Escape Room for Jocks Pt. 12



Team Blue Buffalo’s: Andy and Jake, score: 2366.

Team Red Tigers: Cody and Valentine, score: 2326.

Teammates of the Blue Buffalo’s: Brad Jackson, Owen Thompson, Dylan Adams, Damian Miller, and Juan Chavez.

Teammates of the Red Tigers: Brandon Wilson, Marcos Hernandez, Simon Harris, Brent Walker, and Seth Tyson.

Teammates that experienced ‘release’: Brent, Owen, Seth, Juan, Dylan, Simon, Damian and Brandon

Teammates that still need a ‘helping hand’: Brad and Marcos.

Guys in the control room: Mike and Tristan.

Both hallways were short and continued in stairs that led up. Jake and Andy continued their way on the stairs and so did Cody and Valentine on their side. Despite that they were barefoot, the stairs didn’t feel unpleasant or cold or anything. About one store higher, there were metal doors at the end of both stairways that automatically opened.

The doors opened and allowed the jocks to enter a new room. Cody and Valentine arrived from the left side and Jake and Andy from the right. Again this room was empty apart from a few heating pipes and broken machines. The room was about 6 by 4 meters in size. There were 2 metal doors on the other side again, one with a blue dot painted on it and the other with a red one. There was a small table at the end of the room, the guys made their way steadily through the room while they chatted and caught up.

“Hey what’s this? Do I see those red pussies sweat?” Andy said teasingly to Valentine, referring to their last game. Andy and Jake had a proud look on their face now that they were back in the lead again with 40 points.

“Oh shut it! You only one because Brandon has too big of a meat stick and Damian has the stamina of a geek!” Valentine said in defense, which made Jake and Andy just chuckle.

“That meathead is so going to get it when we’re out of here and Valentine and I win this game.” Cody said with a smirk on his face.

“Yeah right, keep dreaming girly. Andy and I are back in the lead and we’re not going to give that back.” Jake chuckled, patting Cody on his shoulder.

Cody had to admit that the last game was pretty fun, despite his team losing. But there were still some questions raging through his mind about this place, about who captured them. From the video before the last game, he knew they were in the abandoned Dreesmans Dairy Factory. But it was still unclear who kept them prisoner here.

“Hey guys, look at this.” Jake said. Jake stood next to the small table on the end of the room, the rest of the guys closed in. A piece of paper was laying on the table, on closer inspection, it appeared to be a math test.

Jake took the math test up, it was already filled in, and whoever made it seemed to be quite the expert on it, there was a big, red A+ written on top of the paper. “What is the meaning of this?” Andy asked, “How is this going to help us further?”

Jake’s eyes widened as soon as he saw which name was written on the paper. He looked at the other guys and turned the paper towards them so they could have a look at the name. All 3 of them made the same surprised reaction.

‘Valentine Battaglia’ was the name written on the paper.

“You have an A+ for math?!” Jake asked surprised.

“Wait, I have?” Valentine asked, just as surprised as the rest as he clearly had no memory of this event. Surely he would remember an A+.

Cody was thinking things through in the meantime after he saw Valentine’s name.

“How…just…how?? You suck at math!” Andy said.

“I don’t know, honestly I don’t remember it.” Valentine said, scratching his head.

“Maybe you had a drink before class. Remember that you always have your bright moments when you’re drunk?” Andy said.

“Ah yeah! That’s true…” Valentine chuckled, “Remember that time that we wanted to make the dormitory stairs a slippin’ slide with a mattress and…”

“What’s the date on the paper?” Cody asked suddenly.

Jake looked at the paper again, “Errr…November the 12th” he said.

Cody’s eyes raged over the ground as he was thinking. “Valentine never made a math test on that date.” he said, “We had a really important practice that day and he was required to join…

We made someone else do the test” Cody said as he dug in his memory.

“Tristan” he said, his face facing forward again. “Tristan Kane”

“So, what’s in it for me?” Tristan asked after he looked over the math test.

“You’re ass is saved from a beating for a week” Valentine replied smirking as he made some pushups on the ground, readying himself for practice. They were in the dormitory of the Red Tigers. Valentine was barechested, doing some pushups while Tristan was sitting behind the desk in the room. Cody leaned against the wall with his Red Tigers jack on.

“Very funny Valentine” Tristan said, “The one time someone does you a favor…”

“Tristan, relax, he doesn’t mean it.” Cody said, trying to calm the tension. “He is just all worked up and ready for yalova escort practice.” he said as he closed in on the desk where Tristan was behind.

“You must understand how important this day is for us.” Cody said. “The match against the Storm Eagles is in two days, so now we have the chance to perfect everything.”

“Yeah smartass, be glad you’re part of a big purpose.” Valentine said, as he jumped up from the ground. Tristan looked at the bare-chested and sweaty Valentine and couldn’t help but gulp. “Who knows one day, when you’re doing your part for the team, you’ll be even more popular as me,” Valentine said.

“It’s more popular THAN me.” Tristan corrected him irritated.

“Just focus on Valentine’s math test, brainiac.” Cody said as he patted Tristan on the head. “We have to go, the team is waiting for us.” Cody said as he threw his gym bag over his shoulder. “That test better is done when we’re back!” he said.

Tristan turned to the paper, doubted a second, and looked back to the guys who were about to leave.

“Valentine, what are you going to do when you HAVE to face a test that you are not prepared for and you can’t escape from?” Tristan asked.

Valentine made an irritated face. “What? That’s not my problem! I will use another nerd to make it for me to get away from it.” he said

A smirk grew on Tristan’s face. “But what if you can’t get away from the inevitable?” he asked, whispering.

“I…Just…Just do what I’m paying you to do!” Valentine shouted.

“You’re not paying me.” Tristan replied.

“Get to work faggot!” Valentine shouted the last time before slamming the door shut.

“I completely forgot about him.” Valentine said after hearing Tristan’s name. “Well, we went straight to the bar after training, so I really didn’t bother I think.” he said.

“Tristan Kane? Yeah, I know that name.” Jake said, “Wasn’t he the really smart guy that followed Technology and Electrical Engineering at your campus?” Jake asked.

Cody nodded, “He won 3 prizes at the Tech Contest last year…also a ‘student of the year award.'” Cody said, rubbing his chin. “You know what I think, I think he has us trapped here.” he said.

Andy raised his shoulders, “And why would that be?” he asked.

Cody rolled his eyes and showed Andy the magnetic locks on his arms. “Err, hello! High-tech locks. A-grade engineering student. Do I need to spell this out for you?!”

“Remember that video we watched before the last game? About Dreesmans Dairy Factory?” Cody asked, the rest of the guys nodded. “That’s where we are! I recognized the room with the assembly lines from the video! Tristan must have rebuilt it somehow.”

“All on his own?” Valentine asked.

“Wasn’t his dad very rich? I think he had some help with setting all this up.” Jake said.

“Yeah, all the time this…monitor voice talked about ‘we’. So I guess he is not alone in this.” Cody said.

At that moment, both doors that led to the next task opened. The jocks looked at each other, gave each other a confident nod, and continued their way. Ready and eager for what Tristan had in store for them next. Jake and Andy took the blue door on the right and Valentine and Cody the red door on the left

The hallways that both teams entered were oblique and led Jake and Andy to the right and Cody and Valentine left.

After a short walk, the two teams arrived at the last quest that involved their teammates. They could tell because they heard their pleading and yelling from a great distance. The room they arrived in was massive. This room existed on 2 floors. Cody and Valentine arrived at a pathway of 10 meters long and 2 meters broad, a metal stair on the right led downstairs to the ground floor. The metal stairs were closed off with a metal fenced gate. The pathway that Andy and Jake arrived on was the same, only the stairs were on the left on their side. The 2 stairways crossed each other in the middle on their way down. A giant cage-like fence was placed in between the two floors, preventing anyone from climbing or falling down from the sides. The hole construction was basically 2 pathways built around a giant cage.

The road ahead on both sides was locked by fenced gates as well, so the jocks had to complete this task first before continuing. The question about where the last teammates were was quickly answered by some yells for help that came from within the giant cage construction. The guys looked through the bars and saw their last two teammates. They were hanging in some kind of gibbet-like cages, only big enough to be somewhat comfortable. The cages hung on thick chains attached to large and solid-looking pulleys. The hands and ankles of both guys were sealed to the bars of the cages with the magnetic bracelets.

The gibbet cage closest to Cody and Valentine contained a large beefy half-Mexican guy, Marcos Hernandez. An absolute beefcake of a man, the bulkiest, most solid player of the Red Tigers, one yalvaç escort that could rival Valentine’s physical prowess. Though he wasn’t ripped like the other teammates, he was very broad with huge muscled, hairy arms. His upper body was a beefy chunk of meat, not as much of a six-pack due to a slight amount of body fat, but nothing that seemed unhealthy. His shoulders were broad and strong-looking, as well as his legs, pure, hairy muscled meat from the many matches and training. Marcos had a mustache and a thin beard covering his chin and cheeks, a roundish nose, short curly coal-black hair, hazel eyes, and full lips. Marcos had a large and raging hard piece of meat standing up in between his legs that was kept erect by the drugs that had been fed to him.

On Andy and Jake’s side was their last teammate, Brad Jackson. This guy was HUGE, he could easily be 6,4 feet tall. Despite that Andy took the throne of the strongest of the Blue Buffalo, Brad stood at the steps of said throne, rivaling him closely. Like Marcos, Brad was very broad and solid build, not very ripped, but nothing less strong for it. He had short ginger curls and some stubble running over his chin and cheeks. His nose was a little sharper than Marcos’, he had green eyes and elegant pink lips. His upper body was a solid mass of pale meat and muscle, covered in a layer of ginger chest hair, neatly trimmed. His arms, legs, and shoulders looked like weapons, as impressive as they were. Covered in hair and his veins popped out from trying to break free from his bondage. He was also no less impressive when it came to his…not so…private parts. His dick stood high up, swollen and red from overexcitement.

There was something attached to the cages surrounding the guys’ dicks, a glass box, both 20 centimeters by 20 centimeters in size. Their cocks were placed through the bars of the cages and held in place by a mechanical lock. Inside the glass boxes were 2 black oval-shaped objects attached on each side of the guys’ dicks.

“GUYS, WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE!? PLEASE HELP US!” Brad shouted in panic as he realized he was hanging maybe 10 meters above the ground in a cage which he barely fitted in.

Marcos wasn’t much calmer either, he struggled against the magnetic bonds,

cold sweat dripping down his body. Scarred, confused, and (forced) excited by the situation. “CODY, VALENTINE, PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE. I’M SCARED OF HEIGHTS!” Marcos screamed.

“Please guys, just, just calm down!” Valentine yelled through the bars, “We’re going to get you out. We just have to figure out how!” Valentine shouted.

While Valentine and Andy tried to calm down their teammates, Cody and Jake searched for some more clues that could help them solve this puzzle. Both of them saw two objects with them in the pathways. On each team’s side, there was a platform near the wall on which two frames were installed. The frames consisted of various thin metal bars around 40 centimeters long. Behind the frames stood a large, metal pole. This device seemed to be designed to trap someone’s legs in place and tie their hand to the pole. Near each of the platforms laid a red ballgag.

There was another device installed on the pathways of each team. This one stood near to the cage and overlooked the large open space in the middle, where the teammates were hanging. There was a box on each side with 4 holes in one line. The letters ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ and ‘D’ are written above them. This seemed like one of those devices that the jocks had to stick their dicks in again. Underneath the boxes stood a similar device as that near the wall, to trap someone’s legs in. In front of the boxes were 2 monitor screens placed on each side.

“What do you think this is?” Andy asked, ignoring Brad’s pleas, closing into Jake, after noticing he was busy searching for clues.

“I’m not sure” Jake said, “But it seems we need to perform this task separately.” judging by the devices that could trap both of them.

“One of us needs to step into that device and complete a task, while the other steps in this one and is not allowed to speak,” Cody said to Valentine, pointing to the platform near the wall with the ballgag.

“Well figured out you guys.” The distorted voice spoke all of the sudden, straddling the jocks.

“Tristan, we know it’s you, you sick fuck!” Valentine screamed. “Come out and face us like a man, faggot!” he yelled.

In the control room, Tristan looked at Mike and smirked. “They figured out the clue.” he said, “Shall I tell them?”

Mike shook his head, “No, not yet, after they have found the second clue.” he said, “Explain the game first.”

The distorted voice continued the story “All in good time boys, first there are these two hunks to get free.” the voice said referring to Brad and Marcos.

“Now this will be a little different than all the other tasks you have done so far.” The voice said “This task needs to be done in two parts. The first part will be… yenibosna escort a quiz”

The jocks looked at each other. They have had some games where they had to use their brains more than they were used to, but a quiz was quite new.

“The second part will be a physical part, which we will explain later. For now, in order for you to get your teammates out of those cages and onto the ground safely, you need to complete the quiz.

Now, one of you needs to place himself in the frame near the monitor screen to do the quiz. The other is not allowed to help this round and needs to place himself in the frame near the wall and put the gag into his mouth.” The voice explained. “When the physical part begins, that contestant will be freed to take take part in the physical task.”

This seemed like a no-brainer to who was going to do which part. Cody smirked, he was the smartest of the four, so he would have the best chance of beating the other team at the quiz. Also, Andy had a confident smile, knowing he was the strongest and could handle the physical task.

“Now in order to make things…interesting, Andy and Valentine will take the quiz, and Cody and Jake will do the physical part later on.” The voice said.

“Wait…what!?” Andy said shocked.

“No, please dude! I’m terrible with hard questions!” Valentine said.

“Too bad,” The voice said amused, “The rules are set, Andy and Valentine, place yourself into the frames near the monitor. Jake and Cody, put the ballgag in your slutty mouths and place yourself in the frames near the wall”

“This isn’t fair! You just do this so we’re gonna lose! You can’t force us to…” Valentine screamed, but he was quickly shut up by an electric shock raging through his body by the collar. Valentine fell to the ground and couched from the unexpected shock, he had already forgotten that these guys had this installed in their tools.

“Valentine, when will you understand, we make the rules here, not you!” the voice said mockingly, “After all, it’s your own fault that you have to do a test that you didn’t study for, hehehe.”

Now Cody understood the clue that was the math test. If this guy was indeed Tristan, he wanted to make Valentine pay by forcing him out of his comfort zone, though he wondered what was in store for him and Jake.

“Let’s just do this” Andy said on the other side, Jake. “We have no other choice”

Jake looked surprised at Andy for his eagerness to do something he wasn’t good at, but then again he got to know a whole new side of Andy in this whole escape room.

“You sure?” Jake asked, “No offense man, but you suck at theoretical stuff.” he said.

Andy nodded, “I’m terrible at these kinds of things yes, but if it helps us win, I’m willing to take this for the team.” he smiled.

Valentine stood up and looked at the camera and at Cody, “Alright, I’ll do it.” he said, still panting from the shock. “After all, it’s a quiz, what’s the worst that can happen?”

“You can lose the game for us and sell our anal virginity to Jake and Andy.” Cody joked.

Valentine smirked, “Yours is forfeit to me anyways.” he smiled.

Jake placed his legs into the metal frames near the wall, the closed around him immediately, locking him tightly in place. Also, the magnetic braces attached themselves to the pole behind him. Andy picked up the gag ball and walked to Jake. “Don’t panic out there alright, I believe in you.” Jake said, “If it is multiple-choice questions just try to think which ones are not the correct answer first and narrow it down.” Jake advised.

Andy smiled, “I will” he said. He kissed Jake before placing the gag ball in his mouth and strapping it in place.

Cody had also placed himself in the frame. His legs were locked in place and his arms were sealed to the pole with the magnetic bracelets. “Don’t give in to impulse alright, take your time to think about the answers,” Cody advised Valentine who had taken up the ballgag and walked towards him.

Valentine nodded, “I will put that monkey brain of me to work” he joked.

Cody smirked and his eyes met with Valentine’s, “Win for us…baby” he whispered.

Valentine froze for a second and smirked at his teammate’s sudden cute comment. He brought the ballgag down to his erected cock and smeared some of his precum on the rubber ball. “Something to remember me by.” Valentine whispered before strapping the ball in Cody’s smiling mouth.

When Jake and Cody were secured tightly in the frames, Andy and Valentine took their places in the frames near the monitors. When the two jocks had placed themselves in the frame, the leg parts closed, locking them in place. Despite that they could not move their lower body, the frame was placed like that so the jocks could still sick their cocks in the holes in the box.

“Alright, now that everyone is settled, let’s begin,” The voice said.

“This round will be somewhat different. You will receive various questions regarding various subjects, you have 30 seconds to answer each question. The questions will be multiple-choice, and you can answer by sticking your rock-hard dicks in the right holes in the box in front of you. Here, the amount of points that you can earn is unlimited, but it depends on your captured teammate.” The voice said, hinting at Brad and Marcos.

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