I knew it was late, very late, when I glanced at my watch and then moved over next to the woman at the bar. As I moved into the seat I could see her quickly glance around to survey her prospects. I guess I was the pick of the few men remaining because she nodded when I asked if I could buy her a drink.
“Last one,” the bartender mumbled as he pushed our two drinks to us.
“It’s that late already?” I asked.
He smirked and nodded at the clock.
I glanced back at the woman and watched as she held the glass up to her brownish, red lips and took a long drink. As she set the glass back down I noticed a dark lip print on the glass. Looking back to her face I could now see the fine cracks running though her makeup and noticed the loose skin sagging beneath her chin and around her neck.
Realizing I had misjudged the woman’s age when I saw her from a distance, I quickly surveyed the room but came to the same conclusion she had earlier, it looked like we were stuck with each other. I quickly gulped my drink and then sat watching her finish her drink. She then pulled her lipstick from her purse, opened a small compact and reapplied her lipstick.
“I’d buy you another but the bartender said, ‘No,'” I said, breaking an uncomfortable silence.
She glanced over at me and then returned to her lipsticking. When she finished she snapped the compact closed, eased the top on the lipstick and carefully slipped them back into her bag. As she began to reach for her jacket, I figured the night was over, but then she spoke, “Look, if you’d like another drink, I live near here. If you don’t mind the cheap Bycasino stuff, we can have a drink up there.”
“Well that’s the best offer I heard all night,” I replied.
“Most likely the only one in this dump.”
“I can’t argue with you there,” I said, grabbing her coat and holding it as she slid her arm in.
Fortunately her apartment wasn’t far so I was able to drive there without incident. After parking at the street, I walked her up to her porch and then followed her in the door. We never did have another drink because just as soon as the door closed, she turned and reached for me. Locking in an embrace, she began kissing me as she pressed me up against the door. Her hand moved to my crotch and she grabbed at my hardening cock.
After some passionate dry humping at the door, she backed away from me and then began walking to her bedroom, turning off lights and slipping off clothes as she moved. I followed suit and undressed as I moved, noticing the makeup smears all over my shirt. By the time we reached the bedroom it was dark and we both were naked.
She quickly climbed into bed and moved onto her back. I began kissing her knees and started working up her thighs when she reached down and grabbed my head, pulling it up to her. I moved to where I was my knees were between her legs and I leaned over her. Easing my hands over her I felt the loose skin of her breasts and let my palms slide over her nipples. Though her nipples were hard, the rest of her breasts were loose and sagging. Even though it was quite dark I could see vein lines branching over the limp mounds.
I saw Bycasino giriş her grab a vial of something and then felt a cold dampness trickle over my cock. Her hands wrapped around it and slid up and down, coating me in whatever lubricant she had applied. With no other thought of foreplay or anything, she immediately tugged on my cock, guiding it between her legs.
With all the lubricant on me, my cock easily slid into her and after a few slow penetrations I felt her lifting her hips beneath me quickening my pace. As I continued to move in and out of her, her pussy seemed to loosen up to where I couldn’t feel a great deal. Initially I was worried that with no foreplay she would take too long for me, now I wondered if I would even be able to get off.
I continued sliding in and out of her, moving a bit from side to side to try to increase the friction but it didn’t work too well. I did notice the woman begin to hold me tighter and grind herself against me with each thrust. Concentrating on her, I moved as she did, pushing hard into her as she lifted herself to me and then withdrawing as she fell back onto the bed.
After a few minutes I heard her moan and then arch her back, pushing up against me as she cried out, “Oh yes, I’m coming.” I pushed deep into her and stopped, letting her either back away from me or remain shoved hard against me. Feeling her pussy squeeze and release my cock as she came I realized I’d need to do something else.
I waited until her orgasm subsided and then grabbed her and pulled her up, saying, “Come on up on your knees.”
She followed my instruction, Bycasino güncel giriş even to the point where she reached back between her legs and guided my cock into her. With the first thrust I knew this would work. I could feel a tightness along the top of my cock that rolled over the head and then down my shaft. Grabbing her hips I moved quickly in and out, slapping against her ass with an audible pop, my balls bouncing up onto her.
It took a few minutes of consistent thrusting but yes, I began to feel it. A pressure in my balls as the pleasure build up in my shaft, more and more until, yes, yes, the feeling shot down the length of my cock through my balls and then throughout my body. My cock spurted deep into the woman’s pussy again and again.
I left my cock inside her until I felt the twitching in it subside. Releasing her hips, I felt her immediately pull away from me as she rolled out of the bed and rushed into the bathroom. A light came on and in a few moments she stepped into the room holding a towel tight up between her legs. It was only then, with most of her makeup wiped away, without the covering of her clothes that I noticed how old she looked.
Her breasts sagged down over her stomach like a pair of boxing gloves, large and round on the ends, narrower up at her body. Although she was not what I’d call fat, she seemed to sag in a number of places. Now for her age she was what I’d call attractive, but it was still a bit of a shock to me.
I guess I didn’t cover up too well because all she said to me was, “Please leave.”
“Wait, I just…”
“Stop, don’t say anything, just go.”
“Just go!”
I quickly grabbed my clothes and pulled them on as she stepped into the bathroom. When I finished I called out, “I’m dressed now…”
I quickly turned, walked through her living room and left.
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