Exposed Fiancé – Steven Tanning


My fiancé Steven is handsome, slim, and lightly muscled. I say slim, except that his buttocks and lips are on the plump side, rounding his mostly firm and straight physique. He is reserved and dresses in an understated way. Even at the beach he wears baggy swim trunks and rarely takes his shirt off. If you know him, it’s hard to imagine him letting himself go. Or doing anything perverse. Once you get to know him, he opens up and is friendly. With me, more so–he’s charming and attentive, in his very private way.

I love him, though I sometimes try to push him to loosen up, especially when I’m feeling frisky. Then something in me wants to see him … I don’t know exactly what … but with that reserve stripped away and exposed. Something like that.

We’re to be married soon, and something happened recently that made me realize exactly how much I want that exposure. Steven was completely naked–in a semi-public place–and others saw him that way. It was thrilling.

I know that sounds weird. My fiancé, on display for others. And I loved it.

Maybe I need a shrink.

But he’s soooo private that seeing his modesty totally stripped away … turned me on.

Here’s how it happened.

* *

It’s been a long winter, and I want our wedding pictures not to make us look like ghosts. So Steven has been tanning a few times a week at a salon owned by an entrepreneur friend of his, who happens to be gay. The tanning salon is located in a big old building downtown, in between a gay bar and a men’s clothing store, both of which are owned by his entrepreneur friend.

The whole building has been undergoing re-modeling for the past year, and this month was the salon’s turn. Much of the place was torn up in the construction process. But the owner was letting his friends still use the tanning booths, coming and going as they wanted on the honor system.

Each tanning booth was a solid enclosure with a cushioned bench for the customer to lie upon, though there was enough room to stand and move around a little. The tanning lights were mounted on the mirrored walls and ceiling so that the light came from all directions to give one an overall tan.

The door was solid, tinted glass with a lock. Normally the glass doors had curtains that covered them for privacy. But the interior décor had been stripped away for the remodeling and each door was simply covered with brown paper held in place with masking tape.

Later one evening I dropped Steven off the tanning salon, planning to run an errand before returning in an hour or so.

* *

I got back a little early and the place seemed empty. When I opened the front door the only people I saw were a couple of construction guys far at the back, where the tanning booths were. They seemed to be looking into one of the booths, from which a strong blue-violet light was coming.

I was early, so I just hung around at the front of the salon, checking my social media, waiting for Steven to finish.

Then I noticed that the construction guys were not moving. Another well-built man appeared from somewhere in the back, and the other two motioned him over so he could look at whatever they were looking at too.

Now I was curious.

I was halfway to the back before they noticed me approaching, at which point the three men stiffened and turned away, walking off towards the back exit. One of them casually swiped his hand over the brown paper and most of the blue-violet light disappeared. They were wearing tinted safety glasses and hard hats, and I did not get a good look at their faces.

What’s going on? I wondered.

When I got to the booth I noticed that some of the brown paper that had been taped over the glass door for privacy had come loose–right where the construction guys had been looking. I barely touched it, and a hands-width area of paper came away and hung off the glass about chest high. This made a triangular opening that looking directly into the tanning booth.

There was my handsome fiancé lying on his back, stark naked in the tanning booth.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Not more than two or three feet from the opening in the brown paper, my always-modest man was lying there completely exposed.

The light was strong, so I pulled my sunglasses out of my handbag and slipped them on.

Steven’s feet were closest to me, and my eyes ran up his slightly spread legs to his crotch. After a moment I looked further along his body. His eye-protection was in place, so of course he could see absolutely nothing. And he had his headphones on to listen to music, so no doubt he could not hear a thing.

Even worse, his body was moving around some on the bench in time with whatever music he was hearing, and for whatever reason–a combination of the heat in the tanning booth and the music–his cock and balls were semi-enlarged like he was at the edge of becoming aroused.

I wanted to lick him.

How long had the construction men been watching him like this?

A gay building owner would solhan escort likely hire a gay construction crew. It all started to make sense.

What did not make sense was the arousal that swept over me. Of course it was hot to see my man naked. But it was doubly hot to know that he’d been watched–for who knows how long–by strong-looking construction men. I liked that. What lustful thoughts had gone through their minds? Not only my body but also my mind was on fire, and suddenly I desperately wanted to know.

I also really wanted to take a picture of Steven in this position, but I resisted. I restored the fallen brown paper to its proper closed position, pressing the masking tape to make it adhere, and returned to the front of the salon to wait.

Steven emerged a few minutes later, and we drove home.

His next tanning session, I knew, was in two days.

* *

It was like a whole new world had suddenly opened up to me. I knew what I wanted, and I made my plans.

I arranged my schedule to be sure I’d be free when Steven next went to tan.

I researched buying some sort of spy equipment that would let me watch and listen–but that seemed complicated, and I didn’t have a way to install it unobserved.

And–I know this is weird too–I worked all my charms and finally got Steve to do something I’d been requesting over and over: he reluctantly agreed to let me shave him. Down there. I’d been asking and asking, telling him it was a little fetish I had to see him totally smooth down there.

Why? I don’t know. Something about vulnerability. Exposure. No secrets. Everything totally on display.

He likes to please me, but he’s so straight that he always said no. Except one time I’d gotten him halfway drunk and he’d almost said yes.

This time, he relented. I like to think I have some power over him. Now his entire crotch was as hairlessly smooth as his ass. His immediate reaction had been to say he didn’t like my handiwork. It made him feel unprotected and even a little less manly. He felt extra exposed and self-conscious standing naked in front of me with nothing except his cock and balls hanging out.

I assured him it looked hot to me and showed him how much I liked it in bed. He promised to give it a try for a while.

Little did he know that several guys might be lucky enough to get to see his shaved crotch up close. No doubt they’d wonder what kind of guy would do that.

* *

I offered to drive Steven and hang out while he tanned. I brought a book along, for cover, as I did not expect to actually read.

The workmen noticed our entry. Two of them were moving some large piece of lumber into position. One was wearing a blue work shirt and the other a white hard hat. I couldn’t tell at first if they were the same guys, but time would tell.

While Steven made his way back to the tanning booth, I settled into a chair in the front waiting area. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched for glimmers of the blue-violet light to show at the edges of the brown paper. I could see that the construction guys were watching for that too.

A glimmer suddenly appeared, and before the workers could do anything I sprang into action.

I walked the full length of the salon, knowing they would be monitoring my progress and wondering what I was doing. I walked all the way to the glass door, gripped the masking tape–and pulled.

A strong stream of blue-violet light emerged. I did not even bother to look in. I turned toward the construction guys, who were surreptitiously watching me, and looked pointedly at them. Blue Shirt and White Hard Hat, I was pleased to see, were ruggedly good-looking guys. They met my eyes, and I nodded once, briefly. Then I walked the full length of the salon back to the waiting area at the front and sat in one of the chairs.

They got my message.

Within seconds they’d dropped their tools and hurried over to the blue-violet stream. A couple moments later, the opening in the paper was twice the size it had been. Two things were pretty clear to all of us by now. They were going to enjoy the view, and they knew that I didn’t mind if they did.

The two men were bent over slightly as they peered into the tanning booth. They had their safety glasses on, which protected their eyes from the strong light, the same light that exposed every square inch of my fiancé’s body.

They were intent on the sight before them, pointing and making comments to each other that I could not hear. They both had their phones out, and Blue Shirt took some pictures while White Hard Hat was texting something.

A couple of minutes later, another member of the construction crew, this one wearing a carpenter’s belt, appeared from somewhere out back and joined the show. I caught a glimpse of his strong face before he slipped his tinted safety glasses on. You could tell from his body language alone that he was shocked at what he was seeing–and loving it.

Was my fiancé lying on his sorgun escort back, I wondered, or his stomach? Or maybe he was standing. What view did they have, exactly? I was bursting with curiosity. But then I felt a moment of resistance: they were looking at my man, and I should not be allowing that! But that melted away: it was so hot!

My heart pounded as I tried to decide whether to break up their little party, or get out of there and let them watch on their own. My presence made the whole thing extra perverse.

* *

The blue-shirt guy glancing at me and motioned with his finger for me to come over to where they were. Once again I walked the length of the salon. Blue Shirt met me half way across the room with a big grin, saying just one word, “Thanks.” But there was also a question in his expression.

“He’s my fiancé,” I said, “and I know this is a weird situation.”

“We don’t care,” he replied, “He’s a hot guy, and we’re happy you’re willing to, uhh, share him.”

When Blue Shirt and I arrived at the tanning booth, the other two men’s noses were practically pressed up against the glass. They didn’t even look my way but did shift positions so I could get closer for a good look. Blue Shirt wasn’t happy with his vantage point now that four of us were crowding in, so he boldly pulled the brown paper away even more, opening up the viewing area to double the size.

Steven was lying on his stomach, his legs slightly apart. His feet were closest, and his shapely calves and thighs were enticing, but his rounded ass was most prominently on display.

As I took in the scene before us, it was obvious that we needn’t worry about making sounds or my fiancé discovering his admirers. Every inch of his body was flooded in light, but his eyes were tightly covered by the dark protectors, and his headset music would overpower any voices or noises. What’s more, the lighted timer at the head of the bench showed exactly how much longer the exhibition would last.

It suddenly struck me how exposed my normally modest fiancé looked as he relaxed in the warm glow, essentially deaf and blind to the fact that he had an audience.

And to the effect he was having on them.

All three of the construction workers were openly rubbing their cocks through their jeans. I was warm and wet down there but resisted touching myself. Not in the presence of three strange men! But it did arouse me that those strange men were aroused by the sight of my fiancé. I loved the perversity of it.

Any one of us could have easily reached out and tickled the bottom of Steven’s feet, had the glass not been in the way. The guys were so close to my fiancé that every naked detail of his fit body was exposed and could be studied in raw detail. The guys were fully concentrating on his every masculine detail with their eyes–and making increasingly more crude comments.

Men, I knew, can be very direct and very blunt. Construction men especially, I was learning.

The enlarged viewing area made it easier for the guys to see everything–and then Steven spread his legs wider. The three men each went “Ahhhh” as more of his cock and balls came into view, and as his crack opened more between the lovely rounded globes of his ass cheeks. They had a perfect view straight up between his legs to his cock framed by his legs where they joined.

Steven suddenly made a major change of position, flipping himself over to lie on his back. The guys gasped as his cock and balls came fully into fully, jiggling with his body’s movement as he settled into his new position.

Blue Shirt got his phone out and took another picture. The other two tried to get closer to the glass door, if that was even possible. I have to say it was quite an experience to be huddled together with three other guys so close you can smell their masculine sweat while they rape your naked fiancé with their eyes and tell you all the obscene things they want to do to him.

Carpenter Belt guy noticed the Steven’s nipples and said he’d love to suck then until they were an inch long–or pinch them until he squealed. But most of their attention was directed to my man’s sweet crotch. White Hard Hat was transfixed with his testicles, saying he wanted to squeeze them, and every time Steven shifted slightly on the bed, he would urge him on to spread those legs wider.

Blue Shirt said he wanted to know just how big Steven’s cock could get. I could have told him, but I didn’t spoil the mystery.

Blue Shirt commented first–“He’s moving!”–but we all saw the movement right away. Sure enough, Seven had a faint smile on his face, his toes were keeping a rhythm, his chest was rising and falling and his hips were moving slightly from side to side. He must have had a favorite song playing and he was swaying his body to the beat. He wasn’t moving a lot, just enough to make it look like he was doing a slow seductive dance to the beat of the music, as he lay bare-ass naked.

White Hard Hat commented suadiye escort on Steven’s shaved crotch. “Have you guys ever seen anything like that before? It’s kinda sexy.”

The others said they’d heard that a certain type of gays will shave themselves smooth like that.

Carpenter’s Belt said he wished he could see my man’s mouth better. “Those lips look plump,” and said he had a use for them.

The others nodded agreement–and then they really went wild when my fiancé put his hands up over his head, locking his fingers, and proceeding to go through some pretty wild gyrations to the music he was enjoying. His lips were mouthing the words, and with his arms stretched high over his head his shoulders were moving along with his hips and legs in time with the music.

My normally reserved fiancé was letting himself go as he blended with the song–completely unaware that he was putting on an erotic show for three horny men.

Every time he shifted his slim hips, his cock would move from side to side. “Look at him go,” they said. “Go baby go.” All three guys were rubbing their crotches hard now as they enjoyed the wanton show.

But then Steven stopped as quickly as he had started, putting his arms at his sides and becoming still again. The guys moaned with disappointment. And the timer was ticking down–just a few minutes to go.

* *

There was a lull as we waited to see what Steven would do next.

A light mist of perspiration covered his soft skin. The heat of the lamps and the activity had clearly heated his body to show slight moisture droplets on his exposed cock. You could see the light glistening with small reflective sparkles. Carpenter Belt was saying how he would like to lick his juicy cock–when the unexpected happened.

As if on cue, while every eye was focused on his bare crotch, Steven pulled his right knee up and out, letting it rest over the edge of the bench. This movement pulled his cock up and away from his hanging testicles, giving the guys a view beyond their wildest dreams. He just held the pose, as if it was scripted just for them.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, my handsome fiancé slowly brought his other ankle up to his left hand to wipe away a drop of perspiration from his ankle. The bench lay flat, so in order to reach his left ankle he had to pull his left knee up to his chest and point it outward.

With his right knee still hanging over the right side of the bench, his bare shaved crotch was spread wide open under the bright lights. I mean wide, wide open. It would have been perverted if it wasn’t so hot. All of the guys were literally panting now.

And to top it off, even Steven’s anus was visible to the shocked guys. For the ten to fifteen seconds he scratched his ankle and foot, he was spreading his legs so far apart to reach his itch that his splayed crotch and crack were pointing right at his secret admirers.

Not only was my man’s cock on display, but with his left leg pulled up tight against his chest, his anus seemed to wink at the guys, like an invitation.

I know exactly what each of the men wanted to do at that moment.

“What I wouldn’t give to fuck that sweet ass,” one of them said, though I’m not sure which one it was. No doubt all three would have been happy to take turns. That dark thought made me even wetter between my legs.

I’ve never seen Steven look so naked and exposed. The bright lights only added to the almost obscene display of his genitals. The guys could have counted the little wrinkles that surrounded his ring-shaped anus. I loved that they could see everything. No sooner did he put his legs down than the lights went out and timer showed 0:00.

The show was over.

* *

The guys scrambled to replace the brown paper covering the glass door. We all moved away from the glass door quickly.

Blue Shirt said that now that he had him naked he was going to check him out with clothes on. They all chuckled at that, saying that contrast would be a lot of fun.

They returned to their construction tasks, wanting to look active whenever Steven emerged.

I changed my mind about staying in the waiting area and said a hasty goodbye to them. I walked out the front door into the evening, figuring that Steven would come outside when he saw I wasn’t waiting for him in the salon. Mostly, though, I really wanted to see what would happen when my fiancé came out of the tanning booth and just happened to run into three strange men hanging around. He’d have no idea that just minutes earlier they’d seen everything he had.

Outside, I stepped behind a parked car, out of the street light, and watched through the front window at the three construction guys looking busy.

A minute later out walked Steven dressed in jeans and a casual collared shirt. Even from the street I could see how good he looked in his jeans and well-fitted shirt. He seemed to be looking around for me, and Blue Shirt didn’t waste any time in approaching him and starting up a conversation. The other two also approached, casually, and stood behind him checking out his ass and making funny gestures to Blue Shirt, who somehow had Steven’s attention.

White Hard Hat would act like he was going to squeeze Steven’s ass, trying to make Blue Shirt and Carpenter Belt laugh. Steven didn’t know what was so funny.

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