He Dominates White Folks in Dallas


Leviticus Johnson is the Alpha Male. His appearance is startling. He’s half a head taller than 6 feet, tips the scale at 240, and his body fat is less than 4 percent. For those who don’t believe a man with a 58-inch chest can have a 30-inch waist, meet Mr. Johnson. Leviticus, and only his very best friends call him by his first name, grew up on the mean streets of the South Bronx.

His face, black and handsome, is etched with something sinister that helped keep him alive for the first 16 years of his life, until he left that neighborhood forever. Now 37, and enjoying a nice lifestyle compliments of the white folks who fall under his spell, he has reached perfect maturity. Perfect face, perfect body, perfect mind.

He prowls his world, the rich communities near Dallas, Texas, feeding his appetite for beautiful white women with some of the richest the area has to offer. Rarely does he spend two consecutive nights in his well-appointed home because they beg him to occupy theirs. He stalks the malls of Southlake, Frisco, Plano, and affluent North Dallas in an outfit that one has to see to believe. Highly polished black combat boots, very tight black biker shorts, and a cutoff black sweatshirt that showcases his abs, upper back, biceps, and immense shoulders.

His skin gleams and is as black as onyx. Large veins run up his arms and across his pecs. His huge cock is laced with thick veins as well. Most people stare, but some have the look he searches for. The look that gives them away. The look that says, “You terrify me, but I am yours for the taking.” It was late Saturday morning at the Galleria, and the predator was looking for the look.

* * * * *

Diana Anglin is fresh from the shower and taking stock. Only in rare instances did she acknowledge her own stunning beauty, but she liked her reflection this morning. She looked vibrant, healthy, tanned, particularly fit, and completely content. She was well aware that little girls, even very beautiful little girls, from small Texas towns didn’t often get to lead the lifestyle she did. “Pretty Woman” and “An Officer and a Gentleman” aside, she knew happy endings were a bullshit myth. For most girls like her, happy endings happened when they made it through a family reunion without being pawed by more than one male relative.

Almost never did a handsome, wealthy man walk into a shit-hole diner in a dusty West Texas town and fall in love with a girl barely out of high school. Then marry her. Then take her home to an honest-to-God mansion in one of the richest suburbs of Dallas. Oh yeah, she absolutely knew how lucky she was.

Her maiden name was Italian, something impossibly hard to spell, but her grandfather was German, her mother Mexican, and she always believed there might be a Black in the family lineage as well. This combination gives her luxuriant dark hair, creamy olive skin, beautiful, swollen lips, and smoldering eyes that virtually mesmerize men and women caught in her gaze.

She is just a half-inch taller than a woman should be to wear petite sizes, weighs 115 pounds, has natural, firm 36C breasts, and a 19-inch waist. Her belly is tight with softly defined abs, her legs sculpted with beautiful thigh and calf muscles, and her ass is hard and round. In a word, Diana Anglin is breathtaking.

There isn’t a man who sees her that doesn’t want her, including the teachers and priests in the schools and churches of her childhood, and she brings secret desires to the surface in many women as well. She is 28 and still gets carded. She looks great on the arm of her prince charming, Wade Anglin, who is tall, fit, very handsome, and 25 years her senior.

“How can you be so lucky?” It’s a question Wade hears more than any other. He’s smart, handsome, and loving, but Diana’s husband knows that it is not these alone that attracted his young wife to him originally. Rich. Filthy, inherited rich is what he is and what it was. After 10 years of marriage, he still worships his wife. She fulfills his every fantasy, loves him, and makes him better than he ever was alone. Life is very, very good for the Anglin’s. Every day is like Christmas, and they have not a care in the world.

When Wade saw his wife standing in front of the full-length mirror wearing nothing but a pair of high-heeled sandals, he did what he always did. He went to her, dropped to his knees and kissed the incredibly soft, sweet skin of her lower belly. Diana also did what she always did. She leaned back against the vanity, lifted one leg and wrapped the picture-perfect calf around the back of her husband’s head and pulled his face into her pussy. She liked it that Wade liked to be on his knees. She had trained him to like many things, but he had already known how to use his mouth like a pro.


“Baby,” she said softly, “when you’re through, can we go shopping?”

“Ohhhh yessss, sweetheart. God yes.” Mr. Anglin’s voice was muffled and came from inside his wet, sweet prison.

* * * * *

As Mr. and Mrs. Anglin walked hand-in-hand through the opulent mall, they saw Mr. Johnson at exactly the same moment he saw them. They stopped. Stared. Tore their eyes away, Ataşehir Anal Escort but remained frozen in time and frozen to the spot. This incredible specimen had stirred something primitive, something hidden, in both of them. Mr. Johnson saw the look he had been searching for and slowly, athletically moved toward the couple.

Now their eyes were locked on him and moved as a matched set from his boots up his massive legs, to his obscenely bulging crotch, then chest, then face. He felt his huge member lurch around in his shorts as he studied the incredible young woman. Diana saw what Mr. Johnson felt, and her breathing became a little labored.

“How do you do?” His voice was very low and very sexy.

First Diana’s hand then Wade’s disappeared into Mr. Johnson’s. They felt the strength in his handshake and melted in his presence. He was so superior, so sexual. He didn’t smile exactly, but the couple saw beautiful white teeth set in the magnificent black face.

“Why don’t the two of you buy me a cup of coffee?” the giant black man said. “Let’s talk a bit.”

Wade thought it sounded like an order not to be disobeyed. Diana was thinking hardly at all.

“When we get to the food court, would you mind if your wife sits next to me?” Mr. Johnson asked.

This monster was making him feel things, subservient things straight out of his fantasies. They were feelings similar to the ones he felt when he dropped to his knees to worship his wife. Visions flooded his consciousness. Visions of this beautiful man naked, his huge cock pistoning into his young bride’s pussy. Visions of Diana’s face twisted in pain and pleasure as she moaned for more. Visions


of himself on his knees, Mr. Johnson’s cock, slippery with Diana’s sweet cum, approaching his waiting mouth. Jesus Christ! Stop it, Wade.

“No, I won’t mind if you sit next to Diana,” he said in a soft, unmanly voice.

“No?” Mr. Johnson said.

“No, sir,” Wade Anglin said.

Did Diana hear right? Did her husband just give this incredible black beast permission to sit beside her? Wade didn’t even like blacks. He never walked away from a fight. And he knew that she was afraid of those people.

Diana was afraid now, but she felt something else too. She could feel her face and upper chest getting hot. Her nipples were beginning to strain into the material of her very expensive bra. Her pussy spasmed and released a dollop of warm, sweet cream. Old feelings were coming back, feelings from the dark side of her childhood.

* * * * *

They had been sitting in the food court for nearly an hour, and both Anglins were as hot as they had ever been. Wade watched passively as the powerful black man stroked his beautiful, young wife as if he were the husband. Many had walked by. Many had stared. Many whispered to those around them, but no one intervened as Mr. Johnson’s huge, manicured hands roamed Diana’s body literally from knee to forehead.

He was finding many of the young wife’s hot spots, and this knowledge would help him later. His soft, deep voice – he could have done the CNN voiceover – delivered a running narrative, and his full, hot lips roamed over Mrs. Anglin’s throat, ears, and face. Her breasts heaved as she struggled to breathe, and her nipples threatened to rip through the bra and the expensive, emerald green raw silk top she wore.

It was time, Leviticus decided for the real game to begin. He moved his moist lips to her ear and whispered, “Go to the bathroom.

Remove your panties and bra and bring them to me. Don’t hide them. Carry one in each hand so that people can see what you have, do you understand?”

“Ohhhh God,” Diana said breathily. “Why are you doing this to me? No one has touched me but Wade in years, how can you? Ooohhhh God, you’re making me crazy!”

“Do you understand, Diana,” Mr. Johnson asked again as he pinched her nipple through her top and bra.

“Aaahhhh God. Please. Yes, I understand,” Wade heard his young wife say.

“As you walk, pull your elbows back,” he squeezed her nipple tighter and pulled on it, “and push your tits out as far as you can.”

“Be pretty for me baby.” He moved his lips to her mouth and drank in her warm, sweet breath as he kissed her passionately. “Now go.”

As his gorgeous young wife walked away on unsteady legs, Mr. Anglin thought he might cum in his pants. There was a wet spot on the back of her skirt which meant that her panties were saturated and her juice had been running down the crack of her ass. Wade Anglin moaned and shuddered. God in Heaven, help us, he pleaded silently.

Leviticus fixed his gaze on the submissive husband.

“Wade I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying getting to know your wife. You’re so generous with her and I appreciate that. Let’s think about how I can reward you.”

Leviticus shifted his weight on the uncomfortable bench and stretched. He drew his arms back and up, bent them at the elbows and pulled down hard. Wade watched closely knowing that he was being dominated and teased. His eyes were locked on the massive biceps, moving from one to the other, Ataşehir Yaşlı Escort and his gaze took in the armpits as well. Leviticus knew from personal experience with subservient, unmanly white males what the husband was feeling.

“I told Diana to strip off her bra and panties,” Leviticus said. They’re very special, you know, because they are the last ones she will ever wear.”

Wade Anglin heard the words and gasped for breath. He felt more precum seep from his throbbing cock, and briefly thought that he should somehow stop this obscene display, but couldn’t bring himself to act. He was happy where he was, frozen in a sexual trance. He was happy watching Mr. Johnson break his beautiful wife down to her most basic parts. He was happy watching black hands touch her and make her moan. He was happy that Mr. Johnson had chosen Diana, and happy that he was putting her lewdly on display.

“Tell me about your wife’s cunt,” Mr. Johnson commanded.

The unmanly husband felt dizzy as the words sank in. Was he really going to do this? Had he sunk this far this fast? I can’t tell this monster about my wife’s most private parts.

“It’s beautiful,” he said, closing his eyes envisioning it. “Her pubic hair is professionally removed so that her skin is soft and unblemished. She stays wet all the time, and she smells fresh and sweet. Her clit is large and sensitive, and her pus… I mean her cunt lips puff out making them easy to see, even in slacks or shorts. When she is hot, and, oh God I think she’s so hot now, her juice seeps out and runs down to her asshole. When you touch her, your hand comes away wet. She is tight like a young girl and when she thrusts up to meet you, it is the most incredible feeling on earth.”

Mr. Anglin gasped, pushed down hard on his throbbing cock, tried to get his breathing under control and slowly opened his eyes.

* * * * *

Diana knew people were looking at her and she couldn’t wait to get to the privacy of a stall in the women’s room. This had to be a dream, didn’t it? How could both she and her husband be brought under the spell of this magnificent black man so quickly? Why didn’t Wade grab her and get her away from the huge hands and sensual mouth of this beast? Why didn’t her husband protect her as he had always protected her? Why were her breasts and pussy so swollen, and why had they taken over her mind?

The beautiful young wife felt dizzy as she sat on the toilet seat and dropped her face to her knees. The questions kept running through her mind. While she had questions about Wade’s reaction, she knew full well why she was feeling the way she was. Her grandfather had seen to that years and years ago when he babysat for her. He too had touched her. He too had made her feel things she didn’t understand. He too talked to her in a low, soft, sexy voice. It was her grandfather who had guaranteed this response to a large dominant male. She had always felt so helpless and content in his care, and now, she was back there. It felt so good to have a man who wasn’t particularly concerned about her welfare take control of her mind and body. She must be a sick person to allow this to happen.

Diana’s panties were soaked and it was a relief to get them away from her sensitive pussy lips. The bra came off next. Wade liked her to wear bras with a B-cup so that the tops of her creamy breasts bulged out. It was always a little uncomfortable, but today the confinement hurt like hell. Mr. Johnson had found spots on the sides and beneath her tits that caused them to ripen and swell and when she pulled the cups away from her skin, they left deep marks in the tender skin. She massaged her tits and the pussy juice oozed out of her.

Christ, she was hotter than she realized, and more vulnerable than she had ever been. She felt naked even though her top and skirt were still in place, and she knew that was exactly how Mr. Johnson wanted her to feel. He had worked her for almost an hour, and the result was maddening. She was both afraid and excited and knew she would cum the next time he touched her. She had always cum for older men who were experts at enslaving girls, why not for Mr. Johnson as well?

How would Wade feel when her belly and breasts heaved through her orgasm as she sat in the food court of the Galleria? What the hell, she thought, he was allowing this to happen, and it was exciting to think that she would be in plain sight of everyone. It was even possible that “everyone” might include friends or acquaintances of theirs. God, she needed Mr. Johnson’s sex.

Enough of this, she thought, I must get back. As ordered, she carried her bra in one hand and her panties in the other, making no attempt to hide or disguise them. She pulled her elbows back, forcing her tits out and letting the raw silk of her blouse scrub her sensitive, bulging nipples. God, it felt so good. The humiliation swept over her. It was a very good feeling indeed.

* * * * *

Leviticus watched his beautiful, young prey make her way through the crowds and back to the table. He could almost smell her sex as she approached. Diana sat down gracefully on the bench Ataşehir Zenci Escort beside Mr. Johnson and snuggled close beside him. He did smell the appealing scents of her shampoo and a very expensive body lotion.

“Give your bra and panties to your husband,” the black man said softly.

Diana slid the expensive undergarments to her husband. Their eyes met, held. Wade knew that his wife was now the property of a massive, controlling Black Master and he shuddered at the thought.

“I want to touch your cunt,” Leviticus said as his hand began to roam under her very expensive top. Her breasts heaved as he captured first one nipple, then the other between his fingers. He squeezed her hard and the young wife moaned. He mauled her sore breasts in turn, allowing his fingernails to dig in deeply, and Mrs. Anglin began to pant.

“May I touch your cunt?” he asked, looking directly at Wade.

“Oh God, yes,” Diana moaned pulling the hem of the expensive linen skirt all the way to her waist. “Pleeeeasssse touch my cunt. Please Mr. Johnson.”

Leviticus moved his hand slowly away from her breasts, down the warm, sculpted belly, then up between her legs. Diana let her legs fall open, tensed, and waited for his hand to find her. Her pussy was open, wet, hot, and ready for a stranger’s touch, especially if the stranger was this dominant black stud. Her fear of black men had all but disappeared, and had been replaced by an ancient craving that many white women could be forced to remember. Mr. Johnson locked eyes with Mr. Anglin as his strong hand moved up her damp thigh toward his wife’s cunt, and he relished the subservience he saw there.

“Look at Diana,” he commanded, “and Diana, keep your eyes on your husband’s.”

His fingers found her cunt lips and it was all the young beauty could do to keep her eyes open. He pinched them and pulled them, feeling her hot wetness seeping out. Diana’s body jerked taught, her muscles straining. Anyone watching her would have thought she was in excruciating pain. Her mouth was open, framed by her wonderful soft, full lips, and she fought for ragged breaths as her belly began to heave.

Mr. Johnson’s large fingers spread her lips, and began to move up and down slowly as one, the tips of his fingers and nails penetrating her just slightly. Diana’s eyes fluttered.

“Keep them open,” Leviticus ordered. “Tell your husband what I’m doing.”

“Oh God, Wade, he’s aaaahhhhhh God, touching my cunt! Oooohhhhhh, Christ, he’s got my clit. Dearrrr Lord!”

Diana’s belly hunched involuntarily and her head dropped down from the force of the spasm that ripped through her. Before she could catch her breath, Mr. Johnson pulled her head up by the hair, found her lips with his, and crooked his middle finger moving it expertly into her, finding her G-spot. When he scraped it hard with his fingernail, the young wife’s head would have snapped back if Mr. Johnson wasn’t holding her hair so tight. She groaned like a wounded animal as the orgasm gripped her and swept through her body from head to toe. She had never felt anything like it in her life, and it was a very long time before her breathing returned to normal and she could focus her eyes.

Diana didn’t know how her hand came to be on his shorts, but she delighted in the feel of his massive cock as she came to her senses. It was long, but Wade was long too. What really surprised her was how thick it felt, much thicker than Wade’s, and how hot it was. Even through his spandex shorts, Mrs. Anglin could feel the veins running up and down his penis, and she got a sense of the proportions of the huge, spongy head. Her mouth watered. Her head was swimming.

“If you folks don’t leave the mall right now, I’m going to bring in the police.” The mall security guard was so affected by what the monstrous black man was doing to this beautiful, panting, white woman that he took his time walking across the food court. But he had a job to do.

“We were just leaving,” Mr. Johnson said, completely composed. He stood up, his cock throbbing and hard, and in full view of everyone. Leviticus took Diana by the hand and began to walk away. Mr. Anglin, also sporting a raging hard-on, followed. He knew his beautiful wife was in for a very, very long day. Perhaps, more than one.

* * * * *

In the heat of the Dallas sun, Diana almost fainted. Mr. Johnson scooped her up and carried her, as a groom carries his bride, across the parking lot, kissing her beautiful mouth as he walked.

Mr. Anglin led the way to his car, and watched as Leviticus gently lowered his wife to her feet. It did not completely surprise him when he slowly stripped off her top and skirt, stroking her like a pet as her body came into view. He threw her clothes down on the hot asphalt and made her lock her fingers together behind her head. The huge, black hands pulled her elbows back, forcing her breasts out, and he had her stand like that, bare-naked and vulnerable for what seemed like a very long time. Wade marveled at his young wife’s body, tight and glistening in the sun, her healthy olive skin inviting attention. The muscles in her thighs, calves, and belly gleamed, her full breasts were heaving, and her nipples looked like they were on fire, dark red and swollen. Sweat began to run down from her armpits and from under her full breasts. Wade knew his wife hated to sweat, and yet she stood there uncomplaining, just as Mr. Johnson had positioned her.

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