Dungeons, Dragons, and Dresses


Did porn transform me? It’s hard to tell. But after years of watching blowjobs I noticed that I was focusing more on the big cocks than the beautiful women.

I would stare at them and wonder what it felt like to bob up and down on one. What the head would feel like in my mouth. Feeling the throbbing as it came. I eventually started wearing lingerie and fantasizing about giving a blowjob.

But I could never go through with it. I’m straight and I like girls. I just like to wear their clothes. I’m not attracted to guys, but I can accept that a big cock is hot.

I kept falling asleep imagining a cock in my mouth. One night at 2am after tossing and turning, I opened up Bumble on my phone. Were there any guys I could actually imagine touching?

I changed my profile over to men. I kept swiping left and felt very underwhelmed by what I saw. There was no one to be interested in. Oh well, it was just a stupid fantasy anyway.

The next day I was still curious. I opened up my phone and started swiping again. Left, left, left 20 more times…hold on a second. He’s not too bad. Pretty attractive, normal looking, nerdy, and talked about liking Dungeons & Dragons. He’s married and looking for guy to hang out with. Hmmm. Maybe…

I looked at his picture for a while wondering if I would ever be able to go through with something like this. I nervously swiped right to see what would happen. I waited the rest of the day, and was slightly disappointed when I didn’t match. But what were the odds that one swipe would work. Throughout the week I would occasionally look, but swiped left on everyone.

A few days later I was sitting at my computer working. *Ding*

I looked down at my phone and saw a Bumble notification. I opened it up and was surprised to see Dungeons & Dragons guy had sent me a message. I got nervous and felt my cock swell up.

We started chatting. I told him I was curious about Dungeons & Dragons and would like to learn. And eventually the messages started getting sexual. “What are you looking for?” he asked.

“I’m curious about watching porn and jerking off with someone. Maybe working up to sucking cock.” I said. Then asked, “How big is yours?”

“9 inches.”

Did he just say 9 fucking inches?! Holy shit, I wasn’t expecting that. I have a nice size cock, but not 9 inches! “Can I see it?”

He replied with a pic that made my mouth water. It looked like it was straight out of a porn video. I sent back a picture of mine.

“Damn, yours is nice too!” he said. “So, my wife is going out of town this weekend. Wanna play D&D?”

“Ya, definitely!”

Then we made plans to play on Saturday. It would be nothing sexual, just getting to know each other and playing the game.

Saturday came around and we decided it would be best to get a drink first. We met at a bar, and I was nervous. I was meeting a guy who I’ve talked about sucking cock with. He showed up and we shook hands like normal friends. Everything seemed very normal, and we talked about normal things. Then he asked if I was ready to play.

“Sure, let’s do it!”

We went back to his house and I saw he already had the game set up on a table. We sat down and he started explaining everything to me. But I kept having flashes of the 9 inch cock, so I was having a little trouble taking it all in.

After explaining the rules, we started playing, and I almost forgot all about his cock. We played for several hours. Dice rolling, fighting monsters, learning about characters. It was great. His wife called to check on him, and he said I was still there and we were almost done the campaign.

When we finally finished, I said, “That was awesome, we’ll have to do it again.”

“Definitely. I’ll try to come up with a new campaign. Do you wanna have a drink and watch some TV before you leave?”

“Sure, sounds good.” I said. I was having a good time and was in no rush.

He made us a drink and we went into the living room and started watching TV. After about 10 minutes he got on his tablet and started doing something. His tablet connected to the TV and a hot blonde girl sucking cock popped up in front of me. “Is this ok?” he asked.

“Sure”, I replied and nervously sipped from my glass. I had no idea what to do, I thought this was just game night!

We sat there sipping our drinks and commenting on the girls in the video. I was getting more and more turned on. He said, “Looks like you like her.”

I glanced down and saw my pants bulging. I quietly said, “Ya she’s hot.” Then I saw him yahşihan escort gently start rubbing his crotch. I didn’t say anything, but I couldn’t take my eyes away.

A minute later he was taking off his pants. “Is this ok?” he asked.

“Yes…” I responded as I watched his cock grow in his boxers.

I kept watching while hearing the sucking noises in the background. “Do you mind if I see it?” I asked.

He responded by pulling his boxers down and exposing an enormous cock. It looked even bigger in person. All I could say was, “Wow.” I stared and dropped my pants and boxers to expose my own cock.

I sat there touching myself and staring at his monster cock. At one point saliva dripped onto me and he noticed. We both started laughing. “Do you want to suck it?” he asked.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.” I responded. But I kept watching. Then asked, “Can I touch it?”

He didn’t say anything, simply removed his hand from his cock. I slowly reached over and grabbed it. I gently stroked it. It was warm, and huge in my hand. It felt amazing! Again all I said was, “Wow.”

As I stroked I felt his hand move onto my cock. And I couldn’t stop. I jerked and watched, and listened to the sucking sounds of the porn. His cock was so big. I stared at it intensely, and somehow got closer and closer until I kissed the head. I tasted precum on my lips, and couldn’t believe what I just did. I backed away and kept stroking.

“Sure you don’t wanna try?” he asked.

I didn’t respond. I just kept jerking and thinking and staring at it.

A minute later I went down and kissed it again. Then I started licking around the head. Then it happened. I opened my mouth and went down. All I heard was, “Oooohhhhh.”

Next thing I know, I am on my knees and sucking and jerking a massive 9 inch cock. He wasn’t touching me anymore, but I was rock hard. It tasted good, felt great, and I couldn’t get enough. I felt him get really hard. “I’m going to cum!” he said.

I popped my mouth off and said, “I want to watch.” Then I jerked furiously with it right in front of my face. I felt it starting to throb and then it exploded. Cum shot straight into the air and fell back down on my hand and his cock. I felt a drop hit my face. I wiped it off and smiled.

Then I realized I came all over the place without being touched. Watching him cum was enough to make me shoot my own load. “Sorry, I just came all over your floor.”

We both started laughing.

After we cleaned up I went on my way. We agreed that we should hang out again. As soon as I got home he sent a message. “Let’s play again tomorrow.”

I wasn’t sure if he meant D&D or playing with cocks, but I was fine with it either way. “Sure. But I think I’m ready for a facial next time!” I said.

He responded with a pic of a cum covered girl and I smiled.

I hadn’t mentioned to him that over the last few years I got into crossdressing. I loved wearing panties, lingerie and costumes. I wanted to dress up while I sucked him off.

So the next day I got ready. I put on pink panties and a pink mesh bodystocking I had. Then I put on my normal clothes. I went over with my cock throbbing the whole drive. I knew what kind of things would happen tonight.

Again, we started playing D&D, but as the dice rolled, I think we both had cock on the mind. This time we seemed to play the game in fast forward trying to get to the end. I kept thinking about that 9 inch cock. I wanted to see it again.

We weren’t done the game yet when my urges got the best of me. Out of nowhere I blurted out, “I want your cock!”

He smiled and said, “Ok then, game over!” We went over to the living room and started watching porn again. This time we decided on cumshots. As we started watching the cum glazed girls, I said I had to use the restroom.

I went in and stripped down to my pink bodystocking and panties. My cock was hard, and I had no idea how he was going to respond to this. Then I walked back out to the living room and stood in front of him.

“Holy shit.” he said.

I walked a little closer, and his hand went right up to my cock and started rubbing it. But my mind was that 9 incher. “I want your cock.” I said again.

Then I went down to my knees and helped him out of his pants and boxers. His cock was hard and staring at me. I went right to work using all the knowledge I had from watching porn to suck and stroke the monster cock.

He asked if I wanted to be sucked yakacık escort in return. I stood up and watched as he started sucking me in my pink panties. But I had a craving. So I went back to my knees and sucked on that giant cock. After a few minutes he told me he was going to cum. I kept stroking and said, “I want it on my face!”

He stood up as I struggled to keep it in my mouth. I kept stroking and felt the head start to swell. I knew it was about to happen. I pulled it out of my mouth and looked up at him as I continued to stroke. I felt his cock pulse and then it shot all over my face. I felt just like the girls in the videos! It was hot and dripping down my face. Some got into my mouth. It wasn’t bad, but I spit it out and let it drip off my chin.

I sat there dressed up and drenched. Once again, my load was on the floor but I don’t think he cared. He commented, “Next time we’ll put down a towel.”

I laughed as cum dripped onto my legs. Then the phone rang. His wife was checking in, and then he went into deep detail about what just happened. “Ya he’s right in front of me. Ya… Mm-hmm… He put on lingerie and let me cum all over his face!” I heard laughing on the other end.

A few days later I got a message. “Hey, wanna play D&D? My wife wants to be the Dungeon Master. She created a campaign for us, but we have to play by her rules.”

“Ya that sounds great.” I said. “What are her rules?”

“Well, we have to do exactly what she tells us. And her first rule is that we all have to dress up as female characters. She’s going to be the Queen. I’m going to be a barbarian, and you are going to be an elf.”

“Count me in!” I said.

We had a week to get our characters ready. I found a sexy elf costume online. It was a tiny green and gold dress. I also got a straight blonde wig and Spock ears. It was perfect.

When the day arrived I went over to their house with my outfit packed up. His wife opened the door and smiled. She was quite attractive in her queen outfit and had a shiny crown on her head. It was clear she would be the boss.

I didn’t see my friend anywhere, and before I could ask she said, “Come with me.” She walked me over to a spare room and closed the door. “Strip.” I was shocked as I had only met this woman a minute earlier.

“Are you disobeying your Dungeon Master?” she asked. I looked at her and started taking my clothes off until I was standing there naked with my hard cock hanging out. She then instructed me to put on my outfit, which I quickly did. When I was done she smiled and said, “I love it!” Then took me in the bathroom and did my makeup. I was definitely looking like an elven slut!

Then we walked out to the game table where I saw my friend sitting in his outfit. A silver bra, a leather skirt, arm braces, curly brown wig and makeup. He turned red as I sat down at the table. Our eyes darting back and forth.

His wife began to speak.

“I am your Dungeon Master, Queen Amelia of the barbarians. Welcome to the land of Cockwood Forest. A dark wizard has placed a spell on our dear princess and put her into a deep sleep. He has also locked us in our castle and blocked the path with magic.

“His spells can only be broken with the help of an elf. Unfortunately elves have not been seen in many years. Heroes of the kingdom have not able to save us. All hope was lost.

“Then one day a rogue elf entered our kingdom like a gift from the heavens. The elf was told of the princess and the queen, and vowed to help. The mightiest barbarian was selected, and the two were immediately sent on a rescue mission.

“You head off in the direction of the castle, and this is where your adventure begins.”

We then started the game which was normal aside from our outfits. It was exciting to play in my dress, and I was having a great time. After about 30 minutes of playing, our characters came upon a bridge that was glowing with dark magic. There was no way to pass.

There was a small table next to a wooden sign which was written in elven.

My character began to read, “There are rumors in this land of huge barbarian cock. To break this spell, an elf and a barbarian must work together to display a cock that is at least 9 inches on this table.”

The Dungeon Master chimed in, “As soon as you read the sign, it begins to glow. You feel the dark magic starting to affect both of your bodies. Your hands are drawn to your sides and you cannot move them. Your mouths yakutiye escort close and you are unable to open them or speak. You look at each other in panic wondering how to proceed.”

She then leaned back in her chair, looked over at me and smiled.

I thought about our situation for a moment. Then they watched as I slowly got up and sat on his lap. I felt his cock against my ass and under my dress. I started to blush. Then I grinded around as it grew. I stood up breathing heavily and sat back in my seat with a red face and hard cock of my own.

He stood up and put his 9 inch cock on the table, sticking right out of his leather skirt. She says, “Congratulations, the first spell has been broken!” The bridge stopped glowing and our heroes continued their quest.

After fighting more monsters we reached the castle. But more dark magic. This time it was the drawbridge. There was a bigger table, a large wooden spoon, and another elven sign.

It read, “To enter the castle, an elf must be displayed upon this table. A barbarian must show her strength by giving the elf 20 lashings upon the ass with this wooden spoon.”

The Dungeon Master moved the game and placed a large wooden spoon on the table. Again looked at me and smiled. I stood up and bent over the table.

I then felt my dress moved above my ass. And then… *Smack*. The Dungeon Master said, “One.” And after every spank I couldn’t help myself, I responded with an audible gasp. It continued.

*Spank*, *gasp*, “Two.”

*Spank*, *gasp*, “Three.”

*Spank*, *gasp*, “Four.”

We reached our 20 spanks. The Dungeon Master said, “Well done! The drawbridge has been lowered.”

I sat back down with a red ass, red face, and hard cock. And we all noticed the little puddle of precum on the table. The Dungeon Master smiled and wiped it away. We returned to our game.

After battling the last few monsters we reached the Queen in her throne room. Our Dungeon Master Queen looked at us and then pulled her amazing tits out of her costume.

“Thank you brave heroes for making it all this way. There is one final spell that must be broken to save the princess.” She then handed me a folded piece of paper. “Heroic elf, could you please translate this elven tablet for us?”

I unfolded the paper and read out loud, “To save the princess, an elf must swallow barbarian cum.” I turned bright right.

“Elven slut, do you think you have what it takes to save the princess?” she asked.

“Umm, we’ve come a long way Queen Amelia, I think so…” I replied.

“She’s counting on you. The spell can only be broken in her chambers, so I would like you both to hold hands and follow me.”

We stood up and nervously held hands. Both of our cocks hard. We walked into the bedroom and she closed the door. There actually was a sleeping princess in the room. It was a blowup doll in a chair with a tiara, but it was a great touch.

“Barbarian, get on the bed.” she said. And then I watched as she started kissing him. I stood there not knowing what to do. Then she got up, walked over to me and started making out with me!

I didn’t know how to react. She gently grabbed my ass and said, “I heard you like his big barbarian cock.”

“I can’t stop thinking about it Queen Amelia.”

She guided me over and pulled out his massive cock from under the leather skirt. “Show me.” I grabbed it and started jerking, and then my mouth went to work. I tried to show her everything I learned. She watched and played with her pussy.

After a few minutes of sucking she pushed my head onto his cock so that it was sticking out of my cheek. She then bent down, kissed the cheek and said, “Good elf slut.”

I then felt her grab my cock as she asked if I was going to be able to break the spell. My full mouth could only manage, “Mmmmphmmm.” She laughed.

The whole situation had me ready. I was ready to eat cum. I kept sucking and felt him get harder and harder, and I knew it was time. He told the queen he was close and then I felt her mouth sucking on me!

She only took her mouth off of my cock long enough to say, “Break that spell slut!”

I kept sucking until the cock was pulsing in my mouth and shooting a load deep into my throat. I didn’t think twice as I swallowed every pump. I was breaking the spell and I loved it!

As usual it made me cum right away. But this time it was into her mouth. She moaned as I filled her up. Then she pulled my head off his cock and came right in to kiss me with that full mouth. We sat there making out with cum dripping as I continued stroking the 9 inch cock.

She then backed away, smiled with cum on her lips, and said “Congratulations, the spell is broken and the princess is saved!”

And that was the beginning of my love for D&D. Every weekend we would continue our adventures where I played as Suckstra, the heroic cum guzzling elf slut.

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