Ebony & Ivory at the Drive-thru
By: RocketMan
This is an erotic fantasy story about how I became a fan of drive-thru fast food!
It is early in the morning. The air is nice and cool. I have my windows down. The breeze is caressing my naked genitals, in a delightfully erotic way.
As I often do, I’m driving while naked! My penis is hard and my balls are already slightly swollen with lust as I slowly masturbate and fantasize about the possibilities of the day ahead.
I decide to get some breakfast, so I pull into a fast food drive-thru.
I hastily pull on a tee-shirt to keep from getting too much attention. Some people have strange issues with nudity.
I am a fairly attractive, I like to think, white guy. I’m in my mid-forties. I’m in good shape with almost no fat, anywhere, on my body. I think my best physical feature is my penis. It is perfectly straight and uncircumcised. It is seven inches long and nearly always hard! My balls are nice too! I keep them shaved smooth, because, I like the way they feel when I play with them. I love the way they feel when a woman plays with them too!
I love women. The only thing more beautiful to me, than a naked woman, would be two naked women!
I love everything about pussy! I love the way a woman’s pussy looks, smells, tastes, and feels.
There is nothing I would rather do than lick a woman’s clit until she cums!
I place my breakfast order for an egg, cheese and sausage biscuit and coffee.
I pull up to the window to get my food.
The lovely, young, black girl leaning out the window does not seem to be aware that her lovely breasts are on display, as her top has come unbuttoned!
My penis swells to salute her luscious pulchritude!
As I reach for my food, my tee-shirt rises up exposing my erection!
“Is that for me?” she giggles, flashing a huge smile.
“If those are for me!” I reply, ogling her tits.
Stepping back a bit so that the cars behind me can’t see, she pulls her blouse wide open to fully display her beautiful breasts.
“You can have these and more, if I can suck your balls! I have a serious ball fetish!” she says matter-of-factually!
“If you can wait a few minutes in the parking lot, I can take a break and give you the best blow job you ever had!” she smiles.
“There’s an offer I can’t refuse!” I say with a lustful grin as I agree to wait.
I drive away and park in the farthest space.
I crawl into the back seat with my food.
I remove my tee-shirt and proceed to wolf my breakfast in the nude.
I’m about to swallow my last bite, when I hear a tap on the window.
I’m shocked to see a blue-eyed blonde, instead of the black girl I’m expecting.
“Oh, shit!” I think “I’m in trouble now!”
Without waiting for me to respond in any way, Bomonti travesti the blonde opens the car door and slides in beside me.
I make no attempt to cover my naked genitals.
“Nice Dick!” she says, by way of greeting, as she gazes lustfully at my engorged penis.
“Oh, Hi! My name is Holly. I’m Ebony’s boss, friend, and roommate. She’ll be out in a few minutes to fuck your brains out, but first I want you to suck & lick my clit and make me cum hard and fast!” she gushes all at once without pausing to breath.
The whole time she is talking, she is stripping with astonishing rapidity!
When she finally pauses to inhale, she is totally naked!
I feast my eyes on her exquisite, naked body.
Holly is one of those drop-dead gorgeous, blue-eyed blondes that give red-blooded males an instant erection every time they walk by. Her flawless, ivory skin is amazing to see. Her pastel pink nipples with half-dollar sized areolas accent her perfect, perky, champagne glass shaped breasts. Her hot, hairless cunt has the most delightful, pink inner lips that swell with her arousal to present her lovers with the sweetest “butterfly of love” that I have ever seen.
Each of us, moving instinctively, as if we had done this a million times, reposition ourselves until she is sitting on my face.
Looking me in the eyes, she says “Suck the clit as hard as you can, then lick it, as fast and hard as you can, while sucking! I want to cum as fast and hard as possible!”
I eagerly follow her instructions as she continues to chatter “If you make me cum real hard and fast, I’ll cover for Ebony so she can fuck you as long as she wants. If we both like you, we’ll kidnap you and fuck you all night long!”
I’m starting to wonder how anyone can talk so much without breathing, when she, suddenly, gasps and stops talking as her body is wracked with the intense pleasure of a cataclysmic Orgasm!
I keep sucking and licking her swollen clit like there is no tomorrow.
Suddenly, she erupts with the most amazingly primal, sexual screaming I have ever heard! The pure, unadulterated, animal lust of her screams is an amazing turn on. I am inspired to even more intense stimulation of her pleasure points.
My balls are swollen and tightening as my penis become almost painfully swollen. I really NEED to plunge my manhood into at least one of her hot, wet, willing holes!!!
Suddenly, she unleashes a particularly loud shriek and collapses, unconscious!
When she wakes up a couple of minutes later, she slides down my body and effortlessly impales herself on my rigid cock!
“Just marking my territory!” she grins as she pulls off me with and audible, wet pop. “I want Ebony to smell me on you. She’ll know I want to fuck you all night, tonight. Hell, I want you Bomonti travestiileri all weekend!”
As she is speaking, she is dressing, nearly as fast as she stripped earlier.
“God! That was the most amazing Clit Licking I think I’ve ever experienced! I like you!” she gushes.
“I’ll send Ebony right out. She’s gonna love you!” she giggles.
“Have a souvenir!” she says with smile as she hands me her panties.
“Thanks!” I say as I deliberately make my penis bob up and down without touching it.
“Wow! I like that!” she says as she leaves the car.
I cannot tear my lustful gaze from her luscious ass as she sashays back across the parking lot.
Almost, the very instant, she disappears inside, Ebony comes out the same door.
I watch with growing excitement as she approaches.
She is stripping off her blouse and the last few steps, she is topless. Her beautiful, Hershey kiss nippled breasts bounce delightfully with each step.
I open the door for her and she tosses me her top as she stops beside the car.
Turning around, she peels her pants down.
As she leans all the way down to untie her shoes, I am presented with the most gorgeous, chocolate ass that I have ever seen.
I cannot resist. I lean forward and slowly lick the crack of her delicious ass!
Even her asshole is pretty to my lust filled eyes. I kiss and lick her pretty, little, puckered, chocolate asshole!
I am very pleasantly surprised to find that her asshole actually tastes like chocolate!
“Yummy!” I exclaim.
“You like that?” she giggles. “I shoved a chocolate kiss up there before I came out! I thought you might like it.”
I move back as she sits down in the car and finishes stripping.
“Hi! I’m Ebony.” she laughs. “You already met my ass and my tits!”
“This is my Clit!” she continues as she spreads her satin smooth, dark chocolate thighs. Pulling back the dark hood to expose her hot, pink clit. Her cunt gaps open to show me its pink depths. I want to plunder her treasures like I’ve never wanted anything before!
Feasting my eyes on this luscious, ebony beauty, my penis throbs with increasing urgency!
Imagining her full, sensuous lips & hot pink tongue doing incredible things to my balls, I slowly caress her entire body with my eyes. I want to memorize every delightful curve!
Her dark chocolate skin is flawless. Her nipples are so dark they are nearly licorice colored, as are her pussy lips. Her pussy is sopping wet!
“I want you to do to me what you did to Holly!” she says looking me in the eye.
“If I like the way you lick clit, I’ll suck your balls all night!”
I do not hesitate. I plunge right in, sucking her hot, pink clit as hard as I can.
She gasps with pleasure.
When I start travesti Bomonti licking, swirling my tongue around her stiff clit while sucking, she comes unglued!
Screaming, and writhing in ecstasy she cums hard and fast!
The louder she screams, the more urgently I suck her luscious cunt.
I plunge my tongue as far as I can into her creamy goodness. I suck her inner labia or pussy lips into my mouth, sucking about as hard as I can.
Her hips are jerking spasmodically, as she orgasms over and over. I follow her every move, never losing my lip lock on her steaming hot cunt!
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!” she shrieks.
“STOP! STOP! STOP! I CAN’T TAKE ANY MORE!!!” she screams.
I stop for a moment to ask “You really want me to stop?”
Reaching down and masturbating wantonly, she howls “NOOOOO! Don’t Stop! DON’T EVER STOP!!!”
She loses control as another orgasm rips through her body!
I resume licking and sucking her hot, wet slit with renewed enthusiasm as she rants “Lick me! Suck me! Fuck me! Ravage me any way you want! Cum in all my holes! Fuck me ’til I pass out!”
I lick and suck her stiff clit as hard and fast as I possibly can!
I love the taste of her creamy cum!
The sight of her beautiful face contorted in orgasmic rapture arouses me even more!
My manhood is hugely swollen with pure animal lust!
I want to plunge my penis balls deep in all three of her hot, wet, willing holes!
I desperately fight to keep control because I want to wait to cum while she is sucking either my balls or my penis. I hope I can experience both tonight!
My balls are aching with my repressed lust!
I am about to take a break to catch my breath, when she screeches “I’m cuuuuuuuuuuummmming! Oh, God! I’m gonna die! Oh, Shit! Oh, Fuck! Daaaaaamn!!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiittt!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!! Oh, Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddd!!!”
With a final, incoherent, lust filled shriek, she passes out!
I gently lick the pussy juice off of her thighs as I wait for her to wake up.
When she wakes up Ebony slowly slides down my body until her eager cunt reaches my throbbing cock. Impaling herself effortlessly, she exclaims “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”
“A hard man is soooooo good to find!” she coos as she repeatedly engulfs my manhood with her steaming hot womanhood!
“So, how would you like to fuck me and Holly all weekend?”
“I would really like that.” I say.
“Think you can handle both of us at the same time?”
“I think I can. I sure want to give it a try!” I say as she rides me like there is no tomorrow.
I spent the whole weekend licking, sucking & fucking both Holly & Ebony and I still can’t decide if I like chocolate or vanilla best!
I think my favorite pussy is always going to be the one that I’m licking at the moment!
I really enjoyed writing this story.
I hope you enjoyed it as well.
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I would appreciate feedback, especially from female readers, on what you like/dislike about my stories.
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