Fantasy Come True


Briana adjusted the water until it reached the right temperature, and then stepped into the shower. Her day had been hectic, she was leaving for college in a few days and there was so much to get done. She never could remember what it was called, but lathered up the scrubby thingy and enjoyed the feeling of it against her skin.

Dan was trying to come home early hoping to spend some time with his daughter. It was Friday and he knew she probably had a date, but she would be leaving in a few days and he was already missing her.

Briana heard her cell phone and reached out of the shower to answer it. She saw it was Eric. “Hi what’s up?”

“I’m calling off out date tonight.”


“I got family stuff I have to do.”

Briana didn’t know if she was lucky or unlucky. It was only her and her dad so she never had a family thing other than the two of them. “Well I’ll have to see you when I come back on break.”

“Sorry babe.”

Sighing heavily she put the phone back down. Briana was mad at him and feeling sorry for herself. Wrapping a towel around herself, she opened the bathroom door, walked through the hall and into her bedroom. Going to her dresser, she opened the drawer where she kept her vibrator, and shrugged her shoulders. You lose Eric; I’ll have sex with my dad. She had always had a fantasy of having sex with her dad with her vibrator standing in for him.

Going back in the shower, she started scrubbing again. Then Briana realized that she forgot to close the bathroom door. She tossed around the idea of getting back out of the shower then shook her head. Right that minute she didn’t care; besides, her dad wouldn’t be home for a couple of hours yet.

Dan opened the front door. “Bri are you home?” When he didn’t get an answer he went upstairs and heard the water running. He mumbled under his breath, “I wonder why she has the bathroom door wide open?”

Briana ran the vibrator over her nipples, “Um.” With the noise from the running water and the vibrator drawing everything out, she lost herself in the moment. The vibrator slowly made its way down her stomach.

Dan was about to say something when he heard a noise other than the running water. He peaked in the door just to make sure she was all right, and was stunned. There was his teenage daughter getting herself off with a vibrator. When had her breasts gotten so big? He couldn’t take his eyes away from the mound of dark hair above her pussy and the vibrator sliding inside of her. He felt his cock making his pants get tight.

She had her eyes closed to the pleasure of the vibrator in her pussy. “Mm,” this felt good. Opening her eyes, Briana froze. Her dad was watching her. He was looking at her like he had never seen her before. Then she realized that he hadn’t, not like this. Then her eyes practically bulged out of her head – her dad was taking his cock out! Her first reaction was to turn her head away.

The vibrator was still in her pussy and it still felt good but it felt different somehow. Opening her eyelids just a little, she saw her dad stroking his cock as he watched her. She had gotten a charge from her dad watching her and hadn’t wanted him to stop. Seeing him playing with himself was going right to her vibrator filled pussy.

His daughter was tall and nice looking. She wasn’t model gorgeous or anything but she definitely had all the right parts. His cock throbbed in his hand. His fingers rubbed along the shaft and he gave a little twist on the head.

Briana had fantasized about doing stuff with her dad and now they were — sort of. She could feel the vibrator sliding in and out and pretended it was her dad’s hard cock. “Oh yes daddy,” she whispered and moaned. Watching him get himself off was making her want to just jump out of the damn shower.

Dan was stroking his cock trying to match his daughter getting herself of with the vibrator. He wondered how it would feel in her pussy.

Briana kept one hand on the vibrator and used her other hand to cup her breast and gently lift it. “I wish this was you daddy.” Her breathing was getting faster; she was close to getting off.

Dan was amazed; his daughter could suck her own nipple. He had never known a woman that could do that. Her breasts would feel wonderful in his hands and using his own mouth.

She leaned against the shower wall pushing the vibrator in and out of her faster and faster. “You’re going to make me cum dad,” she moaned as softly as she could when she finally got there. Her orgasm spread all through her. Even though she was still trying to hide it, her eyes were focused on her dad’s hard cock during it all. He had made his cock look angry. It was all red and the veins were standing out.

Dan kept stroking his cock; he was going to cum and kept his eyes glued to his daughter’s pussy. Her getting herself off in the shower was something he would fantasize about for a long time.

Eric had been her first, and in truth they had only done it a couple of times. Playing with him had only been so he would get hard esmer porno and they could fuck. She had never seen a guy play with himself, or even seen a guy cum. She had left the vibrator inside of her even though she was finished and it felt delicious and she left it in deep.

Dan kept stroking himself and finally put his free hand in front of his cock. He was going to cum and didn’t want to make a mess he would have to explain, “Agh!”

Briana watched her dad’s cum shoot out of his cock. It looked so creamy and white and liquidity. She couldn’t wait to feel her dad shoot his cum inside of her puss, and wondered what it would taste like.

Seeing her dad leave after he had finished, Briana sat down in the tub. Her legs were weak from her orgasm and she just let the water from the shower spray over her. Her mind kept seeing her dad getting himself off and the memory was making her body ache for him. This was naughty and yet the desire was there.

Finally getting her strength back, she stood and turned the water off. Drying off, she kept watching the door, hoping her dad was watching. Briana was surprised at herself; she was actually disappointed that nothing happened. Getting dressed in shorts and a shirt, she didn’t feel like wearing a bra and had chosen a button up shirt. Leaving the buttons open, she simply tied the shirttail just below her breasts. When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror. This was her dad’s good little girl but the change was obvious, at least she hoped the change was noticeable to her dad. His good little girl wanted to behave mischievous. Lying on her bed, she took out her diary from her nightstand and started writing.


Dear diary,

I can’t believe what happened today. I was taking a shower and saw my dad watching me – and he was playing with himself. His hard cock looked so amazing. I gave him a show with the vibrator and when I got off he did too! His made himself cum! I saw it shoot out.

I have thought about how it would be to have sex with him, I guess other girls have done that. I leave for college in a few days and I simply cannot leave it like this. I want him – I want him really bad. Tonight will be the fantasy come true. I hope to do more than just want him; I’m going to find out how it feels to have my dad in me.


Supper was odd for Dan. His eyes were seeing his daughter fix the food, but his mind was seeing her in the shower. That image of her in his brain was causing him to feel an erection coming on. He tried to look away and think of something else – anything else, but he was unable too.

Briana had done this hundreds of times, but this time she could feel her dad’s eyes on her. He had said very little and she wondered what he was thinking. Finally, she had to do something, “How was work today dad?”

“It was fine, how about you?”

“Oh, same o’, same o’,” and started putting the food on the table.

Dan saw her shirt open and she was showing a lot. “You’re not wearing a bra.”

Briana innocently looked down and her shirt front was letting her dad get an eyeful. “Oh dad, come on, I’m not a little girl anymore.”

“Not showing those things.”

Her whole body was charged, he was still looking and she wasn’t in any hurry to fix her clothes. “They got big didn’t they?” Briana straightened up and fixed her shirt but not totally, she was in the mood to do some teasing.

“You got them from your mom.”

“I know.” Briana could still remember her mom and she had been pretty big on top. She finished with the food and sat down next to him.

“You all ready for college?”

“Almost,” she thought about the entry in her diary, “I have some things I want to do yet.” The meal continued with Dan trying not to look at his daughter’s open shirt and anything that was showing and Briana doing her best to show her body to her dad.

The meal was finally over. Dan hadn’t had an erection for quite some time, and now he was getting another. His cumming earlier was an event that happened all too seldom. He had dated since his wife had died, but had not found another to be his companion. He was also very protective of his daughter and didn’t want someone moving in that would make things uncomfortable. “Honey, you go watch the T.V., I’ll put the dishes in the dish washer.”

She glanced down and saw the bulge in his jeans, “All right dad.”

Dan breathed a sigh of relief and busied himself with cleaning up, hoping that he would calm down. When he finished, he went into the living room and discovered his daughter on the sofa watching one of her shows. He sat down next to her, “I need the remote.”

“No way, I’m watching my show.”

“I can see that. I want to watch my show.”

“No,” and she stuck her tongue out.

“I can make you.”

“Don’t you dare,” and she edged away from him. Briana saw her dad raise his hands and she screamed, “Don’t you tickle me! — AAHHGGGHH!!!!”

His fingers were everywhere bringing torture. fantazi porno Her pleas for mercy went unnoticed. Dan had his hands full as she went everywhere trying to escape his fingers. He reached down and grabbed the remote but not before he got a good look at her breasts again.

Having lost the remote, Briana pretended to pout, “You know what? This sucks.” Her whole body was tingling. Her dad had tickled her way longer than he had to, and she knew it. There could be only one reason; he liked what he was seeing. “Now it’s my turn,” and she through her leg over him, facing him.

Dan suddenly found his daughter sitting on him and trying to tickle him. He wasn’t as ticklish as she was but where she was sitting was not a good place. Having his hands on her and seeing her breasts had made him start getting hard again, and that was where she was sitting.

Briana had her legs on the outsides of his, which made his semi hard jean covered cock rub against her pussy. She no longer cared about the remote, opened her shirt she leaned forward and put her breasts in his face.

“Bri what are you doing?”

She was flushed and breathing hard, “Come on dad, haven’t you ever thought about what it would be like to have some fun with me?”

“You’re my daughter.” He tried to sound like a parent but failed miserably. He sounded more like a man hoarse with passion.

“I’ve thought about it with you. It’s in my diary if you haven’t already read it.”

“I haven’t read it, I respect your privacy.” He ran his hand over her leg and it felt so smooth. “But…maybe I have thought about it too.”

Briana rubbed herself against him, “I saw you when I was in the shower today.”

“That was a show you put on for me?”

She grinned from ear to ear, “It was.”

He slipped his hands under her shirt and heard her sigh as his fingers closed around her nipples, “Well, being as we have both thought about it…”

Briana bent down and pressed her lips to his. “I want you dad.” Their kisses got steadily hotter as father and daughter took turns having their tongues in each other mouths. He had her nipples standing out from her beasts hard and red and it was making her pussy wet, her breathing erratic and her entire body one big nerve. She stopped him, “Take your clothes off.” She thought that it would be like her and Eric but found herself being pushed off of him. He stood and scooped her off of the sofa. Her lips found his again as she felt herself being carried. They were headed to one of their bedrooms and she didn’t care which one.

Dan had a hard time carrying her. He wasn’t that out of shape, and she hardly weighed anything, but he hadn’t carried someone while kissing them for some time and was definitely out of practice. He finally got her to his bed and just dropped her on it.

Briana bounced, “Hey.”

Dan looked down at her, “Is there a problem?”

“You just threw me on the bed.” Briana screamed as her dad tickled her again.

Dan had his fingers everywhere. As he tickled he also took her shirt off of her and he added playing with her breasts. He couldn’t tell if the sounds she was making were for the tickling or the caressing. He stopped, “So is there a problem?”

It was hard for her to breathe, her very skin tingled and he had her nipples rock hard. “I was expecting something more romantic.” Her screams echoed in the room as her dad started tickling and playing again. Her rolling around only helped him take the rest of her clothes off.

Dan wasn’t just seeing his naked teenage daughter, but a desirable young woman. Her dark curls spread out framing her face. Her nipples were positively hard and the sight than an erect nipples standing out from her breasts were inviting him to touch them some more. He couldn’t remember his cock being this hard and like it. “So — is there a problem?”

Briana didn’t know how to answer. If she said yes he was sure to torture her some more and if she said no, then who knew what he would do. Her whole body wanted more. She had never been so wet so fast. She took a deep breath, either way would be interesting. “Yes.” She felt his hands as he flipped her over and put her on his lap. He had never spanked her, “Daddy, you wouldn’t dare!” and she trembled in anticipation. She felt him position her and spread her legs. “Ah-h,” she sucked in her breath as his cock slid inside of her.

Oh shit! Dan felt just a little bit of his cock go into her pussy. She was wet and tight and it made him so damn horney. Her butt stuck up even as his cock went in. It was definitely an invitation.

Her dad’s cock was inside of her and she couldn’t help but wonder if he meant to really spank her. She enjoyed the anticipation and tried to turn to see his face. Her ears registered the sound at the same time her butt felt the sting. “Ow!” The room echoed with the sounds of her being spanked and her reaction to it.

She tried to move off of him but he had hold of her. That left only one way for her to move away from his porno filmler hand and that was further on his hard cock. “Ow! – Ow! – Ow!” Her movements made for a jerking kind of motion on top of him. She was having the strangest sex she had ever had. The pleasure from her pussy was colliding into the pain from her butt.

Dan stared at her red butt and started to gently rub her butt cheeks. At the same time, he pushed her down making his cock slide in a little more, when he stopped pushing her natural motion made his cock slide out. This position was letting him go in but not as far as he wanted.

Her entire body was on fire, every nerve on her skin vibrated with either pain or pleasure and somewhere they all mixed. “Oh – Mm,” she made soft little moans and just let her dad do anything he wanted.

Dan finally pushed her away and lay back on the bed. “Get on top of me.”

Briana climbed on top and winced as she scooted her sore butt into position. She knew about this position of course but that didn’t mean she had ever done it that way. Bending down to kiss him, she whispered, “Put yourself in me dad.”

She felt her dad reach down between them even as they kissed some more. He had already been in her when he had spanked her, but this was a different position and should feel different. Holding her breath in anticipation, she felt him guide his cock to her pussy. When he slid in her, the only thing her mind could come up with was a feeling of being full and that it felt like he belonged there.

Dan felt her start to move almost before his cock was all of the way in her. He grabbed her hips and pushed her down and made her stay that way.

Briana was puzzled, “Why don’t you want me to move?”

“We’ll get to that. Right now I want to totally enjoy how it feels to just be in you.”

Instinctively she ground herself into him, and saw him bit his lip. “Do you like that dad?”

“Oh yeah.”

She did it a few more times and finally got the moan from him she was waiting for. When he reached for her breasts, she bent and lowered her nipple to his mouth. “That feels nice.” She remembered something she and her girlfriends had talked about once. They had heard that a girl could actually pick up things with her vagina. She had also heard that even if a girl couldn’t do it, trying made for a wonderful sensation for both her and the guy. His cock was deep in her and her grinding against him had made him hit some very special places in her. Concentrating on specific muscles, she tried to grip his cock with her pussy.

Dan felt his daughter do something he had never felt before. It was incredible, like being in a hot vice. His instinct was to thrust into her – hard.

Briana had been concentrating so hard on grabbing his cock that she wasn’t ready for him to thrust in her. The breath was sucked out of her, “Oh daddy.”

Dan was encouraged by her reaction and used his hands to lift her off of him. Holding her in up in the air, he started to thrust into her — hard. Hearing her moan in pleasure made him want to do more of the same and he started pushing her down on him as he shoved his cock into her.

Briana’s eyes rolled back in her head, “Ahhh,” and her brain stopped trying to cope with it. She totally gave herself over to the passion exploding inside of her as her dad assaulted her body. “Yes – yes,” her pussy kept trying to grip his cock harder even as he continued thrusting. She had never felt anything like it before.”

His daughter’s constant moaning was sending him into a whole different kind of sex. He had considered what he and Ashley had done all during their marriage to be pretty good sex, but his wife had never done what his daughter was doing. Her moaning cries were urging him to do more and his cock felt so hard he wanted to shove it all of the way through her. Bri was bouncing around so much wondered if he could continue hold her up. His cock was deep inside of her and he wasn’t about to end it yet so he gripped her harder.

Somewhere in the sexual fog her brain was in, Briana somehow felt her dad us more pressure with his hands. She was hotter than she had ever been and knew it wasn’t even close to where she was going to go. Shear waves of pleasure rocketed through her entire body as his hard cock found new places to go inside of her. Her dad continued to move her as he gave her the best fuck she had ever had.

His daughter was trying to scorch his cock. He felt that she was already hotter than any woman he had ever had sex with and he could feel it building. They could both burst into flame. Dan was mesmerized as he saw her hands reached up and lift both of her breasts. Her mouth closed around her nipple and she started sucking her own nipples. He couldn’t take his eyes off of what she was doing as he kept hammering into her. It felt like her pussy was trying to grab his cock and not let go. After such a long time, it was too much, “AAAGGGHHH!!!” he slammed her down and he went deep, shooting load after load of cum into her.

Briana felt her dad trying to shove his hard cock right through her. She could feel him throbbing deep inside. “Yes daddy – Oh yes – Yes give it all to me! A constant stream of words came from her as her body exploded in an intense orgasm. The pleasure was extreme and punishing and kept going and going.

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