It is the swimsuit that does it. Tops it off, puts the icing on the cake, perfects the image. Kind of strange, really. A swimsuit is supposed to be an item of decency, I guess. To cover up the naughty bits, so that on-lookers and passers-by can stay calm and keep cool. But Lana’s swimsuit on Lana’s body is doing quite the opposite.
I am lying on my back in my bikini, raised up a little, resting my elbows on the blanket in the soft sand. Looking at the glistening sea over Lana’s beautifully curved bottom. It is a hot day, we have just been in the water. Her one-piece swimsuit is all white, a sharp contrast to her damp, dark-brown skin. It vanishes between her arching buttocks in sharp angles, as if the lines were meant to guide the eye. You follow them, contemplate where they go, maybe you even feel drawn towards them. Without the swimsuit it would just be a nice rounded bottom. The suit fashions it into a tempting invitation.
I smile a little bit to myself, because I am ogling her, and having these thoughts, and she doesn’t know it. Nobody knows it, except for me. I have known it for some time now. Known how it is with me. A snug little secret that I keep to myself. But also frustrating, increasingly so in the last few weeks. I need to act, to get somewhere, come out. But I am lacking the moment, the opportunity.
The right person, as well. Of course it cannot be with Lana. She was with Martin for a long time, several months. OK, they broke up, but I guess it is still a sign. One of those little signs in nature. I should not endanger our friendship by trying to come out towards her. It is too good for that. A very good friendship, actually, even though we have only known each other for half a year or so. Sometimes you just hit it off with the right person. And then it can be confusing if you are also coming to terms with yourself. But Lana is straight, nothing to be mistaken about, no need to complicate things.
A fly is crawling over her right buttock, just next to the swimsuit line. Two flies. She is lying face down, relaxed, doesn’t seem to mind. I would like to be one of those flies. Explore her curves, her smooth skin. Maybe crawl down between the arcs, into that deep where the shiny white fabric of the swimsuit is vanishing. Can you be envious of a fly? I guess so. Is it ridiculous? For sure!
A couple of flies land on my left foot, and begin to crawl around. I shake them off. It pops my little mental bubble, annoys me.
“Damn those flies!”
Lana looks up from her blanket, her eyes like shiny black diamonds.
“They are harmless, you know.”
“But they are annoying! And there are so many of them in this place. Why did you want us to lie here?”
“This part is nice and quiet. We have it all to ourselves.”
“Because of the flies!”
“Maybe. You know, I have a mental trick to deal with them.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I relax, and imagine they are the fingertips of my lover, exploring my body, tickling and teasing me in unexpected places.”
“But they are all over the place!”
“Just like the lover I want!”
“You mean to say you are lying here having erotic fantasies right now?”
“Not right now!”
“But just before?”
“Maybe!” She sends me a naughty, or maybe just guilty, little smile. I come to think of those two flies crawling on her just a moment ago. What I was thinking. What was she thinking? Who was she thinking of?
“You should try it!” she says, smiling more broadly, glistening her white teeth at me. She has turned around on the side. I can just make out the cleavage under the rim of her swimsuit.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get to like flies!”
“It’s just a mind trick. And the flies are harmless. Try it. Relax and enjoy!”
Lana’s enthusiasm is cute, as always. I don’t want to be a spoil-sport. I lie down onto my back, close my eyes, relax and wait. The sun is warm on my skin, a slight cool touch of breeze interrupts its glow for a moment. The gentle sounds of the sea are soothing, and help me to relax. A fly lands on my left leg. Then another on my right thigh. I try to apply the mind trick. The annoying flies become curious, exploring fingertips. Lana’s fingertips. Now there are four, five, moving all over my legs. She must be sitting over me, straddling my belly, facing towards the sea. The v-shape of her swimsuit, vanishing between her diverging buttocks, is hovering right in front of my face. She is tickling me softly, gently.
More fingertips appear on my torso. She must have changed her position. Maybe she is lying on her side, next to me. The thought makes the tickling feeling go deeper into me, subtle sub-surface itches and twitches. Two fingers crawl up the inside of my thighs. Will they go on to circle my sweet spot, under the smooth fabric of my bikini? There are many more fingers over my legs, arms and torso now. She must have assumed some kind of multi-armed form. One finger walks slowly towards my left breast. In a little moment she will undo the bikini top, and surround the nipple with her lips. And then the tongue will appear, ever so soft and nimble..
“Looks like it is working!” Lana’s voice snaps me out of my fly-fantasy. I stir, and Fulya travestileri most of the flies lift off. I realize that my pulse is elevated, and my mouth is dry.
“What do you mean?”
“You looked like you were excited!”
“How so?”
“Your lips were coming a bit apart, and you were kind of stirring, very gently.”
“Well, maybe I was excited, then!” I say with a smile.
“So who was it?”
“Who was what?”
“The lover you were thinking about.”
I laugh. “You don’t want to know!”
“Yes I do!”
“No you don’t. Trust me on this!”
“Why wouldn’t I want to know? I am single now. Jealousy is not an issue.”
I feel the ground slipping away under me. Probably I should just invent some lover to appease her. But somehow I can’t get myself to do it. Besides, I already went too far down this path.
“Just trust me!”
She is resting on her elbow, looking down at me with that smile she always wears when she knows she has me out on a limb. Her breasts are really curving the fabric of the swimsuit now. The nipples are just visible.
“You know, there can really only be one reason for you to think that I wouldn’t want to know!”
“And that is?” I ask dumbly, although I perfectly well know the answer.
“I don’t think I have to explain that to you!”
“You mean that..” I am not sure how to finish the sentence. There is a kind of soft shivering picking up in my body.
“That you were thinking of me? Yes, that is exactly what I mean!”
“What on earth makes you think that?”
“Well, for one thing, my eyes are up here!”
I quickly shift my stare from her bulging cleavage to her face. She bursts out laughing. After a moment I cannot help but laugh myself. How many times have I not been annoyed by some jerk talking to my boobs? Now I did it myself, to my supposedly new best friend! The thought makes my laugh die out, give way to a worry about what this will lead to.
“OK, so you found me out. I am sorry. I hope you don’t feel.. scared, or disrespected, or something.”
“Why would I? If you find me attractive, that’s just cool!”
“It doesn’t scare you?”
“Not in the least!”
There is something about her smile, and the tone of her voice, that makes the answer seem deeper than just an attempt to console me.
“I just.. you know, I really like you! I hope that we can still be.. you know, friends.”
She continues to give me that enigmatic smile.
“As a matter of fact, I don’t think we can!”
My heart sinks, I feel like sad disappointment must be radiating from me.
“What do you mean? I mean, why not, if you are not scared or..”
“What I mean is, sweet Julia, that I don’t want to be your best friend if I could be your lover instead!”
The remark almost physically shocks me. In split-seconds my mood changes from depressed, to relieved, to excited, while my intellect remains extremely confused.
“But Lana, you are not.. or.. I mean, are you bi, or something?”
“Actually more like homo, I think.”
“What? You can’t be! You were with Martin for like, how long?”
“About four months. Still, the keyword here is ‘were’.”
I am quiet for a few seconds, gathering my thoughts. My pulse is racing again, and I feel a prickly excitement in my stomach.
“It didn’t work for you?”
“No. It didn’t work for me at all.”
“But then.. why did you go into it in the first place?”
“Because I thought it would work. This may come as a surprise for you, but Martin was my first boyfriend.”
“WHAT? With your looks, how did you manage to get through high school without anything happening?”
“Same way as you, I guess? Turning down all the offers because it didn’t feel right.”
“But not Martin?”
“You know, before me, Martin was with Sarah, but he was the center of attraction for a lot of the girls in the freshman’s classes. And I was so jealous, or envious, of her. I used to fantasize about them. You know, having sex. How she would ride him, twisting wildly, or get it from behind on all fours. How her face would look when he made her come, how she would cramp, scream. So when they suddenly broke up, and Martin of all persons set his eyes on me, I reckoned that now was the time!”
“And then what?”
“Well, we became lovers. We kissed. We.. went to bed with each other. The first time was not so great. I reckoned that I needed to learn it, you know, get into it. Martin was kind and patient, and he knew what he was doing, I think. But it didn’t really get better the second time, or the third, or the fourth, or the tenth. I just couldn’t get into it, didn’t get turned on like I had expected from all my fantasies. And then I gradually realized that I had actually been fantasizing about Sarah! Her body, her desire, her orgasms. Martin had just been some shadow in the background. And at the same time I began to realize another thing as well.”
“That you were attracted to Sarah?” I feel slightly nervous about asking the question, but I realize instinctively that I have to know.
“No, not that. Anyway, she is strict hetero. There would be no chance in hell.”
“Then what Fulya travesti was it?”
“What I began to realize was.. that you have really nifty boobs!”
I blush, and my mouth goes dry again. I know it is true what she says. The long looks of the boys don’t lie. They annoyed me, but Lana’s appreciation excites me. Still, somehow I can’t really have this flattery.
“Come on! They are not that great.”
“They totally are!”
“I mean.. not nearly as nifty as..”.
I stumble over the words, unable to finish the sentence as I realize what I was getting at.
“As what?”
Her eyes fixate mine, there is no way out of it now.
“Not nearly as nifty as your ass!”
We are both lying on the side now, facing each other. The sun still burns, and the flies are still buzzing. Two of them are crawling on the top of her hip. Is she doing the mind-trick now? She continues to stare at me.
“It is really getting hot here.”
“Yes. It is.”
“And we have it all to ourselves.”
“That was why you wanted us to go over here?”
“So.. you set me up?”
“You bet I did!”
I spend a few seconds taking it in.
“How long have you known?”
“Known what?”
“That I am.. that I was.. like this. You know, looking at you? Attracted by you?”
“Some weeks, I think. If I were you, I would not go for a pro career in poker. But it wasn’t all about you. I also had to figure out myself.”
“Have you.. been with someone? I mean, with another woman?”
“No. You will be the first.”
Her foregone conclusion triggers a little pang of excitement inside me. At the same time it makes me feel kind of nervous. I had somehow hoped that she would be experienced. That she could show me what to do.
“So.. what should we do?”
“I guess we should do what we would like to do.”
“What would you like to do?”
The black diamonds of her eyes are still glistening.
“I am not completely sure. Right now I just really like to lie here and look at your boobs without having to hide it, or feel ashamed about it.”
I hesitate for a second, gathering my courage.
“Would you like to touch them?”
“Yes. I would like that. I would love that.”
I sit myself up on the blanket, turning my back to her. I sense her getting up as well.
“Open it!” My voice is low, almost a whisper, but she hears me. I feel her fingers on my back as she slowly, carefully, opens my bikini top.
“Are you sure it is.. OK?”
“Yes. I am sure.”
She reaches her arms around my torso, to gently cup my breasts. The nipples immediately stifle to her touch, excitement spreading out into my body. She squeezes them slowly, softly, carefully exploring this strange new ground.
“Yes!” I sigh, barely audible. I am not sure she can hear it, but she senses it. I feel her leaning towards me, putting her head next to mine.
“Do you like it?” A tickling sensation as she whispers into my ear.
She is rubbing, or massaging, my breasts in very slow, circling movements. My pulse, my breath, is picking up again.
“That is good. Because I just love to do this!” Her soft whispering words set off a shivering in my bones.
We sit like this for a while, just enjoying the moment and its magic. The sun still burns, and the flies still buzz. I can feel a couple of them on my legs. I try out Lana’s mind trick again, it turns up my excitement an extra notch. As much as I revel in her touch and movements, I also feel a kind of restlessness coming over me. I cannot stay in this. Something more needs to happen.
“What was it like to kiss with Martin?”
She thinks for a moment, still kneading my breasts in these slow erotic movements.
“Kinda.. ambiguous. I mean, it was awkward because I was not really turned on, and in a way I didn’t even like it. But on the other hand, there was something intimate about it. Like we got really close in those moments. I think.. I would have liked it if it had been with a woman.”
“You know, I have never kissed anyone.”
“Come on! What about your friends, your brother?”
“Real kissing, I mean! Lip to lip. Tongue to tongue.”
“OK? You never even kissed with some boy?”
“No. But.. I would like to kiss with you. I would like it right now!”
She pulls her hands back from me, slowly, as if she is reluctant to let go of my breasts. I turn around to face her, spreading my legs wide. She sits herself between my legs, putting her own legs around me. And then she slowly leans forward, slightly parting her lips. They are beautifully curved, like a flower opening towards me. I lean into them, a bit hesitant, and then they are suddenly soft and warm against mine, and I am no longer nervous and insecure, just relaxed, buoyed and excited all at the same time. This is home. This is me. This is what I was born for.
She puts out her tongue, I feel it moving between my lips. I put my own tongue forward, until the tips gently touch. They begin to play with each other, as if out of their own will. Although the sensation is gentle, the effects inside my body are overwhelming, and I Travesti fulya need to pull back for a second to breathe. She dives down towards my breasts instead, and my previous fantasy becomes real as her lips close around my left nipple. My breath is heavy, abrupt, as her tongue plays and my nipple stifles. She repeats it on the right breast. I am panting, and shaking all over.
I begin to lean backwards, slow enough that she can follow me, until I lie on my back, with her lush, warm body over me. We begin to kiss again. Naughty, tickling flies land on us. I let my fingers run down over her swimsuit, find the edges, slowly follow their angles in between her buttocks. Now it is her who has to pause and catch her breath. I circle her buttocks with my fingertips, then take them in my hands, and begin to knead and rub them softly. Her breath is heavy, and I feel a slight trembling in her. It somehow carries over into me, like if you put a tuning fork to a bell. My body rings with her lust. The words seem high-strung and farfetched, but it is real, in this intense, defining moment. My grip on her buttocks becomes more firm, I cannot help it, or control it. She raises her head, looks me into the eye.
“Do you have any idea what you are doing to me right now?”
“No. But I want to find out!”
“We can’t go on like this, you know.”
“Why not?”
“Because my pussy is burning so hot!”
Suddenly it is as if something is slipping, or breaking, inside me. Up until now, I have enjoyed the feeling of sweet forces building up inside me. But the forces can only be so strong, before the bulwarks of my composure give way. I abruptly move my hands up to grab the straps of her swimsuits, pull them down, my motions hectic, almost frantic. She sits herself up over me, I pull the suit down as far as I can. Her dark brown skin, her breasts now falling freely, the soft bulges of her belly, it is all so beautiful and feminine and exciting to me. I sit myself up as well, kiss her breasts, her nipples, aggressively, I taste the salt on her skin, put my hands around her torso, we squeeze tightly together. And then we tumble down over the blankets, I get her swimsuit down, all the way down over her legs and feet, toss it into the sand, she unbinds the bottom of my bikini, pulls it of, her fingers move over my delta, its black curly bush. We are getting there, OMG we are getting there!
I put my head between her legs, my arms around her hips, my hands finding her buttocks again. Her kitty, sharply trimmed in a thin stripe, I view it up close, and then the salmon-colored stripes of her labia, contrasting the brown skin around them. I feel her tongue between my legs, against the skin of my thighs, and then between them. A sweet, spastic jolt through my body as she finds the clit. She begins to circle it with her tongue, sending waves of joy out into my body. I lick up and down her labia, searching for the good spots. It is difficult because she is so excited that almost everything I do makes her twitch and jitter. As I finally find her clit, I squeeze her buttocks tight, hard, making her moan deeply.
We are lying on our sides, locked firmly together, each of our heads between the others legs. We explore each other, we are beginners, inexperienced, fumbling and stumbling, too excited to even think about what would have worked for ourselves. So excited that anything will work for us. We move, twitch, pant, moan, sweat under the burning sun, raw, seething lust spreading all over our bodies. I feel her fingers tickling just under my ass. I first reciprocate, then move a finger up her pussy, way up deep.
“Aaaw, yeah!” she moans, and I continue to work the spot I just found. There is plenty of room for another finger. I try to move them like scissors, she whimpers, spasms go through her body. Her fingers slide into me as well, two in my pussy, a third one up my ass, god it is so naughty. I am vibrating like a string, sweet tingling lust all over me, on the brink of orgasm. I lick her hard, move my fingers aggressively inside her, begin to tickle around the opening of her ass with the other hand. She lets out small abrupt screams, in sync with jolts going through her body.
And then she suddenly comes, a massive explosion, a small geyser into my face, a long drawn-out primal scream. It triggers me, snaps the vibrating string inside my body, a violent flood of pure pleasure rushes through me, sweeping away all thoughts and sensations. An experience way beyond anything I have ever been able to do for myself. It leaves me limp, relaxed, with a lazy satisfaction oozing out into the farthest corners of my body. This is what it is. This is what we can do for each other.
I can feel her body relaxing too, but we stay locked together, silently enjoying the quiet aftermath of our deep-water explosions. We are so still, so calmly unified, the moment just too perfect to let go. And then I gradually begin to realize that we are not done at all. There is still sweet pleasure tingling in my bones. Still ecstatic joy to be squeezed out of my deepest and darkest caverns. A lifetime of unrecognized, stymied desire, piled up and ready to be unleashed. It begins to grow in me again, ever so slowly, as we continue gently licking and prickling each other with tongues and fingers. Our breaths are low, but audible. The sun is warm on our salty, slippery bodies. The sea continues its deep, rolling, inciting lullaby. And the flies are all over us now.
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