Financial Woes


The day my daughter caught me fiddling the books was a turning point in my life. It changed everything. One day I was an ordinary dad, the next I was my daughter’s slave. It was my own fault, of course. Firstly because I shouldn’t have been ripping my boss off but secondly because I’d taught my little girl too well.

I’d had to work on a Saturday and I’d given Sally a ride into town with me. She’d gone off shopping while I let myself into the office. I put in a few good hours on my own, switching cash from one account to another, the usual bit for me, and bigger bits for the boss. I was very pleased with myself. Almost a million bucks! Why wouldn’t I be pleased?

There was a ring at the door. My daughter.

“I’m sick of shopping, dad. Can I hang here with you for a bit?” She asked, dropping into the armchair in my office.

“Sure, hun, whatever you like,” I smiled, going back to work on my ‘special’ ledger.

I’d engrossed myself and hadn’t heard her get up and walk behind me. I jumped when she spoke.

“You’re cheating! Dad? Those figures. Dad?”

“No, I’m not, cheating, exactly. More like balancing the books creatively.” I tried to laugh it off but she wasn’t happy.

“I can’t believe you’d do that, dad. You’ve always taught me to be honest. I’m going to have to think about this.” And she went back over to the armchair and sat down, her face a frown, her eyes on me.

“But look, hun, it’s for all of us. I’m ensuring your future.”

She sat in silence as I continued to cover my tracks, now feeling guilty and ashamed of myself. I wanted to reverse everything but, of course, I couldn’t without making it obvious I’d already cheated the company. Eventually my daughter stood up and looked at me.

“If I tell anyone about this, you’ll be ruined, won’t you, dad?”

“Yes. Totally. No-one would ever give me a job handling money again. I could maybe get a job as a gardener,” I tried to make light of her question.

“So basically, we could say I own you, dad.” She stared at me.


“If you don’t do as I say, forever, you can try gardening, because I own you.”

“But hun, look, honestly, if –“

“Honestly? I don’t think much of your honesty dad. But I would like to see you grovel. Why don’t you get on your knees and beg me.”

I looked at her. She stood with steely eyes, her body rigid, daring me to laugh at her. She was serious. I knew my life was in her hands. I suppose I thought she’d give it up eventually and I’d be able to beg forgiveness. I decided to do as she said. I stood up, walked around to her side of the desk and fell to my knees.

“Sally, I’m very, very sorry for this and I promise I’ll never do it again. Can you ever acıbadem escort forgive me?” She lifted her foot, put it against my shoulder and pushed me over. “Wha-“

“Firstly, that didn’t sound very convincing, dad! And secondly, I’d rather you called me Miss.” I started to laugh but she kicked me in the side, hard.

“Miss, please believe me, I will never do this again. Just say you forgive me, please?” She smiled down at me. “I’ll do anything you say, but please don’t tell anyone.”

“Anything, daddy? What if I tell you to give me all the money you’ve stolen?”

“Anything, Miss, anything you desire.”

Sally walked around the room, watching me, considering her position, weighing up her options. I’d taught her way too well.

“Undress then,” she ordered. I just stared at her. I couldn’t believe my daughter had just told me to undress in front of her. “What are you waiting for? Maybe I should send an email to your boss. I can, you know.”

She walked around to my chair and sat in it, clicked the mouse a few times and started typing. I started to worry. Before it had all been somehow unreal but this was getting a bit too scary for me. I started unbuttoning my shirt and Sally stopped typing, watching me.

“Stand up and keep undressing,” she said, over the top of the monitor.

I stood, threw my shirt on the chair and lifted my t-shirt over my head. Then my shoes and socks. My trousers soon joined the rest of my clothes on the chair. I stood in just my boxers, scared of what my daughter would do to me if I disobeyed her.

“Hurry up,” she said impatiently, standing up to get a better view of my humiliation.

I dropped my boxers and stood before her, naked. I knew my cock locked small and pathetic and my first thought was to tell her it was normally quite big, but I quickly suppressed this. She just pointed and laughed. My hands automatically went to cover myself.

“No, daddy, don’t hide the poor little thing. Let me have a good look.”

Sally came round to my side of the desk and sat in the chair, gesturing me to come closer. I stood in front of her. She reached out her hand and she took my cock in it. Her hand was icy cold and I was shaking. I was so small she closed her hand around my cock and balls, making a fist of her hand, threatening to squeeze the life out of me.

“Don’t, Sally, please, don’t, I –“ but she squeezed me, sending bolts of pain through me. I screamed.

“I said call me Miss. God, daddy, you just can’t remember anything, can you!” She let me go and just stared at my cock. “Make it big, daddy.”

I reached down and started to pull myself, squeezing it, rubbing it, but I was not in the best position to get an erection. atalar escort I kept trying but nothing was happening. Eventually Sally grabbed me again and squeezed. She stood up and hissed in my face.

“I want you hard and I want you to masturbate till you come. Do you understand?” I nodded through the pain. “I don’t care how you do it, but you’d better do it soon because I’m getting pretty impatient.”

She let me go and sat back down. I started again, thinking of all the girl on girl films I’d ever seen, thinking about my wife fucking a stranger in a bar, thinking of me fucking a film star, everything. Eventually I started to grow and soon I was pumping to a good rhythm, my cock hard. Sally stood up and walked over, put her hand on mine and pumped with me.

“When you come, do it in your hand. I’m going to want you to eat it. Let me finish you off.”

I let go and she kept up the steady pumping and squeezing. I could feel myself starting, my balls starting to contract. I put my hand under the head and spurted into it as my daughter kept pulling me. I was soon empty but she kept going, making it hurt. I quickly went soft and eventually she stopped. She lifted my hand to my mouth and I sheepishly licked it up.

“Now there’s something I’ve always wanted to do to you, daddy. It’s because you did it to me once and I’ve never forgotten. Bend over your desk. Come on, get your arse in the air.”

I did as she said. I heard a swish then felt the sting of a ruler on my cheeks. Three more and then she stopped, reached between my legs and grabbed my balls, pulling cruelly on them. She was laughing at my tears as I started crying. She let my balls go and gave me four more slaps across the bottom with the ruler.

“Oh, daddy, that looks so funny. I’ve got to ring someone. Someone else just has to see this!”

“But…err, Miss – should you be…err, careful?” I was squirming, not wanting this to get any worse.

“Shut up. You’re the one that needs to be careful, daddy. I’m ringing my friend Carol, she’ll get such a kick out of this.”

She rang her friend, they talked for a bit and then Sally told her to get over to the office straight away for a surprise.

“Miss, can I –“ I started but Sally cut me off.

“Are you ready to come again, daddy? Stand up and let me see then.”

I straightened up but my cock was shrivelled and useless. She laughed at it.

“That’s pathetic! Well, I’m going to want you to come for Carol so you’d better start working on it. How about I have a little play. let’s see.”

She came over to me and grabbed the end of my foreskin between two fingers and started to pull it away from my body, stretching my cock out, hurting me. aydınlı escort She stretched it further and further, pinching the skin harder. Eventually she let it go and it bounced back, feeling sore.

“What if I put it in my mouth? Would that get it hard, daddy?” She licked her lips as I shook my head. “Oh c’mon. Surely. That’s what’ll do it! You want your little baby to give you head, daddy?” she taunted me. She then laughed, “You needn’t worry, I wouldn’t stick that silly little thing in my mouth. Looks too pathetic. Come with me, daddy, I’ve got to go to the little girls room and I don’t want you running away.”

I followed her to the ladies toilet, stopping at the staff kitchen area for her to collect a glass. I was dreading what she was going to make me do. Once in the toilet she tied my hands behind my back and to a tap and went into a cubicle.

“Daddy, I want you to talk to me. Keep talking so I know you’re still there. If you don’t talk, it’ll be worse for you. I want you to tell me what turns you on. Something with mummy, please.” I gulped and started to talk.

“My biggest turn on is thinking about other men having sex with Tru – mummy. I can’t help it and I’m not sure if I could really go through with it but that’s it. We’ve discussed it and she is happy in principal but I’m still not sure. So I just think about it and it gets me…you know…hot, I guess.” I could hear her urine filling the glass. “They always have bigger penises than me. of course, but I suppose that’s always the way. never adequate enough. Anyway, that’s it. My biggest turn on.”

“Tell me more. What would you want these men to do to mummy?”

“Well, have sex with her, you know. While I watched. Then me afterwards. I suppose. I’ve never really got that far. It’s enough for me that they…you know…enter her,” It was very difficult talking like this to my daughter but the pictures in my head were making me hard.

Sally came out of the cubicle with a full glass of piss in her hand. She looked down at my cock.

“Ah, I see something has started to work! Here, drink some of this.” She handed me the glass. “You don’t have to drink the lot now but you will eventually finish it. Stop if you feel yourself gagging.”

I started to drink the hot liquid. It was salty made my stomach turn but I was determined to do it. I managed about a quarter of the glass before having to stop. I shook my head.

“Fair enough. But you WILL finish it. C’mon.” She untied me and pushed me ahead of her back into my office, with me still holding the glass.

As we passed the front door there was a knock and Sally went to open it. Her friend, Carol stood in the doorway, her eyes wide as she stared at me. My wife and I didn’t like Carol much, we disapproved of her friendship with Sally. I had had words with Carol, put her in her place. I watched her face curl into an evil grin as Sally explained the situation and I was worried.

They pushed me into my office and sat down, watching me.

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