surprised to learn how prominent Jenny had become in this peculiar little world of female execs who were disciplinarians. That evening when she returned from work, she asked me to sit down with her in the living room and began discussing how my life was coming along
I admitted to her that both her disciplining me and learning about her status as a disciplinarian had been surprises to me. It was very impressive, I said, to find out how successful she had been both in her work and in this special interest area. I thanked her for being willing to take me in and promised that I would do my best to provide her with the household help she asked me to do. I told her she was a godsend and somehow managed to avoid shedding tears.
I thanked her again and told her how much I respected both Glenda and her. I told her I would always be indebted to her, and that I appreciated her standards and my need to comply with them. It was especially embarrassing for me when she punished me, I said, because if anyone knew I was her aunt, it would humiliate me.
Jenny responded much as she had when I first contacted her at probably the worst moment of my life. “Debby,” Jen said, “yes, you are my aunt, but I will be very blunt and let you know that I was surprised at how spoiled you still were when you arrived at our house. You not only did not clean up the kitchen and bathroom as I requested, but you failed to clean up after yourself. I won’t discuss it anymore, but for a woman your age, the state of your clothing and belongings was disgraceful.”
Now I did start to cry lightly. “I feel like I don’t deserve your kindness, Jenny,” I managed to stammer. “You will have to treat me like the antique I must have become, so I’m resigned to being humiliated and shamed here. I do still thank you and yes, dear, I love you.”
“I think, Debby, you do need to be disciplined regularly until you adapt to your changed condition in life,” Jen declared. “I’m going to punish you in future in front of Glenda and, as I said previously, in front of anyone else who happens to be here. I think we will begin now, though, so please put on your bloomers and training bra and report to me in the living room in five minutes.”
I realized I had more or less asked for this, and I did kick myself for my vanity and stupidity. Walking to my room and taking the bloomers and bra from my drawer where I had been careful to place them, I felt like a fool and a dirty one to boot. Then I put on the shameful outfit and went to the living room. Glenda was seated on the couch, and she told me that Jenny expected me to stand in the corner with my bloomers pulled down to my knees.
“You’ll have to hold your legs apart, Debby, so that the bloomers don’t fall any further,” she added, not mentioning the unspoken add-on that if I did let them fall, Jen would add to my punishment.
Jen arrived, although I was facing the corner, so I had to assume from Glenda’s greeting her that Jen was in the room behind me. She tapped me on the shoulder from behind and told me to follow her. Then she sat on an armless chair with a small table next to her and had me lie across her skirted lap. I again felt ridiculous in this position, but she gave me no time to ponder my thoughts as she began spanking me quite firmly.
This time she stopped and did not continue with the hairbrush. Instead, she had me stand and bend over the end of the couch so that my face was almost in Glenda’s lap. Glenda was extremely attractive, I should mention, with dark hair in bangs and a lovely figure. She had drawn up her skirt and my face was only inches away from facing her crotch, which was totally exposed to my view as she wore no panties.
Jen now stood behind me, as I stared at this, shall we say, unusual view. Then I felt a thin rod, undoubtedly a cane, laid on my bottom. It was drawn back, and then Jen fired it across my bared bottom, imparting a stinging stroke to my bottom cheeks. I screamed because the pain was searing. It was as if something had burned my skin. Then I heard a swish and another stinger landed parallel to the first, only lower, below the middle of my buttocks.
Jen karlıova escort proceeded to give me four more harsh strokes with the cane. It made her spanking feel like love taps. I had never been caned before, and now I knew why the mere mention of someone being told they would be caned caused such fearful reactions. I did also realize, to my horror, that I had become aroused by the whole experience, and especially the cane strokes.
This made me even more surprised when Jenny ordered me to crawl under Glenda’s raised skirt and “please her with your tongue.” I had never licked another woman’s privates before but found that servicing Glenda orally was extremely exciting. I felt wetter and wetter in my own crotch as I brought Glenda to orgasm.
I gradually adjusted to my new life at my niece’s home. Now, when I had earned a spanking, Jenny had me stand in the corner of the living room with my nose pressed into the corner and my skirt raised with my panties pulled down to my knees. It didn’t matter if anyone else happened to be present, although usually, only Glenda witnessed my punishments.
Soon, however, Jenny decided that I need daytime supervision when Glenda was also at work. I was duly introduced to a neighbor girl, Karen, who was 18 and had a nice smile and a pleasant disposition. She was home for a few months before she would go off to college. Jenny told her that she wanted her to stop in several times a day and could stay as long as she wished, when she could use her I-phone or watch TV.
When Karen stopped by, I was to show her what I had done, and she would decide if my work had been adequate. If she decided it was poor, Jenny empowered her to assume Jenny’s role in spanking me. Karen was told to take my panties down and spank me over her lap until she felt I had learned my lesson.
“You can also tell Debby to put on her punishment costume,” Jenny added, almost as an afterthought. I already despised wearing the embarrassing pair of pink bloomers that went down to my knees and a small white training bra that pressed my breasts in very tightly. I had to put on thin socks with two-inch heels; I looked and felt totally ridiculous.
The first day, Karen told me when she checked the bathroom that I had not checked the towels, which were dirty. She bossily ordered me to put on my punishment uniform. I felt even more ashamed to be put into the awful costume by this 18-year-old.
I felt even worse when she began talking to me about her boyfriend, who was going to take her out that evening.
“Jenny told me that you aren’t allowed out after dark unless you are with Glenda or her,” Karen observed. “She feels that you can’t be trusted to behave if you were out with someone else. She said that she did let you go off with an old friend who visited. She was very displeased when you returned clearly having drunk too much.”
“I was very ashamed when I let that happen,” I said. “Jenny was right to be angry with me and she did spank me very hard.”
“I’m going to spank you for not putting fresh towels in the bathroom,” Karen declared. “Stand here in front of me,” she said peremptorily, wagging her finger at me. She proceeded to take down the bloomers to my knees and unhook and remove my tight bra. As she did that, she remarked, “It really is humbling for you, I suppose, for a woman your age to need a training bra.”
Then she positioned me across her lap and began to spank me. Karen was a strong young woman and the spanks hurt, especially since Jenny had laid into me only the night before. She commented that I had an unusual amount of hair between my legs all the way back to my bottom. I cringed at the embarrassment I was experiencing from her observation of my hygiene down there.
“Jenny said I could clean you up down there if I wanted to,” Karen remarked while continuing to spank me. “When we’re finished here, I’m going to take you into the bathroom and shave you and get rid of all that hair back through your legs, too.”
I did not look forward to being as bald as apparently most young women were these days in their pubic region. When my bottom was very red and sore, Karen had me stand up and walk with her to the bathroom, where she soaped me up and carefully shaved my pubes, also cutting off my hair there all the way back through my legs, so I was entirely bare now.
When I mentioned that I did need to use the toilet, she told me to go ahead. I realized she expected me to perform my ablutions in front of her. I found it difficult to start while she was watching me but finally managed to go ahead with what I had always regarded as my most private moment.
When my pee stream dropped off and ended, Karen told me not to flush.
“Do you need to make a doody now?” she asked me in a deprecating tone.
“Yes, I do, Miss Karen,” I answered. “May I do that?”
“Not just yet,” she said firmly. “When did you last have a bowel movement?”
“I had one after dinner last night,” I responded.
“Well, maybe you should wait until later so that you aren’t abusing your toilet privileges by going more than once every 24 hours,” she announced.
“Oh, please, Miss Karen, I’m afraid I may have an accident if I don’t go now,” I pleaded, feeling very embarrassed.
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