Golden Rules Ch. 02



This is the second part to Golden Rules. All of the characters in this story are 18 and above. There is a lot of watersports in this story, if that’s not your thing I suggest you stop reading.


The next morning greeted me with a hot shower and a new uniform hanging on my door. Putting it back on I checked out my reflection in the mirror. My ass still showed beneath the pleated skirt. The top three buttons of the blouse still would not do up. I once again resembled a street walker.

One more quick glance at my schedule and I was out my door.

I took my time walking down the hall, checking the place out a bit more. It was truly something out of a novel. The whole feel was like an old, ancient library with the dark wood work. It must have been an old school, which perhaps explained its strange customs. As I continued down the hall I noticed a girl in front of me, standing at a locker.

I need one of those .

As I approached the girl appeared to be standing with her back arched and her ass out as far as it would go; the skirt lifting up in the process. I took a closer look, and of course, she was peeing herself. But why was she standing in this position? I looked towards where she was standing and saw a group of 3 guys staring openly, watching her piss her panties. One was gripping his cock lightly in his pants. No one seemed to care.

A sharp jolt went straight to my pussy. For some reason, this act of pissing for an audience turned me on. I continued to walk, finding myself hoping I could meet that girl again. Talking to her just after she’d peed herself seemed kind of strange. Hell, wanting to talk to her at all seemed strange.

As the day drew on and I paid closer attention, I noticed that there were a few girls who were doing the exact same thing that girl had done this morning. Whether it was in the cafeteria, peeing in line or peeing at their table with their legs spread. A few of them had even had their skirts shortened to my length, their blouses undone at the top. They Bycasino all seemed to really enjoy it, and so did their audiences.

I knew then that I wanted to be one of these girls. As dirty and wrong as it was, it turned me on.

The following day was a Saturday. I decided to wander the halls and check out the library, hoping to spot one of them. After a few hours in the library to no success, I decided to head outside to the grounds. Right there, in the center of the grass was a group of girls sitting. I recognized quite a few of them. The girl from the first morning was facing directly at me.

Well, it was now or never. The worst that could happen is that they reject me. As I walked towards the group, their conversation grew quieter and soon they were all silenced as I stood just a few feet away.

“Can we help you?” morning girl spoke first. I was inwardly panicking. I hadn’t gone over this part. What was I going to say?! I stood there for a moment like a complete moron. Morning girl raised her eye brows at me; a few of them took sideways glances at each other. They probably didn’t get this very often.

“I saw you guys peeing in the hallways.” I blurted it out before I could even control it, the words falling out of my mouth like vomit. They glanced at each other, a few of them smirked, a couple even snorted in laughter. Morning girl smiled around the group, and then stared back up at me, although her smile was something more sarcastic than genuine.

“You’re an idiot.” She laughed and turned back to her friend. Their conversation continued. Oh no, I was losing them. If I walked away I’d probably lose my chance completely, so I decided to continue like a stubborn child.

“I want to be like you guys. I … I like it too.” I finished the last part quietly. A few of them laughed again, but morning girl stared straight at me. A few moments of silence passed before she spoke.

“Nothing’s stopping you.” She said. I stared at her, not comprehending this. She must have noticed my facial expression, because Bycasino giriş she rolled her eyes while sighing an exasperated sigh. I had never felt more like an idiot in my life.

“You can do it whenever you want; it’s when the guys start noticing you. You can be in after that.”

With that she basically shooed me away. I turned around, slightly shocked. What was I doing? I had just approached what appeared to be the popular group of girls and asked to be a part of their group because I liked peeing my panties in front of people.

I had truly gone insane.

The next few periods I sat in class, pondering how I was going to make my move. If I wanted to get anyone’s attention I would need to be daring. Thankfully the class was working on a worksheet. It gave me an excuse to approach the professor at the front of the class. I sat in my desk for a few seconds. I was on the edge of my seat, thinking about every move I was going to have to make. My assignment paper was in my hand, and I could hear the ripple of the paper. My hand was shaking uncontrollably. Why was this so difficult?

As soon as I stood up out of my desk, the end of day bell sounded. So much for this spectacle. I slumped, slightly defeated. I didn’t want to have to wait for the perfect moment; I wanted to be a part of that group right now. Swinging my backpack over my shoulder I exited the class, following behind a group of girls laughing with each other.

I decided to take the long way back to my dorm. Perhaps along my walk I would find an opportunity to go.

My walk proved futile. There was no activity on campus; everyone had things to do apparently. Utterly defeated at this point I made my way up to my dorm room. As I walked down the empty hallway my ears picked up a very faint sound. I stopped dead in my tracks and listened hard. It sounded almost like moaning. Curious, I followed the sound, being extra careful to tread lightly. It led me further down the hall. Soon enough I came to a door that was ajar ever so slightly. The moaning was Bycasino güncel giriş coming straight from there.

And then it hit me, the all too familiar wave of smell wafted through the door into the hall. And then I heard it, someone was peeing in there. And by the sounds of it there was more than one. I stood in the hall, caught in a social dilemma. It would be wrong to open the door and peek inside. But what if it was one of the girls? They wanted an audience, didn’t they?

I swallowed hard and decided this wasn’t a life or death decision. Placing just my fingertips on the door I pushed it open ever so slightly. From what I could see so far, it looked like there was a girl kneeling on the ground. She was wearing a school uniform, but it looked kind of shiny, almost like it was wet. As I looked around the room I saw three guys, each had their dick out of the fly of their pants, and they were all peeing on this girl.

I nearly fell over realizing this. Three guys, peeing on one girl! My breath caught in my throat as I stared, not daring to blink. One of the guys had his piss stream aimed for the girl’s hair, drenching it completely. The second was pissing on her clothes, soaking her blouse and her skirt. The third was pissing on her face and in her mouth. I watched as the three guys covered her entirely, and I felt my pussy becoming ridiculously wet.

Soon enough though, the show was over. I watched as the guys pulled their pants up, which also bore dark stains from their pee. Wow, this was almost too much. What where the odds of walking by this spectacle at this exact moment? I felt as if I had stuck gold for a few moments.

As I stood there watching still, I failed to realize the guys heading towards the door. Jumping I began a quick walk/sprint down the hall, rounding the corner just as the guys exited the room.

Once back in my room I collapsed back on my bed and played the entire episode back in my head. Just the thought of it was enough to get me over the edge. Being peed on by three guys at once, what an experience that would be. Why did I have to run away? What if they wanted to punish me for watching, or let me join in?

As I lay there imagining all the different scenarios, I failed to notice my bedroom door being opened slowly in the background..


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