All persons in this story are over the age of 18.
Two days ago my parents received the news that my father’s cousin had passed away. She lived all the way in Italy and my dad really wanted to show his respect by attending the funeral.
So my parents booked a hotel in Italy and were planning to stay the entire winter break.
I never really knew my father’s cousin well, so I didn’t see any reason to go with them on the trip. Besides, I didn’t want to ruin my holiday with a boring funeral.
My parents understood my decision but because I’ve thrown parties without their permission before, I wasn’t allowed to stay home alone for 2 full weeks.
That kinda sucked, but eventually, we got to a conclusion. They would bring me to my aunt and uncle’s house for that period, pick up my uncle (who joined my parents in attending the funeral) and leave me with my aunt and younger cousin.
When my dad suggested that idea I immediately said yes.
The reason for that was because I had a big crush on my cousin. We had always been pretty close and had a fun connection with each other. She was a tomboy type of girl which is exactly the type of girl I like to hang out with. Only she was the first type of tomboy I’ve met, who is actually quite beautiful. Her face was friendly yet with a sadistic side to it that I loved about her. She had a nice body with a good pair of boobs and a very round cute ass.
So here I was, in the back seat of the car that just stopped outside my uncle’s house. It was a very big house on the edge of a forest. It was very secluded from other houses and had a big lake close by where I was once caught a very large tuna while fishing with my uncle.
I had good memories of the place and always liked the thought of living there.
I got greeted with a big hug from my aunt. She had always been very nice and caring and I liked her very much. Just like her daughter she also had this sadistic side of her which could be both fun or a bit scary. My uncle definitely hit the jackpot with her. Spontaneously, enthusiastic and caring. And above all, she was a joy to look at. Her face was beautiful and again just like her daughter she had very good roundings. I’ve never been into older woman, but if I had to pick one I really thought was gorgeous I’d pick her.
I smelt her perfume as she hugged me and I felt boobs pressing against my chest through her leather clothes. I did my best trying to act as normal but my mind was filled up with sexual thoughts about her already. I looked around for my cousin but my uncle told me she was still working. I felt disappointed for a second but then remembered I would see her for the next two weeks anyway.
My uncle put all his luggage in the trunk and kissed my aunt goodbye. They had to catch the plane and left within 10 minutes of my arrival.
“Would you like some coffee?” She asked me while I was bringing my suitcase to the guest room.
I was really thirsty and obviously said yes. A couple of minutes later we were both enjoying a nice warm cup of coffee while catching up with each other.
While she was telling her stories I got lost in my own thoughts. How was she even more beautiful than the last time?
The older she got the better looking she was.
The way she flirtingly talked and laughed with me made my mind go crazy. She had always enjoyed making me blush and making me feel uncomfortable with her jokes and compliments.
“I had never noticed how beautiful your eyes were.” she said out of nowhere.
I knew she made a sport out of it to make me blush and yet again she succeeded in it.
“Not as beautiful as my aunts,” I said trying to get the attention away from my eyes. Just for a split second, we had a weird type of eye contact. It could’ve been a both flirty or mean look she gave me and I had no way of finding out which one, cause right at that moment the backdoor opened and my cousin ran in with her arms spread ready to hug me.
I quickly stood up and hugged her back. Just like her mother, she had very nice perfume and also grew more beautiful than the last time I saw here.
We talked and talked till even after dinner. Then Noella, which is my cousin’s name, went to go for a shower.
I offered to wash the dishes and my aunt looked very pleased and surprised at the same time.
“Have to do something back for the lovely dinner you just made. Besides I want to show my gratitude to you for agreeing to let me stay here for two weeks,” I said after I saw her raise her eyebrow after my offer.
“Oh, you’ll show your gratitude alright,” she said with a soft voice and an evil smile on her face.
I wasn’t sure she just actually said that so I asked: “What did you say?”
“Nothing dear, nothing. Was just messing with you.”
Confusingly I started to fill up the sink with hot water. And when I started to scrab the remaining food of the plates I suddenly felt my aunt’s warm hands on my shoulders.
“Its good to have you here again. I’ve missed you,” she said while she started massaging my shoulders. etiler escort “You must have a sore back from the long car ride.”
“I guess,” I said while I felt her hands going under my shirt and massaging my back. Even though I have always thought of her as a beautiful woman it still was a bit uncomfortable for me. But then again it was just a massage, right?
I kept cleaning the dishes while feeling her hands exploring my back.
“I used to do this with your uncle when we just met,” she said while she moved her hands from my back to my chest.
“O…okay,” I said not knowing how to answer, as her fingers started to touch my nipples. Was this another way of her trying to make me feel embarrassed again or was there actually more going on?
Either way, my hands were covered in soap and pulling her hands away from me would make my clothes get wet.
Then I felt her hands going down and down, getting closer and closer to my private area. As a sign to her that that was the limit, I set a step closer to the cupboard so that it would be right against crutch and she couldn’t reach it anymore.
She noticed, and her hands went back to my back again.
“Well, thanks for the massage I guess,” I said hoping she would stop.
She didn’t.
Instead, she started moving her hands more aggressively.
“Could you stop now?” I said hoping she would listen.
“Don’t you like it?” she said as her hands rested on my lower back.
“It was nice but it’s getting a bit uncomfortable for me now,” I said hoping not to make her mad.
“But I hadn’t even started yet,” she said with a disappointing voice.
Before I could answer she put both of her hands under my pants and grabbed my ass with her hands.
I was stunned. My aunt was grabbing my ass right now! What was she thinking!?
She got her mouth close to my ear and whispered: “My house, my rules nephew.”
That was it for me. Clothes wet or not I pulled my hands out of the sink pulled her hands out of my pants and turned my head to her.
“Don’t ever do that again,” I said with a dangerous tone. And while I was walking away I yelled: “Do the fucking dishes yourself.”
I walked to my room and immediately regretted the way I reacted. She meant it well and even though it was inappropriate as hell, I still enjoyed her touching me a lot!
I was debating whether or not I should apologize for my reaction but I wasn’t in the mood right now.
“I’ll do it later, first I need a shower.”
My cousin had just finished with hers so now it was my time to clean up.
I stepped under the shower and thought back at the event that just occurred. I could still feel her warm soft hands on my ass.
My body shivered from excitement as I relieved her hands feeling up my body.
I had probably the biggest boner I ever had. Being touched by a beautiful woman, as a virgin was too much for me.
I started jacking off and it didn’t take me long to finish.
After that, I got out of the shower, got dressed and went into my cousin’s room to tell her I was going to sleep already.
She was disappointed at first because we didn’t really see each other much yet, but when I told her we had to more weeks together to catch up she stopped begging me to stay up later.
I went to sleep without saying anything to my aunt. I was trying to avoid her for now.
I woke up with a big morning wood. Naturally, I pulled my blankets off, got rid of my underpants and started jerking off again. After I was done I got dressed and went downstairs.
While I walked into the living room I saw my aunt and cousin eating breakfast on the living table.
They both greeted me with a big smirk on their faces. They were giggling while looking at their laptop in front of them.
“What’s going on?” I said with mild interest.
They both shared a look with a cruel smile around their lips.
“Did you sleep well?” my aunt asked.
“I guess,” I replied.
“Good, cause it will probably be your only good night of sleep for a while,” she said with a very mean expression on her face.
I instantly knew something wasn’t right. There was no way that this was another way of her teasing me, cause her face was dead serious.
“We finally got you,” my cousin followed up.
I was about to ask what on earth they were on about when Noella turned around the laptop.
My stomach turned around and my face turned as red as a tomato.
On the screen, I saw two tapes being played at the same time. One was a guy jerking off in the shower, and the other a guy jerking off in bed. You guessed it: both of them were me.
My jaw dropped to the floor and I completely forgot about everything. I must have looked at the screen for a full minute before I realized there were four eyes full of hunger and joy staring at me.
“You…you filmed me? What? How dare you??” Why would you?” I stumbled with disbelief.
“Do you know how long we have been hinting at you that we like you? All of the teasing and nice words escorts and then you never even once show any gratitude or affection to us. And then last night, when I sought physical contact with you you nearly cried like a fucking baby.” she said with a continuous raise of volume in her voice.
“Because your fucking Family and it’s wrong. Besides, you have a husband.” I said while trying to delete the tapes.
“You can try and delete that as much as you want but I have already sent it to my phone by mail so deleting it won’t make much of a difference,” said Noella.
“But why!” I screamed showing how mad I was getting at them.
“Because we are gonna give you a choice now.
You are gonna agree to do whatever, and I mean literally whatever, we say you need to do without any doubt.”
When she saw my head shaking no, she continued: “either that or I will put the tapes online and send them to all of your friends.”
I was baffled. I could not believe she was actually that evil.
“Your bluffing,” I said with all the confidence I had left, ” you wouldn’t do that to me. I just know.”
She started to grow a huge grin across her face. After that, she grabbed her phone and started to look through her contacts in Whats app. After a while, she appeared to have found the person she was looking for: Hannah.
Hannah was my only ex. She was the daughter of a girlfriend of my aunts which was one of the reasons we started dating and the reason my aunt had her phone number. I never really liked Hannah but I just did it for the sex. Not that she ever let me have sex with her, but I kept hoping that someday she would let me.
She didn’t and I broke up with her. When she found out the reason for it she got so mad at me that she told the entire school that I had a micropenis. Even some of my friends started believing it. So as you could see we didn’t break up nicely.
At first, I didn’t think it would be the same Hannah that I had in mind, but then I saw the profile picture. I was confused about what she had to do with anything.
Then I saw my aunt going to her gallery and select what appeared to be a video. Once it got selected it showed up big on her screen.
My heart stopped. It was me jerking off in the shower….
“No,” I said as I looked at here with actual fear in my eyes.
“But I’m just bluffing right?” she said in a very childish way.
If looks could kill I would be sitting with 2 corpses on the table.
“Please don’t,” I said in a calm way, trying to hide my anger.
“So you’ll agree to do as we say,” Noella said.
“Of course not, but I’m asking you nicely to stop all of this dumb bullshit righ—
Before I could finish my sentence my aunt pressed ‘send’.
I tried instinctively to grab the phone out of her hands, but she pulled it away to quick for me.
” Please, delete it. I beg you!” I shouted as the panic took over. My heart rate was at his maximum and the panic in my eyes was clearly visible. If Hannah were to save it my life would be over. The entire school would have the video within the hour and my normal life would be nonexistent.
“Please!!! Before she comes online,” I added as quickly as I could.
“I’ll delete it under one condition. You will do everything we tell you to do.
” Yes, I will! Just delete it, I beg! I said remembering that Hannah used to be online pretty much 24/7.
“I have to warn you though,” she started again ” I could be more extreme than you can imagine.
“I… I… Just delete it” I begged as I felt my life could be changed in a matter of seconds.
“Promise me with your life. Deny to do it once and I’ll send it without ever deleting it.
The screen changed. She was online!
” I PROMISE ON MY LIFE, DELETE IT QUICK,” I shouted at the top of my lungs while my eyes were focused on the gray checkmarks. If they’d turn blue she would see it, and I would be well and truly screwed.
Because of my reaction, my aunt realized Hannah must be online. She quickly pressed: Delete for everyone.
I sighed in relief. “Thank you. I guess.”
“I know you’re thankful. You know why?” My aunt said.
“Ooh please tell me, I’m dying to know,” I said with all the sarcasm in the world.
My aunt’s eyes and lips turned really small as she gave me a look that I won’t quickly forget. I have never seen anybody look at me as angry as she just did. It scared me. I have never seen this side of my aunt and I had no idea what she had in mind with her, do anything that I tell you type of bullshit.
She started talking, very slowly and softly, on a tone that showed that she was very close to jumping out of her skin.
“When I tell you to do something you will try to do it as best as you can because you swore on your life that you would obey us. Also from now on, you will address me and Noella as mistress. You will only speak when you are spoken to and will answer as shortly as you possibly can. You are also forbidden to use any more of that disrespectful sarcasm. You can only use the bathroom bagcilar escort after our permission and you will be fed when we want you to be fed. More rules will follow once I start training you more.
This will all start the moment Noella goes to work in about 15 minutes. Till then you can decide whether or not you want to live like this for 2 weeks or just want the picture to be sent to Hannah.
Any question before we start?”
My mind was blown. A full wash list of things to make me feel embarrassed. And the worst part is, that I know I’m gonna have to do it as well.
“Any questions?” She asked again after I fell silent for 10 seconds.
“Uhm…uh no I guess,” I said, ” maybe just why? Why are you doing this?”
“Because we have a major crush on you,” said my beautiful cousin, ” and you have been ignoring us for years. Now it is time to get punished for that.”
I stood up, not even knowing why. I just wanted to get away from them before my time as an obedient freaking puppet would start.
I noticed I was quite hungry, and considering she said they would decide when I would be fed it seemed like a good idea to eat something. I left them without saying anything and walked to the kitchen. There I made some breakfast and took it upstairs to sit out the last 10 minutes that I would be ‘free’ for the next two weeks.
I heard my cousin coming upstairs to brush her teeth. After she was done she opened the door to my bedroom.
“Hey cuz, I just wanted to wish you luck today. Please try to do as a mom says cause you will not like it when she is angry. And perhaps at the end of the 2 weeks, you will look back at a fun time.”
There was the cousin I always had a crush on again. Sweet and caring.
I wondered how much I would see that side of her the upcoming weeks. I hoped a lot!
“Anyway, I’m off to work. See you tonight and the best of luck,” she added while giving me a cute wink.
Damn, she was hot.
“Good luck to you as well,” I responded. Even though I was mad at her she still was too charming to ignore.
I caught a glimpse of her ass as she turned closing the door behind her. I spent a couple of minutes thinking about it until I suddenly heard the door slam. She was off to work…
I didn’t know if I was supposed to be going down myself or wait until I was called. I decided to wait.
After I made that decision it took about 4 seconds before I heard a door opening and hear my aunts voice: Come down!
I took a big breath. I knew it was gonna be hard to do everything she was gonna tell me to do. She had so many ways she could humiliate me that it was too scary to think about it.
I opened the door and walked down the stairs. I was about to open the door to the living room when I hesitated. I really didn’t want to know what she in mind for me. The way she had been acting since my arrival had scared me multiple times, and now I was about to surrender myself to her for 2 full weeks.
The more I thought about not doing it, the more I was starting to convince myself to just walk away and face the consequences. I knew that that wasn’t the right choice so before I completely convinced myself to not do it I grabbed the door handle, opened the door and made my decision.
My aunt was still sitting at the dinner table with her laptop in front of her.
“Took you long enough,” she said without even looking at me once.
“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” I replied.
“This is the first and last time I will have correct you about not using the word mistress, understood?” she said with a strict voice.
I swallowed and then said: “I’m sorry, mistress.”
“Good. It will be a rough couple of weeks for you. I will teach you discipline in ways you would never expect. Some will be embarrassing, some will be painful and some will just be doing chores, like for example the dishes. Yesterday it did not go well and I don’t like how you treated me. So let’s hope it will go better this time,” she said will still only looking at her laptop.
I walked forward and grabbed the plates and cups from the table. I walked over to the sink and saw that yesterday’s dishes were still dirty. I put the cutlery in the sink and let the hot water fill it up again.
I rolled up my sleeves and waited for the sink to get filled.
Behind me, I heard how the chair got pushed back and heard footsteps coming closer.
“No need to roll up your sleeves,” she said, “you’ll be doing it shirtless. No need for your shirt to get accidentally wet.”
I looked at her and saw how much she enjoyed saying that.
I rolled my sleeves back down, to make it easier to take my shirt off, and got rid of the clothing piece.
“Turn around and show me your chest”.
I obeyed.
” Not too bad,” she said as her eyes were scanning my upper body. I didn’t have a six-pack or anything but I was still well built.
“Alright, time for you to get to work.” She said while coming closer to me again.
I turned around with a red face and started to clean the first plates. Just like yesterday, her hands were massaging my shoulders and feeling me up.
All of a sudden I felt her lips on my neck. She started to kiss it as if my neck was something she held very dear to her. Soft and carefully.
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